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- ===============
- HyperPoc 2.2 for PSION Series 3 and 3a is owned and
- (c)Copyright 1993 by Berthold Daum.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Shareware version:
- ------------------
- The shareware version is clearly recognisable in the "About" screen.
- The version number has the appendix "(sh)" which the commercial version has not.
- The shareware version may be distributed freely (not for resale)
- only in its original form including this documentation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- | Warning!!!!!!! |
- | This shareware version has been "crippled". |
- | You cannot create more than 10 cards per stack. |
- | This limit is removed on registration. |
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- For registration details see below.
- Disclaimer:
- -----------
- Although HyperPoc has been extensively tested, the author shall not be
- responsible for any loss of any kind due to its use. It is the
- user's responsibility to establish the suitability of this
- software for any particular purpose.
- Registration of Shareware version
- =================================
- The registration fee is A$59.95 + A$6.00 for postage and handling.
- We can send you a registration number by email, and send you the printed manual
- and a floppy with all of our shareware by mail.
- The price for the commercial version is A$99.00 + A$6.00 for postage and handling.
- We can send you a ZIPPED version by email (add A$5.00), and send you the printed manual
- and a floppy with the full version and all of our shareware by mail.
- Please use the form ORDER.FRM. Post it via mail, email or FAX.
- Registered users can upgrade to the next higher version (commercial, power pack)
- by paying the price difference (plus postage).
- -------------------------------------
- ! Hurry ! !
- ! We close shop during December ! !
- ! So register now or you have to !
- ! wait until January 95 ! !
- -------------------------------------
- Commercial version (S3a only)
- =============================
- The commercial version has additional functions:
- - Multi language support
- - extensive help texts
- - Preview and preplay functions during card edition
- - Import of TXT and WRD files into cards with automatic wrapping
- - Significantly improved performance.
- - More (and larger) icons
- - Tunes in S3a format
- - ProPoc HyperPoc connection (link ProPoc items to HyperPoc cards)
- HyperPoc Version 2.24 - Release Notes
- -------------------------------------
- Program Description:
- HyperPoc is a card oriented hypertext and hypermedia system.
- Cards are organised in stacks (files).
- Cards may be superimposed with backgrounds.
- Cards and backgrounds can contain a variety of objects, such as:
- application, bitmap (animated), card link, clock, explainer, hotTab, icon (animated),
- keyword, music, phone number, polyline, rectangle, text.
- Functions include:
- Invocation of Series 3 applications, several navigation functions, phone dialling,
- alarms, stopwatch.
- Comes with over 30 icons and 20 tunes.
- Applications:
- Storing a network of informations. Multimedia documents. Suggestion for those lucky persons
- who have megabytes of word processor documents in their pockets:
- Create a card with a short description and keywords for each document and place a button for
- the document onto the card. Use the HyperPoc facilities to locate a documents, press the button
- and your document shows up.
- Use HyperPoc as a database, e.g. for addresses. You may include graphics, link an address to
- another (e.g. a person to a company), display a clock with a time shift beside a phone number
- for overseas addresses (you don't want to call them at 3am !), link a word processor document
- to an address for a dossier of your last meeting, link an alarm clock to a person for her/his
- birthday, and so on.
- New in Version 2.2
- ==================
- 1. Text editing has been improved, using faster routines
- and a flashing cursor.
- 2. You can switch sounds off and on (Battery saver)
- 3. You can switch animation off (Battery saver)
- 4. The menus have been slighty rearranged.
- 5. There is a new function "Object Info" in retrieval mode
- 6. A new function "Import text" in the editor allows to place any text
- coming from an ASCII or WORD file on a card.
- Text emphasis from WORD files are maintained.
- (commercial version)
- 7. You can now choose between different Card Sizes.
- The cards may be smaller or bigger than the physical screen.
- If they smaller they are piled on top of each other in a random
- fashion. If they are bigger, they are scrolled with the cursor
- movement, or you can scroll them with Control/Cursorkeys, to
- look into non cursor areas.
- 8. Links to Application completely redesigned.
- !!! This means that cards from earlier versions
- containing links to OPA's must be reedited !!!
- The benefit is greater flexibility and comfort when
- linking OPA's.
- 9. Support of Grey colour. In HyperPoc Grey is simulated as a b&w
- pattern. This is to save memory and keep the cards compatible
- with the S3-HyperPoc.
- 10. New attributes for text and rectangle.
- 11. Optional return to retrieval mode after editing HotTab objects.
- 12. Optional help clues for cards (HyperPoc card system can
- contain help information on cards)
- 13. Optional card lock to inhibit accidental editing of a card.
- (Card attributes)
- 14. Improved cursor logic.
- 15. Background can be suppressed for individual cards
- Bitmap printing (since V2.26)
- --------------------------------
- Cards can now be printed in graphical form on Epson, HP and
- compatible printers. However there are some things to consider:
- - Alarm clocks contained on cards are not printed.
- Instead a dummy icon is printed.
- - You should not try to print graphical data via MCPRINT !
- We experienced garbled output when printing through MCPRINT due to the
- fact that MCPRINT supresses characters with ASCII code 17 !
- Instead connect the printer directly to your PSION.
- Or, assign a printfile via PSION-Y. You can print into any file and
- later copy the file to your printer.
- Alternatively you can specify a print port on you host as printfile,
- e.g. REM::LPT1. This allows you to print directly through MCLINK.
- The additional advantage is that you don't have to switch between MCPRINT
- and MCLINK.
- Installation
- ============
- 1. MacUsers only !!!
- If you received HyperPoc on a floppy disc first convert the floppy to
- Mac format (System Utilities).
- If you received HyperPoc via an electronic network decompress it with
- ZIPIT (found on your network). The standard UNZIP will cause errors.
- In ZIPIT uncheck the box that says: "By default, smart-strip line feeds
- from text files."
- 2. If you are running MORPHEUS (V1), first deactivate it:
- Install it from the system screen (PSION-I)
- Activate it (ENTER)
- Stop it (DEL)
- Deinstall it(PSION-Y)
- 3. Connect your Series3 computer to your PC or Mac.
- Press PSION-L from the system screen to activate 3Link.
- 4. Position the cursor below the RunOpl icon. Press TAB.
- Press TAB again to display the File specification list.
- Under "Full Path" enter the full path of your installation
- directory.
- e.g: "REM::A:\" or "REM::C:\CSERVE\DOWNLOAD\"
- 5. Now select the file !setup3.opa (should be the first file in the directory)
- and press enter. The installer icon appears on the system screen.
- 6. Activate SetUp. The screen goes blank for a few seconds. Don't panic.
- 7. Acknowledge the selected application "HyperPoc" by pressing enter.
- 8. The file transfer is started. If HyperPoc was installed before,
- SetUp will start a dialog asking you if you want to
- (Continue) = Overwrite existing version
- (Other drive) = Install on another drive
- (Options only) = Install option you did not install the first time.
- 9. SetUp asks you on which drive you want to install the system (HyperPoc)
- and on which drive you usually keep your data.
- We recommend flash memory for the system and RAM for data.
- 10. SetUp will ask you about optional modules. You can decide to install
- them now, or you can leave it for later.
- 11.SetUp will give you instructions on how to proceed after the successful
- transfer.
- Note:
- -----
- The example program object IMPDATA in stack HYPERPOC accesses to a database file
- M:\DAT\DATA.DBF (or M:\DAT\DATEN.DBF). You may want to reassign this file
- by editing the IMPDATA object.
- Remarks on Morpheu2:
- -------------------
- Morpheu2 is the alarm and help handler for all ..Poc applications.
- The above installation procedure installs it automatically on the
- internal drive where it is located best.
- Morpheu2 will automatically be started by the applications that use it.
- It can serve more than one application at the same time.
- As long as alarms are scheduled or Morpheu2 clients are active, Morpheu2
- will run as a low priority task in the background.
- !! You should not try to stop it unless you want to reformat the disk !!
- If you installed Morpheu2 on an external drive and you want to
- reformat this drive, you have first to stop Morpheu2:
- To do so: Install Morpheu2 from the system screen (PSION-I)
- Then press PSION-Z(S3) or SHIFT-PSION-X(S3a).
- Morpheu2 will respond with a beep and die.
- Deinstall Morpheu2 with PSION-Y.
- Requirements:
- -------------
- Please see the Installation utility for disk requirements.
- When active, the system requires >23k of memory, depending on the size of bitmaps used.
- MORPHEUS requires constantly 10k of memory.
- We recommend to install the system (except MORPHEUS), the manual, the icons and tunes
- on flash SSD.
- The total amount of flash memory necessary for a full installation
- is approximately 150k.
- Compression and Garbage collection
- ----------------------------------
- Deleting and updating cards can cause physical gaps in stacks stored on Flash SSD.
- Deleting objects referring to external files, such as icons, bitmaps, applications, and card links
- to other stacks, and deleting cards containing such objects, can cause garbage within stacks.
- This garbage can be removed using the compress function (PSION-Z). This function
- includes a physical compression step. It can be used anytime for stack stored on RAM-SSD
- or internal disk. It should be used for stack contained on Flash SSD only during a
- reorganisation of the disk (it might be necessary to copy the stack first to RAM-SSD
- or internal disk if the Flash SSD cannot provide the space for the new stack version).
- Documentation:
- --------------
- Use MANUAL.STA as an online documentation.
- Simply place the highlight on the italic keywords using the cursor keys, press Enter and move around from card to card.
- However, you may also use other navigation methods like PSON-F,-G,-R, etc.
- For a more comprehensive documentation in traditional printed form you will have to register.
- Use HPIF.DOC as a documentation for the interface for user written
- program objects. HPIF.DOC contains the latest information and may differ
- in parts from the manual.
- Runtime License
- ===============
- If you plan to develop and to distribute own stacks, you need to distribute
- the HyperPoc runtime system as well.
- You have to register for the professional version, to be entitled to
- distribute the HyperPoc runtime system freely.