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- ImageFileType**
- UF K$
- xnosaupdciekfbmtqhr+l/wyz*g-jv
- Notes
- Lines
- Special
- Open
- Save As
- Revert To Saved
- Print
- Delete
- Insert
- Modify Note
- Change Key Signature
- Change Time Signature
- SemiBreve
- Minim
- Crotchet
- Quaver
- SemiQuaver
- Rests
- Tempo
- Bar Line
- Double Bar Line
- Repeat
- Tie Notes
- Slur Notes
- Dictionary
- !Alarms
- "Set Title
- #Play Tune
- $Version
- Sharp
- Natural
- Double Sharp
- Double Flat
- Natural Sharp
- Natural Flat
- C Major
- A Minor
- G Major
- E Minor
- F Major
- D Minor
- D Major
- B Minor
- B Flat Major
- G Minor
- A Major
- F Sharp Minor
- E Flat Major
- C Minor
- E Major
- C Sharp Minor
- A Flat Major
- F Minor
- B Major
- G Sharp Minor
- D Flat Major
- B Flat Minor
- F Sharp Major
- D Sharp Minor
- G Flat Major
- E Flat Minor
- C Sharp Major
- A Sharp Minor
- C Flat Major
- A Flat Minor
- Select
- Cancel
- Quiet
- Start Repeat
- End Repeat
- SemiBrieve Rest
- Minim Rest
- Crotchet Rest
- Quaver Rest
- SemiQuaver Rest
- Version Information
- Composer Version 1.0F
- Copyright Purple Software, Feb 1993
- Reason:
- Save Tune Changes ?
- Create New Tune
- ,File:
- Open Existing Tune
- -File:
- ,File:
- Change Note Attributes
- Attribute
- Dotted
- Change Key Signature
- Key Signature
- Repeat
- Repeat Count
- Include Last Bar
- Set Number Of Times To Repeat
- Times
- Include Last Bar In Last Repeat
- Include
- Rests
- Change Tune Title
- "Name
- Error Validating Notes
- Reason:
- Time Signature
- Beats Per Bar
- Type Of Beats
- Select Alarm Tune
- Action
- -File:
- Set Tempo And Volume
- Tempo (Beats Per Min)
- Volume
- Error Creating New Tune
- Error Opening Tune
- Error Saving Tune
- Error Reverting
- Error Inserting Data
- Error Cutting Out Data
- Error Copying Data
- Error Editing Data
- Error Playing Tune
- Error Printing
- Error Setting Up Alarms
- Error Opening Dictionary
- Save Tune To
- Saved
- Copyright Purple Software
- Untitled
- Clipboard Is Empty
- Nothing Is Selected
- Item Is Not A Note
- Cannot Change A Tied Note
- Invalid Selection For A Tie
- Cannot Insert Item In Tie/Slur
- Invalid Select Region
- Invalid Note Sequence
- Missing End Repeat
- Not Enough Beats In The Bar
- Too Many Beats In The Bar
- Already Have A Start Repeat
- Missing Start Repeat
- Unexpected End Of Tune
- Premature End Of Tune
- Composer
- Composer
- Composer is a free form music editor.
- It allows you to enter notes in the
- 2 octave range that the Series 3 can
- play.
- Notes are entered by selecting the
- appropriate menu bar item. The notes
- position on the stave is changed by
- either entering the single character
- for that note, (eg 'F') or using the
- cursor keys in conjunction with the
- Control key.
- move the cursor around the stave.
- in conjunction with the Shift
- key will select regions of the stave
- that may be cut or copied to a clipboard.
- File Menu
- The 'New' option creates a new tune that
- you may edit.
- The 'Open' option presents the file
- selector for you to select a tune to
- view, play and edit.
- The 'Save' option saves the tune to the
- current file.
- The 'Save As' option presents the file
- selector for you to select a file name
- to save the tune to.
- The 'Revert To Saved' option will reload
- the current tune from file. All changes
- since the last Save will be lost.
- The 'Print' option will move you into
- the print subsystem of Composer. The
- tune is checked to ensure that it is
- valid before it can be printed.
- Edit Menu
- The 'Delete' option will delete the item
- at the cursor. If a region is selected
- it will be cut to the clipboard.
- The 'Copy' option will copy the selected
- region to the clipboard.
- The 'Insert' option will copy the
- current contents of the clipboard to
- the staves at the cursor position.
- The 'Modify Note' option allows you to
- change attributes of a note. Accidentals
- and dotted attributes are possible.
- The 'Change Key Signature' option allows
- you to specify the key signature for
- this tune.
- The 'Change Time Signature' option allows
- you to specify the time signature for
- this tune.
- Notes Menu
- The 'Semibreve' option will insert
- a semibreve or whole note at the cursor
- position.
- The 'Minim' option will insert a minim
- or half note at the cursor position.
- The 'Crotchet' option will insert a
- crotchet or quarter note at the cursor
- position
- The 'Quaver' option will insert a quaver
- or eighth note at the cursor position.
- The 'Semiquaver' option will insert a
- semiquaver or sixteenth note at the
- cursor position.
- The 'Rests' option will present a dialog
- allowing you to choose which length rest
- you require.
- Lines Menu
- )The 'Tempo' option allows you to choose
- the tempo and volume you wish the tune
- to be played at.
- The 'Bar Line' option inserts a bar line
- at the current cursor position.
- The 'Double Bar Line' option inserts a
- double bar line at the current cursor
- position. Each tune is expected to only
- have one double bar line at the end of
- the tune.
- The 'Repeat' option presents a dialog
- allowing to to select either a start or
- end repeat. For a start repeat you can
- specify the number of times this section
- should be repeated. A repeat count of 1
- indicates that the section will be played
- twice, a count of 2 indicates the section
- will be played 3 times...
- For end repeats you may specify whether
- to include playing the last bar of the
- section on the final repeat or skip it
- and continue playing the tune after the
- end repeat sign.
- The 'Tie Notes' option allows you to tie
- 2 notes. The notes to be tied should be
- selected by using the
- keys
- in conjuction with the Shift key before
- you choose this option.
- To remove a tie select the tied notes and
- use this option.
- The 'Slur Notes' option allows you to
- slur the specified notes. The notes
- should be selected by using the
- keys before you choose this option.
- To remove a slur select the slured notes
- and use this option.
- Special Menu
- The 'Dictionary' option presents a
- dictionary of over 100 common musical
- terms with their meanings.
- The 'Alarms' option allows you to
- select a tune created by Composer
- to replace the current alarm tune.
- Any alarm on the Series 3 will now
- play the selected tune. Note that
- dialling is not available when
- you select a tune for an alarm.
- The 'Set Title' option allows you to
- change the title of the tune.
- The 'Play Tune' option will play the
- tune. The tune is checked to ensure
- it is valid before it can be played.
- The 'Version' option displays the
- current version of Composer.
- The 'Exit' option will exit Composer
- prompting you to save the tune if
- it has been changed.
- cyptx
- Print
- %Configure Device
- &Printer Setup
- 'Print
- (Title On Page
- )End Print
- Print Title
- Print Title On Every Page
- Printing
- Printing To
- Composer Printing
- Composer Printing
- The printer subsystem allows you
- to configure the print environment
- in preparation for printing.
- The left of the screen displays the
- current selected options, the right
- displays a reduced image of what the
- printed output will look like.
- Print Menu
- The 'Configure Device' option presents
- the system Printer Configuration dialog
- for you to select the output device.
- The 'Print Setup' option presents a
- dialog allowing you to select the page
- size, printer and resolution to print
- at. For Epson compatible printers a
- resolution of 60 dpi, for others 75 dpi
- will print at almost the same resolution
- as the Series 3 screen.
- The 'Print' option will start printing.
- The 'Title On Page' option asks whether
- the title of the tune should be printed
- at the top of every page or not.
- The 'End Print' option will exit the
- print subsystem of Composer, returning
- you to the main view.
- Print Setup
- Page size
- Margins
- Printer
- Resolution
- Select Printer
- Printer
- Print Resolution
- Resolution
- Page Size Is Too Small
- Page size
- Margins
- Printer
- Resolution
- Dictionary
- *End Dictionary
- A capella
- A capricco/Ad Libitum
- Accelerando, accel
- Adagio
- Affettuoso
- Agitato
- Al Coda
- Allargando, allarg
- Allegreto
- Allegro
- Alto Clef
- Andante
- Andantino
- Animato
- Appassionata
- Arpeggio
- A Tempo
- Bar Line
- Bass Clef/F Clef
- Bind/Tie
- Breve
- Brillante
- Calando
- C Clef
- Chord
- Common Time
- Con anima
- Con amore
- Con Forza
- Con moto
- Con Sordini
- Crescendo, cres
- Crotchet/Quarter Note
- Da Capo, D.C.
- Da Capo al Fine
- Dal Segno, D.S.
- Decrescendo, decres
- Demi-semiquaver/Thirty-second Note
- Descant
- Diminuendo, dim
- Dolce
- Doppio movimento
- Double Bar Line
- Double Flat
- Double Sharp
- D.S. Al Coda
- Fermata, Fermato
- Forte
- Fortepiano
- Fortissimo
- Fortississimo
- Forza
- Giocoso
- Giusto
- Grandioso
- Grave
- Grazia
- Grazioso
- Gusto
- Key Note
- Key Signature
- Largo
- Legato, Leg
- Leggiero
- Lento
- Maestoso
- Marcato, Marc
- Mezzo
- Mezzo-Forte
- Mezzo-Piano
- Mezzo Voce
- Minim/Half Note
- Moderato, mod
- Morendo, Mor
- Natural
- Natual Note
- Octave
- Pause/Hold
- Pianissimo
- Pianississimo
- Piano
- Pianoforte
- Pitch
- Pizzicato, Pizz
- Pomposo
- Prestissimo
- Presto
- Quaver/Eighth Note
- Rallantando, rall
- Rests
- Rinforzando, rinf
- Ritardando, ritard
- Ritenuto, Rit
- Scale
- Score
- Semibreve/Whole Note
- SemiDemiSemiQuaver
- Semiquaver/Sixteenth Note
- Semitone
- Sempre, semp
- Senza
- Sharp
- Staccato, stacc
- Stave
- Tempo
- Tenuto, ten
- Time Signatures
- Treble Clef/G Clef
- Tremolo, trem
- Vibrato
- Vivace
- A capella
- To be sung like church music.
- A capricco
- The speed and style is left to the player
- or singer to decide.
- Accelerando, accel
- Speed up gradually.
- Adagio
- Slow and leisurely.
- Affettuoso
- With feeling.
- Agitato
- Restlessly
- A tune or melody.
- Al Coda
- Goto the Coda or tail of the music.
- Allargando, allarg
- Become slower and more dignified.
- Allegretto
- Moderatly fast.
- Allegro
- Fast, merry or lively.
- Alto Clef
- The C Clef giving the position of the note
- Middle C on the middle line of the stave.
- Andante
- At a moderate pace.
- Andantino
- A little faster than Andante
- Animato
- Animated, lively or spirited.
- Appassionata
- With passion.
- An air or tune
- Arpeggio
- The notes of a chord sounded very
- quickly.
- A Tempo
- Play or sing in time.
- Revert to original speed.
- The space between 2 bar lines. Each bar
- contains the number of beats shown by
- the Time Signature.
- Bar Line
- A vertical line across the Stave. Bar
- lines divide music into Bars.
- Bass Clef
- The F Clef which gives the position of
- the note F below Middle C.
- Bind/Tie
- A curved line which lengthens a note by
- joining it to the next note. Both notes
- must have the same name and position.
- Breve
- Twice a Whole Note (Semibreve). This is
- the longest note available.
- Brillante
- Bright, brilliant
- Vigourously.
- Calando
- Dying away, becoming slower and softer.
- C Clef
- The Alto or Tenor Clef which gives the
- position of the note Middle C.
- Chord
- The sound of two or more notes being
- played or sung together
- A sign at the beginning of each Stave
- which indicates the names and positions
- of the notes on the Stave.
- The Coda is the tail of a piece of music.
- Common Time
- Music with 2,4,8 or 16 beats to the bar.
- Con anima
- With movement.
- Con amore
- With love, with tenderness.
- Con Forza
- With force, strongly.
- Con moto
- With movement.
- Con Sordini
- With mutes.
- Crescendo, cres
- Gradually becoming louder.
- Crotchet/Quarter Note
- A quarter of a Whole Note.
- Da Capo, D.C.
- Repeat from the beginning.
- Da Capo al Fine
- Repeat the piece from the beginning
- upto the word 'Fine'.
- Dal Segno, D.S.
- Repeat from the sign.
- Decresendo, decres
- Gradually become softer.
- Demi-semiquaver/Thirty-second Note
- One thirty-second of a Whole Note
- Descant
- An extra 'counter melody'.
- Diminuendo, dim
- Gradually becoming softer.
- Dolce
- Sweetly.
- Doppio movimento
- Twice as fast.
- A small dot after a note or rest means
- it is to last half as long again.
- Double Bar Line
- Double Bar lines mark the end of a piece
- of music. They may also divide music into
- sections.
- Double Flat
- Further flattens an already flat note.
- Double Sharp
- Further sharpens an already sharp note.
- D.S. Al Coda
- Repeat the music from the sign until you
- come to 'Al Coda' then goto the Coda.
- Fermata, Fermato
- Pause.
- Forte
- Loudly.
- Fortepiano
- A sudden change from loud to soft.
- Fortissimo
- Very loudly.
- Fortississimo
- As loudly as possible.
- Forza
- Force, strength.
- Giocoso
- Humorously.
- Giusto
- At the proper speed.
- Grandioso
- Grandly.
- Grave
- Slow, solemn and dignified.
- Grazia
- Grace.
- Grazioso
- Gracefully.
- Gusto
- Enjoyment
- Key Note
- The starting note of a scale.
- Key Signature
- The Sharp and Flat symbols shown on the
- Stave immediately after the Clef.
- Largo
- Slow and dignified.
- Legato, Leg
- Smooth.
- Leggiero
- Lightly.
- Lento
- Very slow.
- Maestoso
- Majestically.
- Marcato, Marc
- Marked or accented.
- Mezzo
- Half or medium.
- Mezzo-Forte
- Moderatly loudly.
- Mezzo-Piano
- Moderatly softly.
- Mezzo Voce
- Softer than normal singing.
- Minim/Half Note
- Half of a Whole Note.
- Moderato, mod
- Moderately, medium speed.
- Morendo, Mor
- Dying away at the end.
- Movement.
- Natural
- The Natural sign infront of a note
- cancels the effect of any Accidental
- Sharp or Flat or any Sharp or Flat in
- the Key Signature.
- Natural Note
- A note which is not Sharp or Flat.
- A sign that represents a musical sound.
- Octave
- An Octave covers the eight notes of any
- Scale.
- Pause/Hold
- The pause sign over a note, chord or rest
- means that it should last for longer
- than its normal length.
- Pianissimo
- Very soft.
- Pianississimo
- As quietly as possible.
- Piano
- Soft.
- Pianoforte
- The proper name for the Piano.
- Pitch
- The height of a sound.
- Pizzicato, Pizz
- Stringed instruments should be plucked
- rather than bowed.
- Little.
- Pomposo
- Very dignified, pompously.
- Prestissimo
- As quickly as possible.
- Presto
- Very quickly.
- Quaver/Eighth Note
- An eighth of a Whole Note.
- Rallantando, rall
- Slow down gradually.
- Rests
- Signs that indicate a period of silence.
- Rinforzando, rinf
- Give extra emphasis.
- Ritardando, ritard
- Slow down gradually.
- Ritenuto, Rit
- Held back or slightly slower.
- Scale
- A series of notes staring with the Key
- Note after which the scale is named.
- Score
- All the parts of music for the
- different instruments shown together
- on the same page
- Semibreve/Whole Note
- The longest note normally used.
- Semi-demi-semiquaver/SixtyFourth Note
- One Sixty Fourth of a Whole Note.
- Semiquaver/Sixteenth Note
- One sixteenth of a Whole Note.
- Semitone
- The smallest distance from one note to
- another in music.
- Sempre, semp
- Always.
- Senza
- Without
- Sharp
- The sharp sign raises a note.
- A curved line under/over several
- notes indicating they should be
- played smoothly.
- Staccato, stacc
- Notes played short and sharp with a
- silent space between each note.
- Stave
- The five lines and four spaces on which
- music is written.
- Tempo
- The speed of music.
- Tenuto, ten
- Hold or sustain the note.
- Time Signatures
- Two numbers on the Stave at the
- beginning of music. The top number
- gives the number of beats in a bar,
- the bottom number gives the type of
- the beats.
- Treble Clef
- Gives the position of the note G above
- Middle C.
- Tremolo, trem
- Play the notes as many times and as
- quickly as possible.
- Vibrato
- A slight wavering of a note.
- Vivace
- Lively
- Alive
- Voice
- Version Information
- Composer Version 1.0 (Demo Version)
- This is a demonstration version only.
- You cannot save your tune.
- Contact 'New World Technology' in
- New York USA on (212) 971 4633 to
- obtain your fully working version.
- Demo Version Save Request
- This demonstration version does
- not allow you to save your tune.
- Contact 'New World Technology' in
- New York USA on (212) 971 4633 to
- obtain your fully working version.
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