home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- app hyperpoc
- enda
- rem ---------------------------------
- proc index%:(par$)
- rem ---------------------------------
- rem
- rem Description
- rem
- rem index% displays the keywords of all cards of the specified stack.
- rem The keywords are ordered in alphabetic order.
- rem You are able to position a cursor to a specific keyword
- rem (cursor keys or a alpha key)
- rem and to press ENTER to move to the first card with that keyword.
- rem Pressing ESC or a hot key will abort index.
- rem par$ indicates the stack to be used:
- rem "c" for the current stack
- rem other for stack selection via dialog box
- rem
- rem onIdle
- rem
- rem index% is a good example for use of the onIdle routine.
- rem index% itself controls the users interface and does the
- rem cursor movements, while onIdle constructs the keyword tree.
- rem This makes it possible to move the cursor and select items
- rem from a list even during list construction. The cursor movement
- rem may at times be a bit slow when the machine is engaged in
- rem a card with many keywords.
- rem memory for keywords
- rem
- rem We truncate keywords to 20 characters and store a maximum
- rem of 250 keywords. You may want to change this.
- rem We use a binary tree to sort and store the keywords.
- rem nxt%(i%) contains pointers to the left
- rem nxt%(i%+250) to the right
- rem bck%(i%) to the back.
- rem it is possible to use cursor keys and other
- rem key even when the keyword list is still unfinished.
- rem --------------------------for change
- global keyw$(250,20),nxt%(500),bck%(250) rem nearly 7k!
- global line1$(20),linez$(20),kcurs$(20),wrd$(20)
- rem --------------------------
- global kn%,nkw%,act%,cw%,ch%
- rem memory for handling visible list
- global wHand%,strl%,nstr%,cntrl%,scurs%,rspace%
- rem handles for card
- global cdHand&,stack$(128)
- rem local variables
- local r%,c%,oldStk$(128),oldCd%,a%,inf%(32),mw%,mh%
- rem set keyword length, keyword number & number of lines on screen
- rem ---------------------------------for change
- strl% = 20 rem max stringlength
- kn% = 250 rem max number of different keywords
- rem ---------------------------------
- rem remember current card
- oldStk$ = curStk$
- oldCd% = cuCd%
- r% = -1
- stack$ = curStk$
- if par$ <> "c"
- rem ask stackname with current stack as default
- stack$ = curStk$
- lock on
- dinit tx$:(173) : rem "Index"
- dfile stack$,tx$:(129),16 : rem "Stack"
- r% = dialog
- lock off
- endif
- if r%
- rem Create window
- mw% = gwidth : mh% = gheight
- wHand% = gcreate(0,0,mw%,mh%,0) : rem first create new window
- ginfo inf%() : rem now get font size (machine independent)
- ch% = inf%(3) : rem get character height
- cw% = inf%(6) : rem average character width (0)
- nstr% = (mh%-8)/ch% rem max number of lines
- gsetwin (mw%-cw%*(strl%+2))/2,(mh%-ch%*nstr%-8)/2,cw%*(strl%+2),ch%*nstr%+8
- gvisible on
- rem Define error handler
- onerr err1
- rem The keyword scanning is actually implemented as onIdle: routine
- rem We simply ask for a key press while switching
- rem animation(1) and music(2) off
- rem but enabling the onIdle: routine(8)
- rem we leave help processing to HyperPoc but specify our own help page.
- cntrl% = 11
- helpClue:("keyindex") : rem set Clue to Helppage "Keyindex"
- linez$ = chr$(255) rem reset clipping value
- do
- c% = getKey%:(cntrl%)
- if c% = 512 rem list is finished
- busy off
- cntrl% = 3 rem disable onIdle
- elseif c% = 256 rem cursor up
- btfind:(kcurs$)
- if btnavi%:(1,kn%,0) = 0 : continue : endif
- kcurs$ = keyw$(act%)
- drawcur:
- if scurs% = 1
- gscroll 0,ch%,3,3,gwidth-6,gheight-ch%-6
- gat 3+cw%,3+ch%
- gprint kcurs$
- else
- scurs% = scurs%-1
- endif
- drawcur:
- elseif c% = 257 rem cursor down
- btfind:(kcurs$)
- if btnavi%:(1,0,kn%) = 0 : continue : endif
- kcurs$ = keyw$(act%)
- drawcur:
- if scurs% = nstr%
- gscroll 0,-ch%,3,3+ch%,gwidth-6,gheight-ch%-6
- gat 3+cw%,3+ch%*nstr%
- gprint kcurs$
- else
- scurs% = scurs%+1
- endif
- drawcur:
- elseif c% = 260 rem page up
- btfind:(kcurs$)
- a% = btnavi%:(nstr%-1,kn%,0)
- kcurs$ = keyw$(act%)
- if scurs%-a% >= 1
- drawcur:
- scurs% = scurs%-a%
- drawcur:
- else
- drwblc:
- endif
- elseif c% = 261 rem page down
- btfind:(kcurs$)
- a% = btnavi%:(nstr%-1,0,kn%)
- kcurs$ = keyw$(act%)
- if scurs%+a% <= nstr%
- drawcur:
- scurs% = scurs%+a%
- drawcur:
- else
- drwblc:
- endif
- elseif c% < 256 and c% > 32 rem character
- line1$ = lower$(chr$(c%))
- kcurs$ = line1$
- btfind:(line1$)
- drwblc:
- endif
- until c% = 13 or c% = 27 or ( c% > 512 and c% < 1024) or c% = 1028
- if c% = 13
- cdHand& = 0 rem reset handle for new search
- rem we search for cursor value in tree
- rem and use the next greater/equal string as keyword to find card.
- btfind:(kcurs$)
- r% = findCd%:(stack$,2,keyw$(act%)+"*",addr(cdHand&))
- rem we show card
- if r% : showCd%:(stack$,r%) : endif
- endif
- bye::
- busy off
- gclose wHand% rem close window
- return c%
- rem Error handler
- err1::
- rem Remember error code and bye bye
- onerr off
- c% = err
- goto bye
- endif
- endp
- rem onIdle: searchs for the next card and displays it.
- rem The routine is called continously. When no more
- rem cards are found, onIdle returns the code 512
- rem which is then returned via getKey%:.
- proc onIdle:
- local cNum%,obj%,i%,k%,n%,redr%,p%
- busy tx$:(176) : rem "Scanning"
- cNum% = findCd%:(stack$,1,"",addr(cdHand&))
- rem when no more card found, return code 512 to caller
- if cNum% = 0
- warning:(tx$:(175),0) : rem "Index finished"
- return 512
- endif
- rem search for keywords (mask value 2**10)
- obj% = CdObj%:(stack$,addr(cdHand&),&00000400)
- if obj%
- i% = 1
- while nkw% <= kn%
- rem extract keywords from comma separated list
- wrd$ = lower$(left$(extract$:(ObjTxt$,i%),strl%))
- if len(wrd$) = 0 : break : endif
- i% = i%+1
- if nkw%
- rem sort keyword into tree
- k% = 1
- while 1
- if wrd$ = keyw$(k%) : break : endif
- if wrd$ > keyw$(k%)
- n% = k%+kn%
- else
- n% = k%
- endif
- if nxt%(n%)
- k% = nxt%(n%)
- else
- if nkw% = kn%
- warning:(err$(-6),2) : rem "Overflow"
- return 512
- endif
- nkw% = nkw%+1
- nxt%(n%) = nkw%
- keyw$(nkw%) = wrd$
- bck%(nkw%) = k%
- rem check if new keyword sorts into the visible area and before cursor
- if wrd$ > line1$ and wrd$ < linez$
- if wrd$ < kcurs$
- rspace% = rspace%+1
- endif
- redr% = -1
- endif
- break
- endif
- endwh
- else
- nkw% = 1
- keyw$(1) = wrd$
- redr% = -1
- endif
- endwh
- rem if necessary redraw screen
- if redr%
- redr% = 0
- btfind:(line1$) rem pos to line 1
- if rspace% > 0
- rem scroll backwards to keep cursor on screen
- btnavi%:(rspace%,0,kn%)
- line1$ = keyw$(act%)
- endif
- drwblc: rem redraw screen
- endif
- endif
- endp
- rem this routine redraws all lines in the window
- proc drwblc:
- local j%,done%
- gcls
- gborder 1
- gat 3+cw%,3
- while j% < nstr%
- j% = j%+1
- if keyw$(act%) >= kcurs$ and done% = 0
- done% = 1
- scurs% = j%
- drawcur: rem set cursor
- endif
- gat 3+cw%,j%*ch%+3
- gprint keyw$(act%)
- if j% < nstr%
- if btnavi%:(1,0,kn%) = 0 : break : endif
- endif
- endwh
- linez$ = keyw$(act%) rem clipping end value
- rspace% = j% - nstr% rem space at end of list
- endp
- rem position to smallest keyword >= s$
- proc btfind:(s$)
- local n%
- act% = 1
- while s$ <> keyw$(act%)
- if s$ < keyw$(act%)
- n% = nxt%(act%)
- else
- n% = nxt%(act%+kn%)
- endif
- if n% = 0 : break : endif
- act% = n%
- endwh
- endp
- rem move n% items to left (left%=kn%) or right (right%=kn%)
- proc btnavi%:(n%,left%,right%)
- local b%,state%,cnt%,tc%
- state% = 1 : cnt% = n% : tc% = act%
- while cnt%
- if state% = 0 and nxt%(tc%+left%)
- tc% = nxt%(tc%+left%)
- if nxt%(tc%+left%) = 0
- cnt% = cnt%-1
- act% = tc%
- state% = 1
- endif
- elseif state% < 2 and nxt%(tc%+right%)
- tc%= nxt%(tc%+right%)
- state% = 0
- if nxt%(tc%+left%) = 0
- cnt% = cnt%-1
- act% = tc%
- endif
- elseif bck%(tc%)
- b% = bck%(tc%) rem backw
- if nxt%(b%+left%) = tc%
- cnt%=cnt%-1
- act% = b%
- state% = 1 rem coming from left
- else
- state% = 2 rem coming from right
- endif
- tc% = b%
- else
- break
- endif
- endwh
- return n%-cnt% : rem report about actual movement in list
- endp
- proc drawcur:
- gtmode 2
- gat 3,scurs%*ch%+3
- gprint chr$(28)
- endp
- rem edParm$: supports the editing process for index objects.
- proc edParm$:(parm$)
- local p%
- if parm$ = "c"
- p% = 1
- else
- p% = 2
- endif
- dinit tx$:(174) : rem "Index for"
- dchoice p%,tx$:(129),tx$:(168) : rem "stack" "current,as selected"
- dialog
- if p% = 1
- return "c"
- endif
- endp