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ICC Color Profile  |  1997-04-11  |  375KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert TTComp Archive (ttcomp) magic
1% dexvert ICC Color Profile (iccColorProfile) magic
100% file Microsoft color profile 2.0, type KCMS, RGB/Lab-prtr device, EPSO/A999 model by KODA, 374960 bytes, 9-4-1997 14:18:44, PCS Z=0xd32b "EPSON Stylus COLOR ESC/P2" TTComp archive data, binary, 2K dictionary default
99% file data default
66% TrID ICC Color profile (generic) default
33% TrID TTComp archive compressed (bin-2K) default