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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1996-01-01  |  744KB  |  1799x1380  |  24-bit (83,720 colors)
Labels: book | box | cassette tape | crt screen | monitor | poster
OCR: FLUTE INTERNATIONAL LTD CD-ROM music coliection CD- -ROM Data Track (Please read operating instructions before playing this disc on your stereo system) MUSIC COLLECTION.V 12 Ir Get Roll Rock Let's Band Hippy Good Yellow Want the Jailhouse up over of You to Golly Twist Hippy offa River Gold Know Baby Summertime Rock Miss that Again Beethoven Shake What thing Molly Love Swinging Chubby George Little Gloria Carl James Freda Chuck Mungo Blue Checker McCrae Christie Perkins Richard Gaynor Payne Brown Jeans Berry Jerry MADE WITH CD-ROM MUSIC COLLECTION.V 13 14 One Love Love Really Hurts without You Bob Billy Marley Ocean VOLUME IWant Dance Wit Choo Disco Tex MACROMEDIA Rescue Me Fontella Bass maps 1996 Flute Intemational Ltd All copying, rights of public the producer performance, and of the broa ...