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- JBData Page 1
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- JBData
- Version 1.4
- (c)JBSoft 1994/5
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- Description 2
- Installation 2
- Operation 2
- Marked Records List 16
- Edit Window 18
- Link/Paste 20
- Help 21
- Thanks 21
- Get-out 22
- Limitations 22
- Known Problems 22
- Contact 22
- Index 23
- JBData Page 2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Description
- -----------
- JBData is a free application for the enhanced display of database
- files (either those created by Data or those made by an OPL program).
- If the data file has fields made up of types other than strings then,
- after editing, a simple check will be made to check that the field is
- still acceptable in its original form (the editor only works on text
- so conversions take place before and after edits).
- The program allows for extra display modes, sorting of the file,
- better search utilities, a simple password system and other
- improvements (but see the section called 'Known Problems').
- Installation
- ------------
- 1. Copy JBDATA.APP to any \APP\ directory.
- 2. From the System screen navigate to the place you wish to
- install the application on the System screen and press
- Psion-I.
- 3. Select the drive on which JBDATA.APP resides using the left
- and right cursor keys.
- 4. Select JBDATA.APP in the file list using the up and down
- cursor keys.
- 5. Press Enter.
- The application will install on the screen at the chosen place. A file
- list of Data files that are in the \DAT\ directories on all drives
- will be displayed under the JBData icon in the same way as they are
- under Data.
- There is no need to remove Data for JBData to work but, because of the
- vague similarity of icons, some care should be exercised that the
- required application is selected before running it.
- Operation
- ---------
- To start the application highlight a file under the JBData icon and
- press Enter.
- Alternatively, on any file under the JBData icon, press Tab and
- navigate to the file you wish to open using the cursor keys and Enter.
- Once the cursor is on that file, press Enter twice (the first press
- will show a dialog with the name of the file inserted - the second
- press will open that file).
- N.B. There is a possibility that, if there is insufficient memory
- available to run the application, you may be presented with a
- blank screen. If this happens just press Psion-Esc. This will
- take you back to the System screen where you can close down some
- applications to free some memory. I have intercepted this problem
- as much as possible but have been unable to eliminate it
- completely.
- JBData Page 3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- N.B. From version 1.3.1 the method of storing the setup has changed -
- this should speed up the opening of the data files but, the first
- time a file is opened that was previously configured with an
- earlier version of JBData, the opening will be slower as a
- conversion takes place. Subsequent openings will then be faster
- than before (about twice as fast).
- When the application is running use the following keys to operate it.
- Movement
- --------
- Down - moves to the next record. In Page mode, if at the
- last record, will move to the first record.
- If the cursor is showing in Page mode then moves
- down the current record.
- Up - moves to the previous record. In Page mode, if at
- the first record, will move to the last record.
- If the cursor is showing in Page mode then moves up
- the current record.
- PgUp - In Line mode shows the previous page of records.
- If the cursor is showing in Page mode then pages
- down the current record.
- PgDn - In Line Mode shows the next page of records.
- If the cursor is showing in Page mode then pages up
- the current record.
- Ctrl-PgUp - Show the first record in the file.
- Ctrl-PgDn - Show the last record in the file.
- Left - In Line mode moves the display one field to the
- left.
- Right - In Line mode moves the display one field to the
- right.
- Home - In Line mode moves the display to the first field.
- End - In Line mode moves the display to the last field
- with data.
- Enter - Either move to next record or toggle the Page/Line
- mode display (depending how set with Shift-Psion-R).
- Shift-Enter - Move to previous record (dependant on state of
- Shift-Psion-R).
- Esc - One press clears the quick find.
- Two presses in quick succession will clear the line
- display back to the frozen fields (if any are
- defined) and the next field. This is a quick method
- of resetting the visible fields to a consecutive
- sequence starting with field one.
- Tab - In Page mode this will allow the use of the cursor
- keys for missing lines to be scrolled onto the page
- using the cursor keys.
- - In Line mode this key finds the next match for
- QuickSearch (this option is available in Page mode
- using Psion-Tab).
- Open File Psion-O
- ---------
- This option opens a previously existing file. If the file has been
- previously opened in JBData, configured, and that configuration saved,
- then this configuration will be used to setup the display. Any
- Datafile created by Data, JBData, or an OPL program can be opened. At
- the moment I know of no datafile that cannot be opened by this
- application. If you come across one please let me know.
- JBData Page 4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- If a password has been set then this will be prompted for before the
- file will open.
- Merge File Psion-M
- ----------
- To merge two files into one.
- Normally this would be used to combine two data files. A selection box
- is shown in order that you can choose the file to merge with the
- existing database. It is necessary that the two files to be merged
- have identical fields types in the same order unless merging in text
- when there is a field check before the record can be saved. After the
- filename has been given another dialog appears that provides the
- options of merging the two files, over-writing the current file with
- the new file and merging or over-writing the file and remapping the
- new data so that incoming fields can be directed to different fields
- in the destination file. The setup will be transferred at the same
- time if over-write is selected.
- If it appears that a file has got corrupted and is miss-behaving, it
- is worth creating a new file with the same format and try a Merge from
- the corrupted file. In many instances this will cure the problem.
- It is also possible to merge a text file with a data file. The data
- file must consist only of fields with strings for this to work unless
- the text has been formatted to suit the field types. In this dialog
- another option is given to allow overwriting the current data (i.e.
- make a new file from the data), merge with the current data, or merge
- and remap the new data. In the instance of over-write the setup will
- be taken from the existing file (unlike over-writing .DBF files).
- Start off as for a Datafile merge. Once the filename has been selected
- then a further dialog will prompt for the character delimiter to be
- used as a field terminator. If 'Newline' is chosen then a record will
- consist either of the number of lines that are the equivalent of the
- number of fields set when the datafile was created, or until two
- Newlines are encountered with no data between them. Otherwise, records
- will consist of either the number of fields originally created, or
- until a new line is encountered in the text file (whichever occurs
- first). If the maximum number of fields comes first then the remaining
- data will be placed in the next record.
- It should be noted that, if a delimiter occurs within the text, this
- will be taken as a delimiter unless the text data is within quotes -
- the delimiter should be chosen with that in mind.
- If the text is enclosed in quotes (") then an option to remove these
- quotes should be set to Yes (the default is No).
- There is also an option to give a Labels file. This is for labels
- saved during 'Save As' and the data will over-write any Labels in the
- file. The Labels file is always in the format one line per field
- (whether that field has a label or not) and the data is not enclosed
- in quotes. A further option on this line is 'Combined'. This enables
- labels that had been saved with each record to be recovered and
- removed from the data. If this method is selected then a small edit
- box will appear allowing the cursor to be placed before the first
- letter of the data. Anything before this position will be treated as a
- Label and used to create them.
- JBData Page 5
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- A further option for a text merge (only for when the file is over-
- written) is to accept the first record as Labels. Any data in this
- first record is used to generate Labels which will be saved with the
- data.
- It is possible to generate a separate Labels file manually as long as
- the rule of one line per field is obeyed and the file is clean text
- (rather than a Word file).
- Finally, there is the choice of Merge, Overwrite, or Merge and Remap
- to allow the text to either add records to the existing file, to
- replace the data currently there, or merge and remap the fields of the
- new data.
- N.B. Re: Merge and Remap
- This facility enables the new data to be mapped to different
- fields (i.e. Field 1 could, after the merge, contain the data
- from the merged file's field 2). For this to work all fields
- have to be of the same type (normally Strings) - this is
- because the check for consistency across the files does not
- take into account the remapping at the moment but takes the
- original layout of the data to be imported.
- Re: Merging Text files with quotes
- There is a slight possibility that a record might get split
- in two if a delimiter character occurs in quotes but starts
- off the file immediately followed by a Shift-Enter character
- (i.e. if the delimiter is a ',' then '",[Shift-Enter]' will
- split the record at that point rather than at the appropriate
- point). This can be avoided by not translating Shift-Enter to
- a Newline when exporting the data to text.
- The 255 character limitation that exists for the Data application in
- Merge mode is not applicable and the limitation is that of the Psion
- in that no record can be greater than 4096 bytes in total (this
- includes some headers and string length bytes so a more realistic
- maximum length is 4000 bytes).
- N.B. This text merge option is not as fast as the one in Data for at
- least two reasons:
- 1. Strings longer than 255 are permitted. This requires a
- different technique to that of Data to merge the data.
- 2. Field types other than strings are permitted. This requires a
- check to make sure that the types agree.
- New File Psion-N
- --------
- To create a new file use this option. A dialog box is given to choose
- the new filename. Once this name has been chosen a dialog will prompt
- for the number of fields to include (the default (and maximum number)
- is 32). Another dialog will then ask for the type of fields required
- (the default for all fields is String) - all the fields should be
- correctly entered. The file will then be created and you will end up
- in the Edit screen as a prompt to input some data.
- If the directory for the file does not exist, it is automatically
- created.
- JBData Page 6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- If it is desired to make a Data file from a text file then create a
- file using this option with 32 fields (all strings). When presented
- with the Edit screen to input the first record, press Escape. A
- message will appear 'File Empty'. From there select Merge and merge in
- the text file as per normal.
- Save As Psion-A
- -------
- To save the current file with a different name, save selected records,
- or to save as text, use this option.
- A dialog box will be displayed to prompt for the new name to use. Once
- this new name has been input (along with any path that is needed) then
- another dialog may be shown asking if All records should be saved or
- the Selected records only. This dialog will only show if a MultiFind
- or Marked Record display is current (MultiFind listings are actually
- Marked Record listings).
- Another dialog will then be shown which allows for the data to be
- saved either as another data file or as text. If the Data option is
- selected then the data will be saved complete with any setup. If the
- text option is selected then a delimiter character must be set to
- distinguish between the fields. This works in a similar way to that of
- the Data application but without the 255 character limit of that
- application. The options for the delimiter are:
- New Line - in this mode blank fields are seeded with a space.
- Tab
- Comma
- Semicolon
- Other - specify the character on the Char Code line.
- If it is required to re-import the data then the delimiter should be
- chosen accordingly (i.e. there should be no occurrence of the
- delimiter within the data, otherwise this will be taken to be a
- delimiter. Quotes allow the delimiter to exist within the data).
- There are also options to save the data enclosed in quotes ("), how to
- deal with Shift-Enter within fields, and to save the Labels into a
- separate file, with each record or as the first record in the file.
- The separate Labels file, if created, has a default extension of .LAB.
- The Labels are always saved without quotes and each field ending in a
- carriage return in this separate file. Quotes will not be put around
- fields that were originally values. Labels saved as the first record
- will have all the attributes that normal records in the text file have
- and will be treated in exactly the same way.
- If the option to save the Labels combined with the data is chosen then
- the appropriate label will precede the data to which it relates on
- each record. The label will be right justified against the data so
- that, when viewed, there is some neatness in the display. This right
- justification should be maintained if it is desired later to strip the
- labels using JBData.
- Compress File Psion-K
- -------------
- This option compresses the current file, clearing all deleted records
- from the database. If the file is on a Flash SSD then a dialog is
- shown so as to give the opportunity to abort the process (it will use
- as much space again as the original file on a Flash pack).
- JBData Page 7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sort File Psion-S
- ---------
- The current file may be sorted. Any sort will automatically update the
- file saved on the disk and over-write the original file.
- A dialog box is shown with a choice of three fields to sort on. If you
- wish to sort on less than three fields then make the fields to be
- ignored the same as the last operational field. The default is to sort
- on the first three fields.
- There is also the choice to choose the direction of the sort (either
- Forwards or Reverse - the reverse sort would put Z before A rather
- than A before Z. If you wish to ignore NULL fields (i.e. ones that are
- empty of data) then select 'Ignore' in that option otherwise the
- default is seed with a 'Space' which seeds NULL fields with a space,
- there is an alternative of seeding with a high value character
- (Character code 255). There is also the option of selecting a no-case
- sensitive sort.
- If the file is sorted outside of JBData any setup stored with the file
- may be lost (JBSort does keep the setup and should be used for large
- files as it will have more room for data and therefore is less likely
- to fail due to lack of memory).
- The fields used to sort the file are saved with the file on exit.
- If the file resides on a Flash pack then an option to abort the sort
- is given as the space used up on the pack will double.
- N.B. The sort that takes place is always an ASCII sort so numbers will
- not necessarily appear in the correct order (i.e. 666 will appear
- before 69). The sort takes no account of the length of the field.
- Memory Sort Shift-Psion-S
- -----------
- This option will sort the file in memory only - the sorted items are
- only seen in sorted mode in the Line (or Table) mode. Any alteration
- to the file (i.e. Delete, Add or Edit a record) will disable the sort
- and a new sort will have to be made. It works in exactly the same way
- as the ordinary sort but leaves out the final write to disk.
- To inhibit the sort use Ctrl-Psion-O. If this is used then a new sort
- will have to be implemented if required - it does not act as a toggle.
- N.B. Whilst in the sort display mode many options relating to records
- are inhibited. This is because a look-up table is used to achieve
- the sort display and the program is unaware of the actual
- position of the record highlighted. It is possible to quick
- search in this mode - an ordinary search will actually disable
- the sort before carrying out the search.
- The fields used to sort the file are saved on exit.
- Numerical Sort - Ctrl-Psion-N
- --------------
- A single field sort which works on numerical data has been
- implemented. It works in a similar way to that of the normal sorts
- and, using Shift as well (Shift-Ctrl-Psion-N), is also available as a
- memory sort. The field selected for the sort initially is the same as
- field one on the regular sort dialog.
- JBData Page 8
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Reset Sort Fields - Shift-Psion-O
- -----------------
- The fields used for sorting the database are saved. It you wish to
- reset these fields to the first three fields again (the initial
- option) then use this keypress combination before accessing the Sort
- procedure.
- Update Record Psion-U
- -------------
- A record can be edited by using this function - to save the changed
- data press Tab when the edit is complete. Care should be taken with
- field types as it would be possible to input a string where a number
- should be. A check is made when Tab is pressed and, if a field is
- incorrect, the edit box will remain. Pressing Escape will abort any
- changes.
- Delete Record Psion-D
- -------------
- Individual or marked records can be deleted using this option. The
- record to be deleted should be highlighted in the Line mode or
- displayed using the Page mode. If this option does not appear to work,
- press Esc and try again.
- If this option is accessed and there are marked records then an option
- to delete all the marked files is given. If 'Y' is selected then
- another dialog is displayed just to make sure you want to delete these
- marked records. There is no going back once 'Y' is pressed!
- Add Record Psion-E
- ----------
- This option creates a new record. Use Tab to save the new record or
- Escape to abandon the creation. See Update Record for information
- concerning field types. You stay in this mode until Escape is pressed
- just like Data.
- Print Record Shift-Psion-P
- ------------
- An individual record or marked record list can be printed using this
- option. The Print Setup (Psion-Y) should be accessed first to set up
- the print option as required. The record(s) will be printed in the
- form it is displayed on the screen. There is the option of printing
- the Labels as well (via a dialog) but, if in a Line display, the
- labels are only printed once at the start of the print. If in a Marked
- Record list then a dialog will be shown asking if this list should be
- printed. If No is selected then the highlighted record only will be
- printed.
- In Line mode the amount of data printed is restricted to what will fit
- on one line. This can be adjusted a little by modifying the field
- widths before printing as this will define the maximum length of each
- field to print.
- Remove Duplicate Records Shift-Psion--
- ------------------------
- It is possible to remove duplicate records using this key combination
- (Psion/Shift/Minus). This is a slow process and, once started, cannot
- be stopped. It cannot be guaranteed to work as it relies on the sort
- procedure.
- JBData Page 9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- As only three fields can be sorted it is quite possible that
- duplicates may remain after the command has finished if the sort was
- not able to separate them. For example, if the file is sorted on the
- first three fields, there are three records with the same first three
- fields and those fields are the same but all others are different, if
- one of the records is a duplicate then it is possible that the sort
- will not put the duplicates together and the program will not be able
- to spot the matching records.
- The sort fields are those that have already been specified in a sort
- or, failing that, the first three fields of the record.
- Once the key combination has been pressed a dialog is offered giving
- the choice of Automatic or Manual - Automatic will carry out the
- procedure without further prompts, Manual will display each match in
- turn and ask if it should be deleted.
- Modify Fields Shift-Psion-E
- -------------
- It is possible to add and delete individual fields using this command.
- Only one field can be added or deleted at a time though.
- The first option is a dialog to determine which field to choose for
- deletion or the position of the additional field. Any new field may be
- placed before or after the chosen field in the dialog.
- Next, if addition is required, a choice of the type of field is given
- (this is the usual Integer, Long, Floating Point or String choice). A
- further dialog then appears to make sure you wish to make this
- modification and only then is the data modified.
- In order for this operation to work there must be enough space on the
- drive for a duplicate file to be made - a check is made before
- anything happens to determine if the source file is in a Flash SSD and
- if there is enough space to create a duplicate file.
- If the conversion fails with an error that stops the program from
- running then the original file will be intact and there will probably
- be a file called JBZZ.DBF which can safely be deleted.
- Edit Labels Psion-L
- -----------
- The labels as displayed can be added or edited using this option. This
- procedure uses the same editor as that used for records. To save the
- changes press Tab - use Escape to abandon this option. The type of
- field is shown where the labels normally appear - this is just a guide
- and the information contained in the labels field cannot be saved or
- copied.
- N.B. The labels are actually only updated on disk when exiting the
- file so changes can be circumvented by pressing Psion-Esc to quit
- the file. Alternatively, to update and continue within the file
- just use Open on the same file.
- Edit Widths/Line Wrap Psion-W
- ---------------------
- In Line mode the widths of the individual fields are adjustable using
- this option. It uses dialog boxes to display up to 5 fields at a time.
- To move to the next set of fields press N, use P to go to the previous
- selection. When the changes have been completed, press Enter. This
- option will only have any effect on the display in Line mode. The
- JBData Page 10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- width is displayed in character units but it should be remembered that
- most of the fonts on the computer are proportional and the numbers
- shown are just a guide.
- In Page mode when viewing a record the line wrap can be toggled on and
- off using this same key combination. In Edit and Update line wrap is
- automatically switched off.
- Calculate Widths Psion-I
- ----------------
- This option will look at each record in the file in turn and adjust
- the display widths of each field accordingly. It will take the record
- with the longest field as its base for that field. Because this
- procedure looks at every record, on a large file this can take some
- time to complete. There is a dialog confirmation that appears before
- the operation commences to trap unintentional keypresses.
- Reset Widths Shift-Psion-I
- ------------
- Widths are reset to the default size of 20 characters for each field
- when this option is activated. Please note that with proportional
- fonts more characters than specified may be shown.
- Page/Line View Psion-R
- --------------
- To toggle between the Line and Page View use this option. Page View
- shows one record (or as much as possible) per page, Line View shows
- several records per page, one per line. It is also possible to switch
- the Enter key to toggle as well (use Shift-Psion-R).
- Record Number Toggle Shift-Psion-N
- --------------------
- This option toggles the record numbers on and off. In Line mode the
- record number is shown at the start of the line, In Page mode the
- record number and the total number of records is displayed in the
- bottom right hand corner. The Page and Line views status is held
- separately so that numbers can be displayed in one format and not in
- the other.
- Labels Toggle Psion-H
- -------------
- Labels display can be toggled on and off using this key combination.
- It is operative in both Line and Page mode but the selected display is
- independent of the other (e.g. it is possible to have Labels shown in
- Line mode but not Page mode).
- Displayed fields Shift-Psion-W
- ----------------
- The fields that are shown in Line mode can be toggled on and off using
- this command. The options are View and Hide and only the first 32
- fields can be set in this way. The fields hidden in this manner
- relates to the position of the field and not it's name, so if,
- normally, the third field is called 'Phone' but has been changed to
- the 'Fax' field, it will be the Fax field that is hidden. The
- information is saved with the file. The hidden fields can be set to
- show all by using Shift-Psion-M.
- JBData Page 11
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Displayed fields reset Shift-Psion-M
- ----------------------
- Any hidden fields that were set by Shift-Psion-W can be reset using
- this command. It will make all the fields visible at once.
- Blank Lines Toggle/Grid Lines Psion-B
- -----------------------------
- In Page mode blank lines can be shown or hidden using this option. To
- detect which method is in use, the Menu will show the opposite option
- to that in force.
- In Line mode this command will bring up a dialog box in order that you
- might select the visibility of grid lines for each record. In certain
- circumstances it is not easy to follow the individual lines or fields
- - this option will help. You can select a horizontal line between
- records and/or a vertical line between fields. The lines are shown in
- grey so as not to be too obtrusive and also to distinguish between
- frozen fields and the others.
- Freeze Fields Shift-Psion-K
- -------------
- In Line mode it is possible to keep some fields always visible. The
- only option selectable is the end field to freeze - the first visible
- field will always be field 1. The next visible field is adjustable
- using the Left and Right cursor keys. If Freeze is selected then the
- next visible field position is saved in the setup record and the
- position restored when re-opening the database. The end of the frozen
- portion is displayed with a vertical black line.
- Re-order Fields Shift-Psion-D
- ---------------
- This command will bring up a dialog which enables the position of the
- fields in Line mode to be altered. A field can be displayed more than
- once or not at all using this method. The labels are moved at the same
- time. This information is saved with the file.
- Reset re-ordered fields Shift-Psion-L
- -----------------------
- To reset the field display to the normal 1,2,3 etc. in ascending
- order, use this key combination. The data saved with the file is also
- updated.
- Toggle Symbols Shift-Psion-Y
- --------------
- This key combination will toggle the viewing of Tabs, Carriage Returns
- and New Lines within Fields. The state of this toggle is remembered
- between edits and sessions. The old version using Shift-Psion-C still
- works in Edit mode - Shift-Psion-Y works in all Page modes.
- Dialling Psion-Help
- --------
- It is possible to use the program in a similar way to Data and dial
- telephone numbers whose fields are marked with the telephone symbol. A
- list of telephone numbers relating to the selected record is shown.
- Choose one by highlighting it and select the required options given by
- the buttons (you can edit the data before pressing the appropriate
- key). The buttons are now the same as for the Data application and not
- reversed as in previous versions.
- JBData Page 12
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