Windows NT Super Tune-Up Kit
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315 lines
makefile and source modified by l. kahn to run on final release version
of windows NT. The original ran on the beta version.
see makefile.nt for sdk version and zip.mak for vc++ for nt version.
You may also have to remove dependencies the the zip.mak if it rescans
dependencies when you install it since it screws up and includes files
that are only for unix that are inside of ifdefs ie sys\xyzzy.h etc.
I also fixed one bug in the nt version that caused the program to crash
when zipping files names over 13 characters. See file_io.c
good luck larry kahn 10/8/93
noticed that file names were not unzipped in upper case even when
specifying the -Ua option
unzip -Ua zipname files
this is for a unix workstation when going back and forth from NTFS where
case is important.
fixed the zip command so that it preserves the case of the file names.
now when viewing them you need to specify
unzip -Uv option otherwise everything will appear in upper case
example (in an NTFS directory)
zip test.zip *.h
updating Actions.h (imploded 28%)
updating Analysis.h (imploded 20%)
updating AppActions.h (shrunk 16%)
updating BaseConstants.h (shrunk 15%)
updating Boolean.h (shrunk 17%)
updating Builder.h (imploded 31%)
updating Diagram.h (imploded 48%)
updating DiagramLines.h (imploded 38%)
updating DiagramLinesDrawn.h (imploded 68%)
updating DiagramP.h (imploded 60%)
updating DiagramPNew.h (imploded 62%)
updating DiagramSavedP.h (imploded 61%)
updating Dial.h (imploded 60%)
updating DialP.h (imploded 57%)
updating Drawing.h (imploded 74%)
updating DrawingCallbacks.h (imploded 49%)
updating DrawingP.h (imploded 44%)
updating DrawingUtilities.h (shrunk 16%)
updating Effects.h (shrunk 14%)
updating Errors.h (imploded 40%)
updating FontUtilities.h (shrunk 17%)
updating Functions.h (shrunk 12%)
updating FunctionUtilities.h (stored 0%)
updating GEditUtilities.h (imploded 30%)
updating Group.h (imploded 28%)
updating GroupP.h (imploded 53%)
updating HashMap.h (stored 0%)
updating HashMapInst.h (imploded 52%)
updating HashMapTestGlobal.h (shrunk 7%)
updating ImageUtilities.h (shrunk 15%)
updating Label.h (imploded 33%)
updating LabelGadge.h (imploded 42%)
updating LabelGadgP.h (imploded 55%)
updating LabelP.h (imploded 59%)
updating larry_Strings.h (shrunk 22%)
updating List.h (imploded 46%)
updating ListP.h (shrunk 21%)
updating makeHashMapTest.h (shrunk 9%)
updating MapTest.h (imploded 48%)
updating Menu.h (imploded 44%)
updating Menubutton.h (imploded 45%)
updating MenubuttoP.h (imploded 55%)
updating MenuItem.h (imploded 42%)
updating MenuItemP.h (imploded 51%)
updating MenuP.h (imploded 52%)
updating motifcallbacks.h (imploded 47%)
updating MotionActions.h (shrunk 21%)
updating Names.h (imploded 48%)
updating NamesP.h (imploded 30%)
updating NewWInstances.h (imploded 62%)
updating NoteCallbacks.h (shrunk 7%)
updating NotesCallbacks.h (imploded 48%)
updating NotesUtilities.h (shrunk 14%)
updating OlUtilities.h (imploded 68%)
updating PixmapUtilities.h (shrunk 17%)
updating Predefined.h (shrunk 21%)
updating Preproc.h (stored 0%)
updating Pushbutton.h (imploded 49%)
updating PushbuttonCallbacks.h (imploded 50%)
updating PushbuttoP.h (imploded 55%)
updating Rec1.h (shrunk 22%)
updating Relations.h (imploded 79%)
updating Relations1.h (imploded 62%)
updating Relations1P.h (imploded 61%)
updating RelationsP.h (imploded 64%)
updating ResourceDefs.h (imploded 59%)
updating Resources.h (shrunk 15%)
updating ResourceUtilities.h (imploded 55%)
updating specifier.h (shrunk 22%)
updating Strings.h (imploded 26%)
updating symbol.h (imploded 43%)
updating TestCycle.h (stored 0%)
updating TestCycle1.h (stored 0%)
updating TextEditorUtilities.h (imploded 16%)
updating Tree.h (imploded 65%)
updating TreeLines.h (shrunk 13%)
updating TreeP.h (imploded 58%)
updating UseRec1.h (shrunk 18%)
updating WidgetSet.h (imploded 37%)
updating WidgetSetP.h (shrunk 24%)
updating WInstanceSet.h (imploded 41%)
updating WInstanceSetP.h (imploded 36%)
updating WSuperWInstances.h (imploded 61%)
updating y.h (stored 0%)
updating y.tab.h (imploded 59%)
unzip -v test.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name ("^" ==> case
------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- conversion)
209 Implode 150 28% 09-27-93 13:04 4477ada8 ^actions.h
173 Implode 138 20% 09-30-93 18:23 e8a38111 ^analysis.h
198 Shrunk 166 16% 09-30-93 08:50 6d3771b9 ^appactions.h
109 Shrunk 93 15% 09-22-93 16:10 feae6edd ^baseconstants.h
115 Shrunk 95 17% 09-22-93 16:10 ac5a00ca ^boolean.h
351 Implode 243 31% 10-14-93 16:53 846457ff ^builder.h
393 Implode 203 48% 11-17-93 08:56 253c8060 ^diagram.h
512 Implode 318 38% 12-01-93 12:54 60470f94 ^diagramlines.h
1482 Implode 469 68% 12-01-93 08:39 fb73b4f1 ^diagramlinesdrawn.h
1674 Implode 676 60% 12-01-93 12:27 e73b35ac ^diagramp.h
1225 Implode 469 62% 11-15-93 09:00 54709048 ^diagrampnew.h
1193 Implode 465 61% 11-12-93 16:49 f3d041ba ^diagramsavedp.h
1108 Implode 447 60% 09-22-93 16:10 40d0aa91 ^dial.h
1251 Implode 535 57% 09-22-93 16:11 a168b701 ^dialp.h
6434 Implode 1642 74% 12-20-93 22:48 0271b90b ^drawing.h
738 Implode 379 49% 09-29-93 14:58 45223d0a ^drawingcallbacks.h
874 Implode 491 44% 09-23-93 16:12 8bb4ea61 ^drawingp.h
114 Shrunk 96 16% 09-22-93 16:11 37c7c5fe ^drawingutilities.h
227 Shrunk 196 14% 09-30-93 09:47 fd36b472 ^effects.h
577 Implode 349 40% 12-20-93 23:03 7351581e ^errors.h
204 Shrunk 169 17% 12-21-93 13:49 4353cbd6 ^fontutilities.h
165 Shrunk 146 12% 12-20-93 22:56 8b7c8294 ^functions.h
28 Stored 28 0% 09-22-93 16:11 231e1bd8 ^functionutilities.h
305 Implode 215 30% 12-14-93 12:54 3e1aeac6 ^geditutilities.h
266 Implode 191 28% 09-22-93 16:11 21374b32 ^group.h
577 Implode 273 53% 09-22-93 16:11 37c8a488 ^groupp.h
40 Stored 40 0% 09-30-93 12:15 d52e3aa0 ^hashmap.h
549 Implode 264 52% 09-22-93 16:11 cdb88bf6 ^hashmapinst.h
92 Shrunk 86 7% 09-22-93 16:11 1ae2b540 ^hashmaptestglobal.h
192 Shrunk 164 15% 09-30-93 09:36 3cd2dbb2 ^imageutilities.h
480 Implode 320 33% 09-22-93 16:11 afbef273 ^label.h
1654 Implode 958 42% 09-29-93 09:43 40c7db7c ^labelgadge.h
3340 Implode 1497 55% 09-29-93 09:51 318220f7 ^labelgadgp.h
1813 Implode 739 59% 09-30-93 11:35 19c07d7a ^labelp.h
298 Shrunk 231 22% 10-05-93 17:13 38c81224 ^larry_strings.h
821 Implode 447 46% 10-26-93 11:16 eb7c4f4e ^list.h
198 Shrunk 156 21% 09-22-93 16:11 f71653da ^listp.h
47 Shrunk 43 9% 09-22-93 16:12 056aa4cf ^makehashmaptest.h
475 Implode 249 48% 09-28-93 13:52 a1286c66 ^maptest.h
1744 Implode 985 44% 09-22-93 16:11 87d5acf9 ^menu.h
1829 Implode 1013 45% 09-22-93 16:11 cd76b26b ^menubutton.h
1211 Implode 540 55% 09-22-93 16:11 ff33f366 ^menubuttop.h
1569 Implode 911 42% 09-22-93 16:11 e85b722c ^menuitem.h
2216 Implode 1091 51% 09-22-93 16:11 a2c4fb12 ^menuitemp.h
2601 Implode 1245 52% 09-22-93 16:11 abcc5118 ^menup.h
666 Implode 350 47% 12-22-93 21:26 4676dc56 ^motifcallbacks.h
137 Shrunk 108 21% 09-24-93 17:48 ce5d169f ^motionactions.h
627 Implode 327 48% 09-22-93 17:10 87e99802 ^names.h
339 Implode 236 30% 09-23-93 15:41 85088d8d ^namesp.h
820 Implode 315 62% 12-01-93 08:39 52c94448 ^newwinstances.h
89 Shrunk 83 7% 09-22-93 16:11 8800f420 ^notecallbacks.h
309 Implode 162 48% 09-30-93 09:09 669ac86c ^notescallbacks.h
102 Shrunk 88 14% 09-30-93 10:09 3fbf0e23 ^notesutilities.h
895 Implode 283 68% 12-21-93 13:53 8e2a2e85 ^olutilities.h
179 Shrunk 149 17% 10-13-93 18:31 9dea66e0 ^pixmaputilities.h
123 Shrunk 97 21% 09-22-93 16:11 1ac2dec6 ^predefined.h
39 Stored 39 0% 09-30-93 10:10 d6fcb01f ^preproc.h
2091 Implode 1069 49% 09-22-93 16:11 4b289657 ^pushbutton.h
441 Implode 221 50% 09-28-93 12:44 95e5f0f0 ^pushbuttoncallbacks.h
3002 Implode 1362 55% 09-22-93 16:11 33fb148f ^pushbuttop.h
171 Shrunk 134 22% 09-30-93 11:18 9152a997 ^rec1.h
8328 Implode 1743 79% 12-21-93 13:49 9c699496 ^relations.h
2055 Implode 780 62% 09-22-93 16:11 aa29e56a ^relations1.h
1466 Implode 574 61% 09-22-93 16:11 8e28c3e6 ^relations1p.h
1587 Implode 579 64% 12-16-93 10:22 c3a6c501 ^relationsp.h
927 Implode 376 59% 12-01-93 08:40 c77486ad ^resourcedefs.h
185 Shrunk 158 15% 12-20-93 22:58 85462363 ^resources.h
977 Implode 438 55% 12-20-93 20:41 fb2b7613 ^resourceutilities.h
157 Shrunk 123 22% 09-22-93 16:12 e5579242 ^specifier.h
293 Implode 216 26% 10-05-93 21:20 378f82dd ^strings.h
401 Implode 227 43% 09-22-93 16:12 85cb848d ^symbol.h
44 Stored 44 0% 09-22-93 16:11 2b3a4727 ^testcycle.h
46 Stored 46 0% 09-22-93 16:11 791b8d5f ^testcycle1.h
178 Implode 150 16% 09-30-93 09:36 2f088ba7 ^texteditorutilities.h
1733 Implode 598 65% 12-08-93 12:32 b245966c ^tree.h
172 Shrunk 150 13% 10-27-93 15:17 fc69e417 ^treelines.h
1719 Implode 729 58% 12-08-93 12:32 74275209 ^treep.h
77 Shrunk 63 18% 09-30-93 11:21 3382752b ^userec1.h
259 Implode 164 37% 09-22-93 16:11 dd1474bf ^widgetset.h
165 Shrunk 126 24% 09-22-93 16:11 b5931b35 ^widgetsetp.h
304 Implode 178 41% 09-22-93 16:11 333d21c9 ^winstanceset.h
227 Implode 146 36% 09-22-93 16:11 6064c783 ^winstancesetp.h
994 Implode 386 61% 12-01-93 08:40 9bb40fa7 ^wsuperwinstances.h
38 Stored 38 0% 09-22-93 16:12 c8718d1d ^y.h
1835 Implode 755 59% 09-22-93 16:12 86086872 ^y.tab.h
------ ------ --- -------
75868 33431 56% 85
unzip -Uv test.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
209 Implode 150 28% 09-27-93 13:04 4477ada8 Actions.h
173 Implode 138 20% 09-30-93 18:23 e8a38111 Analysis.h
198 Shrunk 166 16% 09-30-93 08:50 6d3771b9 AppActions.h
109 Shrunk 93 15% 09-22-93 16:10 feae6edd BaseConstants.h
115 Shrunk 95 17% 09-22-93 16:10 ac5a00ca Boolean.h
351 Implode 243 31% 10-14-93 16:53 846457ff Builder.h
393 Implode 203 48% 11-17-93 08:56 253c8060 Diagram.h
512 Implode 318 38% 12-01-93 12:54 60470f94 DiagramLines.h
1482 Implode 469 68% 12-01-93 08:39 fb73b4f1 DiagramLinesDrawn.h
1674 Implode 676 60% 12-01-93 12:27 e73b35ac DiagramP.h
1225 Implode 469 62% 11-15-93 09:00 54709048 DiagramPNew.h
1193 Implode 465 61% 11-12-93 16:49 f3d041ba DiagramSavedP.h
1108 Implode 447 60% 09-22-93 16:10 40d0aa91 Dial.h
1251 Implode 535 57% 09-22-93 16:11 a168b701 DialP.h
6434 Implode 1642 74% 12-20-93 22:48 0271b90b Drawing.h
738 Implode 379 49% 09-29-93 14:58 45223d0a DrawingCallbacks.h
874 Implode 491 44% 09-23-93 16:12 8bb4ea61 DrawingP.h
114 Shrunk 96 16% 09-22-93 16:11 37c7c5fe DrawingUtilities.h
227 Shrunk 196 14% 09-30-93 09:47 fd36b472 Effects.h
577 Implode 349 40% 12-20-93 23:03 7351581e Errors.h
204 Shrunk 169 17% 12-21-93 13:49 4353cbd6 FontUtilities.h
165 Shrunk 146 12% 12-20-93 22:56 8b7c8294 Functions.h
28 Stored 28 0% 09-22-93 16:11 231e1bd8 FunctionUtilities.h
305 Implode 215 30% 12-14-93 12:54 3e1aeac6 GEditUtilities.h
266 Implode 191 28% 09-22-93 16:11 21374b32 Group.h
577 Implode 273 53% 09-22-93 16:11 37c8a488 GroupP.h
40 Stored 40 0% 09-30-93 12:15 d52e3aa0 HashMap.h
549 Implode 264 52% 09-22-93 16:11 cdb88bf6 HashMapInst.h
92 Shrunk 86 7% 09-22-93 16:11 1ae2b540 HashMapTestGlobal.h
192 Shrunk 164 15% 09-30-93 09:36 3cd2dbb2 ImageUtilities.h
480 Implode 320 33% 09-22-93 16:11 afbef273 Label.h
1654 Implode 958 42% 09-29-93 09:43 40c7db7c LabelGadge.h
3340 Implode 1497 55% 09-29-93 09:51 318220f7 LabelGadgP.h
1813 Implode 739 59% 09-30-93 11:35 19c07d7a LabelP.h
298 Shrunk 231 22% 10-05-93 17:13 38c81224 larry_Strings.h
821 Implode 447 46% 10-26-93 11:16 eb7c4f4e List.h
198 Shrunk 156 21% 09-22-93 16:11 f71653da ListP.h
47 Shrunk 43 9% 09-22-93 16:12 056aa4cf makeHashMapTest.h
475 Implode 249 48% 09-28-93 13:52 a1286c66 MapTest.h
1744 Implode 985 44% 09-22-93 16:11 87d5acf9 Menu.h
1829 Implode 1013 45% 09-22-93 16:11 cd76b26b Menubutton.h
1211 Implode 540 55% 09-22-93 16:11 ff33f366 MenubuttoP.h
1569 Implode 911 42% 09-22-93 16:11 e85b722c MenuItem.h
2216 Implode 1091 51% 09-22-93 16:11 a2c4fb12 MenuItemP.h
2601 Implode 1245 52% 09-22-93 16:11 abcc5118 MenuP.h
666 Implode 350 47% 12-22-93 21:26 4676dc56 motifcallbacks.h
137 Shrunk 108 21% 09-24-93 17:48 ce5d169f MotionActions.h
627 Implode 327 48% 09-22-93 17:10 87e99802 Names.h
339 Implode 236 30% 09-23-93 15:41 85088d8d NamesP.h
820 Implode 315 62% 12-01-93 08:39 52c94448 NewWInstances.h
89 Shrunk 83 7% 09-22-93 16:11 8800f420 NoteCallbacks.h
309 Implode 162 48% 09-30-93 09:09 669ac86c NotesCallbacks.h
102 Shrunk 88 14% 09-30-93 10:09 3fbf0e23 NotesUtilities.h
895 Implode 283 68% 12-21-93 13:53 8e2a2e85 OlUtilities.h
179 Shrunk 149 17% 10-13-93 18:31 9dea66e0 PixmapUtilities.h
123 Shrunk 97 21% 09-22-93 16:11 1ac2dec6 Predefined.h
39 Stored 39 0% 09-30-93 10:10 d6fcb01f Preproc.h
2091 Implode 1069 49% 09-22-93 16:11 4b289657 Pushbutton.h
441 Implode 221 50% 09-28-93 12:44 95e5f0f0 PushbuttonCallbacks.h
3002 Implode 1362 55% 09-22-93 16:11 33fb148f PushbuttoP.h
171 Shrunk 134 22% 09-30-93 11:18 9152a997 Rec1.h
8328 Implode 1743 79% 12-21-93 13:49 9c699496 Relations.h
2055 Implode 780 62% 09-22-93 16:11 aa29e56a Relations1.h
1466 Implode 574 61% 09-22-93 16:11 8e28c3e6 Relations1P.h
1587 Implode 579 64% 12-16-93 10:22 c3a6c501 RelationsP.h
927 Implode 376 59% 12-01-93 08:40 c77486ad ResourceDefs.h
185 Shrunk 158 15% 12-20-93 22:58 85462363 Resources.h
977 Implode 438 55% 12-20-93 20:41 fb2b7613 ResourceUtilities.h
157 Shrunk 123 22% 09-22-93 16:12 e5579242 specifier.h
293 Implode 216 26% 10-05-93 21:20 378f82dd Strings.h
401 Implode 227 43% 09-22-93 16:12 85cb848d symbol.h
44 Stored 44 0% 09-22-93 16:11 2b3a4727 TestCycle.h
46 Stored 46 0% 09-22-93 16:11 791b8d5f TestCycle1.h
178 Implode 150 16% 09-30-93 09:36 2f088ba7 TextEditorUtilities.h
1733 Implode 598 65% 12-08-93 12:32 b245966c Tree.h
172 Shrunk 150 13% 10-27-93 15:17 fc69e417 TreeLines.h
1719 Implode 729 58% 12-08-93 12:32 74275209 TreeP.h
77 Shrunk 63 18% 09-30-93 11:21 3382752b UseRec1.h
259 Implode 164 37% 09-22-93 16:11 dd1474bf WidgetSet.h
165 Shrunk 126 24% 09-22-93 16:11 b5931b35 WidgetSetP.h
304 Implode 178 41% 09-22-93 16:11 333d21c9 WInstanceSet.h
227 Implode 146 36% 09-22-93 16:11 6064c783 WInstanceSetP.h
994 Implode 386 61% 12-01-93 08:40 9bb40fa7 WSuperWInstances.h
38 Stored 38 0% 09-22-93 16:12 c8718d1d y.h
1835 Implode 755 59% 09-22-93 16:12 86086872 y.tab.h
------ ------ --- -------
75868 33431 56% 85
The -U command is key to seeing the actual case of the zipped files
any comments send me mail