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KA9Q: TCP/IP Connectivity for the Macintosh
(this file is a modified version of the READ-ME.NET file from the
MS-DOS version of the KA9Q package)
The term ``TCP/IP''---``transmission control protocol/Internet
Protocol'' describes a set of protocols to allow different kinds of
computers to talk to each other. The TCP/IP protocols dominate the
UNIX world. The KA9Q Internet Software package is ``freeware'' that
was written by Phil Karn to permit IBM PC-compatibles to use the
TCP/IP protocols and gain access to the machines that support them.
With KA9Q, you will be able to log on to many of the machines at the
University of Michigan that run the UNIX operating system, as well as
other machines that use TCP/IP. Of course, it is already possible to
access the UNIX machines on campus by typing ``UM-Annex'' at the
``Which Host?'' prompt provided by Merit, but unlike UM-Annex, KA9Q
provides multiple sessions and supports the ``File Transfer Protocol''
(FTP) that is a standard in the UNIX world.
The KA9Q package was first prepared for use by ham radio
enthusiasts---hence its name: ``KA9Q'' are Phil's call letters. The
version of MS-DOS KA9Q distributed at U-M was ported to Microsoft C by
Bill Doster of the Computing Center staff; Bill also added two device
drivers that are especially useful in the U-M environment. These
device drivers were then added to the Macintosh version of KA9Q by
Dave Koziol and Gordon Good.
Note that KA9Q is NOT supported by the University of Michigan
Computing Center and you cannot expect any help in using the program
from Computing Center consulting staff. Like all shareware, freeware,
and public domain software available through the PC1, PC2, etc. IDs on
MTS, the Computing Center only affirms that staff members have tried
the program, it appears to do what it is supposed to do (on our
machines), and that the copy stored on MTS appears to be free of
What follows is a brief introduction to installing and using the
telnet, FTP, multi-session features of the KA9Q package.
Installation: Up and Running with KA9Q
UNIX systems that you can access are usually protected by a log- on
and password feature. On the other hand, you do not have to be logged
on to a machine in order to FTP to it. A substantial number of UNIX
systems permit ``anonymous FTP,'' described later, for which users
establishing connections through FTP do not need a previously supplied
password at all. Needless to say, the number of subdirectories
accessible through anonymous FTP are likely to be limited. Often,
however, they will contain shareware, freeware, and public domain
software, as well as announcements to the general public from the
system operator.
With the exception of the ``anonymous FTP'' procedure, you won't be
able to sign on to any machines unless the system administrator has
given you a password. Therefore, a first step to take in using KA9Q is
to get a password for the machine or network of machines that you want
to use. (MS-DOS machines aren't usually password-protected, but
etiquette requires you to contact the machines' user before you try to
contact the machine---to make sure that it is turned on and ready for
The KA9Q package for Macintosh, as obtained from MTS, should contain
the following files and folders:
MacNET SLFP - the program itself
AUTOEXEC.DI - (see below)
AUTOEXEC.SLF - (see below)
HOSTS.NET - directory of host names and internet addresses (optional)
FTPUSERS - list of users who may connect to your computer via ftp
(normally not required)
READ-ME.NET - this file
SPOOL - a folder containing the following folders:
FINGER - a folder containing the following text file:
PUB - an empty folder
The documentation for the PC version of KA9Q may also be of use.
Although the MS-DOS documentation isn't included with the Macintosh
version, these files may be found on the UB and UM MTS systems in a
form ready for printing on one of the page printers connected to MTS.
They are located in PC1:NET_DOC1.XER and PC1:NET_DOC2.XER. These
documents give more detailed information on KA9Q than this file does.
Because of MacNET SLFP's MS-DOS heritage, it make some assumptions
about where its support files and folders will be located. The chart
below illustrates the necessary folder structure. However, if you
simply download MacNET and unstuff it using the latest version of
StuffIt, all necessary files and folders will be created for you. The
only requirement is that you rename AUTOEXEC.SLF or AUTOEXEC.DI
(whichever is appropriate) to AUTOEXEC.NET. You may also need to make
some changes to the AUTOEXEC file if your setup is not exactly the
same as the default (see below).
To activate either AUTOEXEC file, rename it AUTOEXEC.NET. If you don't
have AUTOEXEC.NET in the same folder as MacNET SLFP, then the program
will inform you that it can't find the file "hosts.net," even though
it really is missing "autoexec.net."
AUTOEXEC.SLF is for use with the voice/data telephone connections
found throughout U-M buildings, the ones used to connect to UMnet.
AUTOEXEC.DI is for dialing in to UMnet with a modem. You can try
simply renaming the appropriate file with the NET extension and see
whether that works.
If it doesn't, you may have to make some changes to your AUTOEXEC.NET
file with an editor. AUTOEXEC.SLF is the best choice to examine, since
it contains explanations that were stripped out of the other files.
Examples of situations where you would need to edit your AUTOEXEC.NET
file: 1) The line driver that runs your voice/data line is set for
something other than 9600 bps (bits per second), or 2) your want to
use the package from off- campus through a modem running at 300 or
2400 bps, rather than 1200. Note that the documentation provides
information on installing KA9Q that is much more detailed than the
notes in AUTOEXEC.SLF.
Running Telnet
Double-clicking the MacNET SLFP icon starts the program and gives you
the ``net>'' prompt. If you are dialing in to the Merit network, there
will be a delay as the modem dials and the MacNET program establishes
a connection. To connect to a host, simply type ``telnet
[]'', where the number you have enclosed in brackets is the
Internet Protocol (IP) address of the system you are trying to reach.
Note the HOSTS.NET file that comes with the KA9Q package. You might
try looking at it with your favorite word processor or text editor.
HOSTS.NET gives aliases for a number of local machines. If the machine
you are trying to reach is listed, then you can telnet to it by its
name, e.g.: ``telnet pepe''. If the host you want is not listed, you
might add its IP address and hostname to your copy of HOSTS.NET so
that you won't have to remember the IP address.
Once you telnet to another machine, the program will respond ``SYN
sent''. If your connection is successful, you will then be told
``Established'', and if the machine you have reached is protected by a
logon routine, you'll be prompted for your ID and password. That's all
there is to it.
Once you have signed off from the other machine, you can exit back to
the ``net>'' prompt by pressing the escape key (the "clear" key on the
numeric keypad by default), and then leave the program altogether by
selecting "Quit" from the "File" menu. Although the "exit" command is
a legal command (and does in fact cause the MS-DOS version to return
to the DOS prompt), it does not work on the Macintosh version (typing
"exit" at the net> prompt will result in a system bomb in the current
version). Typing ``help'' or ``?'' at the ``net>'' prompt will give
you the list of possible commands---not all of which are actually
implemented. You can also get help in the Macintosh version by pulling
down the Apple menu and choosing "Help."
FTP and Anonymous FTP
To establish an FTP connection, go to the ``net>'' prompt and type
``ftp []'', or whatever the IP address of the machine you are
trying to reach may be. HOSTS.NET allows you to use aliases with FTP,
just as you do with telnet. You will receive the customary ``SYN
sent'' and ``Established'' messages. The you should see a message that
begins with ``220'' and ends ``FTP ready.''---this is the host's
acknowledgment of the connection. There will be no prompts during your
FTP session--- you simply enter your responses on the line below the
numbered FTP messages that your host will send you.
If you are FTPing anonymously, the first thing to type is ``user
anonymous''. If anonymous FTP is permitted, the host will respond with
something like ``guest access ok; give ident as password''. On the
blank line that you are then given, type ``pass yourname''. In fact,
you can type anything instead of ``yourname'', but it is polite to say
who you are. Anonymous FTP will put restrictions on your access; if
you are FTPing to a system where you have an established ID and
password, use them instead of ``anonymous'' and ``yourname''. You will
then be sent to your home directory, rather than the one set aside for
anonymous visitors.
The current Macintosh version does not blank your password.
File Transfer with FTP
You can list the files in a directory with either a DOS-like ``dir''
or the UNIX-like ``ls''. Both accept wildcards: ``ls *.*'' will list
all the files in the directory available to the ``ls'' command. If you
have the proper permissions, you can use the ``cd'' command common to
UNIX and DOS to change directories.
To transfer a file, you will first want to specify whether it is a
binary or text file. Enter ``type i'' to select a binary (image) file,
or ``type a'' for a text or ASCII file. The default is ASCII. Almost
all Macintosh public domain software is archived in ASCII format. The
command to transfer a file from your machine to the remote one is
``put filename'', or if you want to change the name as you transfer
it, ``put oldname newname''. To transfer files to your local system,
enter ``get filename''. When you are done FTPing, type ``quit'' to end
the session.
By default, the ``put'' command sends files from the same directory
MacNET SLFP occupies. If you need to send a file contained in a
different directory, you must refer to it using the convention
For example, if your disk is named "MyHardDisk" and you wish to send
the file "APoem" which is in the folder "Poetry" which itself remote
host, the command would be:
put MyHardDisk:Artsy:Poetry:APoem apoem
Multiple Connections With KA9Q
The KA9Q package allows you to establish up to ten different
connections at the same time---with different machines, or with the
same machine if it has a multi-tasking operating system like UNIX.
Without signing off from your host, press the Escape (Clear) key and
return to the ``net>'' prompt. You can then use the ``telnet'' command
to establish a second session, say by telneting to a different
The ``ftp'' command, given at the ``net>'' prompt, establishes a
connection to the remote machine separate from the one made by the
``telnet'' command. Since KA9Q supports multiple sessions, you can FTP
to a UNIX system at the same time that you are telneting to it.
Typing ``session'' or just ``se'' at the ``net>'' prompt will list
your sessions, starting with session 0. The active session will marked
with an asterisk. You can get to any session by typing ``session 0''
(or the number for any other existing session) at the ``net>'' prompt,
and get to the ``net>'' prompt by pressing the Escape (Clear) key when
in any session.
So much for the basics-- enjoy!
Appendix: List of Key KA9Q Commands
Commands Issued at the ``net>'' Prompt
``telnet [IP address or name listed in HOSTS.NET]'': establishes
a telnet connection.
``ftp [IP address or name listed in HOSTS.NET]'': establishes an
FTP connection.
``session #'' or ``se #'': switches you to session number #. If
issued without a session number, lists the sessions.
``exit'': stops the NET.EXE program and returns you to DOS.
To Return to the ``net>'' Prompt
``Clear'': the Clear key in the numeric padreturns you to the ``net>'' prompt
without ending your telnet or FTP session.
FTP Commands (FTP Provides No Prompt)
``user anonymous'': to sign on to an anonymous FTP session
``user ID'': to sign on with the ID issued by your system
``pass yourname'': you may use any password for anonymous FTP--
be polite and use your name.
``pass password'': to finish signing on to an authorized
``dir'' or ``ls'': lists all files in the directory you are in.
``cd /newdirectory'': changes directories if you are authorized
to do so.
``type a'': sets the file type to be transferred to ASCII or
``type i'': sets the file type to be transferred to image or
``get oldname newname'': transfers a file from the remote
machine to your machine, changing the file's name in
the process.
``put oldname newname'': transfers a file from your machine to
the remote machine. If you do not give a new name, the file
name will not be changed.
``quit'': ends an FTP session.