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- Plan uses two types of files: resource files, which contain resource
- information such as holidays and work hours; and plan files, which
- contain task details. Tasks in the plan file reference the resource
- information in the resource file. Plan files have a file extension
- of PLN, resource files a RES extension. Both of these files should
- be placed in a \PLN directory either on the internal drive or
- external RAM drives. Placing these files onto FLASH SSDs is not
- recommended unless no changes will be made to the data. The reason
- for not using FLASH SSDs is that when updating a plan or resource
- file Plan will delete and recreate each file when it is saved.
- Consequently saving a file often will rapidly use up space on the
- When opening a plan file Plan will look for a resource file with the
- same name in the same directory as the plan file but with a RES
- extension. If such a resource file exists this will be where Plan
- retrieves and stores resource information. If such a file does not
- exist then Plan will look for the resource file \PLN\PLAN.RES on the
- default Psion disk. If this file does not exist it will be created,
- indicated by a "Building calendar" message when starting Plan.
- When creating a new plan via the "New" menu option on the "File"
- menu from within Plan there is an option to specify whether the
- common resource file (\PLN\PLAN.RES) or a project specific resource
- file should be used.
- This scheme allows plan specific resources to be maintained, or
- shared resources to be stored in the one common file.
- Plan is a type three application, which means that any number of
- plans may be opened at any one time. To do this, use shift-enter to
- open additional plan files from the Psion system screen.
- Plan allows 200 tasks to be entered with the following limits per
- task:
- - 4 assigned resources per task,
- - 8 dependencies per task
- - 255 character description
- - 80 character user text field
- Run-time memory is used to store the above information which will be
- limited by two factors:
- - The memory available on the internal disk
- - There is a 64K memory limit imposed by the Psion operating
- system.
- If you receive an error from Plan indicating there is not enough
- memory then either increase the space available on the internal disk
- if it is insufficient or reduce the memory used by Plan by, for
- example, using shorter description and user text values or by
- reducing the number of tasks.
- A number of different views are available within Plan. Pressing the
- diamond or shift-diamond key changes the current display to one of
- the following:
- Task list
- Gantt chart
- PERT chart
- Resource usage
- Holidays
- The first set of views show tasks using different display formats.
- The resource usage view shows resource working hours and a histogram
- of % usage over a given time period. The holiday view shows resource
- holidays. A view may be selected either using the diamond key, from
- the diamond menu, or using psion key shortcuts.
- In the task views many of the same keys have the same function, for
- example the up and down cursor keys change the current task and the
- enter key edits the current task. In each of these views the current
- task will be highlighted.
- 6.1 Task based views
- In the task based views each task will be shown with some of the
- following fields:
- Start on/after The entered start date or a date before which the
- task cannot start.
- Start date The planned start date and optional time for the
- task.
- End date The planned end date and optional time for the
- task.
- Work The planned work for the task in man days, hours,
- minutes and seconds.
- % done Shows the amount of work done so far on the task
- as a percentage of the work planned.
- User value A user specified floating point number.
- User text A user specified 80 character text field.
- Calculate Displays which of the end date, work, or rate
- fields are calculated for the task. For summary
- tasks this will display "All" since all fields are
- calculated.
- Saved start A value copied from the start field using the "Set
- fields" menu option.
- Saved end A value copied from the end field using the "Set
- fields" menu option.
- Saved work A value copied from the work field using the "Set
- fields" menu option.
- Depends on A list of tasks this task depends upon.
- Lab. cost Labour/resource costs calculated for the task
- using the rates for the assigned resources
- multiplied by either the planned work or the
- actual work done, whichever is the greater. The
- labour costs may be ignored for a task, i.e. set
- to 0 if required (see "Cost and user data"
- section).
- Fixed cost A fixed cost assigned to the task.
- Assigned resourcesLists the resources assigned to the task.
- Pressing the up and down arrow keys changes the task which is
- displayed in the task based views.
- 6.2 Task list view
- In the task list view and Gantt chart each task is shown on a
- separate line of the display. One of the tasks on the screen will be
- highlighted and is referred to as the current task. Pressing the up
- and down arrow keys changes the current task. If there are more
- tasks than will fit onto the screen then when at the top or bottom
- of the screen pressing the cursor key will scroll the screen
- vertically to display the next task off the screen. Combining the up
- and down cursor keys with the psion key (Pg Up and Pg Dn) will
- scroll the display a page at a time. The psion and control modifier
- keys used in combination with the up/down keys will position the
- cursor at the top or bottom of the list of tasks.
- In the task list view the task Id and description are displayed on
- the left of the screen. If the task is on the critical path then the
- description will be followed by an asterisk (*). If a memo has been
- associated with the task a memo symbol will appear before the
- description (see "Memos" section). The description will be indented
- to indicate the level of a task in the hierarchy of summary and sub-
- tasks (see "Tasks, Summary tasks" section of this manual).
- Pressing the psion-z and psion-Z keys will alter the font size used
- throughout Plan to one of 4 scales. Note that psion-z and psion-Z
- change the font size in the task list and PERT chart views, in the
- Gantt and resource usage views these keys alter the scale on the
- chart.
- The right hand side of the task list view shows the fields
- associated with each task. The left and right arrow keys may be used
- to shift the right hand side of the display to view further fields
- associated with each task. An arrow will appear either at the end or
- middle of the top line to indicate whether the left or right arrow
- key should be used to shift the fields to the left or right.
- The ordering of the fields is user-definable using the "Field order"
- option on the "View" menu.
- 6.3 Gantt chart
- The Gantt chart shows the task Id and description on the left of the
- display along with the critical path flag. On the right of the
- display a Gantt chart is shown. This chart shows a time axis at the
- top of the screen with a bar for each task which indicates the
- duration of the task. The current date will be shown as a vertical
- line through the chart.
- The up and down cursor keys may be used, as in the task list view,
- to change the current task and to scroll the screen up or down. The
- psion and control key modifiers alter the amount by which the cursor
- moves.
- Pressing the psion-z key and the psion-Z keys will increase and
- decrease (zoom) the scale on the time axis. To alter the font scale
- which is used in the Gantt chart switch to the task list view, use
- the psion-z and psion-Z keys to alter the font size, and then switch
- back to the Gantt chart. Depending upon the zoom factor the time
- axis may show the month and date for the start of each week or date
- for each day. There is a maximum and minimum limit by which the
- display can be zoomed in or out in this way.
- Pressing the left and right cursor keys will shift the time axis on
- the Gantt chart on the right of the display by half a screen in the
- appropriate direction. Holding down the psion key whilst pressing
- the left and right cursor keys will shift the axis by a full screen
- in each direction. Holding the shift key whilst pressing the left
- and right cursor keys will shift the axis by a quarter of the screen
- at a time. Note that there are limits to the amount by which the
- screen may be shifted to the left or right according to the earliest
- and latest date in the project.
- If the space key is pressed the zoom factor and display will be
- altered to best display the current task.
- There are a number of preference settings which control the
- appearance of the Gantt chart. One option controls whether one or
- two bars are displayed for each task. If two bars are displayed then
- the lower bar indicates the start and end dates from the saved
- fields. The saved start, end and work fields should normally be set
- when the original project plan has been established and may be used
- to compare the original planned dates with the latest calculated
- dates.
- Depending upon the preference setting "Shading control" the holidays
- associated with each resource may or may not be shown on the Gantt
- chart at various scales. For fast shading ensure that the preference
- setting "Holiday shading" is set to "Use general" rather than
- "Resource specific".
- A task field (resource, start, end,...) may optionally be displayed
- at the end of each task bar in the Gantt chart. The field to be
- displayed is controlled from the "Task bar text" option in the
- preferences dialog.
- 6.4 PERT chart
- 6.4.1 Appearance of the PERT chart
- The PERT chart view is useful when viewing and altering dependencies
- between tasks. Within this view each task is represented as a box
- surrounding the task Id. Dependencies between tasks are indicated by
- lines between the tasks. Any lag time will appear half way along the
- dependency line. The critical path tasks are identified using
- thicker boxes (select the "Critical path" menu option from the
- "Plan" menu to calculate the critical path). If the grey plane
- option is set within preferences then summary tasks are shaded grey.
- Various task attributes may be shown above and below each task box.
- The values which appear in these locations depend upon the
- preference settings. Typically the start date for the task will be
- shown above the task box and the end date or assigned resources
- below the box.
- 6.4.2 Positioning tasks in the PERT chart
- When first entering tasks, perhaps using the task list view, each
- new task will not have an associated x and y co-ordinate position in
- the PERT chart. This position must be set before the task will
- appear in the PERT chart. There are various methods of accomplishing
- this:
- - The quickest option is to let Plan layout the PERT chart
- automatically.
- - You can dynamically position a task using the cursor keys
- whilst in a dynamic move mode.
- - You can manually set the x, y co-ordinates for a task using a
- dialog.
- To automatically layout the PERT chart use the "Layout PERT" menu
- option on the "View" menu when the PERT chart is displayed. This
- will display a dialog with two options. The "X mag" option controls
- how tasks are spread out horizontally. The "Y shift" enables the
- layout to be moved vertically up or down. When using "Layout PERT"
- for the first time it is simplest to leave the values set at 1 and
- to press the enter key to layout the PERT chart. This action will
- automatically set the x, y co-ordinates for each task in the PERT
- chart. Generally each tasks x co-ordinate will be set according to
- its start time. Due to space limits and dependency settings this may
- not be possible for all tasks. In this case Plan will try to fit the
- tasks in as best it can.
- Once the results of the layout option have been viewed the layout
- option may be used again with the "X mag" and "Y shift" values set
- to more appropriate values to produce a better layout. If for
- example most of the tasks appear at the top of the display, setting
- the "Y shift" to a positive value will generally move all the tasks
- towards the bottom of the display. The "Y shift" may be set to a
- value between 1 and 10. The "X mag" value may be used to spread the
- tasks out more along the x axis. A value of 1 will force Plan to try
- to fit all tasks onto one screen at the smallest zoom scale, a value
- of 2 would force Plan to use 2 full screens and so on.
- The "Pert move" menu option on the "Task" menu switches Plan into a
- dynamic move mode where the cursor keys dynamically move the current
- task in the appropriate direction. Combining the cursor keys with
- the psion key will move the task more rapidly. Pressing any key
- other than the cursor keys will take Plan out the dynamic move mode.
- The current tasks x and y co-ordinates may also be manually set
- using the "Pert X/Y" menu option on the "Task" menu.
- 6.4.3 Moving around the PERT chart
- Pressing the left and right cursor keys whilst in the normal PERT
- chart mode will shift the display to the left or right by half a
- screen. The psion and shift key may be used in conjunction with the
- cursor keys to shift the display by a full screen or a quarter
- screen at a time. Allowing tasks to be placed off-screen enables
- PERT charts to be constructed for plans with a large number of
- tasks.
- Pressing psion-up arrow (Pg Up) and psion-down arrow (Pg Dn) will
- scroll the display in the vertical direction by a screen at a time.
- Combine these keys with the shift modifier key to shift the display
- by half a screen at a time.
- If the space key is pressed the display will be re-centred to
- display the current task.
- Pressing the psion-z and psion-Z keys will alter the font size used
- throughout Plan to one of 4 scales and has the affect of zooming the
- PERT chart in and out.
- 6.5 Resource usage view
- The resource usage view shows when the current resource starts and
- ends work for the seven days of the week along with a histogram
- indicating the allocation of the resource to tasks.
- 6.5.1 Resource work hours
- The resource settings may be edited using the "Settings" menu option
- on the "Resource" menu. This will display a dialog allowing the
- maximum units, charge rate and the start and end times for each day
- of the week to be edited.
- Note that for non-working days (usually Saturday and Sunday) it is
- best to set the start and end time to the start and end time of a
- normal working day. The resources holidays should be used to control
- non-working days rather than the start and end times. This then
- allows specific non-working days to be overridden in the resource
- holiday view if the resource works the occasional non-work day.
- If a resources work hours and/or holidays are changed then the Tab
- key or "Recalculate all" menu option should be used to force a
- recalculation of all tasks. Plan will not automatically recalculate
- tasks if any changes are made to resource holidays or work hours
- even if automatic calculation is enabled in the preference settings.
- 6.5.2 Resource usage histogram
- The histogram on the right of the resource usage view indicates the
- total percentage the resource is occupied over a given time period.
- The display is similar to the Gantt chart in that it shows a time
- axis at the top of the display. The left and right cursor keys and
- zoom keys affect the display in the same way as the Gantt chart.
- Pressing the up and down cursor keys whilst in the resource usage
- view will scale the y-axis in increments and can be used if the
- maximum percentage exceeds the top of the display.
- 6.5.3 Over-allocated resources
- If a resource is assigned to two tasks 100% of the time for each
- task over a given time period then this would be shown on the
- histogram as a total of 200% over the given period. If the resource
- represents a single person then this would imply that the resource
- was over-allocated.
- The "Over-allocated?" menu option on the "Resource" menu also helps
- to find any over-allocations. This scans all the tasks in the
- current plan for cases where the total resource rate exceeds the
- value given in the maximum units field for each resource. When the
- analysis is complete any tasks involved in the over-allocation will
- be displayed, with any other tasks masked out. The display in the
- Gantt and resource usage views will also be adjusted to display the
- range of dates during which the over-allocation occurs. Reset the
- mask to "None" using the "Mask tasks" menu option on the "View" menu
- to redisplay the other tasks.
- There are various ways of resolving the problem of an over-allocated
- resource, for example:
- - Reschedule one of the tasks, usually by making it dependent
- upon the other.
- - Assign another unused resource to one of the tasks.
- - Change the rates on one or both tasks.
- If for example you have a task which takes 10 days at a rate of 100%
- and another short task has to carried out for one day in the middle
- of the task then either divide the long task into two separate tasks
- separated by the short task or set the rate for the first task to
- 90% which would extend it by the one extra day taken up by the short
- task. The disadvantage in this latter case is that the resource
- usage histogram would still indicate that the resource was over-
- allocated at 190% for the one day. The advantage is however that the
- long task would not need to be broken up.
- 6.6 Holiday view
- The resource holiday view displays a full year view indicating the
- holidays for the current resource. The view is similar to the year
- view in the Psion Agenda application. Holidays are indicated by a
- black or grey filled square.
- The cursor keys may be used to move the cursor from one day to the
- next. Combining the left and right cursor keys with the psion key
- will move the cursor to the start and end of the month respectively.
- Combining the up and down cursor keys with the psion key (Pg Up and
- Pg Dn) will move to the previous or next year.
- Pressing the enter key will toggle the day on which the cursor is
- positioned from a holiday to a work day and vice versa.
- A three year calendar is available for each resource, within which
- holidays may be set. When calculating task end times or work, a
- resources holidays will be taken into consideration. If a task falls
- outside a resources three year calendar the resources holidays will
- be assumed to match the rest days set in the standard Psion Time
- application.
- The start year for the three year calendar period for all resources
- will be the same. It may be changed for all resources using the
- "Start year" menu option on the "Resource" menu. This will prompt
- for a new start year. All the resource calendars will be
- reconstructed to start on the specified year. Existing holidays will
- be copied if the new three year calendar range overlaps the old
- calendar range. For years outside the old calendar range default
- holidays will be set according to the settings in the Psion Time
- application. If a large number of resources have been created this
- operation may take a few minutes.
- The start year for the calendars should not be changed unless all
- tasks in all plans which reference the resource file within the
- period of the calendar which is to be removed have been marked as
- complete (see section on "Plan and resource files"). If this is not
- true then the given tasks may subsequently be incorrectly calculated
- if the resource had non-standard holidays in the given period.
- 7. TASKS
- 7.1 Standard Tasks
- To create a new task position the highlighted area at the bottom of
- the task list or Gantt chart view and press enter, or use shift-
- enter to insert a new task above the current position in any of the
- task based views. Pressing enter with the cursor positioned on an
- existing task allows the given tasks details to be altered. It is
- important to note that setting Caps lock on will have the affect of
- inserting a new task when the enter key is pressed rather than
- editing the current task.
- When entering or editing tasks a dialog box will appear which allows
- the following items to be set:
- Task Id Each task has a unique four letter identifier used
- to identify the task within the PERT chart and
- when setting task dependencies. The entered text
- should be something which is easily recognisable
- for each task.
- Description A description of the task, up to 255 characters
- long.
- Start on/after Either the date and time the task starts or a date
- and time after which the task should start. Note
- that a task has two start dates, the calculated
- start date for the task and the entered start
- on/after date. The start on/after date is used
- when calculating the task start date. If the task
- has no dependencies the calculated start of the
- task will be equal to the start on/after date and
- time. If the task has one or more dependencies the
- start on/after date will only be used if it is
- later than the dates calculated from the
- dependencies. This field is used either when you
- know exactly when the task will start or there is
- a dependency on an outside factor (e.g. machinery
- will not be delivered until a given date). For new
- tasks the default value for this field is the
- current date at 9am.
- Task end The end date and optional time for the task. This
- item may or may not appear according to the
- calculation method for the task. Three options are
- available for calculating the schedule for a task;
- either to calculate the end of the task, the work
- required or the rate. For new tasks a preference
- setting controls which of the end, work and rate
- items appear, for existing tasks the
- "End/work/rate" menu option on the "Task" menu is
- used.
- Work The work for the task is specified in days, hours,
- minutes and seconds, (the length of one work day
- is given in the preference settings). This item
- may or may not appear according to the calculation
- method for the task.
- When the enter key is pressed a second set of dialog boxes will
- appear providing control over the resources assigned to the task.
- These dialog screens will contain some of the following fields:
- Resource The name of the resource assigned to the task.
- This is chosen from a list of existing resources.
- Pressing the tab key will display the available
- resources.
- Rate The rate of work for the given resource. This item
- may or may not appear according to the calculation
- method for the task. The value is a percentage
- from 1% to 10000%. 100% would indicate, for
- example, one resource working on the task 100% of
- the time, 200% could indicate a resource
- consisting of two people each working 100% of the
- time on the task.
- Work The amount of work carried out by the given
- resource. This item may or may not appear
- according to the calculation method for the task.
- 7.2 Summary Tasks
- A summary task is a task which provides an overview of a number of
- sub-tasks. The majority of the data associated with the summary
- task is calculated by Plan from the data associated with each sub-
- task. The summary task Id, description, user value and user text
- fields should be entered manually.
- The start of the summary task will be equal to the earliest sub-task
- start date and the end will be equal to the latest sub-task end
- date. The work and cost fields will be the sum of the corresponding
- sub-task fields. The % done field will be the % of the work done so
- far on all the tasks.
- Summary tasks may be nested so that a summary task may also be a sub-
- task of a higher level summary task. There may be up to eight
- levels from the outer most summary task to the lowest sub-task. The
- level of a task is indicated using indentation and bullets within
- the task list and Gantt chart views.
- To alter a tasks level use the left and right arrow keys in
- conjunction with the control key, e.g. press control-right arrow to
- make the task a sub-task of the task immediately above it. It is a
- good idea to turn automatic calculation off in the preference
- settings before making major changes to task levels. It is also
- recommended that the basic structure of a project is established in
- terms of summary tasks and sub-tasks before assigning dependencies.
- In the example plan supplied, the tasks have been grouped into
- various phases using summary tasks.
- 7.3 Deleting tasks
- To delete the current task press the delete key. This will copy the
- deleted tasks details into an internal buffer. Pressing the psion-i
- key will re-insert the task immediately above the current task. Note
- that any tasks which were dependent upon the deleted task will no-
- longer be dependent upon the task.
- 7.4 Masking tasks
- The tasks which are displayed in the task based views may be
- controlled from the "Mask tasks" menu option on the "View" menu.
- Setting a mask will "mask" out those tasks not meeting a specified
- criterion. For example only those tasks which include a given
- resource may be displayed. A number of masks may be combined using
- the "Add field mask" option on the mask task dialog. Alternatively
- all masks may be turned off using the "None" option. The "New field
- mask" option will discard any existing mask before applying the new
- mask condition.
- If the current task is a summary task then two additional options
- will be available on the mask task dialog. The "Mask sub-tasks"
- option will mask out all sub-tasks of the current summary task.
- "Unmask sub-tasks" will make all sub-tasks visible.
- Making a task dependent upon another task implies the start of the
- task is associated with the end of the task which it depends upon.
- Using a lag time with the dependency allows the start of the task to
- be offset from the end of the task by a given duration.
- Select the "Dependencies" menu option from the "Task" menu to alter
- the current tasks dependency settings. This will display a dialog
- allowing up to eight task dependencies to be set. Each dependency
- implies that the current task should start after the end of the task
- which it depends upon. The latest of all the end dates will be used
- when calculating the start date for the task. Note that this latest
- date which is calculated from the dependencies is combined with the
- date specified in the start on/after field in order to calculate the
- task start date.
- With each task dependency there is an option to set the current task
- to start before or after the end of the task. A second dialog box
- will appear after the Id's have been set which allows a lag or lead
- to be set. If a lag or lead needs to be entered subsequent dialog
- boxes will appear prompting for the precise interval before or after
- the task, in days and optional hours and minutes.
- The holidays and work hours of the "General" resource are used when
- calculating the time between the end of the previous task and the
- start of the current task. For example, if a lag of one week is
- specified, and during this period holidays for the "General"
- resource indicate a one week holiday (e.g. at Christmas), then this
- will translate to a two week delay before the second task starts.
- The cost and user data fields for a task may be edited by selecting
- the "Cost & data" option from the "Task" menu. This will display a
- dialog allowing the following items to be set for the current task:
- Fixed cost Fixed cost assigned to the task.
- Include labour costs Either "Yes" or "No". If set to "Yes" then
- the task and plan total costs will include any
- labour costs associated with the task. If set to
- "No" then the labour cost will be shown as 0,
- regardless of the amount of work or resource
- charge rate. In this case the task and plan total
- costs will exclude any labour costs for the task.
- Use "No" when a task has no labour cost impact,
- e.g. for a fixed price task where only the fixed
- cost field is used.
- User value A user specified floating point number.
- User text A user specified 80 character text field.
- Note the currency symbol used throughout Plan is controlled from the
- "Number formats" menu option on the "Control" menu accessed from the
- Psion system screen.
- 10.1 Calculation (end/work/rate)
- For each task one of three values may initially be calculated: end,
- work or rate. To control which is calculated for the current task
- use the "End/work/rate" menu option on the "Task" menu. The
- calculation setting controls whether the work, rate or the end date
- and time are calculated for a task. If the work is to be calculated
- then the end date and the rate for each assigned resource will need
- to be specified, and so on. Note that this setting only controls the
- initial calculation for the task, if the task depends upon other
- tasks which subsequently move then the task may shift along with the
- other tasks. So even if the end date is specified in order to
- calculate the rate initially, this does not mean the end date is
- permanently tied to this value, if the task is dependent upon other
- tasks which change the end date may change. When new tasks are
- created the initial calculation setting is governed by a preference
- setting.
- 10.2 Tracking work done
- The "Set work done" menu option on the "Task" menu allows the
- progress on the current task to be recorded. This progress may be
- set in one of three ways:
- Set by %... Selecting this option and pressing enter will
- display a dialog which allows the work done to be
- set to a value indicating the actual work done as
- a percentage of work planned.
- Set by time... This option displays a dialog which allows the
- work done to be set to a specific value in terms
- of days, hours, minutes and seconds.
- Add time to existing... This displays a dialog which allows the work
- done to be set by adding a given time in days,
- hours, minutes and seconds to the existing work
- done value. This is useful when periodically
- updating the work done, for example with data from
- weekly time sheets.
- When setting work done a date is shown which indicates the date on
- which work done was last recorded. So if the work done value
- includes all work prior to the 2 Jan 96 then this date should be set
- to 2 Jan 96. If the work done is changed then before pressing enter
- set the date field appropriately. This date is important when using
- the "Review calculation" menu option (discussed later in this
- section).
- To assist with the setting of work done the dialogs will show the
- targeted work done. This indicates how much work should have been
- done up to the current date and time if the task is to be completed
- on schedule.
- A task is assumed to be complete if the work done is greater than or
- equal to the planned work. In the Gantt chart view tasks which are
- complete are shown using a solid black bar. Tasks currently underway
- are shown with a black bar indicating the percentage completed so
- far, whilst planned tasks are shown with a clear bar.