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- ArcMac Updates
- ArcMac
- Standard File Archiver for Macintosh Computers
- Version 1.3
- Released April 1988
- Copyright 1988 by D.G. Gilbert
- All rights reserved.
- ArcMac Features
- o Complete file archive / de-archive utility.
- o Compatible with IBM and MS-DOS standard archives, makes data
- exchange a snap.
- o Your choice of fast & flexible command line operation for
- experienced users, or point'n'click dialog for novices.
- o Batch and background operations free you for other
- activities.
- o Includes ArcPop, the compact, easy to use file de-archiver
- with the special feature of making self-extracting archives.
- o Includes xArcMac, a utility for fully processing ArcMac
- archives on IBM/MS-DOS machines.
- o Includes a useful subset of the Martian Operating System, a
- full MS-DOS like shell (Finder replacement) for the
- Macintosh
- ArcMac Distribution Files
- The contents of the ArcMac.Arc file are:
- ArcMac The primary application
- ArcMac1.Doc & ArcMac2.doc
- Full documentation in "TEXT" form, readable by
- many applications, including the ArcMac type command.
- The file creator is TeachText, Apple's text reader
- included with Apple System 5.0 and some earlier systems.
- After extracting, you can either click on these files
- from Finder to launch TeachText, or you can use the
- ArcMac command "type" to get a printed list of this file,
- as per
- 2 ArcMac Updates
- type ArcMac*.doc > prn
- xArcMac.exe This is the MS-DOS executable program for
- fully extracting and listing ArcMac archives on MS-DOS
- machines. You will need to transfer it to an MS-DOS
- machine to use. (You can transfer the entire ArcMac.Arc,
- and use ARC or PKXARC to extract this file).
- ArcPop This program is the application portion of
- ArcMac.Arc. To create the stand-alone ArcPop
- application, without its ArcMac archive, choose the
- "UnMake" button on the ArcPop dialog.
- ArcPop.ARC This is the ArcPop de-archive utility only,
- with self-extracting documentation. ArcPop is
- distributed freely, so than no one need pay to access
- available ArcMac'ed data. If you don't care for ArcMac,
- but want the capability of using ArcMac'ed (or IBM/MS-DOS
- arc'ed) files, this is the tool for you.
- MARCS.ARC This archive contains Turbo Pascal source for the
- xArcMac and the ArcPop programs, so that others may
- incorporate the ArcMac file structure and protocol in
- archivers.
- Current versions of these files can be obtained from
- Bloomington's PC-LINK bulletin board, phone 812-335-7252
- (1200..9600 Baud, 24hr).
- The CompuServe MACPRO Maug Sig and BORPRO Borland Sig
- will generally have the most recent updates.
- ArcMac Updates 3
- >>> Updates for version 1.2 & 1.3:
- File Name Wild Cards
- >>> Your choice of word delimiters now permitted, so that spaces
- can be included in names. Just type the delimiter following a
- command:
- > arc,a,my archive,my file 1,my file 2,...
- > cd"my spaced folder:my other folder:
- Any symbol other than these can be used as word delimiters:
- * / \ < > : ? - +
- Note: Your delimiter replaces the space for that command only,
- and spaces cannot be added as extra filler:
- "> arc, a, my archive, my file 1, my file2" is bad
- (extra spaces).
- Finder Selections
- >>> ArcMac has no control about how Finder/Multifinder passes
- file selections to it. The following cases exist for System 5.0
- software (differs in pre-MultiFinder systems):
- a) Single (non-multi) mode does not permit any file
- selections. This is same for any application, including Packit &
- Stuffit.
- b) Multi-mode, 1 application + any group of documents in a
- single folder: You can select doc files and ArcMac, and then launch
- ArcMac. In this case, all of the files will be selected to operate
- on.
- c) Multi-mode, 2 or more applications selected: Multifinder
- will launch all applications independently, and will launch the
- creator applications of selected documents. In other words, you
- can not select applications to archive from Finder.
- This is part of the reason that ArcMac has an MS-DOS style
- interface: selection of files of disparate origins and types to
- operate on is simple, rather than impossible.
- >>> When you launch ArcMac from a disk other than the current
- system disk, the Macintosh operating system automatically switches
- the active volume to the current system disk (to avoid disk swaps)
- before ArcMac gets control. The ArcMac path prompt shows you this
- current path at its prompt.
- 4 ArcMac Updates
- Modifiers for the Add commands
- Q, quick crunch only (no analysis). This is useful if your
- files are all text (which almost always end up crunching), since it
- is faster than full analysis.
- H, huffman squeeze only (no analysis). Picture files usually
- are optimally compressed with the Huffman squeeze method. This
- option will save time if want to use squeezing only on your files.
- >>> You can use the Q+H modifiers together to produce archive
- entries that are compatible with the SEA ARC standard. Using Q+H
- with any of the adding commands, or with Convert, will prevent the
- Squashing method of PKArc, which SEA's ARC cannot handle.
- >>> I, IBM compatibility. The "i" modifier, used with EXtract to
- remove linefeeds from text files in archives of MS-DOS origin, is
- generalize to the suite of Add commands (Add, Update, Freshen and
- Move) and the Convert command.
- > arc ai ibmarc *.text
- -- add all files ending with ".text" to the archive ibmarc,
- forcing complete ibm compatibility and adding LF's to CR's in the
- text files.
- When used with the Add commands, it has the following functions:
- a) add linefeed controls following all carriage returns for
- "TEXT" type files.
- b) produce a 100% pure MS-DOS style archive, eliminating all
- of the extra Mac file info in the file headers (FileType,
- FileCreator, LongName, etc.).
- c) ignore all resource forks of added files. This choice was
- made since some Mac text processors add a style resource fork
- (e.g., MPW) that annoys MS-DOS text processors, and there is no
- general use for Mac resources in MS-DOS machines.
- d) produce an output archive of type "TEXT". This choice was
- made since RedRyder (my only Mac telecomm program) will transfer
- files without a MacBinary header only if they are of type TEXT
- (hopefully other comm programs aren't so silly).
- With this compatibility option, data sharing with the MS-DOS
- world is simplified, at the sacrifice of the Mac specific file
- info. When transferring PC archives via modem, remember that most
- Mac telecomm programs will automatically add a MacBinary header
- (128 bytes of MacOS file info) on the front of files that are sent
- out. Most MS-DOS archivers will choke to some extent on this
- header. RedRyder (vers. ~9) can be taught to transfer an archive
- via XMODEM without adding a MacBinary head only if the file type is
- ArcMac Updates 5
- "TEXT" (see XMODEM options). Hopefully your telecomm program is
- more flexible than this.
- C, Convert archive to new packing
- >>> The "I" modifier now (v.1.3c) works both ways with the Convert
- command, depending on the type of the input archive.
- > arc ci ibmarc *.txt
- -- convert all files ending with ".txt" from PC to Mac
- style.
- > arc ci macarc
- -- convert entire archive from ArcMac to PC style.
- If the input archive is an ibm-style archive (transferred from
- a bbs or produced with the ">arc ai ..." command), then the output
- archive is an ArcMac-style archive, and extra control characters
- are stripped from all files (it is assumed that all converted files
- are TEXT files).
- If the input archive is a regular ArcMac archive, the opposite
- conversion is employed. Linefeeds are added to all TEXT type
- files, all Mac file info is dropped in the file headers, and an
- archive of type TEXT is created (see above).
- Mouse Arc Dialog
- >>> This dialog has been replaced with two menus, System and
- Archive, plus subsidiary dialogs. These menu selections and
- dialogs now give those who are learning the commands, or are more
- comfortable with mouse dialogs, easier control of ArcMac. The
- commands set up through these dialogs are identical to typed
- command line ones, and these command lines are now echoed to the
- display following a dialog.
- A note on the standard file get/put buttons. These standard
- file dialogs do not fit easily with the folder:file wild card
- naming conventions that make command line programs flexible. Where
- a directory rather than a file name is required, as with the GO
- command, you are presented with a standard Put dialog (the one with
- a <Save> button). This allows you to select a path, though
- generally the file name to save is superfluous.
- ArcPop Usage
- >>> Several additions are made to ArcPop version 1.3. These are
- (1) a File Put dialog to locate the folder for extracted
- files. If no File Put folder is selected, the extracted files will
- be put in the folder from which ArcPop was launched.
- 6 ArcMac Updates
- (2) a Verify option lets you pause before extracting each file
- in an archive and verify from you to extract it,
- (3) a List option lets you list files in an archive.
- (4) ArcPop now continues operating until the Cancel button is
- hit. If ArcPop is extracting or listing files, the Cancel button
- will stop the operation. If ArcPop is doing nothing, it will quit
- the program.
- >>> There is a minor glitch in Finder running under MultiFinder
- (Apple System 5.0 release) that causes updates of a file's finder
- information not to be reflected in an open Finder window. When you
- make an ArcMac archive into an ArcPop self-extracting archive, the
- file's icon and its finder info does not get updated in Finder's
- open window, even though it is updated on the disk. What you need
- to do is simply to close the Finder window with the new ArcPop
- archive, then re-open it. Lo and behold, it's icon has now changed
- to the "A" button.
- xArcMac Usage
- >>> Another note about the MacBinary header. If you transfer the
- unarchived XARCMAC.EXE from Mac to PC via modem, and it won't run
- on the PC, check that the file size is the same on both machines.
- If it is 128 bytes larger on the PC, then your telecomm program has
- tacked on a MacBinary header. You'll need to (1) teach your
- telecomm program not to do this, (2) strip off the 1st 128 bytes
- with a file byte editor on your PC, or (3) transfer it archived and
- use a PC dearchiver to extract this dearchiver (kinda circular
- there).
- Revision History
- Version 1.3c - 12 July 88, add option to produce PC archives,
- that is 100% MS-DOS style archives.
- Version 1.3b / AppleShare -- 27 Apr 88, this version
- eliminates all use of serial ports .A and .B, which were found to
- cause problems on an AppleShare system (though it may be other
- software causing problems). I would appreciate reports from other
- AppleShare users on whether this version is required, or if the
- full ArcMac works on your system.
- Version 1.3b -- 21 Apr 88, batch & startup file corrections.
- As well, ArcPop has been extensively updated, including File Put,
- File List, Extract verify, and continuous operation.
- ArcMac Updates 7
- Version 1.3a -- 18 Apr 88, cosmetic update: new menus and
- dialogs to stem some of the growls from users. Also some bug
- stomping (some annoying ones crawled into version 1.2).
- Version 1.2c -- 6 Apr 88, minor update: freshen/update fixed
- to correctly compare file times (negative integer bug); DA keys not
- echoed on MOS screen.
- User delimiters now permitted, so that spaces can be included
- in names. Just type the delimiter following a command:
- > arc,a,my archive,my file 1,my file 2,...
- > cd'my spaced folder:my other folder:
- Any symbol other than these can be used as word delimiters:
- * / \ < > : ? - +
- Version 1.2b -- 8 Feb 88: file creator for files extracted
- from IBM archives is now 'ttxt' (TeachText) rather then 'TPAS'
- (Turbo Pascal). ArcMac.Doc split into 2 text files with the
- TeachText creator. The ArcMac resource 'FREF' 123, "File Creator",
- can be changed with ResEdit from 'ttxt' to your choice for the
- extracted IBM files.
- Version 1.2 -- 7 Feb 88, corrects miscellaneous bugs:
- control-C during extract, print or test now works properly. Window
- creep between launches of ArcMac is no more. The Q+H modifiers
- now work in conjunction to produce SEA ARC compatible archives
- (no squashing). REMark command added for batch files. ArcPop now
- will not overwrite existing files of same name, and will abort if
- it runs out of disk space during unpack.
- Version 1.1 -- 31 Jan 88, adds full archive / dearchive
- support to ArcMac, ArcPop and xArcMac for the "squashing" method of
- PKArc, plus significant improvements in the Crunch method, with a
- yeild of up to 100% improvement in packing size. ArcMac packing is
- now comparable to PKArc and Stuffit. Minor speed improvements
- (the fast version is still waiting). With large memory
- requirements of squashing, have added memory usage controls so that
- full, sequential analysis can be done in limited memory environs.
- MOS user window setup is now saved between runs. ArcMac start-up
- batch file processing added. ArcPop standard file get button and
- progress indicator added.
- Version 1.0 -- first release, 23 Jan 88