<title>Learn how to interpret the Salaries forecast</title>
<klink type="cncpt">Tell me about the Salaries forecast</klink>
<p>The Salaries chart shows how much you plan to earn from your career each year, for all the years in your lifetime plan. The amounts shown signify <glossary>gross pay</glossary>.</p>
<p>You can expect your salary to increase with annual raises and promotions. Your salary will decrease (or stop entirely) when you retire, decide to work part-time, or take some time off. If your raises usually account for cost-of-living adjustments only, and <emph>Show effects of inflation</emph> is selected, you'll see no salary increase in the graph. That's because your raises are simply keeping pace with, but not exceeding, inflation.</p>
<p>To change the amount you expect to earn, or to plan for events such as major raises or time off, go to the <emph>Career</emph> pages in the Lifetime Planner.</p>