Lease-It! is the fast, flexible and easy-to-use lease calculator for the Palm Connected Organizer. Use it to help you negotiate the best possible deal on a lease. Lease-It helps you analyze where your money is going, and can help to take the mystery out of leasing.
files\calc financial\Lease-It! 2.0\leaseit.exe
Loan Wizard 1.20 (OS/1.0)
LoanWizard for PalmPilot is a versatile mortgage and loan calculator. Solve for loan amounts, monthly payments, interest rates, duration, and even common forms of mortgage pre-payment.
LoanWizard Professional for PalmPilot is a versatile mortgage and loan manager. Keep track of multiple loans for all your customers or properties. Solve for loan amounts, monthly payments, interest rates, and duration. All the features of LoanWizard and more!
files\calc financial\Loan Wizard Pro 1.20\LoanWizardPro.exe
Optionist 1.02 (OS/2.0) TRY IT!
Optionist is an option pricing calculator for Palm devices. It prices the standard vanilla options and 10 types of exotic options╛
files\calc financial\Optionist 1.02\option.exe
Handwise Valuta 1.0 (OS/3.0)
Handwise Valuta is an easy-to-use currency conversion tool for a mobile business person. It provides tools to perform currency conversions between different currencies all over the world. In the converter there is numeric entry field for up to six user selected currencies. Numeric values are entered with Graffiti« power writing software or custom keyboard and currency code is selected from a pop-up menu. The user can enter currency conversions on four converter pages.
With its focus on analysis, FCPlus Professional, the number one distributed financial calculator for the Palm computing platform, eliminates the cryptic data entry, viewing, and calculation methods reserved for standard calculators. By creating independent worksheets for each financial function, this goal has been achieved. The information is not any less complex, but the entry, viewing and interpretation is much simpler.
files\calc financial\FCPlus Professional 2.1\fcplusprod.exe
Abacus 2.0 (OS/Unknown)
Abacus is an RPN financial calculator based on the HP-12C. Though not as powerful as an actual 12C, the familiar key layout and functionality will make Abacus a convenient subsitute for basic functions.
files\calc financial\Abacus 2.0\abacus.exe
InvestmentCalc 1.0 (OS/Unknown)
Calculate and graphically plot the future value of an investment given start amount, annual contribution, years of investment, and the annual percentage rate. Use it to easily calculate What If scenarios for your current investments, or to plan future savings and investments. Makes it easy to visualize the effects of changing input values.
PayUp! is the ultimate in restaurant bill software for the Palm Pilot. PayUp! calculates tax and gratuity (both configurable), can divide the bill equally or by what each person ordered, and can compute change when diners overpay.
files\calc financial\Pay Up! 1.0\PayUp.exe
PCPlus Professional 1.0 (OS/Unknown)
The worksheet layout allows FCPlus users to view all of the calculation data at one time, making it easier to analyze and adjust information for various scenarios. More features and functions than FCPlus.
files\calc financial\PCPlus Professional 1.0\fpro100d.exe