Labels:bulletin board | plant | sky | tabloid | trade name | vegetarianism OCR: Seey Over the past few pages you demos and programs for the introduced with this month's should have read everything next CD ROM including a Windows front end created no need to know to get the range of the best games that with Multimedia MasterClass, most out of this month PCF the companies have should be interested CD ROM Collection lined up for Christmas. well as bringing the usual will find fat more detail in like 0 mention names like The truix of shareware, disk based the CD- ROM supplement, lith Hour (which has been put games demos att clip if which is stuck :whelk-like back to a November release and the kind oftasty sundries the innards of the full that' it taken so long to that would i far as vatiety magazine Look the Getting get the demo to you), and concened put at Indian .ake St ...