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- ArcMac 19
- Chapter 3
- ARC command[modifiers] archive [filename ...]
- Commands Modifiers
- L = List archived files B = retain Backup of archive
- V = Verbose list of files I = strip IBM text controls (extract)
- A = Add files to archive S = Store only (no compression,add)
- F = Freshen archive Q = Quick crunch (no analysis, add)
- U = Update archive G<password>
- E,X = EXtract archive files = Garble/unGarble archived files
- P = Print archived files W = no Warning messages
- D = Delete archived files N = no Notes & comments
- M = Move files to archive
- T = Test archive integrity
- C = Convert entry to new packing
- This is the archiver command line, consisting of two or more words:
- (1) the command character plus any modifiers as one word. If
- the garble modifier is used, it must be the last option and
- followed immediately by the password, with no spaces.
- (2) the name of the archive to operate on.
- (3+) a list of file names to operate with. The file names can
- contain wild cards ("*" and "?") and path specifications.
- 3.1 A, Add files to an archive
- Create a new archive, or add files to an existing archive, with the
- A command. Follow the command with any desired options. Next,
- name the archive to work on, and follow this with a list of files
- to add. If no file list is given, all files in the current
- directory will be added to the archive.
- Some examples of the use of Add would look like:
- arc a myarc *
- -- add all files in current directory to archive myarc.arc.
- 20 ArcMac
- arc a h:jake:docs h:words:*.text h:progs:*.docs
- -- add files ending with ".text" in directory h:words: and
- files ending with ".docs" in directory h:progs: to archive docs.arc
- in directory h:jake:
- 3.2 Modifiers for the Add Command
- B, retain backup copy of original archive.
- S, store only (no compression).
- Q, quick crunch only (no analysis). This is useful if your files
- are all text (which almost always end up crunching), since it is
- faster than full analysis.
- H, huffman squeeze only (no analysis). Picture files usually are
- optimally compressed with the Huffman squeeze method. This option
- will save time if want to use squeezing only on your files.
- Gpassword, use a password to encrypt the added files. The G
- modifier must be the last in the command word, and it's password
- must immediately follow, with no space. The password can be any
- word of your choosing. Upper and lower case letters are not
- distinguished.
- W, suppress warning messages to the console.
- N, suppress note and comment messages to the console.
- For example,
- arc abs bob jake:*
- -- adds to archive bob.arc, retaining old version of archive
- as bob.bak, and stores files from jake without compression.
- arc agMyPassword bob jake:*
- -- adds to the archive using the garble (encryption) password
- MyPassword. All passwords are converted to uppercase, so you can
- type in upper and/or lowercase passwords for the same effect.
- When extracting this archive, you will need to supply the same
- password, as in
- arc xgMyPassword bob
- 3.3 U, Updating archives
- This command also will add files to an archive, but it will only
- add files that are newer than the current contents of the archive,
- ArcMac 21
- or that do not exist in the archive. The same modifiers for Add
- are active with Update. Use this command to maintain the most
- recent contents of folders in an archive. For example,
- arc u data data:*
- -- this command will replace old versions of files in the
- data.arc archive with newer versions in the folder data:, adding
- any files that don't exist in the archive.
- 3.4 F, Freshening archives
- This is a third variant of adding files, similar to Update, except
- that no new files are added. Freshen only adds newer versions of
- files that exist in an archive, and ignores files from the folder
- that are not already in the archive.
- arc f data h:tests:* h:ralphs:data:*
- -- this command updates the current contents of data.arc from
- the folders ralphs:data: and tests:.
- 3.5 M, Move files to archive
- This final version of adding files acts like the Add command but
- also erases the file after adding it to the archive. Erased files
- are immediately removed from the disk after archiving, they are not
- placed in the Trash folder.
- arc m data data:*
- -- adds all files in the folder data: to the archive data.arc,
- and erases each file as it is added.
- 3.6 L, List archived files
- This command lists the name, type, date, and original size of each
- file in an archive. If no file list is given, all files are
- listed. Otherwise only those matching the file list are listed.
- The file kind is the Macintosh system file type, or if the archive
- was produced by IBM/MS-DOS archivers, the kind is listed as "ibm".
- arc l bob *.text
- -- list all files in archive bob.arc that end with ".text",
- produces this output
- Name Kind Length Date
- ------------ ---- ------- ---------
- rf1.text TEXT 33796 1 Dec 87
- rf1stat.text TEXT 29408 30 Nov 87
- 22 ArcMac
- uplot3f.text TEXT 25989 1 Dec 87
- ------------ -------
- Total 3 89193
- 3.7 V, Verbosely list archived files
- This command lists all information on the archived files. As well
- as the information of the List command, it displays the method of
- archiving, the archived size, percent of packing reduction, the
- file time, and the storage CRC value.
- arc v doc *.text
- -- produces this verbose listing
- Name Kind Length Stowage ArcSize % Date Time CRC
- ------------ ---- ------- -------- ------- ---- --------- ------ ----
- rf1.text TEXT 33796 Crunched 16473 52 1 Dec 87 3:23a 823F
- rf1stat.text TEXT 29408 Crunched 15001 49 30 Nov 87 3:33p 49E0
- uplot3f.text TEXT 25989 Crunched 13320 49 1 Dec 87 3:40a E272
- ------------ ------ ------- ----
- Total 3 89193 44794 50%
- The methods of stowage that ArcMac supports are
- Stored stored without packing
- Packed packed with non-repeat encoding
- Squeezed packed with Huffman encoding
- crunched packed with old-style Lempel-Ziv compression
- Crunched packed with dynamic Lempel-Ziv compression
- Squashed packed with Phil Katz style dynamic Lempel-Ziv
- compression.
- á Note: ArcMac version 1.1 introduces full archive/dearchive
- support for the popular Squash method as produced by the PKARC
- program of Phil Katz.
- The percent reduction is the percentage by which each file is
- reduced in size by packing. The date and time are for the last
- file modification, and the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value is a
- check value for testing file integrity. If two files have the same
- CRC value, they will, with high probability, contain the same data,
- regardless of their dates or name.
- 3.8 D, Delete files from archive
- The delete command removes files from an archive. For example
- arc d dogs cat*.*
- ArcMac 23
- -- removes all files starting with "cat" from the archive
- dogs.arc.
- 3.9 E,X Extract files from an archive
- Files are unpacked and extracted from an archive using the E or X
- command. You can specify a file list, and include the names of
- target folders for the extracted files:
- arc x dogs cat*.*
- -- extract all files whose names begin with "cat" from the
- archive dogs.arc.
- arc x dogs h:animals:cats:cat*.*
- -- extract all "cat" files to the folder animals:cats:.
- Modifiers to the extraction command include the unGarble option to
- extract from an encrypted archive, as per
- arc xgMyPassword bob
- -- extract all files from the archive bob.arc using password
- MyPassword.
- The I, strip IBM controls option is active for extraction. Use
- this option if the files you are extracting are text files from an
- archive created on an IBM or MS-DOS machine. All control
- characters other than the carriage return (ASCII 13) will be
- removed from all extracted files. The List or VerboseList command
- will show file types as ╥ibm╙ if they come from an MS-DOS archive.
- However, ArcMac cannot distinguish MS-DOS text from other MS-DOS
- file types. You can specify a list of files that you believe are
- text when extracting, as per
- arc xi ibmdata *.txt
- -- this will extract and strip controls from all files ending
- with ".txt" in the archive ibmdata.arc.
- 3.10 P, Print archived files
- The print command writes the contents of archived files to the
- standard output device. This is like extraction, but no file is
- created (unless output is redirected to a file). The default
- output device is your display screen, so that you see the contents.
- Alternately, use the output redirection command to send a Printed
- file to your printer or terminal or disk file. Examples are
- arc p myarc *.*
- -- display contents of all files in myarc
- 24 ArcMac
- arc pi ibmdata *.txt > oneFileOfTxt
- -- print contents of all files ending in ╥.txt╙ from the
- archive ibmdata.arc, while stripping ibm controls, and send it all
- to the disk file oneFileOfTxt.
- arc p dogs cat*.* > prn
- -- write the contents of all "cat..." files to the printer.
- 3.11 T, Test archive integrity
- This command checks the validity of archive contents, and reports
- any files whose contents fail to match their CRC check value. Use
- this if archives are transmitted over noisy phone lines and you
- think the transfer may have been faulty.
- 3.12 C, Convert archive to new packing
- This command converts archives produced with older versions of
- IBM/MS-DOS archivers to newer packing methods, and will add the
- additional ArcMac information lacking in IBM archives. Also this
- will convert archives produced by ArcMac version 1.0 to tighter
- packing schemes employed by version 1.1.
- ArcMac 25
- Chapter 4
- Mouse Arc Dialog
- ArcMac contains a useful Macintosh dialog, Arc Dialog found under
- the Mouse menu entry. This dialog lets you set up the archiving
- command line by clicking buttons. One of the arc commands can be
- selected from the list of radio buttons. The major command
- modifiers have check boxes to enable them. You can type the name
- of an archive to operate on, or use the <<Standard Arc Dialog>>
- button to pull up the standard Macintosh file selector for ArcMac
- archives. You can use the <<Standard File Dialog>> button to
- repeatedly select files to add to an archive, or type the pathnames
- in the edit box. Hitting the Return key or the <Okay> button will
- process the command sequence that you have selected; the <Cancel>
- button will cancel things.
- 26 ArcMac
- ArcMac 27
- Chapter 5
- Memory Requirements
- ArcMac uses up to 250 kilobytes of memory for optimal processing
- speed during the archive Add operations. The "squash" method alone
- requires over 64k of buffer space. However, if memory is limited,
- ArcMac will analyze files for best packing by sequentially trying
- the Crunch, Squash and Squeeze methods, rather than the faster
- simultaneous analysis. You can use the Finder menu selection, Get
- Info, to change the memory devoted to ArcMac under MultiFinder.
- Memory Limitation
- 180 K sequential analysis, squash is not permitted
- 220 K sequential analysis, squash permitted
- 250 K full simultaneous analysis during Add
- 28 ArcMac
- ArcMac 29
- Chapter 6
- ArcPop Usage
- ArcPop is a small and simple de-archiving application. In the
- ArcMac.Arc distribution archive, ArcPop is the application which
- extracts the archived material. You can separate ArcPop from the
- ArcMac.Arc archive by choosing the Unmake ArcPop radio button when
- you launch ArcMac.Arc. Version 1.1 adds support for "squashed"
- packing of PKArc and ArcMac.
- ArcPop's choices are limited to
- (1) extract all the files in an archive
- (2) make an archive into a ArcPop self-extracting archive
- (3) unmake a ArcPop-archive combination.
- You can launch ArcPop alone, then select an archive name on the
- dialog. Version 1.1 adds a standard file get button, the <Get
- Archive:> button. Use this to let your mouse do the walking
- through folders to select an archive to unpack. All files in the
- archive are unpacked to the current folder; the file name and an
- indicator bar show the progress of unpacking.
- You can also shift-select ArcPop and a regular ArcMac archive, or
- an IBM style archive, from Finder and then launch ArcPop. In this
- case the selected archive will be your default to operate on. If
- ArcPop already contains an archive in its data fork, the name of
- the ArcPop file will be the default archive to operate on.
- Creating a ArcPop from a regular ArcMac archive is simple. Launch
- ArcPop and select the name of the archive to make self-extracting.
- Click the Make ArcPop radio button. Click Continue. ArcPop copies
- itself to the resource fork of the archive, making it an
- application. ArcPop adds about 20 kilobytes to the size of an
- archive. This makes it unwise to turn all archives that are to be
- placed on bulletin boards into ArcPops. However, when you want to
- send archives to others that are unlikely to have an archive
- extractor, or want to pack a lot of data onto a disk and retain
- extracting ability on the disk, ArcPop is a useful tool.
- Two modifiers for ArcPop are the G, unGarble option for encrypted
- archives, and the I, strip IBM controls option.
- 30 ArcMac
- If the archive has been encrypted, you will need to enter the
- proper password (either upper or lower case will do), and click the
- Password check box.
- If the archive is from an MS-DOS or IBM machine, and contains text
- files, then you will want to click the Eat Linefeeds check box.
- All control characters other than carriage returns will be removed
- from the extracted files. If an IBM archive contains a mixture of
- text and other data files, you will need to use ArcMac to
- selectively extract files with control stripping.
- ArcMac 31
- Chapter 7
- xArcMac Usage
- The ArcMac.Arc distribution file contains xArcMac.exe which is a
- program for MS-DOS machines that lists and extracts archives
- created with ArcMac. xArcMac will also operate on MS-DOS archives,
- and most MS-DOS archivers will operate on ArcMac files. Command
- syntax is similar to that for ArcMac. The commands L and V both
- produce a verbose list of an archive. The E and X commands will
- extract files. The Gpassword modifier is supported. Version 1.1
- of xArcMac adds support for processing "squashed" files of PKArc
- and ArcMac.
- Two additional features of xArcMac are:
- (1) The file listings which it produces include the full Macintosh
- file name (MS-DOS archivers recognize 12 characters only), and the
- Macintosh file type.
- (2) The I option is implemented in reverse. When extracting
- without the I option, all Macintosh TEXT type files will have
- linefeed controls (^J) added after each carriage return. Such line
- feeds are required by ms-dos text using programs. If you do not
- want TEXT files to have the linefeeds added, then use the I option.
- xArcMac x mytext
- -- extracts and adds linefeeds to TEXT type files
- xArcMac xi mytext
- -- extracts without adding linefeeds
- 32 ArcMac
- ArcMac 33
- Chapter 8
- ArcMac File Structure
- ArcMac archives use a superset of SEA's ARC standard. The full
- pascal source for ArcPop and xArcMac are available in the MARCS.ARC
- distribution archive. The archive structure is defined as a file
- header followed by the (packed) file contents for each file in an
- archive. Version 1.1 adds support for the "squash" method of
- PKArc, header version 9. The file header is
- ARCMARK = 26; { standard ARC archive head marker }
- MARCMARK = 27; { ArcMac archive head marker }
- ARCFNLEN =13; { ARC file name length }
- MARCFNLEN =31; { full mac file name length }
- cstr31 = PACKED ARRAY [0..31] OF char;
- { c-type nul terminated string }
- fntype = PACKED ARRAY [-1..12] OF char;
- { pc file name, starts at -1 to pack on word
- bounds, name starts at 0 }
- osType = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF char;
- finfo = PACKED RECORD {finder info}
- fdType : OStype; fdCreator: OStype;
- fdFlags : integer; fdLocation: longint;
- fdFldr : integer;
- END;
- heads = PACKED RECORD {file header structure}
- {< MARCMARK mark byte comes here}
- {< hdrVer header version byte comes here}
- fullname: cstr31; { full mac file name}
- fndrInfo: fInfo; { mac finder info}
- f0length: longint; {á unarced data fork size }
- f1length: longint; {á unarced rez fork size }
- fill1 : byte; { fill for word packing...also
- internal flag for ibm style head}
- pcmark : byte; { ARCMARK for standard pc arc}
- {< hdrVer is name[-1] here, standard pc arc}
- { vvvv standard pc arc heads vvvv}
- name : fntype; { file name, standard pc arc}
- size : longInt; {á archived size, both forks}
- date : integer; {á ms-dos style date}
- time : integer; {á ms-dos style time}
- crc : integer; {á crc value }
- 34 ArcMac
- length : longInt; {á unarchived size, both forks}
- END;
- { heads.size bytes of file data follow, followed by next file's
- MARCMARK, hdrVer, then heads data }
- {á Note: these values are all stored in archive using Intel 80xxx
- byte sex, Motorola 68xxx byte sex is bassackwards from this.
- For internal processing on Macintosh, all integers must by byte
- swapped, and all longints word swapped. See ArcPop source. }
- ArcMac 35
- Appendix A
- Addenda
- A.1 Martian Operating System for the Macintosh
- MOS is an operating system shell for the Macintosh, patterned
- after MS-DOS. MOS (short for Martian Operating System) is an
- obvious alien to the Mac, since it is a complete keyboard and
- text oriented system.
- MOS contains all of the features of MS-DOS, including a text
- display, keyboard commands, command line program operation,
- file, disk and serial device (printer, comm ports) operations,
- hard disk path search and file wild card naming, versions of
- ARC, DEBUG, PRINT, and other such utilities, i/o redirection,
- batch file operation, as well as easy Mac-PC file transfer via
- serial ports.
- Programmers, take note: MOS also serves as an easy I/O
- platform for running independent programs that don't require a
- graphic interface and utilities that work well from command
- line parameters.
- MOS is not for all Mac users, but those who have familiarity
- with MS-DOS, those who like keyboard based commands, batch
- operations, redirectable text input/output, and similar
- features.
- 36 ArcMac
- A.2 Trademarks & Copyrights mentioned
- Macintosh computer, Finder, MultiFinder and related software are
- trademarked, copyrighted and otherwise legally pinned down by Apple
- Computer, Inc.
- ARC is the copyrighted software of System Enhancement Associates.
- PKARC, PKXARC are the copyrighted software of PKWare (Phil Katz).
- MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- IBM is a register trademark of International Business Machine
- Corporation.
- Turbo Pascal is the registered trademark of Borland International.
- Packit is the copyrighted software of Harry Chesley.
- Stuffit is the copyrighted software of Raymond Lau.
- Martian Operating System, ArcMac, ArcPop, and xArcMac are the
- copyrighted software of D.G. Gilbert (dogStar Software).
- ArcMac 37
- A.3 ArcMac Fee Schedule
- Type Price
- 1. Single ArcMac user fee $25
- 2. Registered ArcMac user fee $40
- -- includes the next major revision of ArcMac with printed manual.
- 3. Corporate & Institution site licences
- -- includes the next major revision of ArcMac with printed manual.
- 2 to 5 computers $25 / computer
- 6 to 20 computers $20 / computer
- 21 to 50 computers $17.5 / computer
- 51 to 99 computers $15 / computer
- 100+ computers $1500 flat fee
- 38 ArcMac
- A.4 ArcMac Invoice / Order Form
- Title Price Copies
- ArcMac _____ ______
- ______________________________________________________
- Total Fee _______
- Name _____________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- City ____________________ State _______ Zip ___________
- Country ____________________ Phone ___________________
- Payment:
- __ Check/Money Order Credit Card __ Visa __ MasterCard
- Card # :__:__:__:__::__:__:__:__::__:__:__:__::__:__:__:__:
- MasterCard Bank # (found over name) :__:__:__:__:
- Exp. date ____ Signature _____________________________
- Purchase orders from established government and educational institutions
- are accepted.
- __ Purchase Order #____________ PO institution_________________
- Prices include shipping via First Class US Post within the North American
- continent and USPS delivery areas. Add $3.50 for United Parcel Service
- shipping. Overseas airmail: Europe and South America, add $2.50. Asia,
- Africa and Australia, add $3.50.
- dogStar Software
- P.O. Box 302, Bloomington, Indiana 47402, U.S.A.
- Phone (812) 333-5616