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- app Convert
- icon "\opd\convert"
- enda
- PROC convert:
- Rem Convert is shareware. The right of Gareth
- Rem Morgan to be identified as the creator of this work
- Rem is asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright
- Rem Designs & Patent Act 1988.
- Rem The program may be used for 28 days, but if
- Rem used after that a fee of £3.00 Stg or $5.00 US
- Rem or the equivalent in other currencies should
- Rem be sent to G Morgan, Shop Farm,
- Rem St Brides Major, Mid-Glam, CF32 0SF
- Rem Wales, UK. All registration fees
- Rem will be donated to Grangetown Citizens
- Rem Advice Bureau. The program may be
- Rem freely distributed if unaltered and
- Rem complete.
- global inp,stg,rate,m%,new%,n%,cur$(6,20),cur%(6),c%
- global g%,st%,def$(16)
- lshow%:(1,9,"Convert",13,4)
- lshow%:(1,9,"by Gareth Morgan",13,6)
- lshow%:(1,0,"(c)1992. Shareware. See ""Info"" menu.",5,8)
- pause -40
- if exist("\dat\curr.dbf")
- open "\dat\curr.dbf",A,curr$,exchge$
- else
- create "\dat\curr.dbf",A,curr$,exchge$
- update:
- endif
- scurr:
- gat 63,71
- gCLOCK ON,$31
- do
- s::
- cls
- minit
- mcard "Convert","To "+def$,%T,"From "+def$,%F,"Other",%O
- mcard "Edit","Adjust Rates",%A,"Add Currency",%C,"Set Master",%m,"Set Defaults",%D
- Mcard "Info","Show terms",%S,"Print terms",%P
- mcard "Quit","Quit",%Q
- m%=menu
- if m%=%q or m%=0
- m%=sure:
- if m%=%y
- stop
- else
- goto s::
- endif
- elseif m%=%a
- update:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%c
- add:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%d
- def:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%m
- mst:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%s
- shterms:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%p
- pterms:
- goto s::
- elseif m%=%t or m%=%f
- minit
- mcard "Currency",cur$(1),cur%(1),cur$(2),cur%(2),cur$(3),cur%(3),cur$(4),cur%(4),cur$(5),cur%(5),cur$(6),cur%(6)
- mcard "Return","Back to main",%Q
- n%=menu
- if n%=%q or n%=0
- goto s::
- endif
- rate:(n%)
- rate=val(a.exchge$)
- if m%=%t
- do
- inp=0
- cls
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+a.curr$,3,4)
- at 23,4
- trap input inp
- stg=inp/rate
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+def$,3,6)
- at 23,6
- print fix$(stg,2,12)
- at 20,8
- print "Back to main? y/N "
- cursor on
- g%=get
- cursor off
- until g%=%y or g%=%Y
- else
- do
- inp=0
- cls
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+def$,3,4)
- at 23,4
- trap input inp
- stg=inp*rate
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+a.curr$,3,6)
- at 23,6
- print fix$(stg,2,12)
- at 20,8
- print "Back to main? y/N "
- cursor on
- g%=get
- cursor off
- until g%=%y or g%=%Y
- endif
- else
- othcur:
- endif
- until m%=%q
- dinit "Quit Convert"
- dtext "","Are you sure?"
- DBUTTONS "Yes",%Y,"No",%N
- return dialog
- proc rate:(n%)
- first
- if N%=cur%(1)
- find(cur$(1))
- elseif N%=cur%(2)
- find(cur$(2))
- elseif N%=cur%(3)
- find(cur$(3))
- elseif N%=cur%(4)
- find(cur$(4))
- elseif N%=cur%(5)
- find(cur$(5))
- elseif N%=cur%(6)
- find(cur$(6))
- endif
- endp
- proc update:
- local u%,fl
- do
- cls
- minit
- mcard "Currency",cur$(1),cur%(1),cur$(2),cur%(2),cur$(3),cur%(3),cur$(4),cur%(4),cur$(5),cur%(5),cur$(6),cur%(6)
- mcard "Back","Return to Main",%Q
- u%=menu
- first
- if u%=%q or u%=0
- return
- elseif u%=cur%(1)
- find(cur$(1))
- elseif u%=cur%(2)
- find(cur$(2))
- elseif u%=cur%(3)
- find(cur$(3))
- elseif u%=cur%(4)
- find(cur$(4))
- elseif u%=cur%(5)
- find(cur$(5))
- elseif u%=cur%(6)
- find(cur$(6))
- endif
- fl=val(a.exchge$)
- dINIT "Update rates"
- dtext "Current rate",a.exchge$
- dFLOAT fl,a.curr$,0,5000
- Rem if escape pressed
- if n%=0
- return
- endif
- a.exchge$=gen$(fl,9)
- update
- until u%=%q
- endp
- proc add:
- local fl,nc$(12),r%
- rem Procedure for adding currency
- dINIT "Add Currency"
- dedit nc$,"New Currency"
- dFLOAT fl,"Rate",0,5000
- Rem if escape pressed
- if n%=0
- return
- endif
- first
- if find(nc$)
- r%=ALERT(nc$+" found","Replace entry?","Cancel","Replace")
- if r%=2
- a.exchge$=gen$(fl,9)
- a.curr$=nc$
- update
- endif
- else
- a.exchge$=gen$(fl,9)
- a.curr$=nc$
- append
- endif
- endp
- proc othcur:
- local a%,b%,f,t,t$(10),f$(10)
- a%=curmen%:("From")
- first
- if a%=%q or a%=0
- return
- elseif a%=cur%(1)
- find(cur$(1))
- elseif a%=cur%(2)
- find(cur$(2))
- elseif a%=cur%(3)
- find(cur$(3))
- elseif a%=cur%(4)
- find(cur$(4))
- elseif a%=cur%(5)
- find(cur$(5))
- elseif a%=cur%(6)
- find(cur$(6))
- else
- print "No find"
- get
- endif
- f=val(a.exchge$)
- f$=a.curr$
- b%=curmen%:("To")
- first
- if b%=%q or b%=0
- return
- elseif b%=cur%(1)
- find(cur$(1))
- elseif b%=cur%(2)
- find(cur$(2))
- elseif b%=cur%(3)
- find(cur$(3))
- elseif b%=cur%(4)
- find(cur$(4))
- elseif b%=cur%(5)
- find(cur$(5))
- elseif b%=cur%(6)
- find(cur$(6))
- else
- print "No find"
- get
- endif
- t=val(a.exchge$)
- t$=a.curr$
- do
- inp=0
- cls
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+f$,3,4)
- at 23,4
- trap input inp
- stg=inp*t/f
- lshow%:(1,8,"Amount in "+t$,3,6)
- at 23,6
- print fix$(stg,2,12)
- at 20,8
- print "Back to main? y/N "
- cursor on
- g%=get
- cursor off
- until g%=%y or g%=%Y
- endp
- proc curmen%:(a$)
- local z%
- cls
- minit
- mcard a$,cur$(1),cur%(1),cur$(2),cur%(2),cur$(3),cur%(3),cur$(4),cur%(4),cur$(5),cur%(5),cur$(6),cur%(6)
- mcard "Back","Return to Main",%Q
- z%=menu
- return z%
- endp
- proc lshow%:(fontid%,style%,text$,x%,y%)
- gfont fontID%
- gstyle style%
- gat ((x%-1)*6),(y%*9)-2
- gprint text$
- endp
- proc def:
- local r%,rc%,a$(255),ch%,b$(255),c$(1),ck%,p%(32)
- local Master$(16)
- b$=""
- first
- find("Master")
- do
- r%=r%+1
- until mid$(a.curr$,r%,1)=":"
- master$=left$(a.curr$,r%-1)
- first
- while (a.exchge$="Master") or (a.curr$=master$)
- next
- endwh
- a$=a.curr$
- p%(1)=pos
- rc%=2
- do
- next
- if (a.exchge$<>"Master") and (a.exchge$<>"") and (a.curr$<>def$) and (a.curr$<>master$)
- a$=a$+","+a.curr$
- p%(rc%)=pos
- rc%=rc%+1
- endif
- until eof
- ch%=1
- do
- j::
- r%=1
- c$=""
- dinit "Default Currencies"
- dchoice r%,"Currency "+gen$(ch%,1),a$
- dedit c$,"Hot Key"
- ck%=dialog
- Rem if escape pressed
- if ck%=0
- return
- endif
- c$=lower$(c$)
- position p%(r%)
- ck%=1
- if len(b$)>len(a.curr$)
- do
- if mid$(b$,ck%,len(a.curr$)+2)=":"+a.curr$+":"
- alert("Currency "+a.curr$+" already","loaded.")
- goto j::
- endif
- ck%=ck%+1
- until ck%=len(b$)-len(a.curr$)
- endif
- ck%=1
- if len(b$)>3
- do
- if (mid$(b$,ck%,3)=":"+c$+":") or (c$="q")
- alert("Hot key "+c$+" already","in use.")
- goto j::
- endif
- ck%=ck%+1
- until ck%=len(b$)-2
- endif
- if c$=""
- alert("Hot key must","be entered.")
- goto j::
- endif
- b$=b$+":"+a.curr$+":"+c$
- ch%=ch%+1
- until ch%=7
- first
- find("Master")
- a.curr$=master$+b$
- update
- scurr:
- endp
- proc mst:
- local r%,rc%,a$(255),ch%,ck%,n$(16),b$(255),old,p%(32)
- local loop%,last%
- last
- last%=pos
- first
- if a.exchge$<>"Master"
- a$=a.curr$
- else
- next
- a$=a.curr$
- endif
- p%(1)=pos
- rc%=2
- do
- next
- if (a.exchge$<>"Master") and (a.exchge$<>"") and (a.curr$<>def$)
- a$=a$+","+a.curr$
- p%(rc%)=pos
- rc%=rc%+1
- endif
- until eof
- ALERT("All currencies will be converted to","the rate against new Master")
- r%=1
- dinit "Master Currency"
- dchoice r%,"Currency ",a$
- rc%=dialog
- Rem if escape pressed
- if rc%=0
- return
- endif
- position p%(r%)
- n$=a.curr$
- old=val(a.exchge$)
- a.exchge$="1.000"
- update
- def$=n$
- first
- find("Master")
- b$=a.curr$
- ck%=1
- do
- ck%=ck%+1
- until mid$(b$,ck%,1)=":"
- a.curr$=n$+right$(b$,len(b$)-(ck%-1))
- update
- def:
- rem adjust rates for new master
- busy "Converting rates",2
- first
- loop%=1
- do
- if (a.curr$<>def$) and (a.exchge$<>"Master")
- a.exchge$=fix$(val(a.exchge$)/old,6,12)
- update
- endif
- position 1
- loop%=loop%+1
- if a.exchge$="Master"
- position 2
- endif
- until loop%=last%
- busy off
- endp
- proc scurr:
- Rem Find master record and load the
- Rem default currency and up to 6
- Rem conversions
- first
- find("Master")
- c%=1
- do
- cur$(c%)=""
- c%=c%+1
- until c%=7
- c%=1
- st%=1
- def$=""
- do
- def$=def$+MID$(a.curr$,st%,1)
- st%=st%+1
- until mid$(a.curr$,st%,1)=":"
- st%=st%+1
- do
- do
- cur$(c%)=cur$(c%)+MID$(a.curr$,st%,1)
- st%=st%+1
- until mid$(a.curr$,st%,1)=":"
- st%=st%+1
- cur%(c%)=asc(MID$(a.curr$,st%,1))
- st%=st%+2
- c%=c%+1
- until c%=7
- endp
- proc Shterms:
- cls
- print "Convert is shareware and copyrighted"
- print "The program may be used for 28 days"
- print "After that a fee of £3 Stg or $5 US"
- print "or the equivalent should be sent to"
- print "G Morgan, Shop Farm, St Brides Major"
- print "Mid-Glam, CF32 0SF Wales, UK."
- print "All registration fees go to Grangetown"
- print "Citizens Advice Bureau. The program "
- print "may be copied if unaltered and complete."
- get
- gat 63,71
- gCLOCK ON,$31
- endp
- proc pterms:
- Busy "Printing"
- trap LOPEN "PAR:A"
- if err=-41
- busy off
- alert("No printer attached","Please connect before printing")
- return
- endif
- lprint " Convert by Gareth Morgan"
- lprint "Convert is shareware and copyrighted"
- lprint "The program may be used for 28 days"
- lprint "After that a fee of £3 Stg or $5 US"
- lprint "or the equivalent should be sent to"
- lprint "G Morgan, Shop Farm, St Brides Major"
- lprint "Mid-Glam, CF32 0SF Wales, UK."
- lprint "All registration fees go to Grangetown"
- lprint "Citizens Advice Bureau. The program "
- lprint "may be copied if unaltered and complete."
- lclose
- busy off
- endp