Apple QuickTime movie | 1997-06-09 | 15.1 MB | 320x240 | 15fps | 1 minute, 45 seconds
Transcription: I'm a big Zork fan. The first game I ever played on a computer was Classic Adventure, my uncle's mainframe. And then I bought a computer and the first thing I bought was Zork 1. I went to MIT so again it was like this is a dream come true for me to direct Zork and Inquisitor because my computing life is based on Zork to some extent. Well, Grand Inquisitor really attempts to bring together the whole Zork series, really all, this is like the 8th Zork game and really the 12th in the franchise, if you include the Enchanter series and Wishbringer. So we looked at the whole franchise and said, what' ...