ocr: UCP" Tools U1.0 UCP Tool - Set intormation tlectronics compuserve.. [70771,472] Suite 178 Connect/MacNET..INFOELECT 15 I Catherwood Rd. #8 GEnie. INFOELECT america Jnline. .INFOELECT thaca, NY 4850 U.S.A. USENET...INFOELECT@rubicon.UUCP (607)2 257-5840 - . 1989,1990 Information Electronics, @ 1989,1990W. Thomas Clodfelter Portions S 1989 Symantec Coxp., @ 1989 SmethersBarnes This utility is HappyWare. If you use it please send US a picture postcard of your hometown and remember to smile. UMCP Tools is a part of our UUCP to QuickMailm Gateway product. QuickMailmm is a trademark of CE Software, ...