home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-11-23 | 19.7 KB | 1,383 lines |
- OPLObjectFile**
- Accounts.BNK
- \BANK\
- Nov 96
- 100012
- SNABankO
- You Have Outstanding Bills !!O
- S/OC\[
- F/TC\[
- D/DC`\[
- h8\[#
- Stand By
- Stand By
- +%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
- *.$$$O
- \BANK\TEMP\*.*
- Accounts
- Alan Richey, 94-96KOiO
- Personal
- Accounts
- Unregistered Version
- Registered to
- \OPO\
- LOC::A:
- LOC::A:
- LOC::A:
- LOC::A:
- LOC::A:
- Trans+
- Accts+
- Trans
- Group :
- Curr :
- Currency :
- Look Ahead
- Balance(
- Title
- PL0\[
- Total :
- No Account in this Group
- Automatic Updating Selected
- Stand By
- Accts+
- Trans+
- Accts
- @`PHO
- @`PHO
- Value(
- @`PHO
- @`PHO
- Description
- |F\[(
- Credit Limit Exceeded
- H0\[+
- B`\[C
- B\`[8
- B\`[8
- Updated on :
- as of :
- = Base
- = Group
- = Secondary
- Currencies
- Rate/
- /RateK(
- Country
- No Help File Available
- Help File Not Available !!(
- How to RegisterO
- If you wish to register, justO
- send
- 20 ($US30). If you haveO
- access to CompuServe, you canO
- register using SWREG, quotingO
- the Registration ID - 13270.O
- Contact Details
- Otherwise I can be contacted
- using :
- CompuServe: 100023,543
- or Email at:
- alanrichey@msn.com
- Or by post at:
- Contact Details
- F.A.Richey+
- F.A.Richey
- + c/o SONAS+
- 6001 Natick Court
- Calgary+
- Burke, VA 22015
- Isle of Mull+
- Strathclyde+
- <Esc>/<Enter>
- Look AheadOsO
- ]KOsO
- %]KOsO
- [Tax :
- %]KOsO
- Archive Viewer
- Value(
- @`PHO
- @`PHO
- Description
- ]KOnO$
- %]KOKO
- [Tax :
- %]KOnO
- *.$$$O
- ARC.$$$O
- ARC.$$$O
- PL0`[
- PL0\[#
- Archive File Empty
- No Archive File selected
- in C[)
- + Archived
- @`PHO
- Personal Accounts V
- F A Richey 1996KO
- Welcome to my Accounts program.O
- + At the moment, this unregisteredO
- +#copy allows you only a few accountsO
- +$to enable you to try out the programO
- +#before registering. To find out howO
- +!to register, see the REGISTER.TXTO
- file or the Help Screen Item.O
- Currency Details
- Country
- Symbol
- /RateKO
- Rate/
- Old RateO
- Old Rate
- Allowances
- No Currencies defined
- Reconc'd : O
- Reconciled : O
- Tax Total : O
- Initial : O
- Current : O
- Running : O
- Total : O
- 36571248596312281479
- H@`[7
- eg.reC[
- ubbisC[
- Invalid Registration CodeO
- Press <Enter> orO
- <Esc> to continueO
- Balance Windows
- Display+-Current Balance,Running Balance,Total Balance
- Update Budget
- Update
- Add to Expenses
- using Category
- Reconcile Planner
- Add to House
- Update Utility
- 100012
- \BANK\
- Create New Group
- Sorry! Reserved Name
- Group already existsO
- Overwrite ?O
- Open new Group
- W7[d
- Stand By
- Delete Group
- W7[E
- Cannot delete Group in use
- Delete Group
- Are you sure ?O
- Group Deleted
- \BANK\
- Save Group As
- Cannot overwrite current file
- Group already existsO
- Overwrite ?O
- Stand By
- Stand By
- Password Protected
- Enter Password
- Access DeniedO
- Change Password
- Password Set+
- On,Off
- Active+
- Always,Startup Only
- New Password
- Confirm Password
- No Password EnteredO
- Passwords do not match !!O
- Currencies
- Group
- + Secondary
- Auto Selection+
- Yes,No
- Foreign+
- On,Off
- + Max ValueO
- + Separator+%None,Comma,Full Stop,Apostrophe,Space
- Negative as+
- Minus Sign,Brackets
- Stand By
- Stand By
- Stand By
- *.BNK
- h@\`[e
- Stand By
- Only one Group
- Stand By
- Temp.$$$
- +,Bank,Credit Card,Cash,Asset,Liability,Shares
- You need to Register
- No room for more Accounts
- New Account
- Short titleO
- DescriptionO
- Opening BalanceO
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- Advanced Settings+
- No,Yes
- Advanced Settings
- Quicken Type
- + Net Worth+
- Include,Exclude
- Balance LimitO
- Credit,Debit
- Credit Interest %O
- |*43333?
- Debit Interest %O
- |*43333?
- Stand By
- Blank
- Automatic UpdateO
- Account name already in use
- +,Bank,Credit Card,Cash,Asset,Liability,Shares
- Account Update
- Short titleO
- DescriptionO
- Opening BalanceO
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- Auto Update+
- Yes,No
- Advanced Settings+
- No,Yes
- Advanced Settings
- Quicken Type
- + Net Worth+
- Include,Exclude
- Balance LimitO
- Credit,Debit
- Credit Interest %O
- |*43333?
- Debit Interest %O
- |*43333?
- Blank
- Updating
- Account Name in Use
- No Account defined
- +6Bank C/Card Cash Asset LiabilityShares
- Account Information
- Short title
- Description
- Start Balance
- Quicken Type
- Balance Limit
- Credit Int %
- Debit Int %
- No Account defined
- Delete
- Are you sure ?O
- Deleting
- No Account defined
- Move Account
- From Position
- To PositionO
- Moving
- PLH8[
- Recalculating
- Recalculating
- Only one Account
- Only one Account
- Account Change
- <More>(
- Account Change
- <More>(
- Account Change
- EnglishC\[
- United Kingdom
- Blank
- English,USA,Australia,Germany
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- + Australia
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- + Australia
- TEMP.$$$
- O @[2
- No room for more Currencies
- Add a Currency
- CountryO
- SymbolO
- /RateKO
- Rate/
- AllowancesO
- Last Updated on : E
- Country already entered
- Base Currency Update
- Country
- SymbolO
- AllowancesO
- Currency Update
- CountryO
- Symbol
- /RateKO
- Rate/
- AllowancesO
- Country already in use
- No Currencies defined
- + /CurrencyK
- + Currency/
- No Currencies defined
- Currency in Use
- Delete
- Are you sure ?O
- Last Updated on : B
- No Currencies defined
- Updated on :
- as of :
- Currencies
- Last Updated on :
- W@5\[:
- W@9\[2
- Temp.$$$
- More Functions
- Advanced Functions
- H@`[w
- Default Entry
- + New Entry
- Date(
- DescriptionO
- AmountO
- State+
- Payment,Charge
- State+
- Receive,Spend
- State+
- Increase,Decrease
- State+
- Decrease,Increase
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- Currency
- B\`[*
- Transfer to...
- ,Other GroupK
- No,Split,New,
- B\`[N
- NumberO
- + ReferenceO
- + ReferenceO
- No,Yes
- Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred,Warning
- Transfer to..
- ,Other GroupK
- No,Split,New,
- NumberO
- + ReferenceO
- + ReferenceO
- Auto Counter+
- None,
- Tax Rate+
- None,Zero,
- ,OtherK
- Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred,Warning
- NoG\[F
- None,
- TwoK
- TwoK
- TwoK
- Spare,Spare,SpareG\["
- RateO
- Stand By
- W@9\[
- Transfer to...
- Group
- Transfer Details
- Transfer to Account
- Description/PayeeO
- ValueO
- Currency
- State+
- Payment,Charge
- State+
- Receive,Spend
- State+
- Increase,Decrease
- State+
- Decrease,Increase
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- + Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred,Warning
- H@\[1
- Cannot transfer to same Account
- Transfering
- W@9\[
- Cannot Transfer to Shares
- Entry Update
- Date(
- DescriptionO
- AmountO
- State+
- Payment,Charge
- State+
- Receive,Spend
- State+
- Increase,Decrease
- State+
- Decrease,Increase
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- State+
- Credit,Debit
- Currency
- + ReferenceO
- Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred,Warning
- Set Attribute+
- None,Reconciled,Warning
- No,(Split),
- Tax RateO
- Updating
- +"This was a Transferred Transaction
- +$You may wish to Update the other one
- '|B`[
- No Transactions defined
- Entry Information
- Description
- Amount
- Balance
- + Reference
- (Split)
- Budget Category
- Tax Rate
- Checking
- Checking
- Delete
- Are you sure ?O
- Deleting
- +"This was a Transferred Transaction
- +#You may wish to amend the other one
- No Transactions defined
- +!Cannot Reconcile Def'd/Warn Entry
- Reconc'd : O
- Reconciled : O
- Reconciled Balance :
- No Transaction defined
- +$Cannot Defer Reconciled/Warned Entry
- Stand By
- No Transaction defined
- +"Cannot Warn on Recon'd/Defer Entry
- Stand By
- No Transaction defined
- No Transactions defined
- Archive/Remove/DeleteO
- Transactions(
- Action+
- Archive,Delete
- Entries+
- Reconciled Only,By Category,All
- Up to(
- Balance+
- Update,Leave Alone
- No Reconciled Entries
- Category
- No Categories Defined
- Archive to . .
- Mode+
- Append,Overwrite
- + OverwriteO
- Are you sure ?O
- From
- in Group
- on KW
- {E\`[
- Delete Reconciled
- Delete By Category
- Delete All
- and not
- EntriesKO
- Update BalanceKO
- Are you Sure ?O
- {E\`[2
- Warning !!
- Max number of transactionsO
- reached. The program willO
- still work, but the InitialO
- Balance will change.O
- Continue ? (Y/N)O
- NoOn+
- YesOy
- W7Oy@[
- PL0`[
- PLL@[
- PL8\[#
- PL8\[[
- PL8\[
- PLH@[a
- PLh8[
- Backup Directory
- Backing Up
- *.*KO
- Restore DataO
- Are you Sure ?O
- Restore From
- *.BNK
- *.BNK
- This is the main DirectoryO
- *.BNK
- *.BNK
- Not a logical Backup DirectoryO
- Data Restored, Restart Program
- Restoring Data
- \OPD\
- Data Restored, Restart Program
- h@PL(
- h@PL(
- O @`[W
- Clear all attributesO
- Are you sure ?O
- Unregistered Version
- Registered to
- Od|2[
- Switch to new Archive
- W7[9
- Reset Start Date
- Reset Start DateO
- Are You Sure ?O
- Delete
- Are You Sure ?O
- \BANK\
- Create New Archive
- Archive already existsO
- Overwrite ?O
- Archive Created
- Archive Created
- ARC.$$$
- Information onO
- the Item at :(
- Line NumberO
- FromC[
- Archive Header Entry
- Entry Information
- Date+
- Description+
- Amount+
- Balance+
- + Reference+
- (Split)
- Budget Category
- Tax Rate+
- No Archive File
- Checking
- B\`[t
- Checking
- Not available with Filter set
- No Archive
- h@\`[C
- Only one Archive
- WLD:(
- Home City currency not definedO
- Warning !!
- You have reached the limit ofO
- 256 characters in the variableO
- that holds the descriptions. IfO
- you wish to add any more youO
- will have to reduce the lengthO
- of the descriptions of some ofO
- variables presently defined.O
- 100012
- You Have Outstanding Bills !!O
- (Y/N)
- NoOn+
- YesOy
- W7Oy@|
- (Y/N)
- NoOn+
- YesOy
- W7Oy@|
- Conversion
- ValueO
- = K
- Result
- Insufficient Currencies defined
- h@`[v
- + Disc Full
- You will have to make someO
- more room on your disk ifO
- you wish to continue.O
- *.$$$O
- Od|RW
- Mb@?J
- Mb@?N
- This option already selected
- Registration
- See the REGISTER.TXT fileO
- or look in the HELP IndexO
- for full details on how O
- to obtain this code.O
- Enter CodeO
- xxxxxx
- F/TC[
- S/TC[
- D/DC[
- F/TC[
- S/TC[
- D/DC[
- O X0[
- Accts K
- Trans K
- Curr K
- archV K
- Stand By
- S/OC[
- F/TC[
- S/TC[
- D/DC[
- GASC\[
- Password
- Access DeniedO
- WordKO
- 100012
- \BANK\
- Accts Trans Curr archV
- O @[
- ?JWBix
- ?JWBix
- Warning !!
- +%Your configuration file was corruptedO
- +%It has now been repaired, but some ofO
- the settings may have been lostO
- \BANK\
- O 0[
- AcctsG[,
- +#Accts Trans'nCurrn'yOrders archiVe
- GASG\[
- \OPD\
- Temp.$$$
- Warning
- You have only
- of system memory left !!O
- Personal Accounts Suite(
- Written by F A RicheyO
- alanrichey@msn.comO
- 100023,543 on CISO
- Version
- UnRegistered VersionO
- Registered to :
- Calculating Balances
- Convert Budget
- Convert Planner
- Convert House
- Convert Utilities
- Budget Filter
- Category+
- None,
- No Categories Defined
- Middle Column for `
- Middle Column Display
- (Only available withO
- Status Window off.)O
- Reference,Nothing
- + ,CategoryK
- + ,Tax RateK
- Display
- Warning Total
- ValueO
- Balance Limit for `
- Balance LimitO
- Credit/Debit+
- Credit,Debit
- Type+
- Roman,Swiss
- Budget
- Budget
- Planner
- plaN
- Stock
- Stocks
- Stocks
- Share
- Shares
- Shares
- Petrol
- Petrol
- Petrol
- Gas
- House
- House
- + Utilities
- Utility
- Expenses
- Expense
- Cheque
- Check
- Direct Debit
- Debit
- Debit
- Debit
- Scheduled Transaction
- Transaction
- + Scheduled
- scheD
- Future Transaction
- Transaction
- Future
- Future
- Standing Order
- Order
- Orders
- Order
- File+ New GroupOn+
- Open GroupOo+
- Save Group AsOa+
- Delete GroupOkh+
- Create New ArchiveOvh+
- PasswordO@
- Edit+
- Enter New AccountOe+
- Update AccountOu+
- Delete AccountOd+
- Move AccountOmh
- Data+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh+
- Look AheadOl+ Pay BillsOjh+
- Group InfoOg+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Data+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh+
- Look AheadOlh+
- Group InfoOg+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Data+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh+ Pay BillsOjh+
- Group InfoOg
- Data+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh+
- Group InfoOg
- Data+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh+
- Look AheadOl+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Data+
- Backup DataOb+
- Restore DataOrh
- Print+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print DetailsOph
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oqh+
- Account InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- Register CopyO$h+
- AboutO#+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set CurrenciesOc+
- Set FontOfh+
- Account InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- Register CopyO$h+
- AboutO#h+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oqh+
- Account InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- AboutO#h+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set CurrenciesOc+
- Set FontOfh+
- Account InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- AboutO#h+
- ExitOx
- O @`[
- Configuring
- General+
- CurrenciesOc+
- SoundOs+
- TerminologyOm+
- Escape Key ActionOe+
- Edit Memo DirectoryOi+
- Printer ConfigurationOy+
- Preferences RepeatOr+
- Cache SizeOh
- General+
- CurrenciesOc+
- SoundOs+
- TerminologyOm+
- Escape Key ActionOe+
- Edit Memo DirectoryOi+
- Preferences RepeatOr+
- Cache SizeOh
- General+
- CurrenciesOc
- Transact+
- Setup Default Transactions...Od+
- Setup Counters...On+
- Auto Defer ModeOa+ Tax RatesOth+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Transact+
- Setup Default Transactions...Od+
- Setup Counters...On+ Tax RatesOth
- Transact+
- Auto Defer ModeOa+ Tax RatesOth+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Transact+ Tax RatesOth
- Transact+
- Setup Default Transactions...Od+
- Setup Counters...On+
- Auto Defer ModeOah+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Transact+
- Setup Default Transactions...Od+
- Setup Counters...On
- Transact+
- Auto Defer ModeOah+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Display+
- FontOo+
- Date FormatOf+
- Decimal PlacesOp+
- Account Details LabelsOl+
- Screen RefreshOw
- Display+
- FontOo+
- Date FormatOf+
- Decimal PlacesOp+
- Account Details LabelsOl+
- Screen RefreshOw+
- Account Credit/DebitOb
- Display+
- FontOo+
- Account Details LabelsOl
- Display+
- FontOo+
- Date FormatOf+
- Decimal PlacesOp+
- Screen RefreshOw
- Display+
- FontOo+
- Date FormatOf+
- Decimal PlacesOp+
- Screen RefreshOw+
- Account Credit/DebitOb
- Display+
- FontOo
- OZ4\`
- PLH8[%
- 100012
- File+
- Open GroupOoh+
- Create New Archive FileOv
- Edit+
- Enter New TransactionOe+
- Enter Default TransactionOj+
- Enter Last TransactionOm+
- Update TransactionOu+
- Delete TransactionOdh+
- Interest RateOc+
- Balance LimitsOk
- Edit+
- Enter New TransactionOe+
- Enter Default TransactionOj+
- Enter Last TransactionOm+
- Update TransactionOu+
- Delete TransactionOdh+
- Balance LimitsOk
- Edit+
- Enter New TransactionOe+
- Update TransactionOu+
- Delete TransactionOdh+
- Interest RateOc+
- Balance LimitsOk
- Edit+
- Enter New TransactionOe+
- Update TransactionOu+
- Delete TransactionOdh+
- Balance LimitsOk
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- DeferO<+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account InfoOn+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account InfoOn+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- DeferO<+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account InfoOn
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account InfoOn
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- DeferO<+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOih+
- Account DetailsOhh
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- DeferO<+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOi
- Attrib+ ReconcileOr+
- WarningOw+ UnderlineOlh+
- Clear all AttributesOgh+
- Entry InformationOi
- Options+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Budget FilterOb+
- Set Tax FilterOt+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Tax FilterOt+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Budget FilterOb+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Import DataOI+
- Export DataOQh+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Budget FilterOb+
- Set Tax FilterOt+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Tax FilterOt+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Set Budget FilterOb+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Options+
- Archive TransactionsOa+
- Switch AccountsOs+
- Foreign Currency OptionOf
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oqh+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print StatementOph+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print StatementOph+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oqh+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Print+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print StatementOph
- Special+
- Switch AccountsOsh+
- Set Budget FilterObh+
- Entry InformationOih+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Print+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print StatementOph
- Special+
- Switch AccountsOsh+
- Set Tax FilterOth+
- Entry InformationOih+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- h@`\[
- O @`[
- OR@`\[
- Od@`\
- OW@`\[
- OL@`\[
- Configuring
- Program+
- Account SwitchOw+
- Auto Step on ReconcileOp
- Transactions+
- Setup Default EntriesOd+
- Setup CountersOn+
- Deferred Entry BalanceOb+
- Single Key AttributesOa+
- Define First DialogOf+
- Advanced FunctionsOr
- Transactions+
- Setup Default EntriesOd+
- Setup CountersOn+
- Deferred Entry BalanceOb+
- Single Key AttributesOa+
- Advanced FunctionsOr
- Transactions+
- Deferred Entry BalanceOb+
- Single Key AttributesOa+
- Define First DialogOf+
- Advanced FunctionsOr
- Transactions+
- Deferred Entry BalanceOb+
- Single Key AttributesOa+
- Advanced FunctionsOr
- Transactions+
- Setup Default EntriesOd+
- Setup CountersOn
- Transactions+
- Setup Default EntriesOd+
- Setup CountersOn
- Display+
- Define SymbolsOs+
- Toggle Total WindowOt+
- Transaction Initial HighlightOh
- Display+
- Define SymbolsOs+
- Toggle Total WindowOt+
- Middle Column DisplayOm+
- Credit/Debit DisplayOc+
- Transaction Initial HighlightOh+
- Credit Limit DisplayOl
- Display+
- Toggle Total WindowOt+
- Middle Column DisplayOm
- Display+
- Toggle Total WindowOt
- Stand By
- Stand By
- 100012
- File+
- Open GroupOo
- Edit+
- Enter New CurrencyOe+
- Update a CurrencyOu+
- Delete CurrencyOd+
- Update all CurrenciesOl
- Tools+
- ConversionOv
- Print+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print CurrenciesOph
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oqh+
- Currency InformationOi+
- Secondary CurrencyOsh+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set Currencies...Och+
- Currency InformationOi+
- Secondary CurrencyOsh+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- O @`[
- Configuring
- Set Preferences+
- CurrencyOc+
- Decimal PlacesOr+
- Invert Rate MethodOt+
- Conversion DefaultsOv
- Set Preferences+
- CurrencyOc+
- Decimal PlacesOr+
- Toggle Allowances DisplayOa+
- Invert Rate MethodOt+
- Conversion DefaultsOv
- OZ4\`
- File+
- Open GroupOoh+
- New Archive FileOn+
- Switch Archive FileOs+
- Delete Archive FileOk+
- Reset Start DateOa
- Search+ Find DateOd+
- Find Next DateOe+
- Find EntryOf+
- Find Next EntryOg
- Filter+
- Set Tax FilterOt+
- Set Budget FilterOb
- Filter+
- Set Budget FilterOb
- Filter+
- Set Tax FilterOt
- Filter+
- Set Budget FilterOb
- Filter+
- Set Tax FilterOt
- Print+
- Print SetupOy+
- Print Preview
- Print ArchiveOp
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oq+
- Item InformationOi+
- Export ArchiveOvh+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Set Preferences...Oq+
- Item InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- Special+
- Item InformationOi+ Edit Memo
- ZoomOzh+
- ExitOx
- @`\[h
- Configuring
- Set Preferences+
- Middle Column DisplayOm+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Set Preferences+
- Default Archive FileOv+
- Archive ExtensionOx
- Set Preferences+
- Middle Column DisplayOm
- TransactionsOT+
- CurrenciesOC+
- ArchiveOVh+
- Add-in Modules...OMh+
- Set up O
- ListKO
- TransactionsOT+
- CurrenciesOC+
- ArchiveOVh+
- Add-in Modules...OMh
- AccountsOA+
- CurrenciesOC+
- ArchiveOVh+
- Add-in Modules...OMh
- AccountsOA+
- TransactionsOT+
- ArchiveOVh+
- Add-in Modules...OMh
- AccountsOA+
- TransactionsOT+
- CurrenciesOC+
- Add-in Modules...OMh
- AccountsOA+
- TransactionsOT+
- CurrenciesOC+
- ArchiveOVh+
- Add-in Modules...OMh
- No Add-In Modules installed
- +!No other Add-In Modules Installed
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- Add-In ModulesO
- @`\[&
- @`\[&
- GASC\[
- S/OC\[
- F/TC\[
- S/TC\[
- D/DC\[
- Stand By
- Stand By
- Credit Remain :
- Credit Remaining :
- Credit Limit :
- Od|ROd|VWBi
- Module not found