<klink type="prcdr">How do I pay bills at my bank's Web site?</klink>
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<p variant="impt">You can pay bills through Microsoft Money using Check Free or M&I, or you can pay them at your bank's Web site. Be sure to sign up to do your online banking at your bank's Web site. <alink type="prcdr" href="Setuponlineservices.xml"/></p>
<li>On the <emph>Favorites</emph> menu, point to <emph>Favorite Web Sites</emph>, and then point to <emph>Your Banks</emph>.</li>
<li>Point to the financial institution you want, and then click the page you want to go to.</li>
<li>Follow the instructions on your bank's Web site.</li>
<p>When you download your <glossary>online statement</glossary> for your financial institution and update your account records, Money will add this transaction to the appropriate account register.</p>
<tease>What if I don't see my bank in <emph>Your Banks</emph>?</tease>
<p>When you set up online services for your bank through Money, your bank's Web site is added to the list. If your bank does not appear, you either have not yet signed up, didn't sign up through Money, or Money does not know your bank's Web address.</p>