home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- OPLObjectFile**
- propoc.ODB
- \OPD\
- ! 1 B V k {
- Demo version
- Registration
- Your first name
- RegNo
- + Bad RegNo
- Please register
- Registered to
- Printer device
- Serial,Parallel,PrintFile
- Printer
- Linesize (chars)
- + Data bits
- + Stop bits
- Parity
- None,Even,Odd
- Handshaking
- +(All,None,Rts,Xon+Rts,Dsr,Xon+Dsr,Rts+Dsr
- Set dial defaults
- Dial out code
- + Tone time
- Delay time
- Pause time
- Registration required
- Not in shareware version
- no,small,big
- Edit activity
- Edit milestone
- Description
- Earliest date
- Duration
- open,delay'd
- +7open,delay'd,closed,90%,80%,70%,60%,50%,40%,30%,20%,10%
- Status
- Fix costs
- Planned date
- + Usage of
- Edit project
- Priority
- Start date
- Alarm advance days
- + Alarm for
- +6None,Milestones,Milestones+Critical,all activities,all
- Select project
- Insert
- incl. closed activities
- Activity,Milestone,Project
- Activity,Milestone
- Project
- New project name
- New activity name
- New milestone name
- ?vhcmfl
- Alarm & Mode
- Agenda file
- Sound agenda
- Alarm time
- Reorder
- auto,manual
- Statuswindow
- Display
- normal,condensed,table
- (free)
- Custom public holidays
- Costs/workday
- rated
- +4full time,shared in project,shared overall,part time
- Workday,Restday
- Public holidays
- Schedule for
- +#this project,all projects,cumulated
- Output
- Screen,
- New file
- + Open file
- + Undo link
- Go to
- Info milestone
- Links
- Actual date
- Milestone delayed by
- Milestone is critical
- cumulated costs
- days
- Statistics project
- Total workdays
- # activities
- + critical
- Hot milestones
- Total costs
- Search
- Name,Decription,Link,Resource
- Jump to
- Link mode aborted
- Link already defined
- Link completed
- Project already exists
- Define name
- Item already exists
- Copied
- Document deleted
- No document associated
- Remove
- You don't work at all!
- not installed
- Too many links
- Link mode started
- No links to remove
- Nothing found
- Cyclic links
- No more found
- + Not found
- Reordering
- Loading
- Updating file
- Updating alarms
- Print selection
- Print
- + short list,extended list,diagram
- Printer,TextFile,WordFile
- Output file
- Diagram
- This diagram will be tiled
- into
- pages
- Cancel
- Printing finished
- Printing:ESC=cancel
- Last day
- Critical
- NameO W
- StartKO W
- K+ Earl/PlndKO W
- DurtnKO W
- Last_dayKO W
- StatKO W
- FloatKO W
- CostKO W
- BudgetK
- + (delayed)
- closed
- Activity
- + Milestone
- + workdays
- Activity is closed
- Floating
- Activity is critical
- Cost
- Info activity
- required by
- Float workdays
- + closed,
- critical,
- uncritical
- restday
- and
- delayed,
- File
- Project
- Schedule for
- all projects
- StartKO W
- Last_dayKO W
- UtilisationK
- +P Name Lead Earl/Plnd Dur Lag Sta FixCost Start End Flt TotCost Budget
- ODC987654321
- jfgrkbnoitmvecdahluqyxpwsz
- +$OpnDelCls90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%
- + Bad Value
- (none)
- Alarm handler
- Milestn
- Currency
- Morpheus,Agenda
- Never,Custom,Always
- Never,Custom,Always,Modify
- Public holiday
- Based on Eastern
- no,yes
- + Base date
- Modification
- + Direction
- after,before
- Days from Easter Sunday
- Show links
- Projects defined:
- normal
- + condensed
- table
- Save as
- + cumulated
- + File type
- export
- saved
- +WName,Typ,Status,Start/Real,End/Pln'd,Float,Durat'n,Item cost,Cumulated,Budget,Cumulated
- SPR,SPR with graphics,WKS
- Item and cumulated costs
- + cumulated
- +fLT116125131140145151160169070099BL015017099HB015017099SA116125138099SB016132141154099SC004120129142099
- Date format
- Alpha,Numeric
- Resource not used
- ,first workday
- Resource
- New name
- Accept
- Previous
- + Show grid
- Budget
- Bad lead/lag value
- small,normal,big
- + completed
- End date
- this project,all projects
- +%(alarm off),Rings,Chimes,silent alarm
- italic
- underlined
- Unique symbol
- Agenda entries
- starts
- Symbol missing
- Cashflow analysis
- Charged at activity
- start,middle,end
- Location
- global
- Orientation
- Portrait,Landscape
- Printing aborted
- Delete activtiy
- Remove all linksO
- to this itemO
- Delete milestone
- Delete document
- Delete project
- with all items?O
- IgnoreO
- RetryOr
- W7Or@
- + Symbol identifies Agenda entriesO
- Change anyway?O
- NoOn+
- YesOy
- W7Oy@
- File+
- NewOn+
- OpenOoh+
- Save asOah+
- PrintOph+
- ReorderO*
- + Resources+
- Resource scheduleOh+
- Resource definitionOH
- File+
- NewOn+
- OpenOo+
- Save asOa+
- PrintOp+
- ReorderO*+
- Resource scheduleOh
- Project+
- InsertOih+
- Switch projectOth+
- Modify projectOm+
- Remove projectOvh+
- StatisticsOsh+
- CashflowOS
- Project+
- InsertOi+
- Switch projectOt+
- Modify projectOm+
- Remove projectOv+
- StatisticsOs
- Item+
- EditOe+
- CopyOc+
- DeleteOd
- P+ Show InfoOw
- Associated documentO++
- Remove documentO-
- Link+
- LinkOl+ Undo linkOu
- Go to linkOk+
- Go to depending itemOb
- Link+
- LinkOl+ Undo linkOuh+
- Go to linkOk+
- Go to depending itemObh+
- Show linksOL
- Link+
- LinkOl+ Undo linkOuh+
- Go to linkOk+
- Go to depending itemObh+
- Hide linksOL
- Scan+
- FindOf+ Find nextOg+
- Find previousOr
- Jump to dateOj
- Special+
- AboutO/+
- PreferencesOq+
- ZoomOz+
- Printer setupOy+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- AboutO/h+
- PreferencesOq+
- Zoom inOz+
- Zoom outOZh+
- Printer setupOyh+
- ExitOx
- NormalON+ CondensedOC+
- TableOT
- Preferences+
- ViewOv+ ResourcesOh+
- CalendarOc+
- Alarm & ModeOm+ LocationsOl+
- Public holiday fileOf
- Preferences+
- ViewOv+ ResourcesOh+
- CalendarOc+
- Alarm & ModeOm+
- Public holiday fileOf
- MEN2%H