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* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: d3dsphr.c
#include <math.h>
#include <d3d.h>
#define PI 3.1415
* Generates a sphere around the y-axis centered at the origin including
* normals and texture coordiantes. Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on
* failure.
* sphere_r Radius of the sphere.
* num_rings Number of full rings not including the top and bottom
* caps.
* num_sections Number of sections each ring is divided into. Each
* section contains two triangles on full rings and one
* on top and bottom caps.
* sx, sy, sz Scaling along each axis. Set each to 1.0 for a
* perfect sphere.
* plpv On exit points to the vertices of the sphere. The
* function allocates this space. Not allocated if
* function fails.
* plptri On exit points to the triangles of the sphere which
* reference vertices in the vertex list. The function
* allocates this space. Not allocated if function fails.
* pnum_v On exit contains the number of vertices.
* pnum_tri On exit contains the number of triangles.
GenerateSphere(float sphere_r, int num_rings, int num_sections, float sx,
float sy, float sz, LPD3DVERTEX* plpv,
LPD3DTRIANGLE* plptri, int* pnum_v, int* pnum_tri)
float theta, phi; /* Angles used to sweep around sphere */
float dtheta, dphi; /* Angle between each section and ring */
float x, y, z, v, rsintheta; /* Temporary variables */
int i, j, n, m; /* counters */
int num_v, num_tri; /* Internal vertex and triangle count */
LPD3DVERTEX lpv; /* Internal pointer for vertices */
LPD3DTRIANGLE lptri; /* Internal pointer for trianlges */
* Check the parameters to make sure they are valid.
if ((sphere_r <= 0) || (num_rings < 1) || (num_sections < 3) ||
(sx <= 0) || (sy <= 0) || (sz <= 0))
return FALSE;
* Generate space for the required triangles and vertices.
num_tri = (num_rings + 1) * num_sections * 2;
num_v = (num_rings + 1) * num_sections + 2;
*plpv = (LPD3DVERTEX) malloc(sizeof(D3DVERTEX) * num_v);
*plptri = (LPD3DTRIANGLE) malloc(sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE) * num_tri);
lpv = *plpv;
lptri = *plptri;
*pnum_v = num_v;
*pnum_tri = num_tri;
* Generate vertices at the top and bottom points.
lpv[0].x = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[0].y = D3DVAL(sy * sphere_r);
lpv[0].z = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[0].nx = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[0].ny = D3DVAL(1.0);
lpv[0].nz = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[0].tu = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[0].tv = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].x = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].y = D3DVAL(sy * -sphere_r);
lpv[num_v - 1].z = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].nx = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].ny = D3DVAL(-1.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].nz = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].tu = D3DVAL(0.0);
lpv[num_v - 1].tv = D3DVAL(1.0);
* Generate vertex points for rings
dtheta = (float)(PI / (double)(num_rings + 2));
dphi = (float)(2.0 * PI / (double) num_sections);
n = 1; /* vertex being generated, begins at 1 to skip top point */
theta = dtheta;
for (i = 0; i <= num_rings; i++) {
y = sphere_r * (float)cos(theta); /* y is the same for each ring */
v = theta / (float)PI; /* v is the same for each ring */
rsintheta = sphere_r * (float)sin(theta);
phi = (float)0.0;
for (j = 0; j < num_sections; j++) {
x = rsintheta * (float)sin(phi);
z = rsintheta * (float)cos(phi);
lpv[n].x = D3DVAL(sx * x);
lpv[n].z = D3DVAL(sz * z);
lpv[n].y = D3DVAL(sy * y);
lpv[n].nx = D3DVAL(x / sphere_r);
lpv[n].ny = D3DVAL(y / sphere_r);
lpv[n].nz = D3DVAL(z / sphere_r);
lpv[n].tv = D3DVAL(v);
lpv[n].tu = D3DVAL((float)(1.0 - phi / (2.0 * PI)));
phi += dphi;
theta += dtheta;
* Generate triangles for top and bottom caps.
if (num_sections < 30) {
* we can put the whole cap in a tri fan.
for (i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) {
lptri[i].v1 = 0;
lptri[i].v2 = i + 1;
lptri[i].v3 = 1 + ((i + 1) % num_sections);
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v1 = num_v - 1;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v2 = num_v - 2 - i;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v3 = num_v - 2 -
((1 + i) % num_sections);
* Enable correct edges.
lptri[i].wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1 |
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].wFlags= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1 |
* build fans.
if (i == 0) {
lptri[i].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_START;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_START;
} else {
lptri[i].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) {
lptri[i].v1 = 0;
lptri[i].v2 = i + 1;
lptri[i].v3 = 1 + ((i + 1) % num_sections);
lptri[i].wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v1 = num_v - 1;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v2 = num_v - 2 - i;
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].v3 = num_v - 2 -
((1 + i) % num_sections);
lptri[num_tri - num_sections + i].wFlags= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1 |
* Generate triangles for the rings
m = 1; /* first vertex in current ring,begins at 1 to skip top point*/
n = num_sections; /* triangle being generated, skip the top cap */
for (i = 0; i < num_rings; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_sections; j++) {
lptri[n].v1 = m + j;
lptri[n].v2 = m + num_sections + j;
lptri[n].v3 = m + num_sections + ((j + 1) % num_sections);
* Start a two triangle flat fan for each face.
lptri[n].wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_STARTFLAT(1);
* only need two edges for wireframe.
lptri[n].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1 |
lptri[n + 1].v1 = lptri[n].v1;
lptri[n + 1].v2 = lptri[n].v3;
lptri[n + 1].v3 = m + ((j + 1) % num_sections);
lptri[n + 1].wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN;
* only need two edges for wireframe.
lptri[n + 1].wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE2 |
n += 2;
m += num_sections;
return TRUE;