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- EasyPrinter is - another - desktop printer application for System 7.
- A desktop printer is a tool that lets you print a document by dragging it
- on top of the desktop printer application and that automatically selects
- the printer for which it was configured and launches the application that created
- the document you dragged on top of it.
- To use it, copy it on your disk and drag it on your desktop at any convenient place.
- To define the target printer just drag the printer driver's icon on top of the EasyPrint's icon.
- EasyPrint will automatically change its own icons to reflect the selection.
- The new icon will be the icon of the target printer on top of which EasyPrint adds
- the traditionnal application hand.
- You can create as many copies of EasyPrint you need to link each one to a different printer.
- To print document(s) just drag it (them) on top of EasyPrint.
- You can also drag folders or volumes icons. EasyPrint will print each documents found
- in the folder or volume. It scans the file structure recursively, so documents in
- inner folders are also printed.
- You can also tell EasyPrint to just keep a reference of the document without printing it
- by dragging the document icon on top of the EasyPrint icon while holding down the shift key.
- Documents that are keep into EasyPrint using this method will only be printed by launching
- EasyPrint itself by double-clicking on it.
- Once these documents are printed EasyPrint deletes their references.
- You can also edit the list of documents you have shift-dragged on top of EasyPrint by launching
- it while holding down the option key until the standard file manager dialog appears.
- This dialog allows you to manually add and remove documents, folders and volumes from the list.
- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- Here comes the commercial part:
- The EasyPrint application is NOT public domain softwares. It is just as proprietary as any commercially
- distributed program you may have bought from a dealer.
- The only difference is that it is distributed on a "try it before you buy it" basis, generally
- referred to as "shareware". What this means is that not only it is not copy-protected, but
- you are actually urged to give copies to your friends.
- The only restrictions are that this document must always accompany the software and that you
- cannot modify it, sell it, or include it on a disk which is sold without my prior written
- consent (this also applies to PD distribution outfits such as, but not limited to, BudgetBytes,
- MacClub Benelux, Educomp et al.).
- I sincerely hope you'll find this EasyPrint application useful as an aid to increased productivity.
- If you don't, just throw it away and you'll owe me nothing (or better still, tell me what would
- make it useful to you and worth paying for and I'll see what I can do to satisfy you).
- If you do, and therefore decide to keep it in your software collection, I ask that you abide by
- the shareware code of honour and pay for them.
- The licence fee is a very modest $15US and I╒ll acknowledge your payment by sending you an
- 800K disk with the latest version of these programs plus a copy of as many of my other
- shareware programs as will fit on the disk. Sending me your registration fee will also ensure that
- I keep improving these programs (possibly implementing one of your own suggestions - or bug
- correction) and write other reasonably priced utilities.
- Thank you in advance for keeping the shareware spirit alive!
- Yours Sincerely,
- Pascal Pochet
- Air Mail this form to:
- Pascal Pochet,
- Attn. EasyPrint,
- Av. F. Roosevelt 244, bte 10
- B-1050 Brussels
- Belgium
- Compuserve 100024,2260
- AppleLink BEL0197
- EasyPrint Registration Form
- I wish to become a registered user: apart from a clean conscience,
- I'll also get an 800K disk with the latest version of this and your other shareware programs
- and written notification should you further upgrade the program.
- _ Charge US$15 to my VISA/MasterCard/AmericanExpress
- Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expires: _ _ / _ _
- Card Holder Signature: _____________________
- Card Holder Name in Block Letters as it appears on card:
- _____________________
- Send Package to:
- Name:
- Street:
- City:_________________ State:_________ Zip:__________
- Country:__________________
- (Telephone:_______________ Fax:________________)
- (Compuserve ID:_______________)
- (AppleLINK ID: _______________)
- (Comments:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- )
- EasyPrint