<title>Learn how to interpret the Surplus Income forecast</title>
<klink type="cncpt">Tell me about the Surplus Income forecast</klink>
<p>The Surplus Income chart shows whether or not you'll have <glossary>surplus income</glossary> over the course of your lifetime plan.</p>
<p>If there aren't many years in which you'll have surpluses, or those surpluses are small, you won't be able to save more without making a corresponding reduction in your living expenses.</p>
<p>If there are many years in which you'll have a large surplus, you may be able to save or invest more money than you've planned without making any significant changes in your lifestyle.</p>
<p>The Lifetime Planner assumes that like most people, you'll spend any surplus money you end up with. Any surplus money from this year will be set aside in case you need it for the following year's expenses. Then, at the end of the following year, the Lifetime Planner will consider as spent any surplus money from this year that wasn't needed.</p>
<p>If you have a surplus from last year that you want to save, consider setting up a savings contribution for that money. To do so, go to the <emph>Savings Contributions</emph> page in the Lifetime Planner.</p>