CryptoPad is an encryption/decryption enabled MemoPad replacement. It lets you assign a different password for each memo. CryptoPad tries to replicate the built-in application as closely as possible. However, because I have a French PalmPilot, some messages or labels may differ.CryptoPad maintains a clear separation between encrypted records (kept in its own database) and regular memos (kept in MemoPad database). When using CryptoPad over an existing database, you need to manually edit non encrypted memos that were created in CryptoPad and immediateley exit. This will transfer them to the MemoPad database automatically.
files\utils security\CryptoPad 3.0\cryptopad3.exe
ALP (Account, Login, Password) 1.9e (OS/2.0)
Software for helping you keep track of all your passwords.
Cipher is a small application to keep your secrets really secret by enciphering them with one of the most reliable encryption algorithms.
files\utils security\Cipher 2.0.3\cipher203.exe
Web Confidential 1.0.0 (OS/2.0)
Where do you keep your confidential data? Like most people these days, you've probably got a growing number of user IDs, passwords, registration keys, PIN codes, serial numbers, and the like, stored in various places on your computer or scribbled on miscellaneous pieces of paper around your home or office. When you stop and think about it, you probably have more of these pesky bits of information scattered about than you realize. The proliferation of the Internet is exacerbating this situation. Increasing numbers of commercially-oriented sites, such as the NY Times, require some form of registration even simply to view content. Other transaction-oriented sites, such as, or personalized newsites, such as My Yahoo, require passwords for personal services. Now there is a software program to manage passwords and the like: it is called Web Confidential. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to !speed in no time. Power users will find a large number of options to enable them to configure Web Confidential to meet their specific needs. Web Confidential for Palm is a solution to keep you data secure while you travel with your Palm and need access to your confidential data. Web Confidential for Palm is supplied with a Macintosh Conduit, so that you can synchronize your data with your Mac. Last but not least, Web Confidential permits you to encrypt your password files, protecting this sensitive information from prying eyes, using a state-of-the-art encryption algorithm. Your key can be up to 448 bits in length.
JotLoc is a small, easy to use and very powerful security application for the Palm Pilot personal organizer. Its function is to augment the built-in Security application to provide a faster more intuitive way of stopping unauthorized access to your Pilot. It achieves this whenever the Pilot is turned on by asking the user to draw a 'passpic' instead of entering a password. What this means is that instead of spending several seconds to enter a word, now you can just draw or 'Jot' a secret gesture in one pen stroke to give you instant access to your Pilot.
files\utils security\JotLoc 1.41\jotloc141.exe
Sword 1.0 (OS/3.0)
Sword cracks the password of Palm Pilot, replaces the current passwords without the knowledge of them, provides two level securities; help you at system lockout when you forget your password. All of this without compromising on the data at your palm pilot!
files\utils security\Sword 1.0\sword2211.exe
Secret! 2.5 (OS/1.0)
Secret! is the one secure place in your Palm to store confidential data. Everytime you start Secret! you are presented with an on-screen keyboard to enter your password. This password is used to get decrypt your data and only someone knowing this password can access your data. No backdoors, no hidden weakness, Secret! uses a strong and well-tested encryption algorithm.
files\utils security\Secret! 2.5\secret.exe
AutoLock 1.0 (OS/3.5)
AutoLock protects your Palm's sensitive data from curious eyes or would be thieves. Unlike the builtin Security program, AutoLock is active all of the time (unless you tell it otherwise). Every time you turn your Palm device on you are greeted with the password screen. The password screen is a PIN pad similar to what you find on your bank's automated teller machines and your PIN (personal identification number) can be up to 8 digits long.
files\utils security\AutoLock 1.0\AutoLock.exe
CryptInfo 3.0 (OS/2.0)
If youre like me, you have trouble keeping track of all your passwords. You have passwords for your computer, your ISP, your computer(s) at work, and all the WWW sites that you go to. Plus, you want to keep track of your credit card numbers, bank accounts, calling cards, and the list goes on! Everyone has so many numbers to keep track of that its impossible to remember them all.
TealLock! replaces the standard security application with a powerful and flexible system with many activation and customization options, including shortcut stroke activation, custom lock screen text and images, and optional automatic locking and private record hiding immediately at power down, or only after a specified period of time.
files\utils security\TealLock! 2.10c\teallock.exe
Enforcer 1.3 (OS/2.0)
Enforcer provides Multi-user Access Control to devices running the Palm operating system - including organizers from Palm Computing, Handspring, IBM, TRG and Symbol.
files\utils security\Enforcer 1.3\enforcer.exe
SecretAgent 1.0 (OS/3.0)
Who's looking over your shoulder while you enter your password? The "Off & Lock" feature of the Palm is quite a good one, but perhaps you're like me -- I stopped using it because when entering the password, it shows plainly on-screen! I'd always be glancing around to see if the Palm screen was visible to anybody else nearby. With SecretAgent, there's no reason to worry. SecretAgent shows only ****** on the screen while you enter your Security password. It works with either Graffiti or the pop-up keyboard, so if your Graffiti skills aren't perfect, you can still enter your password easily.
files\utils security\SecretAgent 1.0\scrtagnt.exe
PassVault 2.5 (OS/1.0)
PassVault is a database that will enable you to keep your all your Passwords, Account Numbers, PIN Numbers, Locker Combinations, Credit Card Numbers and more in a consolidated place. PassVault remembers these things so you don't have to.
files\utils security\PassVault 2.5\passvault.exe
Strip 0.5 (OS/1.0) TRY IT!
How many passwords do you have to remember on a daily basis? I have 73 accounts on over 30 different systems! Even average internet users can quickly become bogged down. Thankfully Strip is here to make life a little bit easier. Strip is a password and account manager for the Palm(T) Computing Platform. Strip has many advanced features that make it popular:
files\utils security\Strip 0.5\Strip05i_bin.exe
PassPhrase 1.0 (OS/1.0) TRY IT!
Ever have trouble coming up with a new password? PassPhrase helps you choose secure passwords and passphrases for logins, encrypted data, web sites, and so on. Each time you tap 'Generate', seven items are randomly selected from a self-contained dictionary of over nine-thousand common words, numbers, abbreviations, and symbols. The selection is extremely random, using a strong random-number generator seeded by the exact timing and position of your stylus taps. PassPhrase offers nearly 7 octillion possible seven-item sequences! (An 'octillion' is a 1 followed by 27 zeroes.) For added security, working memory is scrubbed when PassPhrase exits; no trace of the selected phrase remains in the Palm's memory.
files\utils security\PassPhrase 1.0\passphrs.exe
eSafe 1.0 (OS/2.0)
eSafe provides a secure place in your Palm Pilot for keeping sensitive information such as computer user names, passwords, credit card account numbers, pin numbers and other confidential data. Data records are encrypted and decrypted using a user defined private key that can be as long as 448 bits.
files\utils security\eSafe 1.0\esafe.exe
multiAccounts 1.0 (OS/1.0)
multiAccounts is an account and password manager for your Palm ComputingĀ« organizer. It comes with many handy feature like predefined account templates, editable field names and an integrated password generator. Includes data encryption and build-in password protection as well as categories to organize your accounts and "private" records for more security.
files\utils security\multiAccounts 1.0\macco.exe
Padlock Plus 1.1 (OS/2.0)
Padlock Plus works by allowing you to assign a letter to each of your Palm handhelds hardware buttons (Datebook, Address, ToDo, Memo and Up/Down). Whenever your handheld is locked, repeat the same combination of buttons to enter your password. This works not only with just the default Security application, but with other security applications as well.
files\utils security\Padlock Plus 1.1\PadlockPlus.exe
Padlock Hack 1.5 (OS/2.0) TRY IT!
Padlock Hack works by allowing you to assign a letter to each of your Palm handhelds hardware buttons (Datebook, Address, ToDo, Memo and Up/Down). Whenever your handheld is locked, repeat the same combination of buttons to enter your password. This works not only with just the default Security application, but with other security applications as well.