<klink type="prcdr">How do I display the euro currency symbol?</klink>
<p>If you want to make a note in a payee or memo field that requires the euro currency symbol, you can enter it using these keyboard shortcuts.</p>
<p>To display the euro currency symbol, press the following keyboard combinations for the countries listed:</p>
<li>CTRL+ALT+E or ALT+0128 (on the numeric pad). For the United States and all European countries.</li>
<li>ALTGR+4. For the United Kingdom.</li>
<li>ALTGR+E. For all other European countries.</li>
<p variant="note">If your printer does not have the euro currency symbol in its resident fonts, a box will be printed instead of the euro currency symbol. Contact your printer vendor to find out how to update your printer fonts to include the euro currency symbol.</p>
<tease>Why can't I see the euro currency symbol although I've followed the procedure above?</tease>
<p>If you use Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0, you may need to use Windows to add Microsoft euro currency support to your system. For Windows 95, you can simply run the W95EURO.EXE program from the PSS folder on your Microsoft Money CD. Otherwise, you can download euro support for Windows from MSN Money on the Web. <alink type="xtnl" href="http://www.Moneycentral.msn.com/money/2001/redir.asp?mcrid=627">Go now.</alink></p>