PC & Mediji 1996 July
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So, are you tired of the 15 minute limit in the demo? Go
ahead and register! The price of Kali is $20 (US dollars).
When you buy Kali you will get your own personal serial number
and key to unlock the full power of Kali. Play until you
Once you buy Kali you will be assured free upgrades when Kali
is improved...even if the price goes up in the future.
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Kali Registration Form
Name (Please Print) ______________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City _______________________ State/Province _____________________
Zip/Postal Code ___________________ Country ____________________
Phone/Fax _________________________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________
The cost for registered Kali is $20 (US currency).
Make checks payable to "Kali, Inc."
Checks must be in US Dollars and drawn on a US bank.
Mail to: Kali, Inc.
PO Box 282
Franklin Springs, GA 30639-0282
***Be sure to include an email address!!!
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More ordering options:
1. Master Card or Visa ($20US)
a. Call 801-565-1443 (Axxis) or 602-878-7001 (Starlink)
b. FAX your order to 801-576-5663 (Axxis)
c. Email your order to kali@axxis.com
2. Check or money order ($20US and drawn on a bank in the US or
Mail your order to:
Kali, Inc.
PO Box 282
Franklin Springs, GA 30639-0282
3. Overseas:
a. Use any of the methods above.
b. Canadian customers can go to their local post office and
buy a Postal Money order for $20US and mail it.
c. Germany - contact Jens Meuller (admin@nov.estar.de) for
more info.
d. The Netherlands - contact e.m.koolen@student.utwente.nl
for info.
e. Australia - contact Joe Altoff (jaltoff@powerup.com.au)
for info.
f. If nothing else find a local bank that has a branch in
the US and ask for a check or money order drawn on their
US branch for $20US.
Allow 24-48 hours on credit card orders and 3-5 days on snail mail
orders from inside the US. Once I receive payment I will email a
serial# and a key to you. These will go in your kali.cfg file to
remove the 15 minute limit. You will get free upgrades to all new
versions including the Win95 version which should be released in
beta form in February, 1996.