<title>Learn about the Savings Contributions page</title>
<category fLocale="cdn">lifeplan</category>
<klink type="cncpt">Tell me about the Savings Contributions page</klink>
<p>Use the <emph>Savings Contributions</emph> page to specify how you'll add to your savings for long-term goals such as college or retirement. You can also:</p>
<li>See a summary list of your current and planned contributions.</li>
<li>Review details about each contribution.</li>
<li>Add, edit, or delete contributions.</li>
<p>Here's where you should tell Money how you're making or plan to make contributions to your existing accounts. If you haven't started saving yet, you can enter a new savings contribution beginning on a date in the future. You should also include contributions from your paycheck to a retirement account or plan, such as a 401(k). If your employer matches your contribution, you'll have the opportunity to include this information when you enter your own contribution.</p>