home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- app hyperpoc
- enda
- rem ---------------------------------
- proc browse%:(par$)
- rem ---------------------------------
- rem
- rem browse% displays all cards of the specified stack.
- rem Pressing ESC or a hot key will abort browse.
- rem Any other key will stop at the current card displayed.
- rem par$ indicates the stack to be used:
- rem "c" for the current stack
- rem other for stack selection via dialog box
- rem handles for card
- global cdHand&,cardnum%,stack$(128)
- rem variables
- local r%,c%,oldStk$(128),oldCd%
- rem remember current card
- oldStk$ = curStk$
- oldCd% = cuCd%
- r% = -1
- stack$ = curStk$
- if par$ <> "c"
- rem ask stackname with current stack as default
- stack$ = curStk$
- lock on
- dinit tx$:(165) : rem "Browse"
- dfile stack$,tx$:(129),16
- r% = dialog
- lock off
- endif
- if r%
- onerr err1 : rem Define error handler
- rem The browsing is actually implemented as onIdle: routine
- rem We simply ask for a key press while switching
- rem animation(1) and music(2) off but enabling the onIdle: routine(8).
- c% = getKey%:(11)
- rem Return to HyperPoc displaying the old card
- if c% = 27 or c% >= 512
- showCd%:(oldStk$,oldCd%)
- endif
- bye::
- busy off
- warning:(tx$:(166),0) : rem "Browsing finished"
- return c%
- rem
- rem Error handler : Return error code to hyperpoc
- rem
- err1::
- onerr off
- return err
- endif
- endp
- rem onIdle: searchs for the next card and displays it.
- rem The routine is called continously. When no more
- rem cards are found, onIdle returns the code for the
- rem ESC key which is then returned via getKey%:.
- proc onIdle:
- busy tx$:(167) : rem "Browsing"
- cardnum% = findCd%:(stack$,1,"",addr(cdHand&))
- if cardnum% = 0 : return 27 : endif
- showCd%:(stack$,cardnum%)
- endp
- rem edParm$: supports the editing process for browse objects.
- proc edParm$:(parm$)
- local p%
- if parm$ = "c"
- p% = 1
- else
- p% = 2
- endif
- dinit tx$:(165) : rem "Browse"
- dchoice p%,tx$:(129),tx$:(168) : rem "Stack" "current,as selected"
- dialog
- if p% = 1
- return "c"
- endif
- endp