Offensive:Racy: Possible Labels:book | daily | person | tribute album OCR: COPING WITH COLIC If you have determined that your baby has colic (see question), the following tips may help you cope Remember that colic isa self- -limiting set of symptoms that's usually tougher on the parents than on the baby. console the baby with some kind of movement, such as roc cking walking, oraridein an automobile Do not over rfeed a colicky baby because an over filled tummy can increase her discomfort. Talk calmly to her, if possible, to let her know that you are concerned and available If you feel you are losing your patience or per spective get someone else to take care of the baby for a while until you feel better. If you are having trouble coping with the crying orit seems really excessive consult your pedia- trician have the baby examined to make sure that everything norma ...