In my search for a BBS that our local MAC users group could use on our LocalTalk/Ethernet/Broadband system I ran across 1stBBS.
It is kinda a long story but those of you who "remember" 128k of RAM might remember 1stBase, the first (I think) relational database for the MAC. That company (resold) still exists (sorta, their primary business is TUBING FABRICATION) and offer an inter
sting line of communication products that might be of interest to MUG's and Mac BBS operators.
Attached is the remote required to access the company's (1stDESK) "FREE" BBS via 800 number. 1-800-232-4283.
The whole thing must really "MAC LIKE" because I got it running before reading the READ ME which is also attached.
After UNBINHEXing and UnStuffing. Double click on the "1stDESK Settings" Icon. Then edit the two "Settings..." (User & Connection) selections under the EDIT menu.
You gotta figure that one out yourself but is is really pretty "MAC LIKE" :-) if you know how your modem is set. You will have to modify the number dialed if you going through a PBX or such.....
USER Settings:
The system password is not used.
You pick you own USERNAME.
->It is requested that users who get this from info-mac and down
->stream use the password "norm" when initially configuring. This
->will aid 1st Desk in a head count they want. After your initial