PC Accelerator 19
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148 lines
// Capture the Flag Configuration for Quake 3: Arena CTF
// SOBCTF version 2.0a (Special CTF Beta Test Version)
// http://www.planetquake.com/thebind essobie@planetquake.com
// Settings
// ========
seta name "^1ES^7SOB^1IE^7"
seta model visor/gorre
seta sensitivity "5"
seta con_notifytime "1"
seta cg_teamChatTime "8000"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "12"
seta cg_forceModel 1
seta cg_fov 110
seta cg_drawGun 0
seta cg_railTrailTime 1600
seta r_railSegmentLength 0
seta r_railCoreWidth 1
seta r_railWidth 1
seta m_pitch -0.022
seta s_musicvolume 0.0
// Screen Environment Settings
// ===========================
bind BACKSPACE messagemode
bind \ messagemode2
bind = messagemode3
bind - messagemode4
bind ` toggleconsole
bind ~ toggleconsole
bind PAUSE screenshot
// Movement Assignments
// ====================
bind d +back
bind e +forward
bind f +moveright
bind s +moveleft
bind a +movedown
bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE3 +moveup
bind SPACE +speed
// Weapon Selection
// ================
bind 1 "weapon 9" // BFG
bind 2 "weapon 1" // Gauntlet
bind 3 "weapon 3" // Shotgun
bind 4 "weapon 2" // Machinegun
bind 5 "weapon 6" // LightningGun
bind 6 "weapon 4" // GrenadeLauncher
bind 7 "weapon 7" // Railgun
bind 8 "weapon 8" // PlasmaGun
bind 9 "weapon 9" // BFG
bind 0 "weapon 10" // Grapple
bind z "weapon 8" // PlasmaGun
bind x "weapon 7" // Railgun
bind c "weapon 4" // GrenadeLauncher
bind v "weapon 5" // RocketLauncher
bind SHIFT "+button2" // Use Item
bind t "+button3" // Taunt an
// Function Keys
// =============
bind F1 "+scores"
bind F2 "toggle cg_drawTimer; toggle cg_lagometer; toggle cg_drawStatus"
bind F3 "toggle cg_drawTeamOverlay; cg_drawTeamOverlay"
bind F4 "toggle cg_gibs; toggle com_blood; cg_gibs; com_blood"
bind F5 "toggle cg_drawTimer; toggle cg_drawFPS; cg_drawTimer; cg_drawFPS"
bind F6 "toggle cg_simpleitems; cg_simpleitems"
bind F7 "toggle cg_forceModel; cg_forceModel"
bind y vstr ng_offence // Mouse2 will say "HAVE ENEMY FLAG!" - Switches to Offensive Mode
bind h vstr ng_defence // Mouse2 will say "PERSUING ENEMY FLAG CARRIER!" - Switches to Defensive Mode
bind ALT vstr stg_cancel // Immediately says "Cancel That!" for comm binds that you say by mistake.
bind r vstr stg_help // Immediately says "<- Need Help Here"
bind t vstr ng_inchigh // Mouse2 will say "INCOMING: HIGH! (2x means POWERUP INCOMING)"
bind g vstr ng_inclow // Mouse2 will say "INCOMING: LOW! (2x means POWERUP INCOMING)"
// Offensive Mode | Defensive Mode
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bind w vstr say01 // ATTACKING! | FIND/RETURN THE FLAG
bind q vstr say02 // Searching for Flag! | GETTING SUPPLIES!
bind tab vstr say03 // <- Enemy Flag Carrier Spotted | BASE CLEAR!
bind b vstr say04 // ENEMIES CLEAR! | BASE OVERRUN!
bind n vstr say05 // <- I'm On Offense Here | <- I'm On Defense Here
bind mouse2 vstr sayexec // Executes the currently queued sayteam message that you have selected.
// Offence Initialization
set offence "set say01 vstr no_attack;set say02 vstr no_search;set say03 vstr no_spotted; vstr offence2"
set offence2 "set sayexec vstr sto_haveflag;set say04 vstr no_clear;set say05 vstr sto_position"
// Defence Initialization
set defence "set say01 vstr nd_findflag;set say02 vstr nd_supplies;set say03 vstr nd_baseclear;vstr defence2"
set defence2 "set sayexec vstr std_pursue; set say04 vstr nd_overrun;set say05 vstr std_position"
// Say_Team General One Keys
set stg_cancel "say_team Cancel That!"
set stg_help "say_team ^1<- Need Help Here"
// Say_Team General Notifies
set ng_offence "echo M2:^3HAVEFLAG --- Set to ^5OFF BINDS^7; vstr offence"
set ng_defence "echo M2:^1PURSUE --- Set to ^6DEF BINDS^7; vstr defence"
set ng_inchigh "set sayexec vstr stg_inchigh; echo M2:^3INC^6HIGH!^7"
set ng_inclow "set sayexec vstr stg_inclow; echo M2:^3INC^6LOW!^7"
// Say_Team General Notify Says
set stg_inchigh "say_team ^3INCOMING: ^6HIGH!^7 (2x means POWERUP INCOMING)"
set stg_inclow "say_team ^3INCOMING: ^6LOW!^7 (2x means POWERUP INCOMING)"
set sto_haveflag "say_team ^3HAVE ENEMY FLAG!^7!"
set std_pursue "say_team ^1PERSUING ENEMY FLAG CARRIER!^7"
// Say_Team Offence Notifies
set no_attack "set sayexec vstr sto_attack; echo M2:^5ATTACKING^7"
set no_search "set sayexec vstr sto_search; echo M2:^3SEARCHING^7"
set no_spotted "set sayexec vstr sto_spotted; echo M2:^5ENEMYFLAGSPOT^7"
set no_clear "set sayexec vstr sto_clear; echo M2:^5ENEMIES CLEAR!^7"
// Say_Team Offence Notify Says
set sto_attack "say_team ^5ATTACKING!^7"
set sto_search "say_team ^3Searching for Flag!^7"
set sto_spotted "say_team ^7<- ^5Enemy Flag Carrier Spotted^7"
set sto_clear "say_team ^5ENEMIES CLEAR!^7"
set sto_position "say_team ^7<- ^5I'm On Offense Here"
// Say_Team Defence Notifies
set nd_findflag "set sayexec vstr std_findflag ; echo M2:^1FINDFLAG^7"
set nd_supplies "set sayexec vstr std_supplies ; echo M2:^6SUPPLIES^7"
set nd_baseclear "set sayexec vstr std_baseclear ; echo M2:^2CLEAR!^7"
set nd_overrun "set sayexec vstr std_overrun ; echo M2:^6OVERRUN!^7"
// Say_Team Defence Notify Says
set std_findflag "say_team ^1FIND/RETURN THE FLAG^7"
set std_supplies "say_team ^6GETTING SUPPLIES!^7"
set std_baseclear "say_team ^2BASE CLEAR!^7"
set std_overrun "say_team ^6BASE OVERRUN!^7"
set std_position "say_team ^7<- ^6I'm On Defense Here"
// Code Initialization
vstr offence
// EOF