14 | Description | #Bank | #Investments | #Retirement | A tax-deferred, employer-sponsored retirement plan for employees to which employers often match personal contributions in part or in full. | A tax-deferred, employer-sponsored retirement program available to employees of schools, colleges, and other non-profit organizations. Similar to a 401(k) program. | The Individual Retirement Account is a tax-deferred retirement plan that you may be eligible for if you or your partner have earned income. Some or all of your contributions may be tax deductible. | A tax-deferred retirement plan for sole proprietors and self-employed partners. A Keogh can be set up as a profit sharing plan, a money purchase plan, or a combination plan. Note: Incorporated businesses can not establish Keoghs. | Smaller companies often use Simplified Employee Pension plans, also called SEPs, or SAR-SEPs, for their employees. | The Simplified Employee Pension plan for self-employed individuals is often used by smaller companies. The accounts generally have higher contribution limits. Use this account type if you are self-employed and have a SEP or SAR-SEP plan. | A tax-deferred savings plan for regular employees that doesn't exactly match one of the other account types in this list (for example, ESOP or Section 457 plan). | ?A tax-deferred savings plan for self-employed individuals that doesn't exactly match one of the other account types in this list.? | Contributions to the Roth Individual Retirement Account are not tax deductible. However, distributions can be taken tax-free with some limitations. To participate, you must meet IRS income guidelines. | This tax-deferred savings plan is available to employees of schools, colleges and certain non-profit organizations. Contributions are pre-tax; however, distributions are subject to tax, unless they are rolled over into an IRA or another tax-deferred annuity. | #unknown | #EDUCATIONIR |
15 | TimeStamp | #Bank | #Investments | Do you want to use these limits for this retirement account? | Do you want to use these limits for this 401(k) plan? | Do you want to use these limits for this 403(k) plan? | Do you want to use these limits for this IRA? | Do you want to use these limits for this Keogh? | Do you want to use these limits for this SEP? | Do you want to use the limits for this SEP? | Do you want to use these limits for this account? | Do you want to use these limits for this account? | Do you want to use these limits for this Roth IRA? | Do you want to use these limits for this Tax-Deferred Annuity? | Do you want to use these limits for this retirement account? | Do you want to use these limits for this Education IRA? |