home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- "The application is already
- "installed on drive
- "Continue
- "Other drive
- "Options only
- "Select drives
- "System Drive
- "Data Drive
- "Copying
- "No
- "Yes
- "Abort
- "Transfer aborted
- "deleted
- "Transfer completed
- "exists
- "Install
- "from
- "drive
- "I from system screen
- "Additional options were installed
- "Overwrite?
- "with errors
- "Backup
- ; c=continue,d=other drive,o=option only,y=yes,n=no
- "cdoyn
- "Please make a backup of your
- "files before you continue.
- "Internal
- "HyperPoc Installation
- PPlease deinstall HyperPoc first.
- PSystem key, navigate to HyperPoc
- M
- +Pthen PSION-\.
- -Pthen PSION-Y.
- P?
- Ysetup.log
- A\app\hyperpoc.opa
- ?F
- F\sta
- ?1+
- ?2+
- ?3+
- ?5+
- ?6+
- ISelect Options(60k+)
- ?1Editing facilities(33k)
- ?2Musical tunes(2k)
- ?3Stacks(1-27k)
- ?4Additional fonts(5k)
- ?5Programming & AddOns(3-10k)
- ?6Alarms & Help(8k)
- D
- -Z
- !3
- +?a+
- +?b+
- +?c+
- +?d+
- +IOptional stacks
- +?aHyperPoc Stack(2k)
- +?bAddress Stack(1k)
- +?cOnline Manual(20k)
- +?dPicture Gallery(4k)
- +D
- +-Z
- !5
- +?h+
- +?i+
- +?j+
- +IOptional OPL programs(2k+)
- +?hBrowse through stack(1k)
- +?iImport Data record(3k)
- +?jKeyword Index(3k)
- +?kPhonelist(Address)(1k)
- +D
- +-Z
- !F
- +!c
- +-X\sta\manual.sta
- +!d
- +-X\sta\gallery.sta
- +M
- ++Rhyper3a.opa,\app\hyperpoc.opa
- +-R\app\hyperpoc.opa
- +Rm:\hyperp.$$$
- +R\app\hyperpoc\hcmain.opa
- +R\app\hyperpoc\hclan.opa
- +R\app\hyperpoc\hcmod.opa
- +R\sta\pic\*.pic
- +R\app\common\about.opa
- +R\app\common\dialset.opa
- +R\app\common\rsset.opa
- +!1
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\hcedt.opa
- +!5
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\hcif.opa
- +!h
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\sub\browse.opa
- +!i
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\sub\impdata.opa
- +!j
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\sub\index.opa
- +!k
- +-X\app\hyperpoc\sub\phlist.opa
- +!6
- +-X\app\help\hyphlp.dbf
- !1
- +R\app\hyperpoc\hcedt.opa
- !2
- +R\sta\tun\*.tun
- !a
- +M
- ++Chyper_e.sta,@:\sta\hyperpoc.sta
- +-Chyper3e.sta,@:\sta\hyperpoc.sta
- !b
- +Caddres_e.sta,@:\sta\address.sta
- !c
- +R\sta\manual.sta
- !d
- +R@:\sta\gallery.sta
- !4
- +R\app\hyperpoc\fon\*.fon
- !5
- +R\app\hyperpoc\hcif.opa
- !h
- +R\app\hyperpoc\sub\browse.opa
- !i
- +R\app\hyperpoc\sub\impdata.opa
- !j
- +R\app\hyperpoc\sub\index.opa
- !k
- +R\app\hyperpoc\sub\phlist.opa
- !6
- +C\app\help\hyperpoc.hlp
- +PPlease stop Morpheus first:
- +PPress system button,
- +Pinstall Morpheus(PSION-I)
- +M
- ++Pthen kill (Shift-PSION-X)
- +-Pthen kill (PSION-Z)
- +P?
- +Xm:\app\morpheus.opa
- +M
- ++Rmorpheua.opa,m:\app\morpheu2.opa
- ++Rm:\app\help.pic
- +-Rm:\app\morpheu2.opa
- +Rm:\app\morpheu2\morpheum.opa