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- Auto-Installation v1.3 (c) Psion GmbH 1993
- ----------------------
- Author: G.Tappenden
- Address: Psion GmbH, Saalburgstr.157, D-61350 Bad Homburg
- Hotline: +49 6172 37097 Cix: mhoelscher
- Mailbox: +49 6172 37090 Internet: mhoelscher@uk.co.compulink.cix
- Fax: +49 6172 39192 Cserve: 71333,2070
- If you ever have to reset your Series3a, this causes one problem - you have
- to re-install all of your applications, groups, and lists. To overcome this
- auto-install allows you to setup your Desktop in a way which suits you, and
- following a soft reset you can re-install all of your applications in one
- go.
- Version 1.2 of the Auto-Installer was the first version released. I
- originally wrote the program purely for my own use, since during the
- development of other programs it is sometimes necessary to reset the 3a.
- After uploading it to Cix, it found its way onto CompuServe, where it seems
- to have been quite successful. This inspired me to somewhat expand on the
- script language, so that the program could be used in a more flexible way.
- The program is saved as a .OPO file, so that it appears under the normal
- RunOpl icon. You should copy the file INSTALL.OPO into the \OPO\ directory
- on either an SSD or the internal disk.
- In order for Install to know how you like your Desktop, you need to write
- a script file, which will be used in the installation process.
- In Version 1.2 this file HAD to be called M:\SCRIPT.CFG.
- In Version 1.3 you may now have multiple script files, on any drive,
- although the default position remains the root directory, with the .CFG
- extension, to allow maximum compatibility with version 1.2.
- The following commands are available in the script language:
- This moves the cursor to the left-most application in the System Screen.
- This moves the cursor to the right-most application in the System Screen.
- This moves the cursor one position left.
- This moves the cursor one position right.
- IN filename.ext drive position
- Installs a filename from the given drive at the given position,
- eg. IN MONEY.APP A L installs money from drive A: in the position "Last".
- JN appname position
- Installs a standard application at the given position, eg. JN Word L
- installs Word in the position "Last".
- Removes the application which is currently under the cursor.
- KEY key extra
- Assigns a key to the application currently unter the cursor,
- eg. KEY A C assigns the key Ctrl+Agenda.
- NB: To assign a Key to "World" use KEY WW x instead of KEY W x (which is
- used for "Word")
- Increases the zoom factor.
- Decreases the zoom factor.
- Toggles the status window.
- Toggles the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Any line beginning ' is regarded as a comment.
- The confirmation is no longer a standard option. Using this command
- will prompt the user to confirm that they wish to proceed with processing
- the file. You may use this as much as you wish within the file.
- Produces a beep.
- BEEP time% pitch%
- Produces a beep using the same parameters as in OPL.
- In the English handbook this is explained on page 165.
- If the cursor is on a group, this expands the group.
- If the cursor is within a group, this closes the group.
- This forces the System Screen to update the file lists.
- PLAY filename ticks volume
- Plays a 3a sound file. The filename must be specified WITH the path,
- although the drive may be omitted. There are 32 ticks per second.
- Volume 0 is the loudest, volume 5 is the quietest.
- SOUND allsound alarm beeps keyclick
- Sets the five available options in the "Sound Options" dialog.
- NB: For German machines "L" will toggle between "Leise" and "Laut".
- LINK link baud extra
- This can be used to turn on the Remote Link, or to set the Baud Rate.
- NB: If you use this to turn the link on, then the 3-Link MUST be plugged
- in.
- Sets the default disk for new files.
- AUTOOFF option time
- Sets the options for Auto-Switchoff. When entering the time you should
- omit the seperators. eg. AUTOOFF Y 000500 sets five munites.
- STATUSWIN clocktype disk link batterie capslock
- Sets the options for the Status Window.
- PREFERENCES listopt openopt font
- Sets the options in the "Preferences" dialog.
- ICOMMS pos
- Installs the comms program without the need for the 3-link to be
- plugged in. pos MUST BE SPECIFIED.
- Installs the script program without the need for the 3-link to be
- plugged in. pos MUST BE SPECIFIED.
- These commands are useful when installing (or de-insatlling) an application
- from an SSD using a specific script file.
- FILECOPY source dest copies a file
- FILEDELETE filename deletes a file
- MAKEDIR name creates a sub-directory
- REMDIR name removes a sub-directory
- None of the above commands provide any confirmation of their actions.
- If you wish to provide this, you should use the CONFIRM command.
- Please note also that none of the commands return any error messages
- if they are note successful.
- ECHO OFF stops the commands being listed.
- ECHO ON turns the option back on.
- ECHO text prints "text" to the screen.
- SHOWPIC filename displays a .pic file on the screen
- After a soft reset, select "Install" under the RunOpl icon. You will be
- which file to process. The script file will then be processed and the
- applications installed as specified.
- The Series3a comes in a variety of languages. I have successfully tested
- Version 1.3 on both German and English machines. If anyone has a machine
- which uses a different language, I cannot say whether or not the program
- will work.
- Thanks for all the comments, praise, etc.
- A few credits:
- * The file selector was requested by Michael Haas.
- * Michael also asked me to remove the confirmation dialog, so I turned
- this into an option.
- * Thanks to Brian Wilson for pointing out the problem with the World key.
- I hadn't spotted up to now. Also thanks to John Boyce for his
- suggested solution. To my knowledge this won't work on version 1.2, but
- is implemented in version 1.3.
- * A mention for Mark Esposito from CompuServe, who wrote the accessory
- to automatically write the script files. This program should also
- be compatible with version 1.3.
- * Another mention for Michael. He asked me to add the option to turn on
- the Remote Link.
- * The Default Disk and Preferences options were requested by John Boyce.
- * Finally, thanks to David Wood in Cix for his support for the program.
- If anyone has any problems with Install 1.3, please get in touch.
- Please include the following details:
- The version of Install the you are running (eg. 1.3)
- The version of Series3a you are using (eg. 3.22F - Deutsch)
- Please also send me a copy of your script file which causes the problem.
- Without the file it is difficult to trace any problems.
- We also welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. Please send
- these to one of the addresses listed above.
- All rights reserved. Psion accepts no responsibility for any damage caused
- by the direct or indirect use of this program. The software remains the
- property of Psion GmbH.
- No fee may be charged for this product, without the express permission of
- Psion GmbH. Also, this product may not be used to distribute any product
- for which a fee is charged without the express permission of Psion GmbH.