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781 lines
By Julian Gollop (1990)
Instructions taken from "Lords of Chaos" Players' Manual by Julian Gollop
(1990), with additions Ian Coates (OKTUP@MONO.CITY.AC.UK)
NOTE - due to the multiload nature of this game, it is not possible to
incorporate the wizard designer, or to transfer a wizard from one
scenario to the next.
With the release of v3 of Z80 it hopefully will be possible to
incorporate this soon, and I will recompile this ZIP file with the
files modified as necessary - Ian.
Julian Gollop has kindly agreed to this game being made Public Domain. Anyone
is freely allowed to duplicate and distribute this game for use in Spectrum
emulators. It is requested that the identification of Julian Gollop as the
author of this software is not removed and the code not altered. E-mail me
(OKTUP@MONO.CITY.AC.UK) for further details.
The files contained in this ZIP file are:
LOC-LEV1.Z80 } Correspond to scenarios 1 to 5 of Lords of Chaos.
LOC-LEV2.Z80 } Scenarios 1-3 were originally packaged with the game,
LOC-LEV3.Z80 } while 4 and 5 were available on an expansion tape.
LOC-LEV4.Z80 } (See below for full scenario information)
LOC-LEV5.Z80 }
LOC_DEMO.Z80 Demo version of Lords of Chaos, with a new level,
from covertape of Your Sinclair April 1990
The instructions are exactly the same, except you will
always have the same spells and there is no sound.
'Chaos' is a fantasy strategy game for one to four players. Each player takes
control of a wizard and uses his magical abilities to fulfil his objectives.
The main objective in each scenario is to survive until a portal appears and
then escape through the portal to 'Limbo'.
The concept of this game originated in the game 'Chaos', which is also
Select the number of wizards to participate and select the level of any
computer controlled wizards (from 1 to 8). For each wizard enter a name,
computer or human control, a character shape and a colour.
'Chaos' is played in a series of game turns. Each turn is played in three
phases; the spell selection phase, the casting phase and the movement and
combat phase.
Q Up
A Down
O Left
P Right
or select a joystick option
Move the cursor over one of your creatures and choose the SELECT-G option from
the menu. Now move the cursor into one of the eight spaces around the creature
and press FIRE. The creature will move into the space where the cursor was. If
you press FIRE when the cursor is on top of the creature, or more than one
space away, then the menu will appear.
To finish moving, move the cursor on top of the creature you were moving and
press FIRE. The menu should appear so that you can select the END MOVE option
to return to cursor mode. You can always go back to a creature after selecting
NOTE - You can not move any creatures on the first turn. It is only
possible to cast spells and pick up and use any objects you happen
to be standing on.
To pick up an object, select a creature using SELECT-G and press FIRE to bring
up the menu. Select the PICK UP option from the menu (if there is no such
option then either the creature is not standing on any object or they don't
have enough Action Points). The screen will display the name and weight of
each object on the floor. On the top line the wizard's weight limit is
displayed. This is the amount of extra weight he can carry. Use the UP and
DOWN controls to highlight the object you wish to pick up and press FIRE. If
you don't want to pick up any more objects press FIRE when the cancel option
is highlighted.
Only creatures with 'hands' can carry objects, so don't try to make a unicorn
pick things up, for example. Creatures can carry more than one object, but
only one object can be 'in use' at any time. The object in use is always the
last one picked up. However, you can change the object in use by selecting the
CHANGE option from the menu. Now that your creature has picked up an object
you will see that there are a number of other options in the menu. The options
DROP, THROW-A and THROW-G always act on the object in use.
Some creatures can fly, but only if they are out in the open. When you select
FLY the cursor changes to a blue cursor with wings. A flying creature moves in
the same way as a creature on the ground but always pays the same Action Point
cost for moving and can fly over impassable terrain. It can only be attacked
by other creatures in the air, or by thrown weapons, bows or spells. Once in
the air the LAND option is available, but only if there is no creature
directly below or the terrain is suitable (you cannot land on the roof of a
wizard's house). In order to select a flying creature for movement the SELECT-
A option is used. When you have a flying creature in the same space as a
creature on the ground there are two select options available; SELECT-A for
airborne creatures and SELECT-G for creatures on the ground.
There are a few creatures which can be ridden by others. This is particularly
useful for your wizard. The unicorn, pegasus, gryphon and elephant can be
ridden by wizards, pixies, dwarves, goblins or trolls. In order to ride
another creature move over a mount and select the RIDE option. After this
option is selected the mount becomes the selected creature and you can move it
together with the rider. If you want to select the rider for any actions then
choose the RIDER option from the menu.
When you find an enemy creature and move one of your creatures next to it you
will become 'engaged' to it. This means that you cannot move unless you kill
the creature. In order to attack the creature you must move into it. You can
do this as long as your creature has enough Action Points and Stamina left.
The computer automatically calculates the results of combat and whether the
defending creature has a return attack.
Each scenario has specific objectives (see info at end of file), but there are
always the same objectives of confronting the enemy wizard, destroying him and
successfully escaping from the world.
The five icons at the top of the information display indicate some
characteristics of the creature under the cursor as follows (from left to
UNDEAD........ An undead creature can only be harmed by other undead
creatures, magic weapons or spells
FLYING........ Indicates that the creature has the ability to fly whether by
natural ability (wings) or flying potion
MOUNT......... The creature can be ridden by wizards, pixies, dwarves, goblins
or trolls
FATAL WOUND... When a creature suffers a single blow causing more than 25% of
its constitution to be lost then it suffers a fatal wound. This
causes a steady decrease in constitution from turn to turn
unless a healing potion is consumed.
INVISIBLE..... The creature is invisible to all enemy creatures
The bar graph icons represent the following (from left to right):
ACTION POINTS. These are used up performing all types of actions
STAMINA....... This presents the physical fitness of the creature. Some
actions, such as movement or combat, consume stamina. A certain
amount of stamina is recovered each turn. If it goes below a
certain level the creature becomes exhausted and only receives
half its Action Point Allowance each turn
CONSTITUTION.. When constitution reaches zero a creature is killed. If it
falls below 50% then Action Points, Combat and Defence are
COMBAT........ The attacking capability of a creature, taking into account
weapons in use and potions consumed
DEFENCE....... The defensive capability of a creature taking into account
weapons or shields carried and potions consumed
The following option are available in cursor mode:
SELECT-A...... Select an airborne creature for movement and other actions
SELECT-G...... Select a creature on the ground for movement and other actions
NEXT.......... Move the cursor and map window onto another friendly creature
and display its characteristics
INFORM........ Display the characteristics of the creature under the cursor
BIG MAP....... Display a strategic map. This map shows about half of the
entire world with the map window position indicated by a
flashing square.
Key to symbols:
^ (triangle) = wizard
o (circle) = ground creature
>< (two triangles) = flying creature
[] (square) = object (red)
END TURN...... End the current wizard's turn
CANCEL........ Cancel menu and return to cursor movement
In select mode nearly all the menu options are actions that can be carried out
by the selected creature. If an option is not in the menu than the creature is
unable to perform the action due to inability or lack of Action Points. When a
creature has moved on top of another friendly creature on the same level then
there are usually only four options available - END MOVE, CENTRE, BIG MAP and
END MOVE...... End the creatures selection. If the creature is on top of a
friendly creature at the same altitude then the creature is put
back to a previous position which is empty (or back to the
mount which it came from).
CENTRE........ Centre the cursor and map window over the selected creature.
BIG MAP....... Display the strategic map
RIDE.......... Ride a mount. The creature must be eligible to ride mounts and
have sufficient Action Points. The mount must not already have
a rider. When this option is chosen the mount becomes the
selected creature and the rider is deselected.
RIDER......... Select a rider for actions. A rider can perform any action that
it can normally do (including close combat) except PICK UP. In
order to pick up objects the rider must move off the mount
first. If the mount is flying then the rider cannot move off
until the mount lands.
CAST-A........ Cast a spell at a position in the air.
CAST-G........ Cast a spell at a position on the ground. All summon and potion
spells must use this option.
DROP.......... Drop the object in use.
CHANGE........ Change the object in use. When this option is selected all
objects carried are displayed. The object currently in use is
highlighted. Use the UP and DOWN controls to select the desired
object and press FIRE.
PICK UP....... Pick up objects on the floor. Use the UP and DOWN controls to
highlight the object you wish to pick up and press FIRE. If you
don't want to pick up any more objects press FIRE when the
cancel option is highlighted.
EAT........... Eat the object in use. Only objects such as apples and
mushrooms are edible.
DRINK......... If there is a vial of potion in use then the contents are
consumed. If the creature is standing over a cauldron of potion
then some of the potion is drunk.
FILL.......... If a creature has an empty vial in use and it is standing on a
cauldron full of potion then the vial will be filled.
USE........... This option can do a number of things. When it is selected a
yellow cursor with an arrow appears. Move the cursor onto the
terrain or object you wish to affect and press FIRE. The
following conditions apply:
1. If there is a closed door it will be opened.
2. If there is a locked door and the creature has a door key
in use then it will be unlocked and the key will
3. If there is a closed chest it will be opened.
4. If there is a locked chest and the creature has a chest
key in use then the chest will be unlocked and the key
will disappear.
5. If there is a special object in use then it can have
various effects depending on its type. Consult the
scenario instructions for your expansion kits.
THROW-A....... Throw the object in use at a target position in the air. When
you select this object the yellow arrow cursor will appear.
Move the cursor to the desired target position and press FIRE
to throw the object. The error message "no line of sight" will
appear if the target position cannot be seen by the throwing
creature. If you want to cancel throwing then position the
cursor over the throwing creature and press FIRE. You can only
move the cursor as far as the creature can throw. This depends
on the strength of the creature and the weight of the object.
THROW-G....... Throw the object in use at a target position on the ground. The
procedure is the same as for THROW-A except that different line
of sight rules apply.
FIRE-A........ Fire a ranged weapon (or flame breath) at a target position in
the air. The yellow arrow cursor will appear which can be moved
within the range limit of the weapon. The procedure is exactly
the same as for THROW-A.
FIRE-G........ Fire a ranged weapon (or flame breath) at a target position on
the ground. The procedure is the same as FIRE-A except that
different line of sight rules apply.
READ.......... If the object in use is a scroll then it can be read.
CANCEL........ Cancel the menu and return to creature movement.
The computer calculates line of sight ie it determines whether a creature can
see another creature or object. The hidden movement system uses line of sight
calculations as you move your creatures around the map. You will only see
enemy creatures if there is a clear line of sight to them.
A creature on the ground can see a distance of 9 spaces. A creature in the air
can see a distance of 11 spaces.
An airborne creature will not be able to see a creature on the ground, or vice
versa, if there is a roof over the creature on the ground. Most buildings have
roofs over them.
When seeing from a ground position to a ground position then any intervening
terrain can block line of sight, depending on its type. Walls, tall grass, and
trees are the main obstacles to line of sight on the ground.
Flying creatures' vision is not normally blocked by intervening terrain, but
they will have difficulty seeing into covered terrain such as magic wood,
shadow wood or tall grass. Creatures on the ground can only be seen if the
flying creature is adjacent to them. Objects can not be seen at all in covered
Conflicts will inevitably arise in 'Lords of Chaos'. They can only be resolved
by combat. Each creature has a combat and defence rating. When a creature
attacks by moving into an enemy, its combat value is compared to the
defender's defence value and the damage is calculated involving a random
When one of your creatures moves next to an enemy it cannot move any further
during the current turn unless it kills all enemy creatures next to it. It is
always possible, however, to move on the next turn. If a creature becomes
engaged while on top of a friendly creature the END MOVE option must be
selected because you cannot attack unless you are in an empty space. The only
exception to this is when a rider is selected. If you try to attack then the
message "attack not allowed" appears.
You will find various weapons in each of the scenarios. If a weapon is in use
then it will add a certain amount to the creature's combat. Shields, and
weapons to some extent, will add to defence but they do not have to be the
object in use. Weapons can also be thrown at enemy creatures. Each weapon has
a thrown combat value (see weapons chart).
If a creature is attacked and has some Action Points and Stamina remaining it
will fight back automatically. If you wish to make use of this defensive
ability be careful to save some Action Points when you move creatures.
When a creature's constitution reaches zero it is killed. If a creature
suffers a single blow causing more than 25% damage then it gets a fatal wound.
This means that the creature will suffer a slow but steady loss of
constitution until it dies or drinks a healing potion. Eating apples helps
restore constitution but does not affect fatal wounds.
Undead creatures are not living in the normal sense. They are either ethereal
beings or dead creatures animated by powerful magic. An undead creature can
only be damaged by other undead creatures, magic weapons or spells.
If a creature bumps into impassable terrain it may destroy it. Each type of
impassable terrain has a toughness rating. Eg walls are impregnable but doors
could possibly be smashed down.
There are 45 different spells in 'Lords of Chaos', 25 of which are 'summon
creature' spells. If you use the wizard designer you can choose the spells you
want, otherwise the computer will randomly select spells for you.
When you consult your spell list each spell you know will be highlighted and
its mana cost and level will be displayed., The higher the level of the spell
the more it costs. When you cast a spell its level will decrease until it
reaches 0 when it cannot be used again during the current game. If you are
using a designed wizard then all spells are restored when you go on to the
next scenario.
When you cast some spells (such as magic bolt) a yellow targeting cursor will
appear which must be moved to the desired target position. Pressing FIRE will
activate the spell. These spells can be cancelled without loss of mana by
pressing FIRE when the cursor is over the wizard. The only exception to this
is 'enchant' which can be cast on the wizard itself.
Mana points are your most valuable assets. Wizards only recover mana at a slow
rate; 4% of the initial mana level per turn. However magic mushrooms, magic
apples and various other objects will restore mana when eaten.
When a creature is cast the number of creatures summoned is equal to the level
of the spell. The creature will appear in any empty space around the wizard.
If there is insufficient space due to surrounding walls, for example, then
creatures will not appear and mana will be wasted. Creatures cannot be
summoned in the air or from the air; only the CAST-G option can be used.
The more experienced you become the more you will realise the strategic and
tactical importance of potions. However, it is not easy getting a potion
together. This is what you need to do:
1. Place an empty cauldron on the ground.
2. Place the ingredient on the ground in the same place as the
3. Make sure your wizard is standing on the caldron and ingredient.
4. Cast the appropriate potion spell using the CAST-G option.
There will be more than one helping (or gulp) of potion created. The number of
gulps created dep[ends on the level of the potion spell; number of
Strength Potion Mistletoe Boosts combat
Protection Potion Clover Boosts defence
Invisibility Potion Crystal Creatures cannot be seen by enemy
Speed Potion Sulph Doubles Action Points and triples stamina
Flying Potion Fairywing Enables airborne movement
Super Potion Ambergris Boosts combat, boosts defence, doubles
Action Points and triples stamina recovery
Healing Potion Apple Restores constitution and Stamina, cures
fatal wounds
There can only be one potion in effect at once. If a potion is consumed while
already under the influence of a potion then the previous potion is cancelled
(except for healing potion which has an instant effect).
Potions do not last for ever. The number of turns a potion last depends on the
level of the potion and the potion consumption rating of the creature (see the
creature table). The larger the creature the shorter a potion will last.
in order to summon a dragon a 'dragon potion' must be made. you will need an
empty cauldron and one piece of dragon herb. Make sure your wizard is standing
over these objects before you cast a dragon spell. The dragon potion will be
created and the dragon will be summoned at the same instant. Dragons are only
summoned from the other plane of existence by the lure of the potion's aroma.
Dragon herbs are rare, so don't count on your dragon spells. All dragons have
the ability to use flame breath. When this is directed at the ground a fire
may start.
When you cast this spell the targeting cursor will appear. You must select a
target space which is inflammable for the fire to 'catch'. You will find that
most things are inflammable, but the only way to find out is to try the spell.
Unlike most spells there is no line of sight required for the target space.
Once the fire is created it will spread from turn to turn or possibly die out.
Many objects will be destroyed by fire. Any enemy creatures caught in it,
including the undead, will suffer serious damage, however big their defence
ratings are. Your own creatures and your wizard will suffer no damage. The
higher the level of the spell the more damage it does and the better it
spreads, but every time you cast fire it wakens the strength of all your fire
currently in existence.
The Gooey Blob is a sticky, magical mess that behaves in a similar way to
magic fire. The major difference is that it spreads over different types of
terrain than fire. It is not as destructive as Magic Fire but it is more
obstinate and tough. Undead creatures are harmed by the blob.
Tangle Vine and Flood affect a certain area depending on the level of the
spell. As with Magic Fire and Gooey Blob the targeting cursor will appear to
select the target space and no line of sight is required. Tangle wine will
only cover terrain that is susceptible. Walls, for example, will not be
affected. Any creature caught in vines, including undead creatures, must fight
their way out or suffer wounding.
This spells behaves in a similar manner to tangle vine except that different
types of terrain are affected. Flood can be used to extinguish fire, for
example. Any creature moving over a flooded area risks drowning unless it is
naturally adapted to water.
This spell is used to convert ordinary weapons into magic weapons. When it is
cast into a space, either in the air or on the ground, then any weapons in
that space become magic weapons. This will work on weapons carried by a
creature or on the ground. Once a weapon is enchanted it doubles in power and
can be used to slay the undead. However the enchantment does not last for
ever. The higher the spell level the longer it will last.
An enemy creature can be subverted so that is comes under your control. The
spell can fail, the chance of success depends on the level of the spell and
the target creatures magic resistance. Riders and mounts are either subverted
together (using the highest magic resistance of the two) or not at all.
Wizards, and mounts with wizard riders cannot be subverted.
A curse will inflict a number of fatal wounds on a creature or wizard. The
success of the spell depends on its level and the magic resistance of the
defending creature. The chance of success is generally better than subversion
or gamic attack.
A magical attack can destroy one or more creatures. The success of the attack
depends on the level of the spell and the magic resistance of the creature. If
there are any creatures of the same type as the target creatures within a
certain range then they too will be attacked. Be careful because this can
affect your own creatures as well as the enemy.
Magic Bolt and Magic Lightning are 'physical attacks', which mean the target
creature's defence rating is taken into account. The amount of damage done to
the target depends on its defence and the level of the spell modified by a
random factor.
Magic Lightning has the same power as Magic Bolt but affects the eight
surrounding spaces as well. If the spell is cast at a ground target then it
can destroy terrain. The target space of lightning cannot be a solid piece of
terrain such as walls.
The Teleport spell can transport your wizard instantly to another part of the
world. However, it is not very accurate except at short ranges. The higher the
level of the spell the greater the range and accuracy. Once teleported a
wizard will have no Action Points remaining. The spell can fail if the
destination (which may be different to the desired destination) is a solid
piece of terrain such as wall or rock.
This spell can enable a wizard to see behind doors and reveal invisible
creatures. When a target space is selected then you will be able to see from
that position as if your wizard was there. CAST-A option will see from the air
and CAST-G from the ground. Invisible creatures will only be revealed for the
current turn.
This spell will boost the defence rating of your wizard. The amount of
increase and number of turns it lasts depends on the level of the spell. It
does not matter whether you use the CAST-A or CAST-G option for this spell.
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Dragon, Gold 38 40 86 90 50 42 82 30 10 9 N N N N Y N Y N
Dragon, Green 32 36 80 82 40 43 75 26 10 8 N N N N Y Y N N
Dragon, Red 34 40 90 72 32 34 90 32 10 7 N N N N Y N N Y
Pixie 34 0 40 16 4 6 67 30 2 1 N Y N Y Y Y N N
Dwarf 26 0 57 25 6 6 40 35 2 1 N Y N Y Y N N Y
Goblin 30 0 45 32 9 9 46 42 2 1 N Y N Y Y N N N
Troll 32 0 88 47 12 16 46 40 2 2 N Y N Y Y N N N
Giant 30 0 48 66 21 15 50 50 4 3 N N N Y Y N N N
Centaur 48 0 62 36 8 10 54 34 3 1 N N N Y Y N N N
Unicorn 56 0 72 40 12 9 42 0 3 1 Y N N N N N N Y
Pegasus 46 56 80 40 8 9 50 0 3 1 Y N N N N N N N
Gryphon 42 52 73 53 24 21 57 0 4 4 Y N N N N N N Y
Elephant 36 0 55 73 14 22 40 0 6 2 Y N N N N N N N
Gorilla 34 0 56 38 15 14 43 26 4 1 N N N N Y Y N N
Lion 54 0 64 34 21 14 46 0 4 2 N N N N N Y N N
Bear 38 0 70 48 22 26 48 0 5 3 N N N N N Y N N
Crocodile 26 0 52 62 26 30 55 0 4 2 N N N N N N Y N
Giant Bat 24 62 75 20 9 7 41 0 3 1 N N N N N N N N
Harpy 28 52 60 28 22 14 60 16 4 3 N N N N Y N N N
Giant Spider 44 0 74 52 41 24 55 0 7 6 N N N N N N N Y
Zombie 24 0 90 50 6 5 50 30 3 1 N N Y N Y N N N
Ghost 36 36 92 30 8 18 60 0 6 2 N N Y N N N Y N
Vampire 34 40 85 60 18 17 65 30 5 4 N N Y N Y N N N
Spectre 38 0 80 72 28 24 70 0 7 5 N N Y N Y N N N
Demon 30 0 90 78 38 31 78 0 9 7 N N Y N Y N N N
Weight Combat Defence Thrown Combat Ranged Combat
Sword 10 10 4 16 0
Knife 3 4 1 20 0
Shield 8 0 13 0 0
Bow 4 0 0 0 15
Spear 5 8 4 23 0
Club 9 5 1 8 0
Axe 7 9 0 28 0
Ninja Star 4 0 0 25 0
Slayer 9 12 4 8 0
Magic Slayer 9 30 12 16 0
All magic weapons, except for the Slayer, have double the values for combat,
defence, thrown combat and ranged combat.
In a multi-player combat the game will finish when all the wizards have either
exited through the portal or been killed. Victory points are gained for
killing enemy wizards or creatures, finding treasure and escaping through the
portal. Victory points for killing creatures are doubled if the wizard is
directly responsible (victims of fire, flood, fatal wounds etc do not count).
Victory points for treasure items can only be gained if the wizard is carrying
them when he exits through the portal. If a wizard fails to get through the
portal before the end of the game, or gets killed during the game, then he
will receive no victory points.
This world contains everything a wizard could need; a nice home, an attractive
environment and plenty of potion ingredients for supplying a wizard's
favourite hobby. As a new day dawns and the birds sing in the magic wood
everything seems calm. Unfortunately you are not alone. Torquemada is not far
away, and he is not just going to come round for a cup of tea and chat. There
is only one choice - all out war. When you have dealt with Torquemada you
might find time for some treasure hunting, but be careful when you go into the
woods today - you're sure of a big surprise.
TREASURE: Gold.......16
It is well known that many mortals dress up in funny clothes, call themselves
'heroes' and go wandering into deep, dark dungeons looking for a fight. Such
behaviour would be regarded as fairly abnormal by most people. As far as
wizards are concerned the idea of going into a smelly dungeon is ridiculous,
especially because hideous creatures usually seem to live in such places. you
would never catch a wizard down a dungeon - that is until now. This particular
world is 100% dungeon. It is green with mould and has absolutely no sanitary
facilities. It was once rumoured that Arhg the Barbarian came to this dungeon
in search of adventure and died from dysentery. His mighty weapon, the Slayer,
is hidden somewhere in the dungeon. If you can find the Slayer and escape from
this world you will be richly rewarded. There are many dangers in this place.
Be careful when you open doors, and bear in mind that some dungeon denizens
are so ugly they just don't want to be seen.
TREASURE: Gold.......16
This is a one player only scenario, you will not be asked to input the number
of players. You can play this scenario with a random wizard, but you will find
it difficult.
Ragaril is a devious wizard. His main pleasure in life comes from luring
unsuspecting wizards to his palace in order to torment them. He has built many
puzzles and traps to deceive many foolish wizards. There is a way out of the
world, and many treasures can be found on the way. There are even some very
helpful scrolls lying around which will provide a few clues. Now it is your
turn to visit Ragaril's domain. You will find some spells very useful,
particularly in relation to flying.
TREASURE: Diamond....30
Many adventurers have strayed into the unusual world of Iris never to return.
It is rumoured that great treasures are hidden in the mysterious Forest of
Eyes. However, you must be careful because the forests is full of untold
dangers. The magical winking trees are impervious to all forms of magic and
they are reputed to live forever, always watchful, guarding their secrets.
TREASURE: Gold.......16
Many years ago a devious sorcerer known as Shazard the Instructible ruled over
many worlds. Before he died he ensured that his name would not be forgotten so
he built a magical tomb for himself and his followers. Somewhere hidden in the
tomb is the Staff of Wrath, a valuable magical artefact which Shazard used as
the source of his power. Few have dared to enter the tomb in search of
Shazard's treasure because there are many traps and puzzles which only the
most wise and experienced wizard can survive.
This scenario is a one player scenario only. You will need a level 5 wizard in
order to stand a chance of survival.
TREASURE: Staff of Wrath...35