PC & Mediji 1995 November
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ABATE to shorten
To cast down
To blunt
ABATEMENT diminution
ABHOR protest; disgust
ABIDE to sojourn
to expiate
ABLE to uphold
ABRIDGEMENT a short play
ABROAD away, apart
ABROOK to brook, abide
ABSEY-BOOK a primer
ABSOLUTE positive, certain
ABUSE to deceive
ABUSE deception
ABY to expiate a fault
ABYSM abyss
ACCITE to cite, summon
ACCUSE accusation
ACHIEVE to obtain
ACKNOWN 'to be acknown' is to acknowledge
ACQUITTANCE a receipt or discharge
ACTURE action
ADDITION title, attribute
ADDRESS to prepare oneself
ADDRESSED prepared
ADVANCE to prefer, promote to honour
ADVICE consideration, discretion
ADVISE sometimes neuter, sometimes reflective, to
consider, reflect
ADVISED considerate
ADVOCATION pleading, advocacy
AFEARED afraid
AFFECT to love
AFFY to affiance
To trust
AFRONT in front
AGAZED looking in amazement
AGLET-BABY the small figure engraved on a jewel
AGNISE to acknowledge, confess
A-GOOD a good deal, plenteously
A-HOLD a sea-term
AIERIE the nest of a bird of prey
AIM a guess
ALDER-LIEFEST most loved of all
ALE alehouse
ALLOW to approve
ALLOWANCE approval
AMES-ACE two aces, the lowest throw of the dice
AMORT dead, dejected
AN if
ANCHOR an anchorite, hermit
ANCIENT an ensign-bearer
ANGEL a coin, so called because it bore the image of
an angel
ANIGHT by night
ANSWER retaliation
ANTICK the fool in the old plays
ANTRE a cave
APPARENT heir-apparent
APPEAL accusation
APPEAL to accuse
APPEARED made apparent
APPLE-JOHN a kind of apple
APPOINTMENT preparation
APPREHENSIVE apt to apprehend or understand
APPROOF approbation, proof
APPROVE to prove
To justify, make good
APPROVER one who proves or tries
ARCH chief
ARGAL a ridiculous word intended for the Latin ergo
ARGIER Algiers
ARGOSY originally a vessel of Ragusa or Ragosa, a
Ragosine; hence any ship of burden
ARGUMENT subject
ARMIGERO a mistake for Armiger, the Latin for Esquire
AROINT found only in the imperative mood, get thee
A-ROW in a row
ARTICULATE to enter into articles of agreement
to exhibit in articles
ASK to require
ASPECT regard, looks
ASPERSION sprinkling; hence blessing, because before the
Reformation benediction was generally accompanied
by the sprinkling of holy water
ASSAY attempt
ASSAY to attempt, test, make proof of
ASSUBJUGATE to subjugate
ASSURANCE deed of assurance
ASSURED betrothed
ATOMY an atom
Used in contempt of a small person
ATONE to put people at one, to reconcile
to agree
ATTACH to seize, lay hold on
ATTASKED taken to task, reprehended
ATTEND to listen to
ATTENT attentive
ATTORNEY an agent
ATTORNEY to employ as an agent
To perform by an agent
AUDACIOUS spirited, daring, but without any note of blame
attached to it
AUGUR augury
AUTHENTIC clothed with authority
AVAUNT int. be gone, a word of abhorrence
AVE the Latin for hail; hence acclamation
AVE-MARY the angelic salutation addressed to the Blessed
Virgin Mary
AVERRING confirming
AVOID get rid of
AWFUL worshipful
AWKWARD contrary
BACCARE keep back
BACKWARD the hinder part; hence, when applied to time,
the past
BAFFLE embarrass
BALKED heaped, as on a ridge
BALLOW a cudgel
BALM the oil of consecration
BAN to curse
BANK to sail by the banks
BARM yeast
BARN a child
BARNACLE a shellfish, supposed to produce the sea-bird
of the same name
BASE a game, sometimes called Prisoners' base
BASES an embroidered mantle worn by knights on
horseback, and reaching from the middle to
below the knees
BASILISK a kind of ordnance
BASTA enough
BASTARD raisin wine
BATE to flutter, as a hawk
BATE to except
To abate
BAT-FOWLING catching birds with a clap-net by night
BATLET a small bat, used for beating clothes
BAVIN used as an a piece of waste wood, applied
contemptuously to anything worthless
BAWCOCK a fine fellow
BAWD procurer
BAY the space between the main timbers of the roof
BEADSMAN one who bids bedes, that is, prays prayers
for another
BEARING-CLOTH a rich cloth in which children were wrapt at
their christening
BEAT to flutter as a falcon, to meditate, consider
BEAVER the lower part of a helmet
BEETLE a mallet
BEING dwelling
BEING since, inasmuch as
BE-METE to measure
BE-MOILED daubed with dirt
BENDING stooping under a weight
BENVENUTO (Italian), welcome
BERGOMASK a rustic dance
BESHREW evil befal
BESTRAUGHT distraught, distracted
BETEEM to pour out
BETID happened
BEZONIAN a beggarly fellow
BIDING abiding-place
BIGGEN a night-cap
BILBERRY the whortleberry
BILBO a sword, from Bilboa, a town in Spain where
they were made
BILBOES fetters or stocks
BILL a bill-hook, a weapon
BIN been, are
BIRD-BOLT a bolt to be shot from a crossbow at birds
BIRDING part. hawking at partridges
BISSON blind
BLANK the white mark in the middle of a target;
hence, metaphorically, that which is aimed at
BLENCH to start aside, flinch
BLENT blended
BLOOD-BOLTERED smeared with blood
BLOW to inflate
BOARD to make advances to; accost
BOB a blow, metaph. a sarcasm
BOB to strike, metaph. to ridicule, or to obtain
by raillery
BODGE to botch, bungle
BODIKIN a corrupt word used as an oath. 'Od's Bodikin,'
God's little Body
BOITIER VERT green box
BOLD to embolden
BOLLEN swollen
BOLTED sifted, refined
BOLTER a sieve
BOLTING-HUTCH a hutch in which meal was sifted
BOMBARD a barrel, a drunkard
BOMBAST padding
BONA-ROBA a harlot
BOND that to which one is bound
BOOK a paper of conditions
BOOT help, use
BOOT to help, to avail
BOOTLESS without boot or advantage, useless
BOOTS bots, a kind of worm
BORE calibre of a gun; hence, metaph. size, weight,
BOSKY covered with underwood
BOSOM wish, heart's desire
BOTS worms which infest horses
BOURN a boundary
A brook
BRACE armour for the arm, state of defence
BRACH a hound bitch
BRAID deceitful
BRAVE handsome, well-dressed
BRAVE boast
BRAVERY finery
BRAWL a kind of dance
BREAST voice
BREATHE to exercise
BREATHING exercising
BREECHING liable to be whipt
BREED-BATE a breeder of debate, a fomenter of quarrels
BREESE the gadfly
BRIBE-BUCK a buck given away in presents
BRING to attend one on a journey
BROCK a badger, a term of contempt
BROKE to act as a procurer
BROKEN having lost some teeth by age
BROKEN MUSIC the music of stringed instruments
BROKER an agent
BROTHERHOOD trading company
BROWNIST a sectary, a follower of Brown, the founder
of the Independents
BRUIT noise, report, rumour
BRUIT to noise abroad
BRUSH rude assault
BUCK suds or lye for washing clothes in
BUCK-BASKET the basket in which clothes are carried to the
BUCKING washing
BUCK-WASHING washing in lye
BUG a bugbear, a spectre
BULLY-ROOK a bragging cheater
BURGONET a kind of helmet
BURST to break
BUSKY bushy
BUTT-SHAFT a light arrow for shooting at a target
BUXOM obedient
BY'RLAKIN by our little Lady: an oath
CADDIS worsted galloon, so called because it resembles
the caddis-worm
CADE a cask or barrel
CAGE a prison
CAIN-COLOURED red (applied to hair)
CAITIFF a captive, a slave; hence, a witch
CALCULATE prophesy
CALIVER a hand-gun
CALLET a trull
CALLING appellation
CALM qualm
CAN to know, be skillful in
CANAKIN a little can
CANARY a wine brought from the Canary Islands
CANDLE-WASTERS persons who sit up all night to drink
CANKER a caterpillar
The dog-rose
CANSTICK a candlestick
CANTLE a slice, corner
CANTON a canto
CANVAS to sift: hence, metaphorically, to prove
CAPABLE subject to
Capable of inheriting
Ample, capacious
CAPITULATE make a combined force
CAPOCCHIA a simpleton
CAPRICIO caprice
CAPRICIOUS lascivious
CAPTIOUS capacious
CARACK a large ship of burden
CARBONADO meat scotched for broiling
CARBONADO to scotch for broiling
CARD the taper on which the points of the compass
are marked under the mariner's needle
CAREIRE the curvetting of a horse
CARKANET a necklace
CARL a churl
CARLOT a churl
CASTILIAN a native of Castile; used as a cant term
CASTILIANO VULGO a cant term, meaning, apparently, to use discreet
CATAIAN a native of Cathay, a cant word
CATLING cat-gut
CAUTEL deceit
CAUTELOUS insidious
CAVALERO a cavalier, gentleman
CAVIARE the roe of sturgeon pickled; metaph. a delicacy
not appreciated by the vulgar
CEASE decease
CEASE put off, made to cease
CENSURE judgment
CENSURE to judge, criticise
CENTURY a hundred of anything, whether men, prayers, or
anything else
CEREMONY a ceremonial vestment, religious rite, or
anything ceremonial
CERTES certainly
CESS rate, reckoning
CHACE a term at tennis
CHAMBER a species of great gun
CHAMBERER an effeminate man
CHANSON a song
CHARACT affected quality
CHARACTER a letter, handwriting
CHARACTER to carve or engrave
CHARACTERY handwriting
That which is written
CHARE a turn of work
CHARGE-HOUSE a free-school
CHARLES' WAIN the constellation called also Ursa Major, or
the Great Bear
CHARNECO a species of sweet wine
CHAUDRON entrails
CHEATER for escheator, an officer who collected the
fines to be paid into the Exchequer
A decoy
CHEQUE a technical term in falconry; when a falcon
flies at a bird which is not her proper game she
is said to cheque at it
CHEQUES perhaps intended for ethics
CHEER fortune, countenance
CHERRY-PIT a game played with cherrystones
CHEVERIL kid leather
CHEWIT cough
CHILDING pregnant
CH'ILL vulgar for 'I will.'
CHIRURGEONLY in a manner becoming a surgeon
CHOPIN a high shoe or clog
CHRISTENDOM the state of being a Christian
CHRISTOM clothed with a chrisom, the white garment
which used to be put on newly-baptized children
CHUCK chicken, a term of endearment
CHUFF a coarse blunt clown
CINQUE PACE a kind of dance
CIPHER to decipher
CIRCUMSTANCE an argument
CITAL recital
CITE to incite
CITTERN a guitar
CLACK-DISH a beggar's dish
CLAP I' THE CLOUT to shoot an arrow into the bull's eye of the target
CLAW to flatter
CLEPE to call
CLIFF clef, the key in music
CLING to starve
CLINQUANT glittering
CLIP to embrace, enclose
CLOUT the mark in the middle of a target
COAST to advance
COBLOAF a big loaf
COCK a cockboat
COCK a euphemism for God
COCK-AND-PIE an oath
COCKLE tares or darnel
COCKNEY a cook
COCK-SHUT-TIME the twilight, when cocks and hens go to roost
COG to cheat, dissemble
COGNIZANCE badge, token
COIGN projecting corner stone
COIL tumult, turmoil
COLLECTION drawing a conclusion
COLLIED blackened. Othello;
COLOUR pretence
COLT to defraud, befool
CO-MART a joint bargain
COMBINATE betrothed
COMBINE to bind
COMMODITY interest, profit
COMMONTY used ludicrously for comedy
COMPACT compacted, composed
COMPARATIVE drawing comparisons
COMPARE comparison
COMPASSIONATE moving comparison
COMPETITOR one who seeks the same thing, an associate in
any object
COMPLEMENT accomplishment
COMPOSE to agree
COMPOSTION composition
COMPTIBLE tractable
CON to learn by heart
To acknowledge
CONCEIT conception, opinion, fancy
CONCUPY concubine
CONDITION temper, quality
CONDUCT escort
CONFECT to make up into sweetmeats
CONFOUND to consume, destroy
CONJECT conjecture
CONSIGN to sign a common bond, to confederate
CONSORT company
CONSORT to accompany
CONSTANCY consistency
CONSTANT settled, determined
CONSTER to construe
CONTEMPTIBLE contemptuous
CONTINENT that which contains anything
That which is contained
CONTINUATE uninterrupted
CONTRACTION the marriage contract
CONTRARY to oppose
CONTRIVE to conspire
to wear away
CONTROL to confute
CONVENT to convene, summon
to be convenient
CONVERT to change
CONVERTITE a convert
CONVEY to manage
To filch
CONVEYANCE theft, fraud
CONVICT convicted
CONVICTED overpowered, vanquished
A doubtful word
CONVINCE to conquer, subdue
CONVIVE to feast together
CONVOY escort
CONY-CATCH to cheat
CONY-CATCHING poaching, pilfering
COOLING CARD used metaphorically for an insurmountable obstacle
COPATAIN HAT a high-crowned hat
COPE to reward, to give in return
COPY theme
CORAGIO courage!
CORAM an ignorant mistake for Quorum
CORANTO lively dance
CORINTH a cant term for a brothel
CORINTHIAN a wencher
CORKY dry like cork
CORNUTO a cuckold
COROLLARY a surplus
CORPORAL corporeal, bodily
OF THE FIELD an aide-de-camp
COSTARD the head
COSTER-MONGER peddling, mercenary
COTE a cottage
COTE to quote, instance
COTE to come alongside, overtake
COT-QUEAN an effeminate man, molly-coddle
COUCHINGS crouchings
COUNT CONFECT a nobleman composed of affectation
A piece of base coin
COUNTERPOINT a counterpane
COUNTERVAIL to counterpoise, outweigh
COUNTRY belonging to one's country
COUNTY count, earl
COVENT a convent
COVER to lay the table for dinner
COWISH cowardly
COWL-STAFF the staff on which a vessel is supported
between two men
COX MY PASSION an oath, a euphemism for 'God's Passion.'
COY to stroke, fondle
to condescend with difficulty
COYSTRIL a kestrel, a cowardly kind of hawk
COZEN to cheat
COZENAGE cheating
COZENER a cheater
COZIER a tailor
CRACK to boast
CRACK a loud noise, clap
A forward boy
CRACKER boaster
CRACK-HEMP a gallows-bird
CRANK a winding passage
CRANKING winding
CRANTS garlands. A doubtful word
CRARE a ship of burden
CRAVEN a dunghill cock
CREATE formed, compounded
CREDENT creditable
CREDIT report
CRESCIVE increasing
CRESTLESS not entitled to bear arms, lowborn
CRISP curled, winding
CROSS a piece of money, so called because the coin
was formerly stamped with a cross
CROW-KEEPER one who scares crows
CROWNER a coroner
CROWNET a coronet
CRY the yelping of hounds
A pack of hounds
A company, use contemptuously
CRY AIM to encourage
CUE the last words of an actor's speech, which
is the signal for the next actor to begin
CUISSES pieces of armour to cover the thighs
CULLION a base fellow
CUNNING skilful
CURB to bend, truckle
CURRENTS occurrences
CURSTNESS shrewishness
CURTAL a docked horse
CURTAL-AXE a cutlass
CUSTALORUM a ludicrous mistake for Custos Rotulorum
CUSTARD-COFFIN the crust of a custard-pudding
CUSTOMER a common woman
CUT a cheat
'To draw cuts' is to draw lots
CYPRESS a kind of crape
DAFF to befool
To put off; this seems to be a corruption of 'doff.'
DAMN to condemn
DANGER reach, control, power
DARE to challenge
DARKLING in the dark
DARRAIGN to set in array
DAUB to disguise
DAUBERY imposition
DAY-WOMAN a dairy-maid
DEAR dire
That which has to do with the affections
DEARN lonely
DEBOSHED debauched, drunken
DECK to bedew. This is probably a form of the verb
'to dag,' now a provincial word
DECK a pack of cards
DECLINE to enumerate, as in going through the cases of
a noun
DEEM doom, judgment
DEFEAT to undo, destroy
DEFEAT destruction
DEFEATURE disfigurement
DEFENCE art of fencing
DEFEND to forbid
DEFENSIBLE having the power to defend
DEFTLY dexterously
DEFY renounce
DEGREES a step
DELAY to let slip by delaying
DEMERIT merit, desert
DEMURELY solemnly
DENAY denial
DENIER the 12th part of a French sol coin
Note or manifestation
DENY to refuse
DEPART departure
DEPART to part
DEPARTING parting, separation
DEPEND to be in service
DERIVED born, descended
DEROGATE degraded
DESCANT a variation upon a melody, hence,
metaphorically, a comment on a given theme
DESIGN to draw up articles
DESPATCH to deprive, bereave
DESPERATE determined, bold
DETECT to charge, blame
DETERMINE to conclude
DICH optative mood, perhaps contracted for 'do it.'
DIET food regulated by the rules of medicine
DIET to have one's food regulated by the rules of
DIFFUSED confused
DIGRESSING transgressing, going out of the right way
DIGRESSION transgression
DIG-YOU-GOOD-DEN give you good evening
DILDO the chorus or burden of a song
DINT stroke
DIRECTION judgment, skill
DISABLE to disparage
DISCASE to undress
DISCONTENT a malcontent
DISCOURSE power of reasoning
DISDAINED disdainful
DISLIMN to disfigure, transform
DISME a tenth or tithe
DISPARK to destroy a park
DISPONGE to squeeze out as from a sponge
DISPOSE disposal
DISPOSE to conspire
DISPOSITION maintenance
DISPUTABLE disputatious
DISPUTE to argue, examine
DISSEMBLY used ridiculously for assembly
DISTASTE to corrupt
DISTEMPERED discontented
DISTRACTION a detached troop or company of soldiers
DISTRAUGHT distracted, mad
DIVERTED turned from the natural course
DIVISION a phrase or passage in a melody
DIVULGED published, spoken of
DOFF to do off, strip
To put off with an excuse
DOLT a small Dutch coin
DOLE portion dealt
Grief, lamentation
DON to do on, put on
DONE 'done to death,' put to death
DOTANT one who dotes, a dotard
DOUT to do out, quench
DOWLAS a kind of coarse sacking
DOWLE the swirl of a feather
DOWN-GYVED hanging down like gyves or fetters
DRAB a harlot
DRABBING whoring
DRAUGHT a privy
DRAWN having his sword drawn
DRAWN drunk, having taken a good draught
DRIVE to rush impetuously
DROLLERY a puppet-show
DRUMBLE to dawdle
DRY thirsty
DUC-DAME perhaps the Latin duc-ad-me, bring him to me
DUDGEON a dagger
DULL soothing
DULLARD a dull person
DUMP complaint
DUP to do up, Lift up
EAGER sour
EANLING a yeanling, a lamb
EAR to plough
ECHE to eke out
EFT ready, convenient
EISEL vinegar
ELD old age
EMBOSSED swollen into protuberances
Covered with foam
EMBOWELLED disembowelled, emptied
EMINENCE exalted station
EMPERY empire
EMULATION jealousy, mutiny
EMULOUS jealous
ENCAVE to place oneself in a cave
END 'Still an end,' continually for ever
ENFEOFF to place in possession in fee simple
ENGINE a machine of war
ENGLUT to swallow speedily
ENGROSS to make gross or fat
ENGROSSMENT immoderate acquisition
ENKINDLE to make keen
ENMEW to shut up, as a hawk is shut up in a mew
ENSCONCE to cover as with a fort
ENSEAMED fat, rank
ENTERTAIN encounter
A disposition to entertain a proposal
EPHESIAN a toper, a cant term
EQUIPAGE attendance
EREWHILE a short time since
ESCOT to pay a man's reckoning, to maintain
ESPERANCE hope, used as a war-cry
ESPIAL a scout or spy
ESTIMATION conjecture
ESTRIDGE ostridge
ETERNE eternal
EVEN coequal
EVEN to equal
EXAMINE to question
EXCREMENT that which grows outwardly from the body
and has no sensation like the hair or nails
Any outward show
EXECUTOR an executioner
EXEMPT excluded
EXERCISE a religious service
EXHALE to hale or draw out
to draw the sword
EXHIBITION allowance, pension
EXIGENT death, ending
EXION ridiculously used for 'action.'
EXPECT expectation
EXPEDIENCE expedition, undertaking
EXPEDIENT expeditious, swift
EXPIATE completed
EXPOSTULATE to expound, discuss
EXPOSTURE exposure
EXPRESS to reveal
EXPULSE to expel
EXSUFFICATE that which has been hissed off, contemptible
EXTEND to seize
EXTENT a seizure
EXTERN outward
EXTIRP to extirpate
EXTRACTING distracting
EXTRAUGHT part. extracted, descended
EXTRAVAGANT foreign, wandering
EXTREMES extravagance of conduct
EYAS a nestling hawk
EYAS-MUSKET a nestling of the musket or merlin, the smallest
species of British hawk
EYE a glance, oeillad
EYE a shade of colour, as in shot silk
EYNE eyes
FACT guilt
FACTIOUS instant, importunate
FACULTY essential virtue or power
FADGE to suit
FADING a kind of ending to a song
FAIN glad
FAIN gladly
FAIR beauty
FAITOR a traitor
FAll to let fall
FALLOW fawn-coloured
FALSE falsehood
FALSING deceptive
FAMILIAR a familiar spirit
FANCY-FREE untouched by love
FANG to seize in the teeth
FANTASTIC a fantastical person
FAP drunk
FAR farther
FARCED stuffed
FARDEL a burden
FARTUOUS used ridiculously for ' virtuous.'
FAST assuredly, unalterably
FAT dull
FAVOUR countenance
FEAR the object of fear
FEAR to affright
FEARFUL subject to fear, timorous
FEAT dexterous
FEAT to make fine
FEATER comp. degree. more neatly
FEATLY nimbly, daintily
FEATURE beauty
FEDERARY confederate
FEEDER agent, servant
FEE-GRIEF a grief held, as it were, in fee-simple, or the
peculiar property of him who possesses it
FEERE a companion, husband
FEHEMENTLY used ridiculously for 'vehemently.'
FELL the hide
FENCE art or skill in defence
FEODARY one who holds an estate by suit or service to
a superior lord; hence one who acts under the
direction of another
FESTER to rankle, grow virulent
FET fetched
FICO a fig
FIELDED in the field of battle
FIG to insult
FIGHTS clothes hung round a ship to conceal the men
from the enemy
FILE a list or catalogue
FILE to defile
To smooth or polish
To make even
FILL-HORSE shaft-horse
FILLS the shafts
FILTH a whore
FINE end
FINE to make fine or specious
FINELESS endless
FIRAGO ridiculously used for 'Virago.'
FIRE-DRAKE Will o' the Wisp
FIRE-NEW with the glitter of novelty on, like newly-
forged metal
FIRK to chastise
FIT a canto or division of a song
A trick or habit
FITCHEW a polecat
FIVES a disease incident to horses
FLAP-DRAGON raisins in burning brandy
FLAP-JACK a pan-cake
FLAT certain
FLATNESS lowness, depth
FLAW a gust of wind
sudden emotion, or the cause of it
FLAW to make a flaw in, to break
FLECKED spotted, streaked
FLEET to float
To pass away
to pass the time
FLEETING inconstant
FLESHMENT the act of fleshing the sword, hence the
first feat of arms
FLEWED furnished with hanging lips, as hounds are
FLIGHT a particular mode of practising archery
FLIRT-GILL a light woman
FLOTE wave, sea
FLOURISH an ornament
FLOURISH to ornament, disguise with ornament
FLUSH fresh, full of vigour
FOIL defeat, disadvantage
FOIN to fence, fight
FOISON plenty
FOND foolish, foolishly affectionate
FOOT-CLOTH a saddle-cloth hanging down to the ground
FOR for that, because
FORBID accursed, outlawed
FORBODE forbidden
FORCE to stuff, for 'farce.'
FORCED falsely attributed
FORDO to kill, destroy
To weary
FOREIGN obliged to live abroad
FORESLOW to delay
FORFEND to forbid
FORGETIVE inventive
FORKED horned
FORMAL regular, retaining its proper and essential
FORSPEAK to speak against
FORSPENT exhausted, weary
FORTHRIGHT a straight path; forthrights and meanders,
straight paths and crooked ones
FORWEARY to weary, exhaust
FOSSET-SELLER one who sells the pipes inserted into a vessel
to give vent to the liquor, and stopped by a
FOX a sword; a cant word
FOX-SHIP the cunning of the fox
FRAMPOLD peevish, unquiet
FRANK the feeding place of swine
FRANKED confined
FRANKLIN a freeholder, a small squire
FRAUGHT freighted
FRAUGHTING to fraught. loading or constituting the
cargo of a ship
FRESH a spring of fresh water
FRET the stop of a guitar
FRET to wear away
To variegate
FRIEND to befriend
FRIPPERY an old-clothes shop
FROM prep. contrary to
FRONT to affront, oppose
FRONTIER opposition
FRONTLET that which is worn on the forehead
FRUSH to break or bruise
FRUSTRATE frustrated
FUB OFF to put off
FULFILL to fill full
FULL complete
FULLAM a loaded die
FULSOME lustful
FURNISHED equipped
FURNITOR furnitory, an herb
GABERDINE a loose outer coat, or smock frock
GAD a pointed instrument, a goad
Upon the gad, with impetuous haste, upon the spur
of the moment
GAIN-GIVING misgiving
GAIT going, steps
GALLIARD a kind of dance
GALLIASSE a kind of ship
GALLIMAUFRY a ridiculous medley
GALLOW to scare
GALLOWGLASS the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the
Highlands of Scotland
GAMESTER a frolicsome person
A loose woman
GARBOIL disorder, uproar
GARISH gaudy, staring
GARNER to lay by, as corn in a barn
GAST frightened
GAUDY festive
GAZE an object of wonder
GEAR matter of business of any kind
GECK a fool
GENERAL the generality, common people
GENEROSITY noble birth
GENTILITY good manners
GENTLE gentlefolk
GENTLE noble
GENTLE to ennoble
GENTRY complaisance, conduct becoming gentlefolk
GERMEN seed, embryo
GEST period
GIB a he-cat
GIFTS talents, endowment
GIGLOT a wanton girl
GILDER a coin of the value of 1s. 6d. or 2s
GILT money
State of wealth
GIMMAL double
GIMMOR contrivance
GING gang
GIRD to gibe
GIRD a sarcasm or gibe
GLEEK to scoff
GLEEK a scoff
GLOSE to comment; hence, to be garrulous
GLUT to swallow
GNARL to snarl
GOOD-DEED indeed
GOOD-DEN good-evening, contracted from 'Good-even.'
or GOOD-JER a corruption of the French goujere; the
venereal disease
GORBELLIED corpulent
GOURD a species of game of chance
GOUT a drop
GOVERNMENT discretion
GRACIOUS abounding in grace Divine
GRAINED engrained
GRAMERCY int. grand mercy, much thanks
GRANGE the farmstead attached to a monastery, a
solitary farm-house
GRATILLITY used ridiculously for 'gratuity.'
GRATULATE to congratulate
GRAVE to bury
GREASILY grossly
GREEK a bawd
GREEN immature, fresh, unused
GREENLY foolishly
GREET to weep
GRIZE a step
GROSSLY palpably
GROUNDLING one who sits in the pit of a theatre
GROWING accruing
GUARD decoration
GUARD to decorate
GUARDAGE guardianship
GUINEA-HEN the pintado, a cant term
GULES red, a term in heraldry
GULF the throat
GUN-STONE a cannon ball
GUST taste, relish
GYVE to fetter
HACK to become common
HAGGARD a wild or unreclaimed hawk
HAG-SEED seed or offspring of a hag
HAIR course, order, grain
HALIDOM holiness, sanctification, Christian fellowship;
used as an oath, and analogous to 'By my faith.'
HALL an open space to dance in
HALLOWMAS All Hallows' Day
HAP chance, fortune
HAPPILY accidentally
HANDSAW perhaps a corruption of Heronshaw; a hern
HARDIMENT defiance, brave deeds
HARLOCK charlock, wild mustard
HARRY to annoy, harass
HAUGHT haughty
HAUNT company
HAVING property, fortune
HAVIOUR behavior
HAY a term in fencing
HEADY violent, headlong
HEAT of 'to heat,' heated
HEBENON henbane
HEFT a heaving
HEFT furnished with a handle: hence,
metaphorically, finished off, delicately formed
HELM to steer, manage
HENCE henceforward
HENCHMAN a page or attendant
HENT to seize, take
HERMIT a beadsman, one bound to pray for another
HEST command
HIGH used in composition with adjectives to heighten
or emphasize their signification, as, high-
HIGHT called
HILD held
HILDING a paltry fellow
HINT suggestion
HIREN a prostitute. with a pun on the word 'iron.'
HIT to agree
HOISE to hoist, heave up on high
HOIST hoisted
HOLP to help; helped
HOME to the utmost
HONEST chaste
HONESTY chastity
HONEY-STALKS the red clover
HOODMAN-BLIND the game now called blindman's-buff
HORN-MAD probably, 'harn-mad,' that is, brain-mad
HOROLOGE a clock
HOT-HOUSE a brothel
HOX to hamstring
HULL to drift on the sea like a wrecked ship
HUMOROUS fitful, or, perhaps, hurried
HUNT-COUNTER to follow the scent the wrong way
HUNTS-UP a holla used in hunting when the game was on
HURLY noise, confusion
HURTLE to clash
HURTLING noise, confusion
HUSBANDRY frugality
HUSWIFE a jilt
ICE-BROOK an icy-cold brook
I'FECKS int. in faith, a euphemism
IGNOMY ignominy
IMAGE representation
IMBARE to bare, lay open
IMMEDIACY close connexion
IMMOMENT unimportant
IMP to graft. to splice a falcon's broken feathers
IMP a scion, a child
IMPAWN to stake, compromise
IMPEACH to bring into question
IMPEACH impeachment
IMPEACHMENT cause of censure, hindrance
IMPERCEIVERANT duff of perception
IMPETICOS to pocket
IMPORTANCE importunity
IMPORTANT importunate
IMPORTING significant
IMPOSE imposition, meaning command or task imposed
upon any one
IMPRESE a device with a motto
IMPRESS to compel to serve
INCAPABLE unconscious
INCENSED incited, egged on
INCH-MEAL by inch-meal, by portions of inches
INCLINING compliant
INCLINING inclination
INCLIP to embrace
INCLUDE conclude
INCONY fine, delicate
INCORRECT ill-regulated
IND India
INDENT to compound or bargain
INDEX a preface
INDIGEST disordered
INDITE to invite
To convict
INDUCTION introduction, beginning
INFINITE infinite power
INGRAFT to engraff, engrafted
INHABITABLE uninhabitable
INHERIT to possess
INHOOPED penned up in hoops
INKHORN-MATE a contemptuous term for an ecclesiastic, or man
of learning
INKLE a kind of narrow fillet or tape
INLAND civilized, well-educated
INLY inward
INLY inwardly
INSANE that which causes insanity
INSCONCE to arm, fortify
INSTANCE example
Reason, proof
INTEND to pretend
INTENDING regarding
INTENDMENT intention
INTENTIVELY attentively
INTERMISSION pause, delay
INTRENCHMENT not capable of being cut
INTRINSE intricate
INVENTION imagination
INWARD an intimate friend
IRREGULOUS lawless, licentious
ITERATION reiteration
JACK a mean fellow
JACK-A-LENT a puppet thrown at in Lent
JACK GUARDANT a jack in office
JADE to whip, to treat with contempt
JAR the ticking of a clock
JAR to tick as a clock
JAUNCE to prance
JESS a strap of leather attached to the talons of a
hawk, by which it is held on the fist
JEST to tilt in a tournament
JET to strut
JOVIAL appertaining to Jove
JUDICIOUS critical
JUMP to agree
to hazard
JUMP hazard
JUMP exactly, nicely
JUSTICER a judge, magistrate
JUT to encroach
JUTTY a projection
JUTTY to jut out beyond
JUVENAL youth, young man
KAM crooked
KECKSY hemlock
KEECH a lump of tallow
KEEL to skin
KEEP to restrain
KEISAR Caesar, Emperor
KERN the rude foot soldiers of the Irish
KIBE a chilblain
KICKSHAW a made dish
KICKSY WICKSY a wife, used in disdain
KILN-HOLE the ash-hole under a kiln
KIND nature
KINDLE to bring forth young; used only of beasts
KINDLESS unnatural
KINDLY natural
KIRTLE a gown
KNAP to snap, crack
KNAVE a boy
A serving-man
KNOT a figure in garden beds
KNOW to acknowledge
LACED-MUTTON a courtesan
LAG the lowest of the people
LAG late, behindhand
LAKIN ladykin, little lady, an endearing term applied
to the Virgin Mary in the oath, 'By our lakin.'
LAND-DAMN perhaps to extirpate; Hanmer thinks it means
to kill by stopping the urine
LAPSED taken, apprehended
LARGE licentious, free
LARGESS a present
LASS-LORN deserted by a mistress
LATCH to smear
To catch
LATED belated
LATTEN made of brass
LAUND lawn
LAVOLTA a dance
LAY wager
LEAGUE besieging army
LEATHER-COATS a kind of apple
LEECH a physician
LEER countenance, complexion
LEET a manor court
LEGE to allege
LEGERITY lightness
LEIGER an ambassador resident abroad
LEMAN a lover or mistress
LENTEN meagre
That which may be eaten in Lent
L'ENVOY the farewell or moral at the end of a tale or
LET to hinder
to binder
LET hindrance
LETHE death
LEVEL to aim
LEVEL that which is aimed at
LEWD ignorant, foolish
LEWDLY wickedly
LEWDSTER a lewd person
LIBBARD a leopard
LIBERAL licentious
LIBERTY libertinism
LICENCE licentiousness
LIEF dear
LIFTER a thief
LIGHT O' LOVE a tune so called
LIGHTLY easily, generally
LIKE to please
LIKE to liken, compare
LIKE likely
LIKELIHOOD promise, appearance
LIKING condition
LIMBECK an alembick, a still
LIMBO or Limbo patrum, the place where good men under
the Old Testament were believed to be imprisoned till
released by Christ after his crucifixion
LIME bird-lime
LIME to entangle as with bird-lime
To smear with bird-lime
To mix lime with beer or other liquor
LIMN to draw
LINE to cover on the inside
To strengthen by inner works
LINSTOCK a staff with a match at the end of it used by
gunners in firing cannon
LIST a margin, hence a bound or enclosure
LITTLE miniature
LIVELIHOOD appearance of life
LIVERY a law phrase, signifying the act of delivering
a freehold into the possession of the heir or
LIVING lively, convincing
LOACH a fish so called
LOB a looby
LOCKRAM a sort of coarse linen
LODE-STAR the leading-star, pole-star
LOFFE to laugh
LOGGATS the game called nine-pins
LONGLY longingly
LOOF to lull, bring a vessel up to the wind
LOON a low contemptible fellow
LOT a prize in a lottery
LOTTERY that which falls to a man by lot
LOWT a clown
LOWT to treat one as a lowt, with contempt
LOZEL a spendthrift
LUBBER a leopard
LUCE n. the pike or jack, a fresh-water fish
LUMPISH duff, dejected
LUNES fits of lunacy
LURCH to defeat, to win
LURCH to shift, to play tricks
LURE a thing stuffed to resemble a bird with which
the falconer allures a hawk
LUSH juicy, luxuriant
LUSTIG lusty, cheerful
LUXURIOUS lascivious
LYM a limer or slow hound
MADE having his fortune made
MAGNIFICO the chief magistrate at Venice
MAGOT-PIE a magpie, a pie which feeds on magots
MAIL covered as with a coat of mail
MAIN-COURSE a sea-term
MAKE to do up, bar
To do
MALKIN a familiar name for Mary; hence a servant
MALLECHO mischief
MAMMERING hesitating
MAMMETS a woman's breasts
A doll
MAMMOCK to break, tear
MAN to tame a hawk
MANAGE management
MANDRAGORA or Mandrake a plant of soporiferous quality,
supposed to resemble a man
MANKIND having a masculine nature
MARCHES frontiers, borders
MARCHPANE a kind of sweet biscuit
MARGENT margin
MARRY TRAP an oath
MARTLEMAS the Feast of St. Martin, which occurs on the
11th of Nov. when the fine weather generally ends;
hence applied to an old man
MATCH an appointment
MATE to confound, dismay
MEACOCK tame, cowardly
MEALED mingled
MEAN instrument used to promote an end
MEAN the tenor part in a harmony
MEAN opportunity, power
A stately dance
MEAZEL a leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person
MEDAL a portrait in a locket
MEDICINE a physician
MEED reward, hire
MEHERCLE by Hercules
MEINY retinue
MELL to mix, to meddle
MEMORISE to cause to be remembered
MEPHISTOPHILUS the name of a familiar spirit
MERCATANTE a foreign trader
MERELY simply, absolutely
MESS a company of four
METAPHYSICAL supernatural
METE-YARD measuring-wand
MEW UP to confine
MICHER a truant
MILL-SIXPENCE a milled sixpence
MINCE to do any thing affectedly
MINCING affected
MISCREATE illegitimate
MISDOUBT to suspect
MISERY avarice
MISPRISE to despise
To mistake
MISSIVE messenger
MISTHINK to think ill of
MISTRESS the jack in bowling
MOBLED muffled
MODERN commonplace
MODULE a model, image
MOE and more. Of frequent occurrence
MOIETY a portion
MOME a stupid person
MOMENTANY momentary
MONTHS-MIND a monthly commemoration of the dead, but used
ludicrously to mean a great mind or strong desire
MOOD anger
MOON-CALF a nick-name applied to Caliban
MOONISH inconstant
MOP nod
MORRIS-PIKE Moorish-pike
MORT death, applied to animals of the chase
MORT-DU-VINAIGRE a ridiculous oath
MORTAL fatal, deadly
MOSE a doubtful word, applied to some disease
in a horse
MOTION solicitation
MOTION a puppet
MOTIVE one who moves
That which moves
MOTLEY or the many-coloured coat of a fool, or
a fool
MOUSE-HUNT a weasel
MOW to make grimaces
MOY a coin, probably a moidore
MUCH int. significant of contempt
MUCH used ironically
MURE a wall
MUST a scramble
MUTINE to mutiny
MUTINE a mutineer
NAPKIN a handkerchief
NATURAL an idiot
NAYWARD towards denial
NAYWORD a catch-word, by-word
NEB the beak
NEELD a needle
NEIF hand
NEPHEW a grandson
NEXT nearest
NICE foolish
NICK score or reckoning
NICK to brand with folly
NIGHTED black as night
NIGHT-RULE nightly solemnity
NINE MEN'S MORRIS a place set apart for a Moorish dance by
nine men
NINNY a fool, jester
NOBILITY nobleness
NOBLE a coin, worth 6s. 8d
NODDY a dolt
NONCE for the nonce, corrupted from 'for then once,'
for the occasion
NOOK-SHOTTEN indented with bays and creeks
NOURISH a nurse
NOVUM a game at dice
NOWL head
NUTHOOK a hook for pulling down nuts, hence a thief
O a circle
OAR to row as with oars
OBSEQUIOUS behaving as becomes one who attends funeral
OBSTACLE ridiculously used for 'obstinate.'
OCCUPATION persons occupied in business
OCCURENT an incident
OD'S BODY | 'Od's in these
OD'S HEARTLINGS | and all similar
| exclamations is
OD'S PITTIKINS | a euphemism
OD'S PLESSED WILL | for 'God's.'
OEILLIAD an amorous glance
O'ERPARTED having too important a part to act
O'ER-RAUGHT overreached
OFFERING challenging
OFFICE benefit, kindness
use, function
OLD a cant term for great, as we say fine, or pretty
ONCE some time
ONEYER a banker. A doubtful word
OPE open
OPE to open
to open
OPEN plain
OPEN to give tongue as a hound
OPERANT active
OPINIONED used ridiculously for pinioned
OPPOSITE adversary
OR before
ORDER measures
ORDINANCE rank, order
ORT leaving, refuse
OSTENT show, appearance
OSTENTATION show, appearance
OUNCE a beast of prey of the tiger kind
OUPHE a fairy
OUSEL-COCK the blackbird
OUT all out, fully
OUT-LOOK to face down
OUTWARD not in the secret of affairs
OUTWARD outside
OWE to own
PACK to practise unlawful confederacy
PACK a number of people confederated
PADDOCK a toad
PAID punished
PALABRAS words, a cant term, from the Spanish
PALE to enclose
PALL to wrap as with a pall
PALLED impaired
PALMER one who bears a palm-branch, in token of having
made a pilgrimage to Palestine
PALMY victorious
PARCELLED belonging to individuals
PARD the leopard
PARITOR an apparitor
PARLE talk
PARLOUS perilous
keen, shrewd
PARTED endowed, gifted
PASH the face
PASH to strike violently, to bruise, crush
PASS to practise
To surpass expectation
PASSANT a term of heraldry, applied to animals
represented on the shield as passing by at a trot
PASSING surpassingly, exceedingly
PASSION to have feelings
PASSIONATE to suffer
PASSY-MEASURE a kind of dance
PASTRY the room where pastry was made
PATCH a mean fellow
PATCHED dressed in motley
PATCHERY trickery
PATH to walk
PATHETICAL affected, hypocritical
PATIENT to make patient, to compose
PATINE the metal disc on which the bread is placed in
the administration of the Eucharist
PATTERN to give an example of
Afford a pattern for
PAUCA VERBA few words
PAUCAS few, a cant word
PAVIN a dance
PAX a small image of Christ
PAY to despatch
PEAT a term of endearment for a child
PEDASCULE a pedant, schoolmaster
PEER to peep out
PEIZE to balance, weigh down
PELTING paltry
PERDU lost
PERDY a euphemism for Par Dieu
PERFECT certain
PERFECT to inform perfectly
PERIAPTS charms worn round the neck
PERJURE a perjured person
PERSEVER to persevere
PERSPECTIVE a telescope, or some sort of optical glass
PEW-FELLOW a comrade
PHEEZE to comb, fleece, curry
PIA-MATER the membrane covering the brain, the brain
PICK to pitch, throw
PICKED chosen, selected
PICKERS (and stealers), the fingers, used ridiculously
PICKING insignificant
PICKT-HATCH a place noted for brothels. Merry Wives
of Windsor
PIED motley-coated, wearing the motley coat of a
PIELED shaven
PLIGHT pitched
PILCHER a scabbard
PILL to pillage
PIN a malady of the eye
The centre of a target
PINFOLD a pound, a place to confine lost cattle
PIONED digged
PLACKET a petticoat-front
PLAIN SONG a simple air
PLAITED intricate
PLANCHED made of boards
PLANTATION colonizing, planting a colony
PLAUSIVE plausible
PLEACHED interwoven
POINT a lace furnished with a tag by which the
breeches were held up
POINT-DE-VICE faultless
POISE balance
POMANDER a perfumed ball
POMEWATER a kind of apple
POOR-JOHN a herring
POPINJAY a parrot
PORT pomp, state
PORT a gate
PORTABLE bearable
PORTANCE conduct, behavior
POSSESS to inform
POTCH to push violently
POTENT a potentate
POUNCET-BOX a box for holding perfumes
POWER forces, army
PRACTISE wicked stratagem
PRACTISANT a confederate
PRANK to dress up
PRECEPT a justice's summons
PRECIOUSLY in business of great importance
PREGNANCY fertility of invention
PREGNANT fertile of invention
PRENOMINATE to name beforehand, to prophesy
PRE-ORDINANCE old-established law
PRESENCE the presence-chamber
High bearing
PREST ready
PRETEND to portend
To intend
PREVENT to anticipate
PRICK the mark denoting the hour on a dial
PRICK to incite
To choose by pricking a hole with a pin opposite the
PRICK-SONG music sung in parts by note
PRICKET a stag of two years
PRIDE heat
PRIG to steal
PRIME rank, lecherous
PRIMER more-important
PRIMERO a game at cards
PRINCIPALITY that which holds the highest place
PRINCOX a coxcomb
PRISER a prize-fighter
PROCURE to bring
PREFACE interj. much good may it do you
PROFANE outspoken
PROGRESS a royal ceremonial journey
PROJECT to shape or contrive
PROMPTURE suggestion
PRONE ready, willing
PROOF strength of manhood
PROPAGATE to advance, to forward
PROPER-FALSE natural falsehood
PROPERTIED endowed with the properties of
PROPERTIES scenes, dresses, &c. used in a theatre
PROPERTY to take possession of
PROPOSE to suppose, for the sake of argument
To converse
PROPOSE conversation
PROROGUE to defer
PROVAND provender
PROVISION forecast
PUCELLE a virgin, the name given to Joan of Arc
PUDENCY modesty
PUGGING thieving
PUN to pound
PURCHASE to acquire, win
PURCHASE gain, winnings
PUT to compel
PUTTER-ON an instigator
PUTTER-OUT one who lends money at interest
PUTTING-ON instigation
PUTTOCK a kite
QUAIL to faint, be languid, be afraid
to cause to quail
QUAINT curiously beautiful
QUAKE to cause to quake or tremble
QUALIFY to moderate
QUALITY those of the same nature
Rank or condition
QUARREL a suit, cause
QUARRY game, a heap of game
QUART D'ECU a quarter crown
QUARTER the post allotted to a soldier
QUAT a pimple; used in contempt of a person
QUEASY squeamish, unsettled
QUELL murder
QUENCH to grow cool
QUERN a hand-mill
QUEST enquiry, search, inquest, jury
QUESTRIST one who goes in search of another
QUICK so far gone in pregnancy that the child is
QUICKEN to come to life
QUIDDIT | a subtle question
QUILLET quidebet, a subtle case in law
QUINTAIN a post for tilting at
QUIP sharp jest, a taunt
QUIRE to sing in concert
QUIT to requite, respond
QUIT past tense of the verb to quit, quitted
QUITANCE requital
QUIVER active
QUOTE to note
RABATO a ruff
RACE breed; inherited nature
RACK wreck
RACK to enhance the price of anything
To drive as clouds
RAG a term of contempt applied to persons
RAKE to cover
RAPT transported with emotion
RASCAL a lean deer
RASH quick, violent
RATE opinion, judgment
RATE to assign, to value
To scold
RATOLORUM a ludicrous mistake for Rotulorum
RAUGHT past tense of reach
RAVIN ravenous
RAVIN to devour
RAWLY inadequately
RAWNESS unprovided state
RAYED arrayed, served
RAZED slashed
REAR-MOUSE the bat
REBATE to deprive of keenness
REBECK a three-stringed fiddle
RECEIPT money received
RECEIVING capacity
RECHEAT a point of the chase to call back the hounds
RECORD to sing
RECORDER a flute
RECURE to cure, recover
RED-LATTICE suitable to an ale-house, because ale-houses
had commonly red lattices
RED-PLAGUE erysipelas
REDUCE to bring back
REECHY smoky, dirty
REFELL to refute
REFER to reserve to
REGIMENT government
REGREET a salutation
REGREET to salute
REGUERDON requital
RELATIVE applicable
REMEMBER to remind
REMORSEFUL full of pity, compassionate
REMOTION removal
REMOVED sequestered, remote
RENDER to describe you
RENDER account
RENEGE to renounce, to deny
REPAIR to renovate, comfort
REPEAL to reverse the sentence of exile. Two
Gentlemen of Verona
REPROOF confutation
REPUGN to resist
REQUIEM mass for the dead, so called because it begins
with the words, Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine
RESOLVE to satisfy
To dissolve
RESPECT consideration
RESPECTIVE respectful, thoughtful
RESPECTIVE corresponding
RESPECTIVELY respectfully
RETAILED handed down
RETIRE retreat
RETIRE to draw back
REVERB to echo
REVOLT a rebel
RIB to enclose as within ribs
RID to destroy
RIFT to split
to split
RIFT a split
RIGGISH wanton
RIGOL a circle
RIPE drunk
RIVAGE the shore
RIVAL a partner
RIVALITY equal rank
RIVE to fire
ROAD the high road, applied to a common woman
ROISTING roistering, violent
ROMAGE unusual stir
RONVON a term of contempt applied to a woman
ROOD the crucifix
ROOK a cheater
ROPERY roguery
ROPE-TRICKS tricks such as are played by a rope-dancer
ROUND to whisper
To become great with child
to finish off
ROUND a diadem
ROUND unceremonious
ROUNDEL a dance or song
ROUNDURE an enclosure
ROUSE carousal
RUDDOCK the redbreast
RUSH to push
RUSHLING rustling
SACRIFICIAL reverent, as words used in religious worship
SACRING-BELL the little bell rung at mass to give notice
that the elements are consecrated
SAD serious
SADLY seriously
SADNESS seriousness
SAFE to make safe
SAG to hang down
SALT lascivious
SALT taste
SANDED marked with yellow spots
SANS without
SAUCY lascivious
SAW a moral saying
SAY silken
SAY assay, taste, relish
SCAFFOLDAGE the gallery of a theatre
SCALD scurvy, scabby
SCALE to weigh in scales
SCALL a scab, a word of reproach
SCAMBLE to scramble
SCAMEL probably a misprint for sea-mel, sea-mew
SCAN to examine subtly
SCANT to cut short, to spare
SCANT scanty, short
SCANTLING a small portion
SCAPE to escape
SCAPE a sally
SCATHE injury
SCATHE to injure
SCATHFUL destructive
SCONCE the head
SCOTCH to bruise or cut slightly
SCRIMER a fencer
SCROYLE a scabby fellow
SCULL a shoal of fish
SCURVY scabby; metaph. mean
SEAL to set one's seal to a deed; hence, to confirm
SEAM fat
SEAMY showing the seam or sewing
SEAR scorched, withered
SEAR to stigmatise
SEARCH to probe; hence, to apply a healing remedy
SEATED fixed, confirmed
SECT a slip or scion
A political party
SECURELY inconsiderately
SEEL to close
SEELING closing, blinding
SEEMING seemly, becomingly
SEEMING outward manner and appearance
SEEN versed, instructed
SELD seldom
SELF-BOUNTY native goodness
SENIORY seniority
SENNET a flourish of trumpets
SERE dry
SERJEANT a bailiff
SERPIGO a cutaneous disease
SERVICEABLE 'serviceable vows,' vows that you will do
her service, or be her servant
SETEBOS the name of a fiend
SETTER one who watches travellers to give information
to thieves
SEVERAL land which is not common but appropriated
SHAME to be ashamed
SHAME modesty
SHARDS shreds, broken fragments of pottery
SHARDS the wing cases of beetles; hence 'sharded,'
and 'shard-borne,'
SHARKED snatched up, as a shark does his prey
SHEEN brilliancy
SHEER pure
SHENT rebuked, blamed
SHERIFF'S-POST a post at the door of a sheriff, to which royal
proclamations were fixed
SHIVE slice
SHOT the reckoning at an ale-house
SHOUGHS shaggy dogs
SHOVEL-BOARD game played by sliding metal pieces along
a board at a mark
SHREWD mischievous
SHRIFT confession
SHRIVE to confess
SHRIVING-TIME time for confession
SHROUD to enshroud oneself, cover oneself up
SIDE-SLEEVES loose hanging sleeves
SIEGE seat
SIGHT an aperture in a helmet
SIGHTLESS invisible
SIGN to give an omen
SILLY simple, rustic
SIMULAR counterfeit, feigned
SINGLE feeble
SIR a title applied to a bachelor of arts at the
SITH since
SIZES allowances
SKAINS-MATES scapegraces
SKILL to be of importance
SKILLESS ignorant
SKIMBLE-SKAMBLE rambling, disjointed
SKINKER a drawer of liquor
SKIRR to scour
SLACK slacken
SLAVE to turn to slavish uses
SLEAVE floss-silk
SLEDDED sledged
SLEIDED untwisted, raw, applied to silk
SLEIGHTS artifices
SLIPPER slippery
SLIPS a kind of noose, or leash
A piece of base money
SLIVER to slice
SLIVER a slice
SLOPS loose breeches
SLUBBER to slur over
SMIRCHED smeared, soiled
SMOOTH to flatter
SMOOTHED flattered, fawned upon
SNEAP taunt, sarcasm
SNEAPED pinched
SNECK-UP go hang!
SNUFF anger
'To take in snuff' is to take offence
SOFTLY gently
SOIL spot, taint
SOLICIT solicitation
SOLIDARE a small coin
SOLVE solution
SOMETIMES formerly
SOOTH truth
SOOTH true
SOREL a buck of the third year
SORRIEST most sorrowful
SORRY sorrowful, dismal
SORT a company
Rank, condition
'In a sort,' in a manner
SORT to choose
to suit
To consort
SOT fool
SOUL-FEARING soul-terrifying
SOWL to lug, drag
SOWTER name of a dog
SPECIALLY a special contract
SPED settled, done for
SPEED fortune
SPERR to bolt, fasten
SPILL to destroy
SPILTH spilling
SPLEEN violent haste
Used of the lightning flash
SPRAG quick
SPRING shoot, bud
SPRINGHALT stringhalt, a disease of horses
SPRITED haunted
SPURS roots of trees
SQUANDERED scattered
SQUARE to quarrel
SQUARE the front part of a woman's dress, stomacher
SQUARE equitable
SQUARER quarreller
SQUASH an unripe peascod
SQUIER a square or rule
SQUINY to squint
STAGGERS a disease in horses, attended with giddiness:
hence any bewildering distress
STAIN to disfigure
STALE a decoy
A gull
A prostitute
STALE to make stale, deprive anything of its
STAND UPON to be incumbent on
STANIEL an inferior kind of hawk
STARK stiff
STARKLY stiffly
STATE a canopied chair
STATION attitude
Act of standing
STATIST a statesman
STATUA a statue
STATUE image, picture
STATUTE security, obligation
STATUTE-CAPS woollen caps worn by citizens
STAY a cheque
STEAD to profit
STEELED set or fixed
STERNAGE steerage, course
STICKLER an arbitrator in combats
STIGMATIC a deformed person
STILL constant
STILL constantly
STILLY softly
STINT to stop
to stop
STITHY a smith's forge
STITHY to forge
STOCCADO a stoccata, or thrust in fencing
STOCK a stocking
STOMACH courage, stubbornness
Appetite, inclination
STONE-BOW a cross-bow for throwing stones
STOUP a cup
STOUT strong, healthy
STOVER fodder
STRACHY A word of doubtful meaning
STRAIGHT immediately
STRAIN lineage
STRAITED straitened
STRANGE foreign
Coy, reserved
STRANGENESS coyness, reserve
STRANGER foreigner
STRAPPADO a kind of punishment
STRICTURE strictness
STROSSERS trowsers
STUCK a thrust of a sword
STUCK IN corruption of stoccata
STUFF baggage
Material, substance
STUFFED filled, stored
STY to lodge as in a sty
SUBSCRIBE to yield
to succumb
SUCCESS issue, consequence
SUCCESSIVE succeeding
SUCCESSIVELY in succession
SUDDEN hasty, rash
SUDDENLY hastily
SUFFERANCE suffering
SUGGEST to tempt, entice
SUGGESTION temptation, enticement
SUITED dressed
SULLEN doleful, melancholy
SUMPTER a horse that carries provisions on a journey
SUPPOSE a trick, imposition
SUPPOSED counterfeit
SURCEASE to cease
SURCEASE cessation, end
SURPRISE to capture by surprise
SUR-REINED over-worked
SUSPECT suspicion
SUSPIRE to breathe
SWABBER a sweeper of the deck of a ship
SWARTH black
SWARTH quantity of grass cut down by one sweep of the
SWASHER swaggerer
SWASHING dashing, smashing
SWATH The same as 'swarth.'
SWATHLING swaddling
SWAY to move on
SWEAR to adjure
SWEAR OVER to out-swear
SWIFT ready, quick
TABLE a tablet, note-book
TABLE-BOOK note-book
TABLES the game of backgammon
A note-book
TABOUR a small side-drum
TABOURER a player on the tabour
TABOURINE tambourine, drum
TAG the rabble
TAINT tainted
TAINTURE defilement
TAKE to infect, blast, bewitch
TAKE IN to conquer
TAKE OUT to copy
TAKE UP to borrow money, or buy on credit
To make up a quarrel
TAKING infection, malignant influence
TAKING UP buying on credit
TALE counting, reckoning
TALL strong, valiant
TALLOW-CATCH a lump of tallow
TANG twang, sound
TANG to sound
TANLING anything tanned by the sun
TARRE to excite, urge on
TARTAR Tartarus
TASK to tax
TASKING challenging
TASTE to try
TAWDRY-LACE a rustic necklace
TAXATION satire, sarcasm
TAXING satire
TEEN grief
TELL to count
TEMPER to mix
TEMPERANCE temperature
TEND to attend to
TENDER to hold, to esteem
To have consideration for
TENT to probe as a wound
TENT a probe for searching a wound
TERCEL the male of the goshawk
TERMAGANT a ranting character in old plays
TESTED pure, assayed
TESTERN to reward with a tester, or six-pence
THARBOROUGH a constable
THEWES sinews, muscles
THICK rapidly
THICK-PLEACHED thickly intertwined
THIRD-BOROUGH a constable
THOUGHT anxiety, grief
So 'to take thought' is to give way to grief
THREE-MAN BEETLE a wooden mallet worked by three men
THREE-MAN-SONG-MEN singers of glees in three parts
THREE-PILE three-piled velvet
THRENE lament
THRID thread, fibre
THROE to put in agonies
THRUM the tufted end of a thread in weaving
THRUMMED made od coarse ends or tufts
TICKLE ticklish
TIGHT nimble, active
TIGHTLY briskly, promptly
TIKE a cur
TILLY-VALLY int. an exclamation of contempt
TILTH tillage
TIMELESS untimely
TINCT stain, dye
TIRE attire, head-dress
TIRE to tear as a bird of prey
Hence, metaphorically, to feed
TIRE to attire, dress
TANG twang, sound
TOD to yield a tod of wool
TOKENED marked with plague spots
TOKENS plague spots
TOLL to exact toll
To pay toll
TOO TOO excessively
TOPLESS supreme, without superior
TOUCH touchstone for testing gold
An acute feeling
TOUCHED pricked
TOUSE to pull, drag
TOWARD nearly ready
TOWARDS nearly ready
TOYS trifles, foolish tricks
TRADE beaten path
TRANECT a ferry
TRANSLATED transformed
TRASH to cheque, as a huntsman his hounds
TRAVAIL labour, toil
TRAY-TRIP an old game played with dice
TREACHERS traitors
TREATIES entreaties
TRICK technically, a copy of a coat of arms; hence,
any peculiarity which distinguishes voice or
TRICK to dress up
TRICKED blazoned
TRICKING ornament
TRICKSY elegantly quaint
TRIPLE third
TROJAN a cant word for a thief
TROL-MY-DAMES the name of a game; also called
TROTH-PLIGHT betrothed
TROW to trust, think
TRUE honest
TRUNDLE-TAIL a long-tailed dog
TUCKET-SONANCE a flourish on the trumpet
TUNDISH a funnel
TURLYGOOD a name adopted by bedlam-beggars
TURN to modulate
TWANGLING twanging
TWIGGEN made of twigs, wicker
TWILLED Retained by woven branches
TWINK a twinkling
TWIRE to peep, twinkle
UMBERED stained, dark, as with umber
UNANELED without extreme unction
UNAVOIDED unavoidable
UNBARBED untrimmed
UNBATED unblunted
UNBOLT to disclose
UNBOLTED unsifted, unrefined
UNBREATHED unpractised
UNCAPE to throw off the hounds
UNCHARGED undefended, applied to the gates of a city
UNCLEW to unravel, undo
UNCOINED unalloyed, unfeigned
UNDERGO to undertake
UNDERTAKER one who takes up another's quarrel
UNDER-WROUGHT undermined
UNEATH hardly
UNEXPRESSIVE inexpressible
UNFAIR to deprive of beauty
UNHAPPILY censoriously
UNHAPPY mischievous
UNHATCHED undisclosed
UNHOUSELED without receiving the sacrament
UNIMPROVED unreproved
UNION a pearl
UNJUST dishonest
UNKIND unnatural
UNLIVED bereft of life
UNMANNED untamed, applied to a hawk
UNOWED unowned
UNPROPER common to all
UNQUESTIONABLE not inquisitive
UNREADY undressed
UNRESPECTIVE inconsiderate
UNSISTING unresting
UNSTANCHED incontinent
UNTEMPERING unsoftening
UNTENTED unsearchable
UNTRADED unused, uncommon
UNTRIMMED spoiled of grace or ornament
UNTRUE untruth
UNVALUED invaluable
UPSPRING REEL a boisterous dance
URCHIN the hedge-hog
USANCE usury
USE interest
UTIS riotous merriment, which accompanied the eighth
day of a festival
UTTER to expel, put forth
UTTERANCE extremity
VADE to fade
VAIL to lower
VAILING lowering
VALANCED adorned with a valence or fringe; applied
to the beard
VANTAGE advantage
VANTBRACE armour for the front of the arm
VARLET a servant, valet
VAST properly a waste-place, metaphorically, the dead
of night
A gulf
VASTIDITY immensity
VASTLY like a waste
VASTY vast, waste
VAUNT the van, that which precedes
VAUNT-COURIERS forerunners
VAWARD the van, vanguard, advanced guard of an army
Hence, metaphorically, the first of anything
VELURE velvet
VELVET-GUARDS literally, velvet trimmings; applied
metaphorically to the citizens who wore them
VENEW a bout in fencing, metaphorically applied to
repartee and sallies of wit
VENEY a bout at fencing
VENGE to avenge
VENTAGES holes in a flute or flageolet
VERBAL wordy
VERY true, real
VIA int. off with you!
VICE to screw
VICE the buffoon in the old morality plays
VIE to challenge; a term at cards
To play as for a wager
VIEWLESS invisible
VILLAIN a lowborn man
VINEWED mouldy
VIOL-DE-GAMBOYS a bass viol
VIRGINALLING playing as on the virginals, a kind of a
VIRTUE the essential excellence
VIRTUOUS excellent
Endowed with virtues
VIZAMENT advisement
VOLUBLE fickle
VOLUNTARY volunteer
VOTARIST votary, one who has taken a vow
VULGAR the common people
VULGAR common
VULGARLY publicly
WAFT to wave, beckon
To turn
WAFTAGE passage
WAFTURE waving, beckoning
WAGE to reward as with wages
WAILFUL lamentable
WAIST the middle of a ship
WANNION 'with a vengeance.'
WAPPENED withered, overworn
WARD guard
WARDEN a large pear used for baking
WARDER truncheon
WARN to summon
WASSAIL a drinking bout
WAT a familiar word for a hare
WATCH a watch light
WATCH to tame by keeping constantly awake
WATER-GALL a secondary rainbow
WATER-RUG a kind of dog
WATER-WORK painting in distemper
WAX to grow
WAXEN perhaps, to hiccough
WEALTH weal, advantage
WEAR fashion
WEATHER-FEND to defend from the weather
WEB AND PIN the cataract in the eye
WEE small, tiny
WEE to think
WEED garment
WEET to wit, know
WEIGH OUT to outweigh
WELKIN the sky
WELKIN sky-blue
WELL-LIKING in good condition
WELL SAID int. well done!
WEND to go
WESAND the wind-pipe
WHELK a weal
WHELKED marked with whelks or protuberances
WHEN an exclamation of impatience
WHEN AS when
WHERE whereas
WHERE a place
WHIFFLER an officer who clears the way in processions
WHILE-ERE a little while ago
WHILES until
WHIP-STOCK handle of a whip
WHIST hushed, silent
WHITE the centre of an archery butt
WHITELY pale-faced. A doubtful word
WHITING-TIME bleaching time
WHITSTER bleacher
WHITTLE a clasp knife
WHOO-BUB hubbub
WHOOP to cry out with astonishment
WICKED noisome, baneful
WIDOW to give a jointure to
WIDOWHOOD widow's jointure
WIGHT person
WILD weald
WIMPLED veiled, hooded
WINDOW-BARS lattice-work across a woman's stomacher
WINDRING winding
WINTER-GROUND to protect (a plant) from frost
WIS in the compound 'I wis,' certainly
WISH to commend
WISTLY wistfully
WIT knowledge, wisdom
WITHOUT beyond
WITS five, the five senses
WITTOL a contented cuckold
WITTY intelligent
WOMAN-TIRED hen-pecked
WONDERED marvellously gifted
WOOD mad
WOODCOCK a simpleton
WOODMAN a forester, huntsman
A cant term for a wencher
WOOLWARD shirtless
WORD to flatter or put off with words
To repeat the words of a song
WORLD 'To go to the world' is to get married
So 'a woman of the world' is a married woman
WORM a serpent
WORSER worse
WORSHIP to honour
WORTH wealth, fortune
WORTS cabbages
WOT to know
WOUND twisted about
WREAK vengeance
WREAK to avenge
WREAKFUL revengeful, avenging
WREST an instrument used for tuning a harp
WRIT gospel, truth
WRITHLED shrivelled
WROTH calamity, misfortune
WRUNG twisted, strained
WRY to swerve
XANTHIPPE Socrate's scolding wife
YARE ready, being understood
YARELY readily
YAW out of control
Y-CLAD clad
Y-CLEPED called, named
YEARN to grieve, vex
YELLOWS a disease of horses
YEOMAN a sheriff's officer
YIELD to reward
To report
YOND and yonder
ZANY a clown, gull