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- This order form is a text file named ORDER.FRM. You can print it, then fill
- it in by hand. Or you can load it into a text editor (such as DOS EDIT), then
- type your answers before you print it out (using DOS PRINT, for example).
- that method costs both of us money. A better way is to paste the completed
- form into the email line editor (using a paced ASCII upload). An even easier
- way is to use a CompuServe reader program, such as CIM, OzCIS or TAPCIS.
- Berthold Daum
- lichtbild pty ltd
- 21 Margate St.
- Beaumaris, Vic 3193
- Australia
- FAX: +61-3-584 9638
- CompuServe: 100026,3365
- INTERNET: 100026.3365@compuserve.com
- ----------------------------- PAYMENT TERMS -------------------------------
- PRICING: All prices are in Australian dollars. Cheques must be
- made payable to lichtbild p/l, Beaumaris, Australia
- and must be issued in Australian dollar. Some inter-
- national money orders (usually via the post office)
- are also appropriate. Eurocheques issued in German
- Marks (DEM) are also accepted.
- CREDIT CARDS: This is the preferred method of payment. We do accept
- the following credit cards: American Express, Master-
- Card, Visa. You must fill out the form provided in
- this file.
- COMPUSERVE: For some of our shareware products you can register
- and pay via CompuServe (GO SWREG). Prices are in US
- dollar and are higher to cover additional costs.
- CASH PAYMENT: Mailing cash is not recommended. However, since we
- can process currencies from most countries with a
- population of twenty million or more, this might be
- the most convenient payment method for you if you
- live outside Australia. Do not send coins but round
- up to the next banknote value. Wrap cash payments in
- dark paper. We do not accept responsibility for cash
- lost in the mail.
- PURCHASE ORDERS: We accept PO's from Fortune 1000 companies; govern-
- ment offices (state, provincial and national); natio-
- nally distributed media; plus officially certified
- service, charitable and educational institutions.
- RECOMMENDATION: Registered users who recommend our software to other
- users resulting in a registration receive their next
- upgrade free of charge (via floppy disc).
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------- DELIVERY ------------------------------------
- MAIL: We deliver all software on 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disc
- in PC format (includes newest versions of all of our
- shareware) and the manual by mail. We charge a flat
- rate for postage and handling of A$6.00 outside Aus-
- tralia and A$4.00 within Australia. Optionally we can
- email software to any CompuServe address. A surcharge
- of A$5.00 per product applies.
- ----------------------------- WARRANTY ------------------------------------
- SHAREWARE: Upon registration we deliver the newest product ver-
- sion plus all of our other shareware programs on
- disc plus manual. This software comes unwarranted.
- New versions can be obtained from the usual shareware
- sources. For registered users we can mail out new
- versions for a service fee of A$6.00 plus postage.
- (add A$5.00 for optional new manual).
- PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS: Software problems must be reported within 3 month of
- delivery. We will mail or email fixes as soon as pos-
- sible. Please report any problems by mail, or by FAX
- (+61-3-584 9638), or via CompuServe (100026,3365).
- Upgrades to new versions are offered to registered
- users and carry an upgrade fee depending on the pro-
- duct.
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- Your name: _______________________________________________________
- Given name Surname
- Company name: _______________________________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- Voice phone: ____________________ CompuServe ID: ________________
- Fax: ____________________ InterNet ID: ________________
- Where did you ( ) Author ( ) CompuServe ( ) A friend
- get a copy of ( ) BBS ( ) InterNet ( ) Don't remember
- our software? ( ) Disk vendor ( ) AOL ( ) Other, specify
- ( ) PSION ( ) GEnie __________________
- This software was recommended by ________________________________
- (Name and address)
- ________________________________
- Diskette: ( ) 3.5" 1.44 MB
- ( ) 3.5" 720 KB
- Host: ( ) PC ( ) Mac ( ) Other, specify
- __________________
- Palmtop: ( ) PSION S3 ( ) Acorn PowerBook I
- ( ) PSION S3a ( ) Acorn PowerBook II
- I enclose ( ) a cheque payable to lichtbild p/l, Beaumaris, Australia
- ( ) money order
- or, please charge this purchase to my credit card.
- ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) American Express
- My full card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- valid from: __________ until end __________
- Name on card: _________________________________________
- Signature of cardholder: ______________________________
- Do you have comments or suggestions for us? We would like to hear them!
- _________________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ___________________________________________________ _______ ________ ________
- PicPoc V2.1 for S3a _______ A$ 49.95 ________
- Paint bitmaps up to 640 x 400 pixels.Pen, Eraser,
- Spray, Fill, Rectangle, Ellipse,selectable shapes
- and patterns. Magnifier. Rotate, enlarge, skew.
- Prints to Epson and HP. German/English.
- MusiPoc V2 for S3a _______ A$ 19.95 ________
- A musical editor specialised PSION S3a. Tunes of
- virtually unlimited length in one or two voices. (No printed manual)
- Metronom. Copy, cut, paste, revert, mirror, bars.
- Prints to Epson and HP. German/English.
- ProPoc V1.4 for S3 and S3a (commercial) _______ A$ 99.00 ________
- Project management. Multiproject resource sharing
- and schedules, restdays, public holidays, Bud-
- geting, Cash flow, Progress report, Alarm. Export
- to spreadsheet, WORD, AGENDA. German/English.
- HyperPoc V2.2 for S3a (commercial) ________ A$ 99.00 ________
- Hypercard/multimedia application. Variable card
- size; backgrounds; text, icons, bitmaps, alarms,
- clocks, tunes, waves, animation; automatic hyper-
- text; OPL-interface; import of text and WORD fi-
- les; export text and bitmaps. German/English.
- RepPoc V2.1 for S3 and S3a (commercial) ________ A$ 59.00 ________
- Merge data from DATA files, WORD forms, spread-
- sheets. Create letters, envelops, faxes, lists,
- labels. Column arithmetic. German/English.
- PocDoc V1.1 for S3 and S3a ________ A$ 19.95 ________
- Electronic diary to monitor your health. Charts,
- printing, emergency dialing. German/English. (No printed manual)
- F11 V1.1 for S3a ________ A$ 19.95 ________
- Typing aid for WORD processor. Automatic spaces,
- upper case, double hyphen. Phrase insertion from
- phrase book. German version with easy umlauts.
- Character table. Find file. German/English. (No printed manual)
- S3a Powerpack (ProPoc, HyperPoc, PicPoc, MusiPoc) ________ A$199.00 ________
- S3a Wordpack (RepPoc, F11) _________A$ 69.00 ________
- 5-packs - ProPoc V1.4 for S3 and S3a ________ A$399.00 ________
- - HyperPoc V2.2 for S3a ________ A$399.00 ________
- - S3a Powerpack ________ A$799.00 ________
- - S3a Wordpack _________A$249.00 ________
- Toolpack for developers (S3a only) ________ A$ 99.00 ________
- Decompiler for OPL applications. Help compiler
- for Morpheus help server. SetUp utility.
- Shareware registration: - PicPoc for S3a A$ 49.95 ________
- - MusiPoc for S3a A$ 19.95 ________
- - ProPoc for S3/S3a A$ 59.95 ________
- - HyperPoc for S3/S3a A$ 59.95 ________
- - RepPoc for S3/S3a A$ 39.95 ________
- - PocDoc for S3/S3a A$ 19.95 ________
- - F11 for S3a A$ 19.95 ________
- Updates: - Floppy with newest versions A$ 14.00 ________
- - any new manual ________ A$ 6.00 ________
- Postage Australia / Overseas A$ 4.00 / A$ 6.00 ________
- Email surcharge (per product) ________ A$ 5.00 ________
- ____________________________________________________________________ ________
- TOTAL_______________________________________________________________ ________
- FROM: ________________________ --------
- | Please |
- ________________________ | affix |
- | stamp |
- ________________________ | here |
- | |
- --------
- lichtbild pty ltd
- 21 Margate St.
- Beaumaris, Vic 3193
- Australia
- _ _
- [D]
- | |
- | 1) Put other pages under this page |
- | 2) Fold [FLAP A] under, using line [B] |
- | 3) Fold [C] under, so that line [B] meets top edge of paper |
- [D] | 4) Tape at [C] and [D] |
- | 5) Slide in enclosures (cards, cheques, etc.) |
- | 6) Tape envelope closed |
- | 7) Affix stamp |
- | |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
- [C]
- [B] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [B]