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- GEODIS v1.04
- Overview
- GEODIS (GEOgraphical DISplay) - (c) 1995/96 Rolf Aeschbacher
- This program draws maps of different countries on the Psion Series 3a. You can
- move the map around, enlarge or reduce it (zooming) and you can search for and
- display places. Information such as distance between places, population and
- elevation of cities etc. can be viewed.
- Geodis uses overlays to draw details such as roads, lakes, hotels etc. on the
- map. You can turn overlays on or off at any time.
- This program was developed specifically for the Psion Series 3a, with two
- objectives in mind: low disk and memory usage and fast screen drawing. The
- firts goal was achieved by using compact binary files that are only loaded by
- the program when required. The second goal, fast drawing speed, is more
- difficult to achieve, as it is dependent on processor speed. Waiting time can,
- however, be reduced by interrupting screen-redraws by pressing ESC or any other
- active key (eg. pressing F interrupts screen drawing and goes straight to the
- "Find" menu).
- Note: Files that are contained in the full version only and functions that only
- the full version has, are marked with [*] below.
- Installation
- If you have installed an earlier version of Geodis you should first delete alle
- files in the directory \Geodis\ as well as the file \App\Geodis.app. Also,
- remove the application from the system screen.
- Note: Geodis now resides in \App\Geodis\ to make it more standard.
- - in \APP\
- Geodis.opa
- - all other files in \APP\GEODIS\
- Geodis.pic
- Georich.opo
- Geosupp.opo
- Geomsg.01 (English texts)
- Geomsg.03 (German texts) or
- Geohlp.01 (English online help, optional) or
- Geohlp.03 (German online help, optional)
- Installation Schweiz/Switzerland - files in \APP\GEODIS\
- (all cantons, all communities)
- Schweiz.ini
- Border.ch
- County.ch
- Ewho.ch
- City??.ch1 (9 files)
- Default.ch3
- Dist.ch1
- Overlays (optional, extensions ch2 and ch3):
- - McDonald McDonald's Restaurants
- - Movenpic Moevenpick restaurants/service areas
- - Seen Lakes of Switzerland
- - Staedte all 110 cities with population
- - [*] Autobahn Highways
- - [*] Badminto Badminton places with addresses/telephone numbers
- - [*] Baeder Kurbaeder - health resorts
- - [*] Bergrest a choice of alpine restaurants
- - [*] Bowling Bowling alleys, supplied by Ralph Oderbolz
- - [*] Fastbox Fastbox machines
- - [*] Fluesse Rivers
- - [*] Gipfel important mountains
- - [*] Gitter1+2 the national grid
- - [*] Kantone all 26 cantons of Switzerland
- - [*] Zh_* Types of communities in the canton of Zurich (5 overlays)
- Installation USA - files in \APP\GEODIS\
- (all states, largest cities)
- Usa.ini
- Border.us
- County.us
- Ewho.us
- City1?.us1 (3 files)
- Default.us3
- Overlays (optional, extensions us2 and us3):
- - Lakes the big lakes
- - States the states
- - [*] Pun_* the states with Capital Punishment (5 overlays)
- Installation France1 - files in \APP\GEODIS\
- (all departements with their numbers/names, no cities)
- France1.ini
- Border.f1
- Overlays (optional, extensions f12 and f13):
- - Departem all departements
- Installation Vector - files in \APP\GEODIS\
- (different vector graphics as overlays, of course with Zoom)
- Vector.ini
- Border.ve
- Overlays (optional, extensions ve2 and ve3):
- - Columbia Space 'ship' Columbia
- - [*] Illusion Optical illusion
- - [*] Krumm Optical illusion
- - Lissajou Lissajous
- - [*] Maisha Vector girl
- - [*] Penrose Optical illusion
- - Porsche surprisingly, a Porsche
- - [*] Skull yes, a skull!
- - Spirale Mega spiral
- - World Globe
- Install Geodis.opa with Psion-I.
- Files not needed by the program:
- Geocomp.opo to create overlays (full version only)
- Geodis01.txt English documentation (ASCII file)
- Geodis03.txt German documentation (ASCII file)
- Geodis01.wrd Doc in Psion WRD format (available on request)
- Geodis03.wrd Doc in Psion WRD format (available on request)
- All files must be copied onto the same disk (A:, M: or B:)
- The files Geodis.??s and Geodis.reg are created automatically in the directory
- M:\opd\. The former contains the setup and the latter the registration
- details.
- Keys
- + - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7: zoom in/out, select zoom level
- Arrows: scroll map, Psion-Arrows: scroll map in large steps
- ESC: stop drawing
- Space: redraw screen
- Star *: center again
- Help key: online help. please read!!
- TAB: toggle scale ruler
- Diamond: much/few detail [*]
- Display (A)
- To make the program more flexible and to save memory, the maps are subdivided
- into up to three regions.
- The map USA isn't divided yet.
- MM CC (Mexico and Canada)
- The Swiss map is divided as follows:
- 1. North (cantons ZH BE SO BS BL SH AG)
- 2. East/Central/South
- (cantons LU UR SZ OW NW GL ZG AR AI SG GR TG TI and FL)
- 3. West/Near countries
- (cantons FR VD VS NE GE JU and DD FF OO II)
- The Swiss database is based on local governmental divisions, so some well-known
- tourist areas may not be included. There are also a few cities in the database
- from the five countries that surround Switzerland [*], however without
- population or elevation data. Please let me know if you could provide data on
- tourist areas or towns beyond the Swiss border.
- Formulas (A)
- Only Swiss and US map: The 'display' dialog has an entry 'Cities by formula'.
- Activate it and you will be able to enter a formula. For the data of each place
- the formula is computed (using EVAL). If the result gives TRUE that place is
- drawn on the map.
- Variable sized marks:
- If you activate this menu choice, each place matching the formula is drawn as a
- box on the map. The size of this box depends on the population and the
- elevation: the larger the population the wider the box and the larger the
- elevation the taller the box. The boxes are between 1 to 16 pixels large
- (inclusive), where 1 pixel wide/tall means that the population/elevation is not
- known. You can as always type B to turn the text display on/off.
- Examples for formulas: see online help
- Diamond key
- Switch between much and few detail. [*]
- Info about places (I)
- The following information about cities is displayed:
- - Canton, state or country
- - Elevation (m or ft)
- - Population (for Switzerland based on the 1990 national census)
- - Swiss map only:
- a) Coordinates (national grid), with a precision of 1 km
- b) Geographical coordinates (longitude/latitude), calculated from the
- national grid coordinates
- c) Locator: a code which is used for HAM Radio and Packet Radio for worldwide
- positioning, calculated from the geographical coordinates
- (example: JN47HM)
- If it is an item from an overlay you will see the name of the overlay in the
- title in angle-brackets [...].
- Distances (D, T)
- Psion-D
- The 'distance as the crow flies' is calculated from the coordinates.
- Note: Unfortunately the distances calculated for the US map are not very
- accurate. Use those figures with care.
- Psion-T
- Swiss map:
- The program knows the distance on the road between the 36 cities contained in
- this list. Choose two such cities and press D for distance.
- US map:
- The program knows the distance on the road between the 32 cities contained in
- this list. Choose two such cities and press D for distance.
- Searching (F, L)
- The searchtext can be up to 30 characters long. It is case INsensitive by
- default and 'Umlauts' don't have to be entered. If you enter 'zur' Geodis finds
- Zurich, Zurzach etc.
- Psion-F
- F searches for places/texts in overlays.
- Psion-L
- L searches for cities only and presents all places that have been found in a
- sorted list.
- Anchor city (N)
- You can anchor a place that is already displayed. All further distance
- calculatons will be made from that place.
- History (G)
- Places selected during a Geodis session are stored in their own list, which can
- be recalled by pressing G. If a place is selected from this list, the program
- switches to the search function, using the place-name as search text [*].
- Overlays (O, P)
- Overlays can either be points (cities, hotels etc.) or lines (roads, lakes,
- rivers etc.). The former can be represented by a picture.
- Psion-O
- An overlay can be drawn black or grey. For 'point overlays' you can choose to
- display it as picture or as text (Psion-A).
- Psion-P
- This presents a list of all overlays. Choose one to see its description.
- Files with the extension .??2 are overlays (the two ? stand for the map code -
- CH for Switzerland, US for USA etc.).
- The extension .??3 is used for the appropriate icons. These are standard PIC
- images, which can easily be changed with a pixel editor. These pictures can be
- arbitrarily large, but currently the program places them correct on the map
- only if they are square.
- Currently a maximum of 28 overlays can be displayed simultaneously (five in the
- unregistered version).
- Registered users can create their own overlays. The full version contains the
- program you need (Geocomp.opo).
- Setup
- The registered version automatically saves your setup when you quit the program
- (file M:\opd\Geodis.??s, separate for each map). You can set this file's
- attribute to 'read only' once you are satisfied with your setup.
- Memory
- You need approx. 100k internal memory to fully use Geodis. The map USA can run
- with less memory because it contains fewer cities.
- Future
- Currently there are maps for Switzerland, for the USA and for France available
- (a city map of Zurich is worked on). The idea is to supply more maps of
- different countries and cities in the future.
- Updates
- 1.02
- - the large screen in the S3a emulator is used automatically
- - keys 1 - 7 jump to a specific zoom
- - formulas (Psion-A)
- - extended overlay format
- 1.03
- - several maps
- - Psion-Enter from the Info dialog can be used to save the coordinates of the
- current place. Use the module Geocomp.opo to create your own overlays. [*]
- - language independence because of message files. Currently there are only
- codes 3 (German) and 1 (English) supported. You can rename these files to
- default to the other language (rename *.01 to *.03 or reversed). It is also
- possible to press PSION while starting Geodis - this swaps the language.
- - conversions between mi, km, ft, m
- 1.04
- - max. 28 Overlays
- - enhanced searching (exact match)
- - Psion-Enter searches in all overlays (registered version)
- - Swiss border created again (some Swiss villages were placed in Germany...),
- Border of Liechtenstein
- - new maps: France1, Vector
- - Geosupp.opo is now needed in any case
- - variable sized marks in the formula menu
- - Distance table for the USA map
- - Swiss map: HAM-Radio/Packet Radio Locator
- Registration (R)
- This program is not free. You can try it out for two weeks without obligation.
- If you like the program, then you must register it after this time, or delete
- the program. Registration is through payment of a small fee (see below).
- What are the advantages of registration?
- You will receive a code which you can enter in the "Register" menu selection
- (Psion-R). This enables additional features as follows:
- - all 1500 Swiss cities (instead of just 500) can be displayed
- - about twice as much US cities can be displayed
- - the limitation to five overlays disappears
- - by pressing the diamond key you can switch between much/few detail
- - your setup is saved
- - 100 instead of 20 found places can be viewed in a sorted list
- - if you choose a place in the history list the program jumps to the search
- function
- - if you choose a place from the distance table the program jumps to the search
- function
- You also receive the full version of Geodis with more than 3000 places in
- Switzerland and all overlays as well as all available maps (Switzerland, USA,
- France1, Vector). A Zurich city map is worked on.
- You may pass this program over to friends, but only complete and unchanged.
- However you are NOT allowed to copy the full version which you have paid for.
- Note that, once registered, there is a file Geodis.reg which you must not copy
- - it contains your name.
- Please support the shareware system! Only through your support can it survive.
- If nobody registers the program, I have no motivation for further development,
- and I will ask myself whether it would have been better to release it as a
- commercial product.
- Cost:
- Registration costs only CHF 20 or US$ 20 oder GBP 15.
- You can register online via Compuserve (US$ 22): GO SWREG, then follow the
- instructions. The registration ID for Geodis is 6320.
- Delivery: on a PC DOS disc or by e-mail.
- Registered users of Geodis will receive updates free and automatically if the
- update can be sent by e-mail. If you don't have access to electronic mail I ask
- you to send a formated DOS disc and a SAE (self-addressed envelope).
- Disclaimer
- Geodis has been tested as much as possible and all data has been entered
- carefully. However I cannot guarantee that this program works as expected and
- that the information presented is correct in any case. The program is provided
- 'as is', you use it at your own risk.
- Author
- Rolf Aeschbacher
- Bacheggweg 2
- CH-8424 Embrach
- Switzerland
- E-Mail: 100116.3357@compuserve.com
- Compuserve: 100116,3357
- FidoNet: 2:301/811.26
- National giro account (PC): 84-51241-4