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- Version 2.0a
- Copyright (c) Tom Dolbilin 1994
- Introduction
- ============
- FINDER is an application written for a Psion Series 3a pocket
- computer which allows the user to quickly start any application
- and switch between any running applications (or open files) in
- just two keystrokes. It may be used as an alternative to the
- (somewhat slow) System Screen. It may also be useful in the
- following cases:
- 1. If you do not already have a touch button assigned to a
- particular application. There are only 14 touch button
- combinations that you can use and it is hardly enough for all
- applications you may have installed.
- 2. If you do have a touch button assigned but to an application
- which uses multiple files (like Word, for example). Pressing
- the button does not differentiate between the open files and
- always brings you to the most recently used one.
- FINDER is useful only if it is available at all times, i.e.,
- running constantly.
- System Requirements
- ===================
- In order to run FINDER you need a Psion Series 3a pocket computer
- with at least 20K of disk space. When running, FINDER is consuming
- 17K while in the background and 26K while in the foreground.
- Installation/Removal
- ====================
- Here are the files stored in FINDER.ZIP and where they should go:
- File (size) Description Target directory
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- FINDER.OPA (19463) Main program file \APP\
- FINDER.HLP (6239) Help file (optional) \APP\FINDER\
- SYS$HELP.OPO (4157) Help driver (optional) \OPO\
- The indicated directories can be created on any local drive
- (Internal, A or B). Install the icon for FINDER on the System
- Screen. When you first run FINDER, it creates a directory
- \APP\FINDER\ on the Internal drive (if it does not already exist)
- where it puts its initialization file FINDER.INI. The file is only
- a few bytes long and used to store your preferences. If you use
- the Run option, FINDER will create another file LIST.ODB in the
- same directory. This file is used to store the list of most
- recently run applications.
- To remove FINDER from your system, delete all of the above files
- including FINDER.INI and its directory \APP\FINDER\. Remove the
- icon from the System Screen.
- that you delete the old FINDER.INI file before running this
- version.
- Operation
- =========
- When FINDER is running, it displays a list of all running
- applications, or tasks. The list can show an applicationÆs name
- and the file name of the used file (if there is one). Time and
- Calc are examples of applications that do not use files. Data,
- Word and Sheet are some of those that do. You can define the
- format in which each entry is displayed. It can be set under 'List
- options.'
- Use the arrow keys to move the selector up or down. Most options
- in FINDER will affect the currently selected task. For example,
- selecting System and then pressing Enter will bring you to the
- System Screen.
- You can assign shortcuts to any of the running applications for
- easier identification and switching. The shortcut is a case-
- sensitive letter or a number. For example, if you want to assign
- "a" to Agenda, first select it and then press "a." Now, whenever
- you are in FINDER, pressing "a" will switch to Agenda. Agenda is
- not a very good example because you could always press a system
- button instead. However, if you use a lot of third-party
- applications, this is the fastest way to switch between them. Note
- that a shortcut setting for an application is lost whenever that
- application quits. To remove a shortcut use Psion-M or Delete.
- Shift-Psion-M removes all the shortcuts currently assigned. You
- can assign shortcuts automatically using the AutoAssign option.
- FINDER will then assign them based on the first letter of each
- task. It first uses lowercase letter, then uppercase. If both are
- already in use, no shortcut is assigned.
- Memory graph displays the curve of free system memory and used
- Internal disk space changing over time. Think of it as a sheet of
- paper scrolling to the left with the drawing needle located on the
- right edge. The area shaded with gray is the used memory. The
- darker shaded area below is the space on the Internal disk taken
- up by files.
- The built-in Help facility provides the on-line Help on most
- features. If you see a "?" in the upper-right corner of a dialog
- box -- this means that you can press Help to get context-sensitive
- help on this particular dialog. There are a few things in Help
- that are not documented in this file so installing it at least
- initially is recommended. The Help system consists of two files:
- SYS$HELP.OPO and FINDER.HLP. These files are NOT required to run
- FINDER. SYS$HELP.OPO is a run-time library that is called by
- FINDER when you press the Help key. It displays the Help data
- stored in FINDER.HLP. The library is not proprietary and may be
- used by other programs. Updates to SYS$HELP.OPO may be available
- separately.
- Pressing the Menu button brings up FINDER menu. The arrangement
- of the commands and their descriptions are listed in the
- following table.
- RUN menu
- Run Used to run ANY application that is not in
- ROM. The resulting dialog asks you to select
- an application to run. It can be any of the
- following types: APP, IMG, OPA, OPO, ALS or
- GRP. You will be subsequently prompted for a
- file name to open if the application requires
- it. If you select a GRP (group) file, another
- dialog box will list you the contents of the
- group file from where you can also select
- applications.
- Run standard Used to run the built-in applications stored
- in ROM. Again, if an application requires a
- file, you will have to enter a file name.
- Select from list This option lets you select from the list of 9
- most recent applications that have been run
- using the 2 options above.
- TASK menu
- Switch to Switches to the currently selected task. You
- can use the Enter key instead.
- Rename You can use this option to give a task a new
- name. A task name, like a file name, can be up
- to 8 characters long. It is not remembered
- after a task exits. Renaming a task has no
- relation to renaming a file stored on disk.
- Close Closing an application is equivalent to using
- Psion-X from within the application. The open
- file will be saved to disk before the
- application closes. Some applications that
- ignore this command can be killed using the
- following option.
- Kill Kills the currently selected task. It is
- potentially dangerous because the target
- application does not get a chance to save
- files.
- Info Displays information about the currently
- selected task. The task's name, ID, priority,
- lock status and memory consumption are shown.
- LIST menu
- Update Updates the list of running tasks. If the
- memory graph is on, the 'free memory' figure
- is also updated.
- Options Displays a dialog box where you can specify
- the way the task list looks and behaves.
- * QUICK ACCESS MODE is one of the following:
- Shortcut (when pressing letter keys assigns
- shortcuts to tasks to be used for switching
- between them) and Query first letter (when
- pressing a letter key jumps to the next line
- which starts with that letter)
- * SHORTCUT Case-sensitive option set to on
- makes FINDER to default all shortcuts to
- uppercase. Otherwise, FINDER distinguishes
- between upper and lower case.
- * SORT LIST sorts list alphabetically. The
- left column is sorted first, then the right
- column.
- * FORMAT lets you specify what should be
- displayed in the list and where. The format
- affects entries only for file-based
- applications. See on-line help for definitions
- of the used codes (you can get help directly
- from the dialog box).
- * FONT option lets you select which font,
- Swiss or Roman, to use for displaying the task
- list.
- * AUTOZOOM automatically scales the font size
- depending on the length of the list to fit as
- much of it on the screen as possible.
- Remove Removes the shortcut if there is any from the
- currently selected task. You can also use the
- Delete key.
- Remove all Removes all the assigned shortcuts if there
- are any.
- AutoAssign Automatically assigns shortcuts to all tasks
- based on the first letter of the taskÆs name.
- SPECIAL menu
- About Displays the information about FINDER.
- Set preferences Here is where you set you preferences. All
- preferences are saved in FINDER.INI so that
- they are kept even if you exit and restart
- * UPDATE LIST option sets whether the task
- list should be kept continually updated. If
- you turn this off, you still can update it
- manually with Psion-U. The list is not updated
- when FINDER is in the background. However, it
- is updated as soon as it comes to front or
- after you Kill or Rename a task.
- * UPDATE INTERVAL lets you set the amount of
- time after which the task list and/or the
- memory graph are updated
- * CTRL-SPACE ENABLED lets you set whether you
- want to use Ctrl-Space as a shortcut to switch
- to FINDER from another application (and thus
- saving a touch button for something else).
- There are a few notes to make about it. First,
- it will not work if you switch from FINDER and
- leave a menu, a dialog box or Help on screen.
- Secondly, it may be very slow to respond from
- the System Screen. Lastly, it is used in Sheet
- to select a row of cells, so if you need that
- feature you may consider disabling Ctrl-Space
- in FINDER.
- * PRIORITY setting affects the responsiveness
- of Ctrl-space from outside FINDER. While
- higher priority improves the responsiveness,
- it does NOT affect the performance of other
- applications.
- * SHOW MEMORY GRAPH option turns the memory
- graph on and off. If the memory graph is on,
- it is always updated every time the Update
- interval expires. When active, the graph uses
- 6K of memory.
- * RENAME TASKS tells FINDER to rename all task
- names (as shown in Task Info) to the names of
- the files they are using. This option is
- provided for better compatibility with Macro
- programs.
- Zoom in Increases the font size
- Zoom out Decreases the font size
- Exit Exits FINDER
- Version history
- ===============
- 1.0 Jan 12, 1994
- - The original public release
- 1.1 Jan 14, 1994
- - Application names have been replaced by names of open files
- (where possible)
- - Fixed bug in SYS$HELP.OPO which sometimes caused a scrolling
- window to redraw incorrectly when Psion-Ctrl-arrow key
- combination was pressed.
- 2.0 Mar 9, 1994 (Major upgrade)
- - Powerful Run feature
- - List format feature
- - Improved Memory graph
- - Context-sensitive help
- - Numerous other features
- 2.0a Mar 19, 1994
- - Bug fixed: an application launched from FINDER did not respond
- to its assigned application button (if any). Also, OPA
- applications did not get their proper icon in the status
- window.
- - Bug fixed: launching OPO's by using an alias for RunOPL caused
- a soft-reset.
- - SYS$SHLL is no longer renamed to SYSTEM if Rename Tasks option
- is turned on.
- - A few minor improvements
- Registration
- ============
- FINDER is non-crippled shareware. If you like it you should
- consider registering it. The registration fee is US$15. It can be
- sent to the address below:
- Tom Dolbilin
- 3901 Farhills Drive
- Champaign, IL 61821-9305
- U.S.A.
- Alternatively, you can register FINDER on CompuServe. GO SWREG,
- the registration ID is 1882.
- Thank you for your consideration.
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- The author of this software is not responsible for any damage due
- to use of this program. This software is provided without warranty
- of any kind.