101 Command line option syntax error. Type Setup /? for help.
102 Command line options:\n\n/Autorun -- Runs in autorun mode.\n\n/q<opt> -- Quiet mode (see Windows Installer SDK)\n\n/i:<file> -- alternate INF file
103 The AUTORUN.INF file is missing or corrupt.
104 The version of Money on this CD is older than the version currently installed on your computer. Before you install the older version of Money from the CD, you must remove the currently installed version.
105 Installation of the Windows Installer was not successful. Please install it manually by running msiw9x.exe from your Money CD. Then retry Money 2002 Setup.exe.
106 Installation of the Windows Installer was not successful. Please install it manually by running msint4.exe from your Money CD. Then retry Money 2002 Setup.exe.
107 Microsoft Money 2002 Setup
108 If you need to reinstall or repair this version of Microsoft Money 2002 in the future, run setup again from the original program file downloaded from the Web. If you no longer have this file, you can download it again without charge.
109 Macromedia Shockwave Flash
110 If you need to reinstall or repair this version of Microsoft Money 2002 in the future, run setup again from the original program file downloaded from the Web. If you no longer have this file, you will need to download it again.
112 Money was not successfully installed. Close all other applications, restart your computer, and then run setup.exe again.
113 Installing %1...
114 Windows Installer
115 Money System Pack
116 Microsoft Money 2002
117 Internet Explorer
118 128-bit Encryption
119 Installation of Internet Explorer was not successful. Please install it manually by running IE5SETUP.EXE from the Internet Explorer folder on your Money CD. Then retry Money 2002 Setup.exe.
120 Installation of the Money System Pack was not successful. Please install it manually by running SYSPACK.MSI from your Money CD. Then retry Money 2002 Setup.exe.
122 To complete the system update, Money must now restart your computer. After your computer restarts, locate the Setup file you were working with and open it again so that installation can finish.
124 You must have administrator access rights to install Money 2002. Log on to this computer as an administrator and run setup.exe again, or have your system administrator install Money for you.
125 Setup has detected that your system has been locked down. See your system administrator to allow access to the system folder and try again.
126 Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
127 The component that allows Money to transfer patches and other files in the background was not successfully installed. In your CD-ROM drive folder, right-click the file qmgr.inf, and then click Install. Follow the instructions on your screen.
129 Microsoft Money 2002 cannot be installed. Please make sure you have %1 Mb free on drive %2 and then try to install again.
130 Microsoft Money 2002 cannot be installed. Please make sure you have %1 Mb free on drive %2 and %3 Mb free on drive %4 and they try to install again.
60000 Windows Installer Error %lu
60013 The data is invalid.
60087 One of the parameters was invalid.
61601 The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows Installer service is properly registered.
61603 Fatal error during installation.
61605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
61610 The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.
61612 The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
61613 This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.
61618 Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
61620 This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
61621 There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel.
61622 Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writeable.
61623 This language of this installation package is not supported by your system.
61625 This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
61631 The Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel.
61632 The temp folder is either full or inaccessible. Verify that the temp folder exists and that you can write to it.
61633 This installation package is not supported on this platform. Contact your application vendor.
61638 Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.
61639 Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help.
61640 Installation from a Terminal Server client session not permitted for current user.