This program allows for a clearer screen by amassing all the seldom
used utilities under one roof. It will run .APP, .IMG, .ALS, .OPA and .OPO files from any drive (or ROM). Applications that use other files
(Agenda, Notepad, World, Data etc.) should automatically install
themselves. If an association has been established (either
automatically or by editing the datafile under the JBLaunch icon
then, on running the item, a file choice menu appears for you to
select a file to run with the application.
N.B. This version will only run on the S3a due to modifications to the code.
The program should be placed in an APP directory (on any drive) and
then installed using Psion-I. When it is first run it will display a dialog requesting which drive should contain the init files. Once this directory called \JBL\ has been made then a menu will appear allowing files to be added etc.
If upgrading to an earlier version there will be a file called '<init>' listed under the icon - this can be deleted as the program now uses a file called '!init!'.
Once installed and run for the first time this Management utility is
run by selecting the file called '!init!' situated under the Launch
Icon. There is a separate option to install programs from the ROM - if
an Application other than CALC is given then the file information
required to run the program is automatically included in the
specification. This can be edited once the program is installed - see
If the application file is in the A, B, or M drives then the program
should automatically check if datafile information is applicable and,
if so, will extract the relevant information from the application
program and save it to the .LNC datafile in the JBL directory.
JBLaunch is barred from installing itself!
Manual Entry
If, for some reason, the automatic installation fails then the data
can be edited by selecting Psion-E from the '!init!' Sundry menu. Both a path and file extension for the files to use (e.g. DATA uses DBF extensions) must be given if applicable. If entered manually, the
files data must be valid for the Application but no checking for
validity is made until the program is run. This obviously requires
some inside knowledge concerning files (e.g. NOTEPAD normally requires
a file in a \NOTE\ directory with a .PAD extension and VIEWAL requires
files in an \OPD\ directory with a .PIC extension). No extension name
should be given unless a file is to be run along with the application
as this field is used to check for the type of file to Launch.
When files are added the path and name of the file, together with its
type (.OPO, .APP etc.) are stored in a small file of the same name in
the Launch directory. When the selected file is run, this information,
together with the file details to be used to select the file to run as
part of the process, is retrieved and used to run the program in the
appropriate manner. Deletion of the file from the Launch Icon just
deletes this information file. You could also delete the file using
Psion-D from the System screen. An option to change the name of this
small data file is also given under <Psion-C>.
Known Problems
There was a known problem with certain OPA files that had been renamed
to APP files - this has now been cured by a check upon installation.
YNOT.APP, when run from JBLaunch, does not appear under the Launch
icon but does appear under the YNOT icon (if installed) or the RUNIMG
icon (if not installed). This is because of programming of the
application which should be fixed in later versions.
JUMPY.OPA requires all its files to be in a Jumpy directory and the
only way I have succeeded in getting it to run is to generate a
separate OPO file and run it from there. I've included the OPL file
for alteration and use.
There are continuing problems with icons (normally shown when selecting an application that has a filelist). If you come across an icon that does not show correctly please let me know so that I might try to make the program work correctly. At present all known problems have been cured.
Programs are run by selecting the appropriate name under the Launch
Icon and pressing Enter. Multiple versions of the program can be run
(if this is permitted by the program) and running applications will be
displayed in Bold type under the Launch Icon. This will be the name of
the application and not necessarily that of the file listed under the
JBLaunch icon.
If a file specification to run with the application was initiated when
the app was added, this will produce a file list from which to choose
the file to run with the app. The file is selected using the cursor
keys or by the first letter of its name and then pressing Enter. If
Esc is pressed then you will return to the System screen. In order to
allow navigation to other directories - press Tab and a normal file
dialog will appear which behaves in the usual fashion. Pressing Esc
from this dialog will return you to the previous file selection
Applications are closed in the normal way but, if the Management
utility (!init!) is selected and Edit or Delete is selected, that
application is checked to see if it is running - if it is then an
option to close it is given. If it isn't closed then you will be
unable to enter the Edit or Delete menu. This is to protect against
being able to delete or change the data file whilst leaving the
application running.
If the JBL directory or !init! file is accidentally deleted then the
!init! file will be re-created along with the directory when the
Application is next run. All the other included files will have to be
reinstalled if the directory was deleted.
An option has been given to change the name of the file listed under
the JBLaunch icon. This is so that files that have unremarkable names
can be given more obvious names (e.g. The Psion Spreadsheet is called
SH3.APP and the file could be called Sheet to make its use more
obvious. This rename utility is called with Psion-C.
>pa 4
49 Data files
49 Applications
These figures could be increased if necessary - please advise.
N.B. If an OPL/OPA application is run complete with a data file then
the name shown under the Launch icon is that of the data file and not
the application. This is not a bug but what would happen if the data
file was run under the application icon.
This program is free for you to use but I reserve copyright on the
code. Any data that might be lost or corrupted is the responsibility
of the user - Use this program at your peril!
New Versions
It is possible to clone the program using the OPO file INSTALLL.OPO. This will make a copy of the program under a new name and allow for a different icon and Sub-directory for the data files.
After the INSTALLL program has been run then the new clone can be run in exactly the same way as the original JBLaunch.
Data file tweaking
It is possible to tweak all the data files (regardless of whether the program was modified with INSTALLL.OPO using JBLEXAM.OPO. This program should be self-explanatory for those of you brave enough to use it.
Sincere and profound thanks must be given to Dennis Lefebvre without
who's help this program would not be in a fit state for use. Any
errors are mine alone - any good points are his! Thanks also to Mark Briody for his beta testing and help.
Ver 2.4
Fixed some problems with wishing to use default drive for some files.
Implemented .ALS alias files that are in the ROM::.
Fixed a problem with running the ROM::COMMS.APP - it wouldn't but will now.
Ver 2.4a
Tweaked the <init> file name to be !init! - this makes it more compatible with MS-DOS.
Ver 2.4b
Fixed problem of some Apps not displaying the filelist when they should.
Fixed many problems with icons not displaying correctly.
Ver 2.4c
Fixed problem with .ALS icons not being displayed.
Ver 2.4e
Fixed problem with directory being created on the wrong drive.
Ver 2.4f
Fixed problem with new 1Mb and 2Mb S3a's not allowing System Install.
Fixed problem with launching Apps that use files if no files exist.
Fixed problem with INSTALLL.OPO failing.
Ver 2.4g
Revised INSTALLL.OPO to make it easier to use.
Fixed problem with Patience and RunOpl not installing correctly.
Ver 2.4i
Fixed run problems with TextView and Command Processor
Ver 2.5
Allowed !init! file to be on a drive other than the drive the application is on.
INSTALLL.OPO now gives the option of changing the init files drive.
Ver 2.5b
Fixed problem with the inbuilt Spreadsheet not running after install.
Fixed problem with only one file being permitted open at any one time with apps that took a file list.