<title>Have Money decide which investments to sell to make a purchase</title>
<klink type="prcdr">How do I let Money decide which investments to sell to make a purchase?</klink>
<p>If you're not sure how to decide which investments to sell to pay for your purchase, you can let the Purchase Wizard help you decide.</p>
<li>On the <emph>Planner</emph> menu, click <emph>Purchase Wizard</emph>.</li>
<li>Follow the instructions on the screen.</li>
<li>On the <emph>How do you want to pay for this purchase?</emph> page, click <emph>Sell investments and pay cash</emph>, and then click <emph>Next</emph>.</li>
<li>Click <emph>Let Money decide which investments to sell based on a selling strategy that you choose</emph>, and then click <emph>Next</emph>.</li>
<li>Money will automatically determine which shares to sell, using the <glossary tNum="287000">first in, first out (FIFO)</glossary> method.</li>
<li>If you want to see Money's suggestions for a different selling strategy, click the down-arrow above the <emph>Account</emph> column, and then click a strategy.</li>
<p>The <emph>Results</emph> section at the bottom of the page shows the total cash you'd raise, how much you'd pay in taxes, and how much you'd have left over.</p>
<tease>How does Money know what sell price to use?</tease>
<p>If you have Money choose which investments to sell, Money uses the prices from the most recent price update. You can update the prices by clicking <emph>Update prices</emph> in the left pane.</p>
<tease>Can I modify Money's suggestions?</tease>
<p>Yes. After seeing Money's results for the strategy you picked, click the down-arrow above the <emph>Account</emph> column, and then click <emph>Pick my own custom selling strategy</emph>. You can change the number of shares you'd sell of each investment and the price at which you'd sell.</p>