home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- REM DPBank Install script for RCOM
- REM %1 should be I: , L: or R:
- if %1.==I:. goto ok
- if %1.==L:. goto ok
- if %1.==R:. goto ok
- if %1.==i:. goto ok
- if %1.==l:. goto ok
- if %1.==r:. goto ok
- echo This is a script for RCOM (which also comes with PsiWin)
- echo.
- echo Usage:
- echo start RCOM and in RCOM type:
- echo INSTALL I: (I: for Internal / L: for SSD-A / R: for SSD-B)
- echo.
- echo Note:
- echo this will install the english files only! If you want
- echo to install another language, refer to the documentation.
- echo.
- echo PsiWin users:
- echo copy the files WITHOUT conversion to the
- echo relevant directories. See the "installation"
- echo section in the documentation as to where the
- echo files should be copied.
- goto exit
- :ok
- echo.
- echo Installing DPBank to %1
- echo -----------------------
- echo OK? (If not, press Ctrl-C now)
- echo.
- pause
- if not exist %1\app md %1\app
- if not exist %1\app\dpbank md %1\app\dpbank
- cd app
- copy dpbank.opa %1\app\
- cd dpbank
- copy langs01.opo %1\app\dpbank\
- copy help01.rsc %1\app\dpbank\
- cd ..
- echo.
- echo DPBank installed
- :exit