<klink type="prcdr">How do I skip an upcoming bill or deposit?</klink>
<p>Skip an occurrence of a bill or deposit if you don't want to enter it in your account register, but also don't want to delete all future occurrences.</p>
<li>Click the transaction you want to skip, and then click <emph>Skip This Occurrence</emph>.</li>
<li>Click one of the options:</li>
<li><emph>Skip only the earliest unrecorded occurrence of this scheduled transaction.</emph> If there are no overdue occurrences, the occurrence that is next due will be skipped. If there are overdue occurrences, only the earliest one will be skipped, and the overdue status will remain if there are more recent overdue occurrences.</li>
<li><emph>Skip all overdue occurrences of this scheduled transaction.</emph> The overdue status will be removed, and the list will show the next occurrence due.</li>
<li><emph>Delete this series of scheduled transactions, including all future occurrences.</emph> All unrecorded instances of this scheduled transaction will be deleted. This includes any overdue occurrences, as well as any future ones.</li>
<li>Click <emph>OK</emph>.</li>
<p variant="note">Choosing one of these options will not affect any instances you've already recorded.</p>
<tease>If I skip one occurrence of a recurring transaction, what happens to future occurrences?</tease>
<p>Nothing. The transaction is deleted from your list of upcoming bills and deposits without being entered in your account register, but the recurring transaction is untouched. It remains in your list on the <emph>Manage scheduled bills and deposits</emph> page, and Money will remind you when it is next due.</p>