WARGAMES is really a "true to reality" multi-player war simulation with a full graphic user interface.
@It is about WAR:
The world is divided up into the present -more than 180- nations.
Each nation has a number of combat units (divisions) in proportion to its frontier length and a number of transportation units (squadrons) in proportion to its coastal length.
Each player selects a nation (the remaining nations are played by the computer) and expands/defends his territory with minimum losses in combat strength.
Large nations do not automatically have a scoring advantage as their conquests (of small nations) are counted in relation to the starting size of the territories and discounting division losses.
@It is about STRATEGY:
Large nations are protected from attacks in the early stages of the game, but brute force battles may lead to Pyrrhic victories.
Selecting a relatively small nation, surrounded by small nations to be conquered at high score and minimum loss, may be advantageous; it is harder to begin with, but may well result in a higher final score.
Selecting an island/coastal nation with a number of squadrons may be a good idea. Escaping from a brutal attack with your divisions on squadrons, makes you a "floating nation" and a threat to any coastal/island nation.
Each nation has one or more cities with industrial capacity to restore ravaged divisions and build new ones.
The occupant of the city benefits from the industrial capacity.
A long, drawn-out war depletes the cities, and the conqueror may thus gain an economic ruin, which only after a long time will contribute to the building of new divisions.
@It is about LOGISTICS:
Once on foreign territory your divisions will no longer be restored by your cities, but the enemy's units will be, by his cities.
The only way to increase your strength is to move in more divisions, but that takes time, too much time to survive maybe.
Only after you (quickly) occupy one of the enemy's cities will you benefit from the rebuilding feature.
@It is about TACTICS and CUNNING:
You can secretly approach other nations to form alliances or to concoct a one-time-only scheme.
You may not get a reply; the other nation is played by the computer or the other player is intent on using the scheme against you.
Your secret approach may be intercepted and become known to another player who may use it to his own advantage.
You can intentionally make a scheme public, using it as a deterrent.
You can gather intelligence in your own or remote areas of the world. You will obtain division positions and traveled routes, not intended targets; you may deduct intentions and act accordingly.
You may move empty squadrons (other players can not determine whether divisions are aboard) and fake an attack.
And you certainly will think of other ways to fool the opponent.
It is about the EXCITEMENT of measuring your strength with several tens of other players in real time battle.