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psuedo-documentation whipped up so people arent completely baffled by the program.
Multi-station-320 0.92b
by Christopher Lloyd
Copyright 1990, Christopher Lloyd
Portions Copyright 1989, THINK Technology
This program is not to be distributed in an altered form. The
program is not in the public domain. You may not sell or make
money off of it it any way shape or form, or I will hunt you down
and do nasty things to you.
I am in no way libel for any damage, harm or any sort of headaches
generated from this program.
All code is my creation except for the Mac toolbox interface and the
function key palette window definition, which is part of the THINK C
If feel compelled to send me money, go ahead!
Ok, on with the info.
First order of business. This is a 7 & 8 bit terminal emulator, so you
must be careful if you are using 7 bit communications, The Vax
systems I have used with this assume that if you are a vt320 you are
on a 8 bit line, be sure to inform the operating system that you are
running in 7-bit mode. on a Vax system: set term/noeight
What is this? This is a vt320 emulator with multi-session capabilities
and resizeable terminal windows.
The vt320 terminal emulation is near completion. There a few rare
device control strings that I have left to do, the soft character sets
and the status line code isn╒t done. I have tried to finish all the
important sequences. I have tested it out with various editors and
full screen utilities and it works fine.
Escape/Control/Device Control sequences are parsed up to the final
character without error. This means that undocumented sequences,
alien or any sequence that has not been totally garbled will be
parsed without error. This pretty much guarantees the program will
work with any full screen application made for a vt series text
terminal, up to the 320. Unless there is undocumented sequences
which do not follow the correct format (but I doubt it). Error
recovery for sequences is probably better than the vt320, it will
distinguish similar sequences through minimum uniqueness and as
long as the sequence is decipherable and does not contain extraneous
characters it will recognize it. In other words, it tries to perform any
sequence that comes in.
As for vt320 character & line attributes it does ALL of them: double
width, double height lines, bold, underline, blink and reverse or any
combination. And the cursor is correctly represented on double wide
or double height lines.
All the vt320 character sets are present, the two graphics sets, ASCII,
ISO Latin, the Multinational set and the display control set.
Programmable function keys work.
Currently the multi-session capabilities are limited by the serial
ports. I will hopefully be getting my hands on multi-session
protocols very soon for various environments.
The terminal window is sizeable to 200x100, if anyone thinks this
should be bigger, please tell me. This means if you have a nice big
screen you could set your display to 80x100 lines and do a set/term
page=100 on a Vax and would be able to use all the editors and such
at 100 lines.
Scrollback is currently fixed at 70,000 bytes, this will be
customizable in byte increments from 500 bytes, as soon as I do the
interface for it. If the 70,000 bytes can not be allocated for a session,
the session will not have scrollback.
The top part of the split screen only shows the scrollback. The
bottom shows the active terminal window and the scrollback.
The character generation routines are hand coded 68020
and 68000 assembler that produce all the character attributes except
blink, which is done separately. Currently the font is fixed at 9 point
vt320, I might add other sizes in time. The difference in the 68020
routines is that they use 68020 specific instructions that boost
performance on 68020 machines.
There are 6 levels of scrolling. The first three are degrees of
smoothness. the fourth one is a standard jump scroll and the last two
are custom ones specific to this program.
The custom scrolling routines look like normal jump scroll until more
than one line of information is read from the serial port at any given
time. The first one ╥Super Jump╙ will scroll the screen one line at a
time but not update the characters in the scrolled up part until it is
done receiving a packet. The second one ╥Mega Blast╙ is very similar
to the behavior of the terminal windows on a Vaxstation, the screen
is scrolled up to a whole screen at a time, this produces a jumpy
effect, but is perfect for high speed lines or if the user was delaying
the emulator. I would recommend turning these scrolling features
off in a terminal window that does have scrollback, as the screen
might flash before your eyes.
Pretty much all the dialog features work, if it doesn't respond, it
doesn't work, and a couple little check
boxes here and there. Break (command-enter=short & command-
shift enter=long) really doesn't work too well, have to look into this.
Keep in mind that this is made for multi-sessions, the serial port
configuration dialog DOES NOT decide which port your terminal is
hooked to. The comm dialog decides this.
This is a emulator. There is no file transfer, no macros, no scripting
or other niceties. These will be added as soon as the emulation is
near perfect and bugs have been worked out. I have already started
design on some of these features and hope to have the beginnings of
them in future releases.
Low memory: ugh. you could probably crash this program if you sat
and crammed memory, then went and caused an alert or large region
to be allocated. I will be fixing this very soon, but for now, if it
doesn't work its ╘cause it needs memory. I have tried to make as
much of the programs resources unpurgeable so the segment loader
and resource manager don't crap out with system errors. Just don't
push it.
I'm sure I haven't covered everything as this was whipped up and I
would like to spend more time developing the program than writing
pretty docs.
Please direct all bug reports to me, especially emulation bugs.
Any comments, suggestions, hate mail or job offers send to the address in the about box.: