PhysioVideo Home Exercise Software
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JavaScript Object Notation
"schema": {
"ProtocolExerciseID": "Long Integer",
"ProtocolID": "Long Integer",
"ExerciseID": "Long Integer",
"Code": "Long Integer",
"Desc": "Text (50)",
"AbbrevDesc": "Text (15)",
"Reps": "Integer",
"Hold": "Integer",
"Sets": "Integer",
"Icon": "Text (50)",
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"HasVideo": "Boolean NOT NULL",
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"Instruct1": "Text (75)",
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"data": [
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1038,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 241,
"Code": 241,
"Desc": "Phase 1 Graphic",
"AbbrevDesc": "Phase 1",
"Reps": 0,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 0,
"Icon": "241.JPG",
"Movie": "241.avi",
"Picture0": "241_1.JPG",
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"Picture2": "241_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 0,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 0,
"Instruct0": "Phase 1",
"Instruct1": "Phase 1",
"Instruct2": "Phase 1"
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1039,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 44,
"Code": 44,
"Desc": "Cat/Camel Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Cat/Camel",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "44.JPG",
"Movie": "44.avi",
"Picture0": "44_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "44_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "44_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Arch back up toward ceiling.",
"Instruct2": "Then sag back down toward floor."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1040,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 45,
"Code": 45,
"Desc": "Forward Praying Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Praying Fwd",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "45.JPG",
"Movie": "45.avi",
"Picture0": "45_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "45_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "45_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on all fours and reach forward.",
"Instruct1": "Sit back on your heels.",
"Instruct2": "Hold the stretch."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1041,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 98,
"Code": 98,
"Desc": "Hip Flexor Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Hip Flexor",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "98.JPG",
"Movie": "98.avi",
"Picture0": "98_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "98_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "98_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Kneel on your involved side.",
"Instruct1": "Stretch your body forward.",
"Instruct2": "Feel stretch in your hip/thigh."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1042,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 105,
"Code": 105,
"Desc": "Piriformis Stretch in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Piriformis",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "105.JPG",
"Movie": "105.avi",
"Picture0": "105_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "105_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "105_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with feet on the floor.",
"Instruct1": "Cross involved leg over un-involved leg.",
"Instruct2": "Grab un-involved thigh and pull thigh toward body."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1043,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 101,
"Code": 101,
"Desc": "Hamstring Stretch in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Hamstring",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "101.JPG",
"Movie": "101.avi",
"Picture0": "101_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "101_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "101_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with your feet on floor.",
"Instruct1": "Grasp your involved leg behind the thigh.",
"Instruct2": "Extend leg to feel a stretch in your hamstring."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1044,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 38,
"Code": 38,
"Desc": "Alternate Leg Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Leg Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "38.JPG",
"Movie": "38.avi",
"Picture0": "38_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "38_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "38_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie down with a pillow supporting your hips.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right leg.",
"Instruct2": "Lower your right leg then raise your left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1045,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 53,
"Code": 53,
"Desc": "Pelvic Tilt in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pelvic Tilt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "53.JPG",
"Movie": "53.avi",
"Picture0": "53_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "53_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "53_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 7,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with both knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Flatten your back to floor.",
"Instruct2": "Relax up."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1046,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 94,
"Code": 94,
"Desc": "Wall Slide To 45 Degrees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Slide to 45",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "94.JPG",
"Movie": "94.avi",
"Picture0": "94_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "94_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "94_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 8,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Stand with your back resting against a wall.",
"Instruct1": "Slide down the wall.",
"Instruct2": "To 45 degrees of knee bend."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1047,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 42,
"Code": 42,
"Desc": "Upper Body Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Upper Raise",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "42.JPG",
"Movie": "42.avi",
"Picture0": "42_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "42_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "42_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 9,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your stomach, hands at your side.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your upper body.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1048,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 242,
"Code": 242,
"Desc": "Phase 2 Graphic",
"AbbrevDesc": "Phase 2",
"Reps": 0,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 0,
"Icon": "242.JPG",
"Movie": "242.avi",
"Picture0": "242_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "242_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "242_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 10,
"HasVideo": 1,
"VideoReps": 0,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 0,
"Instruct0": "Phase 2",
"Instruct1": "Phase 2",
"Instruct2": "Phase 2"
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1049,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 53,
"Code": 53,
"Desc": "Pelvic Tilt in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pelvic Tilt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "53.JPG",
"Movie": "53.avi",
"Picture0": "53_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "53_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "53_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 11,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with both knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Flatten your back to floor.",
"Instruct2": "Relax up."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1050,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 25,
"Code": 25,
"Desc": "Bridging",
"AbbrevDesc": "Bridging",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "25.JPG",
"Movie": "25.avi",
"Picture0": "25_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "25_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "25_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 12,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with your knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Lift your hips so your back is in a straight line.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1051,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 26,
"Code": 26,
"Desc": "Bridging, one leg straight",
"AbbrevDesc": "Bridging",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "26.JPG",
"Movie": "26.avi",
"Picture0": "26_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "26_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "26_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 13,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with your left knee bent.",
"Instruct1": "Extend your right leg and raise your hips.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat with left leg extended."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1052,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 59,
"Code": 59,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm & Knee Raise, Seated",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm-Knee Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "59.JPG",
"Movie": "59.avi",
"Picture0": "59_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "59_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "59_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 14,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Sit upright on a ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise left arm and right knee.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat with right arm and left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1053,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 62,
"Code": 62,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm Raise in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "62.JPG",
"Movie": "62.avi",
"Picture0": "62_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "62_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "62_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 15,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with shoulders and neck supported.",
"Instruct1": "Raise left arm lower right arm.",
"Instruct2": "Lower left arm then raise right arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1054,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 70,
"Code": 70,
"Desc": "Sitting to bridge",
"AbbrevDesc": "Sit to Bridg",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "70.JPG",
"Movie": "70.avi",
"Picture0": "70_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "70_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "70_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 16,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Rest head and shoulders on ball.",
"Instruct1": "Walk feet in raising your body up.",
"Instruct2": "Raise to sitting position."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1055,
"ProtocolID": 121,
"ExerciseID": 68,
"Code": 68,
"Desc": "Pelvis Raise",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pelvis Raise",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "68.JPG",
"Movie": "68.avi",
"Picture0": "68_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "68_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "68_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 17,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with your feet on a ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your hips up.",
"Instruct2": "To a straight body position. Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1056,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 241,
"Code": 241,
"Desc": "Phase 1 Graphic",
"AbbrevDesc": "Phase 1",
"Reps": 0,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 0,
"Icon": "241.JPG",
"Movie": "241.avi",
"Picture0": "241_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "241_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "241_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 0,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 0,
"Instruct0": "Phase 1",
"Instruct1": "Phase 1",
"Instruct2": "Phase 1"
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1057,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 149,
"Code": 149,
"Desc": "Upper Neck Flexion (Nodding)",
"AbbrevDesc": "Nodding",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "149.JPG",
"Movie": "149.avi",
"Picture0": "149_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "149_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "149_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Sit in a chair with your arms supported.",
"Instruct1": "Start with your head upright.",
"Instruct2": "Nod your head forward\r\nflexing at the upper neck."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1058,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 157,
"Code": 157,
"Desc": "Levator Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Levator Str",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "157.JPG",
"Movie": "157.avi",
"Picture0": "157_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "157_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "157_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Place your left hand behind your neck.",
"Instruct1": "Look toward your right armpit.",
"Instruct2": "Pull head toward armpit. Repeat on other side."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1059,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 158,
"Code": 158,
"Desc": "Scalene Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Scalene Str",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "158.JPG",
"Movie": "158.avi",
"Picture0": "158_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "158_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "158_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Place your left arm across your body.",
"Instruct1": "Tilt your head toward your right side.",
"Instruct2": "Pull left arm to increase stretch. Repeat other side."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1060,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 159,
"Code": 159,
"Desc": "Trapezius Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Trapezius",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "159.JPG",
"Movie": "159.avi",
"Picture0": "159_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "159_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "159_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Place right arm behind your back.",
"Instruct1": "Reach over your head with left arm.",
"Instruct2": "Pull your head to the left. Repeat on other side."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1061,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 156,
"Code": 156,
"Desc": "Corner Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Corner Stre",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "156.JPG",
"Movie": "156.avi",
"Picture0": "156_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "156_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "156_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Stand facing a corner.",
"Instruct1": "Place elbows against the wall at shoulder height.",
"Instruct2": "Lean forward into the corner."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1062,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 164,
"Code": 164,
"Desc": "Shoulder Bi-lateral Abduction with Palms Forward",
"AbbrevDesc": "Scap Retra",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "164.JPG",
"Movie": "164.avi",
"Picture0": "164_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "164_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "164_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on a table with your thumbs pointed up.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your arms straight up lifting both sides equally.",
"Instruct2": "You can rest your head on a towel."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1063,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 183,
"Code": 183,
"Desc": "Scapular Protraction Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Protraction",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "183.JPG",
"Movie": "183.avi",
"Picture0": "183_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "183_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "183_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 7,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Hold a cane with your thumbs facing in.",
"Instruct1": "Push the cane up toward ceiling.",
"Instruct2": "Push the cane up equally with both side."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1064,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 23,
"Code": 23,
"Desc": "Arm Raise, Alternate in Quadraped",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "23.JPG",
"Movie": "23.avi",
"Picture0": "23_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "23_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "23_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 8,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on your hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right arm.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat with your left arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1065,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 55,
"Code": 55,
"Desc": "Resisted Rowing in Long-sitting",
"AbbrevDesc": "Rowing",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "55.JPG",
"Movie": "55.avi",
"Picture0": "55_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "55_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "55_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 9,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Grasp band in hands and loop under your feet.",
"Instruct1": "Pull your elbows straight back.",
"Instruct2": "Turn your palms upward as you pull back."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1066,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 63,
"Code": 63,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "63.JPG",
"Movie": "63.avi",
"Picture0": "63_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "63_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "63_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 10,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with upper body on ball",
"Instruct1": "Raise right arm to ear level.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right arm to floor then raise left arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1067,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 242,
"Code": 242,
"Desc": "Phase 2 Graphic",
"AbbrevDesc": "Phase 2",
"Reps": 0,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 0,
"Icon": "242.JPG",
"Movie": "242.avi",
"Picture0": "242_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "242_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "242_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 11,
"HasVideo": 1,
"VideoReps": 0,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 0,
"Instruct0": "Phase 2",
"Instruct1": "Phase 2",
"Instruct2": "Phase 2"
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1068,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 73,
"Code": 73,
"Desc": "Pec Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pec Stretch",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "73.JPG",
"Movie": "73.avi",
"Picture0": "73_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "73_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "73_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 12,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with shoulders on ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise arms straight up",
"Instruct2": "Lower arms to the side and hold the stretch."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1069,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 199,
"Code": 199,
"Desc": "Wall Push-up",
"AbbrevDesc": "Wall Push",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "199.JPG",
"Movie": "199.avi",
"Picture0": "199_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "199_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "199_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 13,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Face a wall with your arms extended.",
"Instruct1": "Lower your upper body toward the wall.",
"Instruct2": "Lower equally with both arms."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1070,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 77,
"Code": 77,
"Desc": "Push-up On Knees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Push-up",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "77.JPG",
"Movie": "77.avi",
"Picture0": "77_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "77_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "77_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 14,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start in kneeling position.",
"Instruct1": "Lower your upper body down.",
"Instruct2": "Keep your back straight."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1071,
"ProtocolID": 122,
"ExerciseID": 198,
"Code": 198,
"Desc": "Push-up with Protraction",
"AbbrevDesc": "Push-up Pl",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "198.JPG",
"Movie": "198.avi",
"Picture0": "198_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "198_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "198_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 15,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on the floor in a push-up position.",
"Instruct1": "Push your body up keeping your back straight.",
"Instruct2": "Then press your back up toward the ceiling."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1079,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 53,
"Code": 53,
"Desc": "Pelvic Tilt in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pelvic Tilt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "53.JPG",
"Movie": "53.avi",
"Picture0": "53_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "53_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "53_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with both knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Flatten your back to floor.",
"Instruct2": "Relax up."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1080,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 33,
"Code": 33,
"Desc": "Straight Curl-up, Arms Reaching Forward",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Straig",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "33.JPG",
"Movie": "33.avi",
"Picture0": "33_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "33_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "33_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent arms at side.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up raising your shoulders off the floor.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1081,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 32,
"Code": 32,
"Desc": "Lateral Curl-up, Arms Reaching Forward",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Latera",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "32.JPG",
"Movie": "32.avi",
"Picture0": "32_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "32_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "32_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent arms at side.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up to left keeping left shoulder down.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then curl-up to the right."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1082,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 29,
"Code": 29,
"Desc": "Straight Curl-up, Arms Across Chest",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Straig",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "29.JPG",
"Movie": "29.avi",
"Picture0": "29_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "29_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "29_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent arms across chest.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up raising your shoulders off the floor.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1083,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 28,
"Code": 28,
"Desc": "Lateral Curl-up, Arms Across Chest",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Latera",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "28.JPG",
"Movie": "28.avi",
"Picture0": "28_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "28_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "28_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie down with knees bent and arms across chest.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up to the left keeping left shoulder down.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat to the right."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1084,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 31,
"Code": 31,
"Desc": "Straight Curl-up, Arms Behind Head",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Straig",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "31.JPG",
"Movie": "31.avi",
"Picture0": "31_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "31_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "31_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent, arms behind head.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up raising your shoulders off the floor.",
"Instruct2": "Lower and repeat."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1085,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 30,
"Code": 30,
"Desc": "Lateral Curl-up, Arms Behind Head",
"AbbrevDesc": "Curl, Latera",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "30.JPG",
"Movie": "30.avi",
"Picture0": "30_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "30_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "30_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent, arms behind head.",
"Instruct1": "Curl up to the left keeping left shoulder down.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat to the right."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1086,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 70,
"Code": 70,
"Desc": "Sitting to bridge",
"AbbrevDesc": "Sit to Bridg",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "70.JPG",
"Movie": "70.avi",
"Picture0": "70_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "70_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "70_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 7,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Rest head and shoulders on ball.",
"Instruct1": "Walk feet in raising your body up.",
"Instruct2": "Raise to sitting position."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1087,
"ProtocolID": 124,
"ExerciseID": 69,
"Code": 69,
"Desc": "Half Sit-ups",
"AbbrevDesc": "Half Sit-up",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "69.JPG",
"Movie": "69.avi",
"Picture0": "69_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "69_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "69_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 8,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with shoulders on a ball.",
"Instruct1": "Curl your shoulders up.",
"Instruct2": "Raising your shoulders off the ball."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1088,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 44,
"Code": 44,
"Desc": "Cat/Camel Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Cat/Camel",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "44.JPG",
"Movie": "44.avi",
"Picture0": "44_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "44_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "44_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Arch back up toward ceiling.",
"Instruct2": "Then sag back down toward floor."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1089,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 23,
"Code": 23,
"Desc": "Arm Raise, Alternate in Quadraped",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "23.JPG",
"Movie": "23.avi",
"Picture0": "23_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "23_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "23_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on your hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right arm.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat with your left arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1090,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 40,
"Code": 40,
"Desc": "Alternate Leg Raise in Quadraped",
"AbbrevDesc": "Leg Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "40.JPG",
"Movie": "40.avi",
"Picture0": "40_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "40_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "40_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on your hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Extend right leg straight back.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg then extend left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1091,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 21,
"Code": 21,
"Desc": "Alternate, Opposite Arm & Leg Raise in Quadraped",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm-Leg Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "21.JPG",
"Movie": "21.avi",
"Picture0": "21_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "21_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "21_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Start on your hands and knees.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right arm and left leg.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat with left arm and right leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1092,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 63,
"Code": 63,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "63.JPG",
"Movie": "63.avi",
"Picture0": "63_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "63_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "63_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with upper body on ball",
"Instruct1": "Raise right arm to ear level.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right arm to floor then raise left arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1093,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 67,
"Code": 67,
"Desc": "Alternate Leg Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Leg Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "67.JPG",
"Movie": "67.avi",
"Picture0": "67_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "67_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "67_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with your upper body on the ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right leg to hip level.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg then repeat with left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1094,
"ProtocolID": 125,
"ExerciseID": 60,
"Code": 60,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm & Leg Raise in Prone",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm-Leg Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "60.JPG",
"Movie": "60.avi",
"Picture0": "60_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "60_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "60_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with upper body on ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise right arm and left leg.",
"Instruct2": "Lower then repeat with left arm and right leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1095,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 98,
"Code": 98,
"Desc": "Hip Flexor Stretch",
"AbbrevDesc": "Hip Flexor",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "98.JPG",
"Movie": "98.avi",
"Picture0": "98_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "98_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "98_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Kneel on your involved side.",
"Instruct1": "Stretch your body forward.",
"Instruct2": "Feel stretch in your hip/thigh."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1096,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 96,
"Code": 96,
"Desc": "Wall Slide To 90 Degrees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Slide to 90",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "96.JPG",
"Movie": "96.avi",
"Picture0": "96_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "96_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "96_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Stand with your back against a wall.",
"Instruct1": "Slide down the wall.",
"Instruct2": "To 90 degrees of knee band."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1097,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 12,
"Code": 12,
"Desc": "Uni-lateral Balance",
"AbbrevDesc": "Balance-Uni",
"Reps": 2,
"Hold": 30,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "12.JPG",
"Movie": "12.avi",
"Picture0": "12_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "12_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "12_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 2,
"VideoHold": 30,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your un-involved leg.",
"Instruct2": "You can stand next to a chair to help balance."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1098,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 97,
"Code": 97,
"Desc": "Wall Slide, Single Leg to 45 degrees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Slide Uni",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "97.JPG",
"Movie": "97.avi",
"Picture0": "97_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "97_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "97_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Stand with your back against a wall.",
"Instruct1": "Extend your un-involved leg. Slide down the wall.",
"Instruct2": "To 45 degrees of knee bend."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1099,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 64,
"Code": 64,
"Desc": "Alternate Knee Extension, Seated",
"AbbrevDesc": "Knee Ex Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "64.JPG",
"Movie": "64.avi",
"Picture0": "64_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "64_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "64_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Sit upright on the ball.",
"Instruct1": "Extend right leg.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg to floor then extend left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1100,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 66,
"Code": 66,
"Desc": "Alternate Knee Raise, Seated",
"AbbrevDesc": "Alt Knee Rai",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "66.JPG",
"Movie": "66.avi",
"Picture0": "66_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "66_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "66_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Sit upright on the ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right knee.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg then repeat with left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1101,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 71,
"Code": 71,
"Desc": "Wall Slide To 45 degrees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Slide to 45",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "71.JPG",
"Movie": "71.avi",
"Picture0": "71_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "71_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "71_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lean against ball with lower back.",
"Instruct1": "Lower your body down.",
"Instruct2": "To 45 degrees of knee bend."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1102,
"ProtocolID": 126,
"ExerciseID": 72,
"Code": 72,
"Desc": "Wall Slide To 90 degrees",
"AbbrevDesc": "Slide to 90",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "72.JPG",
"Movie": "72.avi",
"Picture0": "72_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "72_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "72_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 7,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lean against ball with lower back.",
"Instruct1": "Lower body down.",
"Instruct2": "To 90 degrees of knee bend."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1202,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 53,
"Code": 53,
"Desc": "Pelvic Tilt in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Pelvic Tilt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "53.JPG",
"Movie": "53.avi",
"Picture0": "53_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "53_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "53_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 0,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on your back with both knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Flatten your back to floor.",
"Instruct2": "Relax up."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1203,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 35,
"Code": 35,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm Swing in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Swing",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "35.JPG",
"Movie": "35.avi",
"Picture0": "35_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "35_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "35_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 1,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent, left arm extended.",
"Instruct1": "Lower left arm as you raise right arm.",
"Instruct2": "Continue switching right and left."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1204,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 37,
"Code": 37,
"Desc": "Alternate Leg Swing in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Leg Swing",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "37.JPG",
"Movie": "37.avi",
"Picture0": "37_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "37_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "37_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 2,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent arms.",
"Instruct1": "Flex your right leg up.",
"Instruct2": "Switch your right and left legs."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1205,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 34,
"Code": 34,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm & Leg Swing in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm-Leg Swing",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "34.JPG",
"Movie": "34.avi",
"Picture0": "34_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "34_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "34_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 3,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie on back with knees bent.",
"Instruct1": "Raise left arm and left leg.",
"Instruct2": "Switch between left and right side."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1206,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 66,
"Code": 66,
"Desc": "Alternate Knee Raise, Seated",
"AbbrevDesc": "Alt Knee Rai",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "66.JPG",
"Movie": "66.avi",
"Picture0": "66_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "66_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "66_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 4,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Sit upright on the ball.",
"Instruct1": "Raise your right knee.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg then repeat with left leg."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1207,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 62,
"Code": 62,
"Desc": "Alternate Arm Raise in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Arm Raise Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "62.JPG",
"Movie": "62.avi",
"Picture0": "62_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "62_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "62_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 5,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with shoulders and neck supported.",
"Instruct1": "Raise left arm lower right arm.",
"Instruct2": "Lower left arm then raise right arm."
"ProtocolExerciseID": 1208,
"ProtocolID": 135,
"ExerciseID": 65,
"Code": 65,
"Desc": "Alternate Knee Raise in Supine",
"AbbrevDesc": "Knee Raie Alt",
"Reps": 10,
"Hold": 0,
"Sets": 1,
"Icon": "65.JPG",
"Movie": "65.avi",
"Picture0": "65_1.JPG",
"Picture1": "65_2.JPG",
"Picture2": "65_3.JPG",
"RankOnTape": 6,
"HasVideo": 0,
"VideoReps": 10,
"VideoHold": 0,
"VideoSets": 1,
"Instruct0": "Lie with shoulders and neck supported.",
"Instruct1": "Raise right knee.",
"Instruct2": "Lower right leg to floor then raise left knee."