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- HyperPoc program interface:
- ===================================================================
- Changes in Version 2.2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- OnTick A timer tick is now guaranteed when the OnTick bit
- is set and the interval can be specified (default 1/2 sec)
- helpClue new function to control help system.
- ===================================================================
- HyperPoc V2 allows to define program objects. User written programs
- can be executed on card open or on activation.
- This interface, is however, unsupported. We cannot give information exceeding
- the information offered with this text.
- Program objects can:
- 1. Place any graphic information on the current card.
- 2. Display an own window
- 3. Manage events from keyboard and other devices
- 4. Access to other cards via predefined HyperPoc routines
- 5. Access to other files within the system
- 6. Create files
- How to:
- 1. Installation
- Make sure to include HCIF.OPA into the \APP\HYPERPOC folder.
- If you do not plan to use Program objects, you don't need this module.
- =======================================================================
- 2. Creation of program object
- Write the required OPL module.
- The module must start with
- PROC modnam%:(parm$)
- modnam must be identical with the name of the module.
- On invocation parm$ will contain the parameter string as defined in HyperPoc.
- We suggest to store the program into the folder ...\APP\HYPERPOC\SUB\ .
- However, it may be stored elsewhere, especially during debugging.
- If you are creating your program on a PC, you may want to use OPLLINT
- to check your program for missing definitions. Use HPREF.OPL to support
- this process:
- OPLLINT modnam hpref -imc -rmodnam
- =======================================================================
- 3. Define program object on card or background.
- This is done in the HyperPoc Editor (PSION-E or PSION-B) and PSION-P.
- You are asked for the module name (modnam) and a parameter string.
- This string will be passed to the module on invocation (parm$).
- =======================================================================
- 4. Programming guidelines
- a) Use never variable names starting with HY.
- b) Use never subroutine names starting with HY.
- c) Close any windows you have opened before returning control back
- to HyperPoc.
- d) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Never, never use file commands such as ERASE, UPDATE, APPEND
- without preceeding them by a USE B/C/D statement.
- Unsolicited use of these statements can cause the corruption of
- your stacks.
- The file handle A cannot be used because it is used by HyperPoc.
- During the debugging stage make backup copies of all of your
- stacks.
- e) Stacks
- Never access physically do stacks. Stack data structures may
- change during updates and are not published for this reason.
- HCIF provides a set of specialised routines for stack access (see below).
- =======================================================================
- 5. Interface routines
- cardnum% = findCd%:(stack$,srchmod%,srch$,addr(handle&))
- This routine finds a card in the specified stack. Set handle& = 0 for
- the first call. Subsequent calls will find other cards matching the
- specified search criterion.
- The function returns 0 when no (more) cards are found.
- stack$ stack name (full path name).
- srchmod% = 1 card text
- 2 card keywords
- 3 card number
- srch$ = Text string, Keyword, or number
- For srchmod% = 1 or = 2 srch$ may contain
- wild cards (*,?)
- handle& Card handle. To be used with other
- access routines.
- It is possible to manage different
- cards simultanously using different
- handle& and stack$ variables.
- cardnum% logical card number
- 0 = no card found
- 2 = home card
- >2 other cards
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- findBg:(stack$,addr(handle&))
- This routine finds the background of the specified stack.
- stack$ stack name (full path name).
- handle& Background handle. To be used with other
- access routines.
- It is possible to manage different
- backgrounds simultanously using different
- handle& and stack$ variables.
- The global variable ObjPar% will contain the hypertext emphasis
- (gStyle format) of the specified stack.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- obj% = CdObj%:(stack$,addr(handle&),ObjMsk&)
- This routine returns objects of the current card or background
- one by one with each call. When no more objects can be returned,
- the result is 0.
- The routine sets the following global variables:
- ObjX%, ObjY%, ObjW%, ObjH%
- ObjTxt$ (128)
- ObjAttr$ (70)
- ObjPar%
- ObjX%, ObjY%, ObjW%, ObjH% contain object position and dimension.
- ObjTxt$, ObjAttr$, ObjPar% depend on the object type
- stack$ stack name (full path name).
- handle& Card or background handle.
- ObjMsk& Selection mask for objects.
- 2**obj% will select objects of type obj%
- Combinations are possible.
- E.g. 2**2+2**5 = 36 = &00000024
- selects texts and phone numbers
- Specify &ffffffff for all objects.
- obj% = object type
- 0 no (more) object found
- 1 Application &00000002
- 2 Text &00000004
- 3 Card link &00000008
- 4 Icon &00000010
- 5 Phone # &00000020
- 6 Polyline &00000040
- 7 unused
- 8 Rectangle &00000100
- 9 Clock &00000200
- 10 Keywords &00000400
- 11 Bitmap &00000800
- 12 Music &00001000
- 13 Menu function &00002000
- 14 Round rectangle &00004000
- 15 HotTab &00008000
- 16 unused
- 17 Explainer &00020000
- 18 unused
- 19 Program &00080000
- Application:
- ObjTxt$ = File name (e.g. DATA.DAT)
- ObjAttr$ = Application name (e.g. WORLD)
- Text:
- ObjTxt$ = character string
- any character code n% < 32
- represents a gap of n% pixels instead
- of a real character (created with TAB key).
- ObjAttr$ = attribute string
- ObjAttr$ is structured in the following way (dummy declarations only):
- att$(i%) = mid$(ObjAttr$,3*i%-2,3)
- for i% = 1 ... len(ObjAttr$)/3
- is a single attribute for one text segment
- slen%(i%) = asc(att$(i%)) and 127
- is the length of the text element in characters
- sind%(i%) = asc(att$(i%)) and 128
- is an indicator if there are any character codes
- < 32 (TABS) in the text segment.
- font%(i%) = asc(mid$(att$(i%),2,1))
- is the font number for the text segment
- Note: HyperPoc font numbers are not identical
- with gfont font id's. Use the function
- trfont%: to translate a HyperPoc font number
- into gfont font id's.
- style%(i%) = asc(right$(att$(i%),1))
- is the gStyle setting for the text segment
- Card link:
- ObjTxt$ = stackname
- ObjPar% = cardnumber
- Icon:
- none
- Phone #:
- ObjTxt$ = phone number (dirty)
- Use strip$ (see below) for cleaning.
- ObjAttr$ = Header String ("",bh,ah,mb,pg,fx,em)
- (Language dependend)
- Polyline:
- none
- Rectangle:
- none
- Clock:
- none
- Keywords:
- ObjTxt$ = keywords separated by comma
- Bitmap:
- none
- Music:
- none
- Menu function:
- ObjPar% = Function code (= character code+512)
- Round rectangle:
- none
- HotTab:
- ObjPar% = object type associated with HotTab
- ObjTxt$ = name of HotTab
- Objects associated with HotTabs can be found
- by position:
- If the HotTab has a name:
- x+w+3 , y
- or
- x+w+3 , y+2
- else
- x , y
- or
- x , y+2
- Explainer:
- none
- Program:
- none
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- c% = getKey%:(control%)
- Get a key code or event code.
- control% Control mask for animation
- 1 inhibit animation
- 2 inhibit music and sound
- 4 pass control on timer tick
- You have to provide a routine onTick:
- 8 pass control on idle
- You have to provide a routine onIdle:
- 16 Disable Help system during this getKey
- HelpKey is passed as result when pressed
- 32 Pass MENU key to user routine
- n*256 interval between timer ticks
- in 1/2 seconds (n = 1...127)
- Note that the routine onIdle: is only started when the system is
- waiting for an event. Animation or onTick: routines may lead to the
- situation that the system is never idle.
- Both onIdle: and onTick: may return a character code to getKey:,
- which is then passed to the caller of getKeY:.
- On receiving event codes (c% = 513...1023,1028)
- you must(!) close your routine and pass control back to HyperPoc.
- The event codes 1024,1025,1026,1027,1029 are not handled
- by HyperPoc, so you better handle them yourself.
- After closing your files and windows use
- to inform HyperPoc about the event.
- It is strongly recommended to use this routine instead of
- get or getevent. While waiting for the event,
- HyperPoc will continue to process animation, music and stop watches.
- It will also handle the menu key.
- Note: Do not use instructions such as get, key, getevent, pause, iow, ioa
- within these routines.
- As key modifier use the global variable km% instead of kmod.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- r% = showCd%:(stknam$,cdnum%)
- Opens the specified card of the specified stack and displays it.
- The specified card becomes the current card. This function
- allows the user program to navigate through cards.
- If successful the result is -1, else 0.
- curstk$ and cuCd% (see below) are modified by this function.
- This function cannot be used at card open time. When used
- during this time it will have no effect and will return 0.
- =======================================================================
- 6. Utility functions
- Some useful subroutines that can be used in a user module:
- substr$ = extract$:(cslist$,i%)
- If cslist$ is a comma separated list, extract$ returns the i-th
- element of this list (empty if i% is out of range).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- o$ = Obj$:(o%)
- Returns the object type name for object type o%.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- file$ = shtName$:(path$)
- Extracts the 8-byte file name from a full path name.
- The first character of the file name will be upper case,
- the following characters will be lower case.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- prTim:(sec%)
- gprints a time specified in seconds (sec%) as hh:mm:ss
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- atxt$ = asctxt$:(rawtxt$,len%,pat$)
- delivers the first len% bytes of rawtxt$ and replaces any
- character code < 32 by pat$ (e.g. chr$(9)).
- A typical call for text objects could be:
- asctxt$:(right$(spec$,len(spec$)-1),asc(spec$)," ")
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- dial$ = strip$:(phone$)
- Removes all characters unfit for dialling from phone$.
- Translates also [country] into digits and processes +countrycode.
- An empty string is returned on invalid country code.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- dial:( dial$,out% )
- Dials the specified dial string (dial$) using the preferences
- of the current stack. strip$ is applied to dial$ before
- actual dialling.
- out% <> 0 causes the dial-out string to be dialled first.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret% = setrs:
- Before you print to a line printer you should call
- this routine. The serial interface will be set to the values
- defined with printer setup (PSION-Y). This routine includes
- and LOPEN to the serial or parallel interface.
- The response code is unequal zero in case of success.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- warning:(Msg$,Sever%)
- flashes Msg$ in lower right corner of screen and beeps.
- Sever% indicates the severity (0..3) which is reflected
- in duration and pitch of the beep.
- 0 = Message (no beep)
- 1 = Operator errors (e.g. wrong input string, low pitch beep)
- 2 = Device errors (e.g. disk full, medium pitch beep)
- 3 = System and program errors( high pitch beep)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- helpClue:(Clue$)
- Sets a help clue (help keyword) for the help system to
- provide context sensitive help. Clue$ must be 1..9 characters.
- An empty string as Clue$ switches the help system off.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- gfnt% = trfont%:(hfnt%)
- Translates a HyperPoc Font number into a gfont font ID.
- Returns the stack default font ID if hfnt% is not valid.
- =======================================================================
- 7. Variables:
- Never, never overwrite the following variables.
- curStk$ (128) = full path name of current stack
- stkFol$ (128) = path name of HyperPoc stack folder
- icnFol$ (128) = path name of HyperPoc icon folder
- appFol$ (128) = path name of HyperPoc module folder (...APP\HYPERPOC\)
- cuCd% = logical number of current card
- km% = key modifier (instead of kmod)
- sMod% = last search mode (1,2,3)
- sKey$ (32) = last search string
- onAct% = true if program was invoked on activation
- false if program was invoked on card open
- =======================================================================
- 8. Permanent memory and semaphors
- The following variables are not used by HyperPoc and
- are dedicated to be used by user programs. You may use them, for
- instance, to remember logical card numbers or as semaphors.
- prVar1%
- prVar2%
- prVar3%
- prVar4%
- prStrng$(128)
- You should not try to remember background and card handles
- between program calls. Handles may change when a card is
- edited. Better remember the logical card number and find
- it again using findCd.
- =======================================================================
- 9. Display media
- Programs can output into
- a) the current card.
- The current card is drawable 1.
- On program start, the global variables
- ObjX%, ObjY%, ObjW%, ObjH%
- contain the X- and Y-coordinates, width,
- and height of the current card.
- Always use graphic instructions like gprint
- to output into the card.
- b) A window created by the program.
- Use gcreate to create the window.
- Always close the window when leaving the program.
- =======================================================================
- 10. Error handling
- Your routine should handle any errors. Specify an ONERR clause to
- pass control to an error label. Before you leave the routine close
- all you files and windows. Return the errorcode with RETURN r%
- (r% containing the error code).
- =======================================================================
- 11. Creating a parameter string
- The size of the parameter string is limited to 50 characters.
- Normally you specify a parameter string when placing the program object
- onto the card.
- However, if the parameter syntax becomes complex, as in IMPDATA.OPL,
- you may want to support the input of the parameter string with a specialised
- dialogue box.
- To do so, define within the module a subroutine
- edParm$:(oldParm$)
- This subroutine is called when a program object is created or modified.
- oldParm$ contains the old parameter string (empty for a new object).
- The new parameter string is passed to HyperPoc as the result of edParm$.
- If HyperPoc does not find a subroutine edParm$ it will allow for the input
- of the raw parameter string.
- =======================================================================
- 12. Tips
- It is possible to change search criteria between subsequent findCd% calls.
- e.g.
- findCd%:(curStk$,3,num$(cuCd%,5),addr(handle&))
- findCd%:(curStk$,1,"elephant",addr(handle&))
- positions first to the current card, then starts searching for
- text "elephant" with the next card until stack end.
- At program invocation time, the graphic cursor is always positioned at
- the top left corner of the program representation, so can use gX and gY
- to find out about the position of the program object.
- =======================================================================
- 13. Examples
- PHLIST.OPL prints a phonelist from the address stack.
- BROWSE.OPL displays all cards of a stack.
- INDEX.OPL displays the sorted keywords of a stack.
- IMPDATA.OPL imports PSION database records.