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- app hyperpoc
- enda
- rem ---------------------------------
- proc phlist%:(par$)
- rem ---------------------------------
- rem
- rem phlist% prints a phone list on a ASCII printer.
- rem The list is derived from the cards of the address stack.
- rem The parameter par$ is not used in this example but is dummy.
- rem
- rem Note: This program is depends on the layout of the ADRESS stack
- rem and should not be used with other stacks.
- rem
- rem handles for background, card, window
- local bgHand&,cdHand&
- rem variables
- local poff%(6),afile$(128),c%,ob%,l%,cnt%,p%,pfil$(128),pc%,i%
- rem address entries
- local NamX%,NamY%,NamTxt$(20),bull%(6),phlab$(3,10),phX%(3),phY%(3),phNum$(3,40),phn%
- rem define error handler
- onerr err1
- rem use path information of current stack to access address stack
- afile$ = parse$(curstk$,"",poff%())
- afile$ = left$(afile$,poff%(4)-1)+"address.sta"
- rem find background of address stack
- findBg:(afile$,addr(bgHand&))
- rem scan all background HotTabs (15) to find Name field and phone fields
- while 1
- if CdObj%:(afile$,addr(bgHand&),&00008000) = 0 : break : endif
- if ObjTxt$ = "Name:" and ObjPar% = 2
- rem remember position of linked object
- NamX% = ObjX%+ObjW%+3
- NamY% = ObjY%
- elseif ObjPar% = 5 and phn% < 3
- phn% = phn% + 1
- phX%(phn%) = ObjX%+ObjW%+3
- phY%(phn%) = ObjY%
- phlab$(phn%) = ObjTxt$
- endif
- endwh
- rem ask for print target and open line printer
- lock on
- dinit tx$:(177) : rem "Print phone list"
- dchoice p%,tx$:(178),tx$:(133) : rem "to" "Printer,File"
- if dialog = 0 : lock off : return : endif
- if p% = 2
- pfil$ = "m:\wrd\phlist.wrd"
- again::
- dinit tx$:(179) : rem "Phone list"
- dfile pfil$,tx$:(140),17 : rem "File"
- if dialog <= 0 : lock off : return : endif
- pfil$ = parse$(pfil$,"M:\wrd\*.wrd",bull%())
- if bull%(6) : warning:(err$(-38),1) : goto again : endif
- lopen pfil$
- else
- setrs:
- endif
- lock off
- rem find all cards of address stack
- pc% = 0
- while 1
- if findCd%:(afile$,1,"",addr(cdHand&)) = 0 : break : endif
- rem scan all card texts (2) and phone numbers (5)
- NamTxt$ = "" : pc% = 0
- busy tx$:(181) : rem "Printing"
- while 1
- ob% = CdObj%:(afile$,addr(cdHand&),&00000024)
- if ob% = 0 : break : endif : rem no more objects
- if ob% = 2 and iabs(NamX% - ObjX%) <= 5 and abs(NamY% - ObjY%) <= 5
- rem "Name" field found ( we are not to fussy about the position)
- l% = min(20,len(ObjTxt$))
- rem truncate text to 20 characters, replace tabs by blank
- NamTxt$ = asctxt$:(ObjTxt$,l%," ")
- elseif ob% = 5
- rem work phone number found
- if pc%
- lprint rept$(" ",20),
- else
- if len(NamTxt$) = 0 : break : endif
- lprint left$(NamTxt$+rept$(" ",20),20),
- cnt% = cnt%+1
- pc% = 1
- endif
- if len(ObjAttr$)
- lprint ObjAttr$;":", : rem phone# has own lable
- else
- i% = 0
- while i% < phn%
- i% = i%+1
- if iabs(PhX%(i%) - ObjX%) <= 5 and abs(PhY%(i%) - ObjY%) <= 5
- lprint left$(phlab$(i%),3),
- break
- endif
- endwh
- endif
- lprint ObjTxt$
- endif
- endwh
- rem only print entries with "Name" and at least one phone number defined
- endwh
- warning:(num$(cnt%,5)+tx$:(180),0) : rem " entries printed"
- bye::
- rem return to HyperPoc
- if cnt% and p% = 1 : lprint chr$(12) : endif
- trap lclose
- busy off
- return c%
- rem error handler
- err1::
- rem remember error code and bye bye
- c% = err
- goto bye
- endp
- rem edParm$: returns an empty string (no parameter used).
- proc edParm$:(parm$)
- endp