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/ Only the Best 150 Games 2 / MAXGAMES.iso / quaranti / bay1.dat < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1995-05-18  |  440b

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
66% dexvert Dr. Riptide Archive (drRiptideArchive) ext
65% dexvert God of Thunder DAT Archive (godOfThunderDAT) ext
64% dexvert Highway Hunter DAT Archive (highwayHunterDATArchive) ext
63% dexvert The Lost Vikings DAT Archive (lostVikingsDAT) ext
62% dexvert Monster Bash DAT Archive (monsterBashDAT) ext
61% dexvert Mystic Towers DAT Archive (mysticTowersDAT) ext
60% dexvert Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (tnef) ext
1% dexvert ORIC Tape Image (oricTape) ext
1% dexvert Clarion Database File (clarionDatabase) ext
1% dexvert DemoManiac Vectors (demoManiacVectors) ext
1% dexvert Dr. Hardware Sysinfo (drHardwareSysInfo) ext
1% dexvert Dune II Saved Game (duneIISavedGame) ext
1% dexvert Full Tilt Pinball Data (fullTiltPinballData) ext
1% dexvert NetShield Virus Pattern Library (netShieldVirusPattern) ext
1% dexvert Thunderbyte AV (thunderbyteAV) ext
1% dexvert Micro Focus File (microFocusFile) ext
100% file Windows Precompiled iNF, version 0.1, InfStyle 1, flags 0xdf00, at 0 "", WinDirPath "", LanguageID 0, at 0x10003, at 0xcf00 default
99% file data default
100% TrID Sybase iAnywhere database files default